def test_replace_location_by_different_source(place, place2, other_data_source, event): assert event.location == place = replace_location(replace=place, updated_event = Event.objects.get( assert updated_event.location == place2
def delete_and_replace(self, obj): obj.deleted = True['deleted']) # we won't stand idly by and watch tprek delete needed units willy-nilly without raising a ruckus! if > 0: # try to replace by tprek and, failing that, matko replaced = replace_location(replace=obj, by_source='tprek') if not replaced: # matko location may indeed be deleted by an earlier iteration replaced = replace_location(replace=obj, by_source='matko', include_deleted=True) if not replaced: # matko location may never have been imported in the first place, do it now! call_command('event_import', 'matko', places=True, replaced = replace_location(replace=obj, by_source='matko') if not replaced: self.logger.warning( "Tprek deleted location %s (%s) with events." "No unambiguous replacement was found. " "Please look for a replacement location and save it in the replaced_by field. " "Until then, events will stay mapped to the deleted location." % (, str(obj))) return True
def delete_and_replace(self, obj): obj.deleted = True['deleted']) if > 0: replaced = replace_location(replace=obj, by_source='tpr') if not replaced: replaced = replace_location(replace=obj, by_source='matko', include_deleted=True) if not replaced: call_command('event_import', 'matko', places=True, replaced = replace_location(replace=obj, by_source='matko') if not replaced: logger.warning("Tpr deleted location %s (%s) with events." "No unambiguous replacement was found. " "Please look for a replacement location and save it in the replaced_by field. " "Until then, events will stay mapped to the deleted location." % (, str(obj))) return True
def delete_and_replace(self, obj): obj.deleted = True['deleted']) # we won't stand idly by and watch tprek delete needed units willy-nilly without raising a ruckus! if > 0: # try to replace by tprek and, failing that, matko replaced = replace_location(replace=obj, by_source='tprek') if not replaced: # matko location may indeed be deleted by an earlier iteration replaced = replace_location(replace=obj, by_source='matko', include_deleted=True) if not replaced: # matko location may never have been imported in the first place, do it now! call_command('event_import', 'matko', places=True, replaced = replace_location(replace=obj, by_source='matko') if not replaced: logger.warning("Tprek deleted location %s (%s) with events." "No unambiguous replacement was found. " "Please look for a replacement location and save it in the replaced_by field. " "Until then, events will stay mapped to the deleted location." % (, str(obj))) return True
def _import_unit(self, syncher, info): n = 0 e = 0 isPositionOk = True try: n = info['location']['coordinates'][0] # latitude e = info['location']['coordinates'][1] # longitude except: isPositionOk == False POSITIONERROR.append(info['id']) if isPositionOk: obj = syncher.get(str(info['id'])) obj_id = 'tpr:%s' % str(info['id']) if not obj: obj = Place(data_source=self.data_source, origin_id=info['id']) obj._changed = True obj._created = True = obj_id else: assert == obj_id obj._created = False obj._changed_fields = [] try: self._save_translated_field_multilevel(obj, 'name', info, 'name') self._save_translated_field_multilevel(obj, 'description', info, 'description') self._save_translated_field_multilevel(obj, 'street_address', info, 'street_address') except: NONEVALUES.append('unit ID: ' + str(info['id']) + ' some multilanguage field is none') pass try: self._save_field(obj, 'info_url', info, 'www', max_length=1000) except: NONEVALUES.append('unit ID: ' + str(info['id']) + ' info_url field is empty!') pass try: self._save_field(obj, 'address_locality', info, 'municipality') except: NONEVALUES.append('unit ID: ' + str(info['id']) + ' address_locality field is empty!') pass try: self._save_field(obj, 'telephone', info, 'phone') except: NONEVALUES.append('unit ID: ' + str(info['id']) + ' telephone field is empty!') pass field_map = { 'address_zip': 'postal_code', 'address_postal_full': None, 'email': 'email', } for src_field, obj_field in field_map.items(): if not obj_field: continue val = info.get(src_field, None) if getattr(obj, obj_field) != val: setattr(obj, obj_field, val) obj._changed_fields.append(obj_field) obj._changed = True position = None if n and e: if == 'nt': p = Point(e, n, srid=4326) # GPS coordinate system (WGS 84) else: p = Point(n, e, srid=4326) # GPS coordinate system (WGS 84) if p.within(self.bounding_box): if self.target_srid != 4326: p.transform(self.gps_to_target_ct) position = p else: logger.warning("Invalid coordinates (%f, %f) for %s" % (n, e, obj)) try: picture_url = info.get('picture_url', '').strip() except: NONEVALUES.append('unit ID: ' + str(info['id']) + ' picture_url field is empty!') pass if position and obj.position: # If the distance is less than 10cm, assume the location # hasn't changed. assert obj.position.srid == settings.PROJECTION_SRID if position.distance(obj.position) < 0.10: position = obj.position if position != obj.position: obj._changed = True obj._changed_fields.append('position') obj.position = position if obj.publisher_id != obj.publisher = self.organization obj._changed_fields.append('publisher') obj._changed = True if obj.deleted: obj.deleted = False replace_location(from_source='matko', by=obj) obj._changed_fields.append('deleted') obj._changed = True if obj._changed: if obj._created: verb = "created" else: verb = "changed (fields: %s)" % ', '.join(obj._changed_fields)"%s %s" % (obj, verb)) syncher.mark(obj)
def _import_unit(self, syncher, info): obj = syncher.get(str(info['id'])) obj_id = 'tprek:%s' % str(info['id']) if not obj: obj = Place(data_source=self.data_source, origin_id=info['id']) obj._changed = True obj._created = True = obj_id else: assert == obj_id obj._created = False obj._changed_fields = [] self._save_translated_field(obj, 'name', info, 'name') self._save_translated_field(obj, 'description', info, 'desc') self._save_translated_field(obj, 'street_address', info, 'street_address') self._save_translated_field(obj, 'address_locality', info, 'address_city') self._save_translated_field(obj, 'info_url', info, 'www', max_length=1000) self._save_field(obj, 'telephone', info, 'phone') field_map = { 'address_zip': 'postal_code', 'address_postal_full': None, 'email': 'email', } for src_field, obj_field in field_map.items(): if not obj_field: continue val = info.get(src_field, None) if getattr(obj, obj_field) != val: setattr(obj, obj_field, val) obj._changed_fields.append(obj_field) obj._changed = True n = info.get('latitude', 0) e = info.get('longitude', 0) position = None if n and e: p = Point(e, n, srid=4326) # GPS coordinate system if p.within(self.bounding_box): if self.target_srid != 4326: p.transform(self.gps_to_target_ct) position = p else: logger.warning("Invalid coordinates (%f, %f) for %s" % (n, e, obj)) picture_url = info.get('picture_url', '').strip() if picture_url: self.set_image(obj, {'url': picture_url}) if position and obj.position: # If the distance is less than 10cm, assume the location # hasn't changed. assert obj.position.srid == settings.PROJECTION_SRID if position.distance(obj.position) < 0.10: position = obj.position if position != obj.position: obj._changed = True obj._changed_fields.append('position') obj.position = position if obj.publisher_id != obj.publisher = self.organization obj._changed_fields.append('publisher') obj._changed = True if obj.deleted: obj.deleted = False # location has been reinstated in tprek, hip hip hooray! replace_location(from_source='matko', by=obj) obj._changed_fields.append('deleted') obj._changed = True if obj._changed: if obj._created: verb = "created" else: verb = "changed (fields: %s)" % ', '.join(obj._changed_fields)"%s %s" % (obj, verb)) syncher.mark(obj)
def _import_unit(self, syncher, info): obj = syncher.get(str(info['id'])) obj_id = 'tprek:%s' % str(info['id']) if not obj: obj = Place(data_source=self.data_source, origin_id=info['id']) obj._changed = True obj._created = True = obj_id else: assert == obj_id obj._created = False obj._changed_fields = [] self._save_translated_field(obj, 'name', info, 'name') self._save_translated_field(obj, 'description', info, 'desc') self._save_translated_field(obj, 'street_address', info, 'street_address') self._save_translated_field(obj, 'address_locality', info, 'address_city') self._save_translated_field(obj, 'info_url', info, 'www', max_length=1000) self._save_field(obj, 'telephone', info, 'phone') field_map = { 'address_zip': 'postal_code', 'address_postal_full': None, 'email': 'email', } for src_field, obj_field in field_map.items(): if not obj_field: continue val = info.get(src_field, None) if getattr(obj, obj_field) != val: setattr(obj, obj_field, val) obj._changed_fields.append(obj_field) obj._changed = True n = info.get('latitude', 0) e = info.get('longitude', 0) position = None if n and e: p = Point(e, n, srid=4326) # GPS coordinate system if p.within(self.bounding_box): if self.target_srid != 4326: p.transform(self.gps_to_target_ct) position = p else: logger.warning("Invalid coordinates (%f, %f) for %s" % (n, e, obj)) picture_url = info.get('picture_url', '').strip() if picture_url: self.set_image(obj, {'url': picture_url}) if position and obj.position: # If the distance is less than 10cm, assume the location # hasn't changed. assert obj.position.srid == settings.PROJECTION_SRID if position.distance(obj.position) < 0.10: position = obj.position if position != obj.position: obj._changed = True obj._changed_fields.append('position') obj.position = position if obj.publisher_id != obj.publisher = self.organization obj._changed_fields.append('publisher') obj._changed = True if obj.deleted: obj.deleted = False # location has been reinstated in tprek, hip hip hooray! replace_location(from_source='matko', by=obj) obj._changed_fields.append('undeleted') obj._changed = True if obj._changed: if obj._created: verb = "created" else: verb = "changed (fields: %s)" % ', '.join(obj._changed_fields)"%s %s" % (obj, verb)) syncher.mark(obj)