def func(self): from world import archetypes # make sure the char has traits - only possible for superuser if len(self.caller.traits.all) == 0: self.caller.msg("You don't have any traits.") return table = None tr = self.caller.traits traits = [] if self.args.startswith('pri'): title = 'Primary Traits' traits = archetypes.PRIMARY_TRAITS elif self.args.startswith('sav'): title = 'Save Rolls' traits = archetypes.SAVE_ROLLS elif self.args.startswith('com'): title = 'Combat Stats' traits = archetypes.COMBAT_TRAITS elif self.args.startswith('sec'): title = 'Secondary Traits' data = [[ "|C{:<29.29}|n : |w{:>4}|n".format(tr[t].name, tr[t].actual) for t in ('HP', 'SP') ], [ "|C{:<28.28}|n : |w{:>4}|n".format( tr[t].name, tr[t].actual) for t in ('BM', 'WM') ]] table = EvTable(header=False, table=data) elif self.args.startswith('enc') or self.args.startswith('car'): title = 'Encumbrance' data = [[ "|C{:<30.30s}|n : |w{:>4}|n / |w{:>5}|n".format(, tr.ENC.actual, tr.ENC.max), "|C{:30.30s}|n : |w{:>+12}|n".format('Encumbrance Penalty', tr.MV.mod), "|C{:30.30s}|n : |w{:>12}|n".format(, tr.MV.actual) ]] table = EvTable(header=False, table=data) else: self.caller.msg("Usage: traits <traitgroup>") return if not table: data = [] for i in xrange(3): data.append( [self._format_trait_3col(tr[t]) for t in traits[i::3]]) table = EvTable(header=False, table=data) self.caller.msg(" |Y{}|n".format(title)) self.caller.msg(unicode(table))
def func(self): from world import skills # make sure the char has skills if len(self.caller.skills.all) == 0: self.caller.msg("You don't have any skills.") return sk = self.caller.skills sk_list = [] if len(self.args.strip()) > 0: if self.args.lower().startswith('str'): title = 'Strength Based Skills' sk_list = skills.STR_SKILLS elif self.args.lower().startswith('per'): title = 'Perception Based Skills' sk_list = skills.PER_SKILLS elif self.args.lower().startswith('int'): title = 'Intelligence Based Skills' sk_list = skills.INT_SKILLS elif self.args.lower().startswith('dex'): title = 'Dexterity Based Skills' sk_list = skills.DEX_SKILLS elif self.args.lower().startswith('cha'): title = 'Charisma Based Skills' sk_list = skills.CHA_SKILLS else: self.msg('Usage: skills [<skillgroup>]') return table = EvTable(header=False, table=[[self._format_skill_3col(sk[s])] for s in sk_list]) else: title = 'Skills' data = [] for i in xrange(3): data.append([ self._format_skill_3col(sk[s]) for s in skills.ALL_SKILLS[i::3] ]) table = EvTable(header=False, table=data) self.caller.msg(" |Y{}|n".format(title)) self.caller.msg(unicode(table))
def pick_race(caller, **kwargs): races = [(, x.sdesc) for x in PLAYABLE_RACES] text = "Pick a race" form = EvForm('resources.chargen_race_form') race_info = np.zeros((len(PLAYABLE_RACES), 8), dtype='object') for idx in range(len(PLAYABLE_RACES)): info = [] s = PLAYABLE_RACES[idx] name = for idy in range(8): if idy == 0: info.append(name) else: info.append(s.stats[idy - 1].base) max = np.max([x for x in info if isinstance(x, int)]) min = np.min([x for x in info if isinstance(x, int)]) idx_max = info.index(max) idx_min = info.index(min) info[idx_max] = f"|g{info[idx_max]}|n" info[idx_min] = f"|r{info[idx_min]}|n" info = [str(x) for x in info] race_info[idx] = info race_table = EvTable("Race", "Str", "End", "Agi", "Int", "Wp", "Prc", "Prs", table=race_info.transpose().tolist(), border='incols', height=2){'B': race_table}) text = str(form) + "\n*base stats" options = [] for name, sdesc in races: options.append({ 'key': name.capitalize(), 'desc': f"|c{sdesc.capitalize()}|n", 'goto': ("skill_upgrade", { 'race': name }) }) return text, tuple(options)
def func(self): "implements the actual functionality" skillnames = [] skilllevels = [] for key in self.caller.db.skills: skillnames.append("|G" + key) skilllevels.append("|C" + str(self.caller.db.skills[key]) + "|n") skillnames.append("|RSkill Points:") skilllevels.append("|C" + str(self.caller.db.stat_skill_points) + "|n") table = EvTable("|GSkill|b", "|GLevel|b", table=[skillnames, skilllevels], border="cells") t = unicode(table) self.caller.msg(t)
def func(self): """ Handle displaying status. """ # make sure the char has traits - only possible for superuser if len(self.caller.traits.all) == 0: return form = EvForm('commands.templates.charsheet', align='r') tr = self.caller.traits fields = { 'A':, 'B': self.caller.db.archetype, 'C': tr.XP.actual, 'D': tr.XP.level_boundaries[tr.LV.actual], 'E': tr.LV.actual, 'F': tr.STR.actual, 'G': tr.PER.actual, 'H': tr.INT.actual, 'I': tr.DEX.actual, 'J': tr.CHA.actual, 'K': tr.VIT.actual, 'L': tr.MAG.actual, 'M': tr.FORT.actual, 'N': tr.REFL.actual, 'O': tr.WILL.actual, 'P': tr.ATKM.actual, 'Q': tr.ATKR.actual, 'R': tr.ATKU.actual, 'S': tr.DEF.actual, 'T': "{:+d}".format(tr.PP.actual), 'U': tr.ENC.actual, 'V': tr.ENC.max, 'W': tr.MV.mod, 'X': tr.MV.actual, 'Y': self.caller.db.race, 'Z': self.caller.db.focus, }{k: self._format_trait_val(v) for k, v in fields.iteritems()}) gauges = EvTable( "|CHP|n", "|CSP|n", "|CBM|n", "|CWM|n", table=[[ "{} / {}".format(self._format_trait_val(tr.HP.actual), self._format_trait_val(tr.HP.max)) ], [ "{} / {}".format(self._format_trait_val(tr.SP.actual), self._format_trait_val(tr.SP.max)) ], [ "{} / {}".format(self._format_trait_val(tr.BM.actual), self._format_trait_val(tr.BM.max)) ], [ "{} / {}".format(self._format_trait_val(tr.WM.actual), self._format_trait_val(tr.WM.max)) ]], align='c', border="incols") desc = EvTable(header=False, align='l', table=[[self.caller.db.desc]], border=None){1: gauges, 2: desc}) self.caller.msg(unicode(form)) if any(sw.startswith('sk') for sw in self.switches): self.caller.execute_cmd('skills')
def func(self): """check inventory""" max_e = calculate_encumbrance_max(self.caller) now_e = calculate_encumbrance_now(self.caller) enc_string = "|GEncumbrance: %s/%s [%.0f%%]|n" % (now_e, max_e, (100 * now_e / max_e)) if not self.caller.contents: self.caller.msg("You are not carrying or wearing anything.\n" + enc_string) return items = self.caller.contents if self.caller.db.items_main_hand is not None: items.remove(self.caller.db.items_main_hand) if self.caller.db.items_off_hand is not None: items.remove(self.caller.db.items_off_hand) carry_table = EvTable(border="header") wear_table = EvTable(border="header") for item in items: if item.is_typeclass(Clothing, exact=True): clothingHelper = ClothingSlots() if not clothingHelper.checkwearingit(self.caller, item) == 1: carry_table.add_row("|C %s|n" %, item.db.desc or "") else: wear_table.add_row( "|C %s (%s)|n" % (, item.db.worn_slot), item.db.desc or "") else: carry_table.add_row("|C %s|n" %, item.db.desc or "") if carry_table.nrows == 0: carry_table.add_row("|CNothing.|n", "") string = "|wYou are carrying:\n%s" % carry_table if wear_table.nrows == 0: wear_table.add_row("|CNothing.|n", "") string += "|/|wYou are wearing:\n%s" % wear_table if self.caller.db.items_off_hand is not None or self.caller.db.items_main_hand is not None: string += "\n|wYou are holding:" if self.caller.db.items_main_hand is not None: string += "\n|C %s (main hand) " % if self.caller.db.items_off_hand is not None: string += "\n|C %s (off hand) " % string += "\n" + enc_string self.caller.msg(string)