async def on_ready():
	global init_complete
	if init_complete:
	init_complete = True
	ewutils.logMsg('Logged in as {} ({}).'.format(client.user.name, client.user.id))

	ewutils.logMsg("Loaded NLACakaNM world map. ({}x{})".format(ewmap.map_width, ewmap.map_height))

	# Flatten role names to all lowercase, no spaces.
	fake_observer = EwUser()
	fake_observer.life_state = ewcfg.life_state_observer
	for poi in ewcfg.poi_list:
		if poi.role != None:
			poi.role = ewutils.mapRoleName(poi.role)

		neighbors = []
		neighbor_ids = []
		if poi.coord != None:
			neighbors = ewmap.path_to(coord_start = poi.coord, user_data = fake_observer)
		#elif poi.id_poi == ewcfg.poi_id_thesewers:
		#	neighbors = ewcfg.poi_list

		if neighbors != None:
			for neighbor in neighbors:

		ewcfg.poi_neighbors[poi.id_poi] = set(neighbor_ids)
		ewutils.logMsg("Found neighbors for poi {}: {}".format(poi.id_poi, ewcfg.poi_neighbors[poi.id_poi]))

	for id_poi in ewcfg.landmark_pois:
		ewutils.logMsg("beginning landmark precomputation for " + id_poi)
		poi = ewcfg.id_to_poi.get(id_poi)
		ewmap.landmarks[id_poi] = ewmap.score_map_from(
			coord_start = poi.coord,
			user_data = fake_observer,
			landmark_mode = True

	ewutils.logMsg("finished landmark precomputation")

		await client.change_presence(game = discord.Game(name = "EW " + ewcfg.version))
		ewutils.logMsg("Failed to change_presence!")

	# Look for a Twitch client_id on disk.
	# FIXME debug - temporarily disable Twitch integration
	if False:
		twitch_client_id = ewutils.getTwitchClientId()

	# If no twitch client ID is available, twitch integration will be disabled.
	# FIXME debug - temporarily disable Twitch integration.
	if True:
		twitch_client_id = None
		ewutils.logMsg('Twitch integration disabled.')
	elif twitch_client_id == None or len(twitch_client_id) == 0:
		ewutils.logMsg('No twitch_client_id file found. Twitch integration disabled.')
		ewutils.logMsg("Enabled Twitch integration.")

	# Channels in the connected discord servers to announce to.
	channels_announcement = []

	# Channels in the connected discord servers to send stock market updates to. Map of server ID to channel.
	channels_stockmarket = {}

	for server in client.servers:
		# Update server data in the database
		ewserver.server_update(server = server)

		# store the list of channels in an ewutils field
		ewcfg.update_server_list(server = server)

		# find roles and add them to the database
		ewrolemgr.setupRoles(client = client, id_server = server.id)

		# hides the names of poi roles
		await ewrolemgr.hideRoleNames(client = client, id_server = server.id)

		# Grep around for channels
		ewutils.logMsg("connected to server: {}".format(server.name))
		for channel in server.channels:
			if(channel.type == discord.ChannelType.text):
				if(channel.name == ewcfg.channel_twitch_announcement):
					ewutils.logMsg("• found channel for announcements: {}".format(channel.name))

				elif(channel.name == ewcfg.channel_stockexchange):
					channels_stockmarket[server.id] = channel
					ewutils.logMsg("• found channel for stock exchange: {}".format(channel.name))

		# create all the districts in the database
		for poi_object in ewcfg.poi_list:
			poi = poi_object.id_poi
			# call the constructor to create an entry if it doesnt exist yet
			dist = EwDistrict(id_server = server.id, district = poi)
			# change the ownership to the faction that's already in control to initialize topic names
				# initialize gang bases
				if poi == ewcfg.poi_id_rowdyroughhouse:
					dist.controlling_faction = ewcfg.faction_rowdys
				elif poi == ewcfg.poi_id_copkilltown:
					dist.controlling_faction = ewcfg.faction_killers

				resp_cont = dist.change_ownership(new_owner = dist.controlling_faction, actor = "init", client = client)
				await resp_cont.post()

				ewutils.logMsg('Could not change ownership for {} to "{}".'.format(poi, dist.controlling_faction))

		asyncio.ensure_future(ewdistrict.capture_tick_loop(id_server = server.id))
		asyncio.ensure_future(ewutils.bleed_tick_loop(id_server = server.id))
		asyncio.ensure_future(ewutils.spawn_enemies_tick_loop(id_server = server.id))
		asyncio.ensure_future(ewutils.burn_tick_loop(id_server = server.id))
		asyncio.ensure_future(ewutils.remove_status_loop(id_server = server.id))
		asyncio.ensure_future(ewworldevent.event_tick_loop(id_server = server.id))
		asyncio.ensure_future(ewutils.sap_tick_loop(id_server = server.id))
		if not debug:
			await ewtransport.init_transports(id_server = server.id)
			asyncio.ensure_future(ewweather.weather_tick_loop(id_server = server.id))
		asyncio.ensure_future(ewslimeoid.slimeoid_tick_loop(id_server = server.id))
		asyncio.ensure_future(ewfarm.farm_tick_loop(id_server = server.id))

		ewutils.logMsg('Creating message queue directory.')
	except FileExistsError:
		ewutils.logMsg('Message queue directory already exists.')


		Set up for infinite loop to perform periodic tasks.
	time_now = int(time.time())
	time_last_pvp = time_now

	time_last_twitch = time_now
	time_twitch_downed = 0

	# Every three hours we log a message saying the periodic task hook is still active. On startup, we want this to happen within about 60 seconds, and then on the normal 3 hour interval.
	time_last_logged = time_now - ewcfg.update_hookstillactive + 60

	stream_live = None

	ewutils.logMsg('Beginning periodic hook loop.')
	while not ewutils.TERMINATE:
		time_now = int(time.time())

		# Periodic message to log that this stuff is still running.
		if (time_now - time_last_logged) >= ewcfg.update_hookstillactive:
			time_last_logged = time_now

			ewutils.logMsg("Periodic hook still active.")

		# Check to see if a stream is live via the Twitch API.
		# FIXME disabled
		if False:
		#if twitch_client_id != None and (time_now - time_last_twitch) >= ewcfg.update_twitch:
			time_last_twitch = time_now

				# Twitch API call to see if there are any active streams.
				json_string = ""
				p = subprocess.Popen(
					"curl -H 'Client-ID: {}' -X GET 'https://api.twitch.tv/helix/streams?user_login = rowdyfrickerscopkillers' 2>/dev/null".format(twitch_client_id),
					shell = True,
					stdout = subprocess.PIPE

				for line in p.stdout.readlines():
					json_string += line.decode('utf-8')

				json_parsed = json.loads(json_string)

				# When a stream is up, data is an array of stream information objects.
				data = json_parsed.get('data')
				if data != None:
					data_count = len(data)
					stream_was_live = stream_live
					stream_live = True if data_count > 0 else False

					if stream_was_live == True and stream_live == False:
						time_twitch_downed = time_now

					if stream_was_live == False and stream_live == True and (time_now - time_twitch_downed) > 600:
						ewutils.logMsg("The stream is now live.")

						# The stream has transitioned from offline to online. Make an announcement!
						for channel in channels_announcement:
							await ewutils.send_message(
				ewutils.logMsg('Twitch handler hit an exception (continuing): {}'.format(json_string))
				traceback.print_exc(file = sys.stdout)

		# Clear PvP roles from players who are no longer flagged.
		if (time_now - time_last_pvp) >= ewcfg.update_pvp:
			time_last_pvp = time_now

				for server in client.servers:
					role_ids = []
					for pvp_role in ewcfg.role_to_pvp_role.values():
						role = ewrolemgr.EwRole(id_server = server.id, name = pvp_role)

					# Monitor all user roles and update if a user is no longer flagged for PvP.
					for member in server.members:
						for role in member.roles:
							if role.id in role_ids:
								await ewrolemgr.updateRoles(client = client, member = member)

				ewutils.logMsg('An error occurred in the scheduled role update task:')

		# Adjust the exchange rate of slime for the market.
			for server in client.servers:

				# Load market data from the database.
				market_data = EwMarket(id_server = server.id)

				if market_data.time_lasttick + ewcfg.update_market <= time_now:

					market_response = ""

					for stock in ewcfg.stocks:
						s = EwStock(server.id, stock)
						# we don't update stocks when they were just added
						if s.timestamp != 0:
							s.timestamp = time_now
							market_response = ewmarket.market_tick(s, server.id)
							await ewutils.send_message(client, channels_stockmarket.get(server.id), market_response)

					market_data = EwMarket(id_server = server.id)
					market_data.time_lasttick = time_now

					# Advance the time and potentially change weather.
					market_data.clock += 1

					if market_data.clock >= 24 or market_data.clock < 0:
						market_data.clock = 0
						market_data.day += 1

					if market_data.clock == 6:
						# Update the list of available bazaar items by clearing the current list and adding the new items

						bazaar_foods = []
						bazaar_cosmetics = []
						bazaar_general_items = []
						bazaar_furniture = []

						for item in ewcfg.vendor_inv.get(ewcfg.vendor_bazaar):
							if item in ewcfg.item_names:

							elif item in ewcfg.food_names:

							elif item in ewcfg.cosmetic_names:

							elif item in ewcfg.furniture_names:

						market_data.bazaar_wares['slimecorp1'] = ewcfg.weapon_id_umbrella
						market_data.bazaar_wares['slimecorp2'] = ewcfg.cosmetic_id_raincoat

						market_data.bazaar_wares['generalitem'] = random.choice(bazaar_general_items)

						market_data.bazaar_wares['food1'] = random.choice(bazaar_foods)
						# Don't add repeated foods
						bw_food2 = None
						while bw_food2 is None or bw_food2 in market_data.bazaar_wares.values():
							bw_food2 = random.choice(bazaar_foods)

						market_data.bazaar_wares['food2'] = bw_food2

						market_data.bazaar_wares['cosmetic1'] = random.choice(bazaar_cosmetics)
						# Don't add repeated cosmetics
						bw_cosmetic2 = None
						while bw_cosmetic2 is None or bw_cosmetic2 in market_data.bazaar_wares.values():
							bw_cosmetic2 = random.choice(bazaar_cosmetics)

						market_data.bazaar_wares['cosmetic2'] = bw_cosmetic2

						bw_cosmetic3 = None
						while bw_cosmetic3 is None or bw_cosmetic3 in market_data.bazaar_wares.values():
							bw_cosmetic3 = random.choice(bazaar_cosmetics)

						market_data.bazaar_wares['cosmetic3'] = bw_cosmetic3

						bw_furniture2 = None
						while bw_furniture2 is None or bw_furniture2 in market_data.bazaar_wares.values():
							bw_furniture2 = random.choice(bazaar_furniture)

						market_data.bazaar_wares['furniture2'] = bw_furniture2

						bw_furniture3 = None
						while bw_furniture3 is None or bw_furniture3 in market_data.bazaar_wares.values():
							bw_furniture3 = random.choice(bazaar_furniture)

						market_data.bazaar_wares['furniture3'] = bw_furniture3

						if random.random() == 0.1:
							market_data.bazaar_wares['minigun'] = ewcfg.weapon_id_minigun


					if not ewutils.check_fursuit_active(market_data.id_server):

					if market_data.clock == 6 and market_data.day % 8 == 0:
						await ewapt.rent_time(id_server=server.id)

					market_data = EwMarket(id_server=server.id)

					if market_data.clock == 6:
						response = ' The SlimeCorp Stock Exchange is now open for business.'
						await ewutils.send_message(client, channels_stockmarket.get(server.id), response)
					elif market_data.clock == 20:
						response = ' The SlimeCorp Stock Exchange has closed for the night.'
						await ewutils.send_message(client, channels_stockmarket.get(server.id), response)

					market_data = EwMarket(id_server = server.id)

					if random.randrange(3) == 0:
						pattern_count = len(ewcfg.weather_list)

						if pattern_count > 1:
							weather_old = market_data.weather

							if random.random() < 0.4:
								market_data.weather = ewcfg.weather_bicarbonaterain

							# Randomly select a new weather pattern. Try again if we get the same one we currently have.
							while market_data.weather == weather_old:
								pick = random.randrange(len(ewcfg.weather_list))
								market_data.weather = ewcfg.weather_list[pick].name

						# Log message for statistics tracking.
						ewutils.logMsg("The weather changed. It's now {}.".format(market_data.weather))

					# Persist new data.

					# Decay slime totals
					ewutils.decaySlimes(id_server = server.id)

					# Increase hunger for all players below the max.
					#ewutils.pushupServerHunger(id_server = server.id)

					# Decrease inebriation for all players above min (0).
					ewutils.pushdownServerInebriation(id_server = server.id)

					# Remove fish offers which have timed out
					ewfish.kill_dead_offers(id_server = server.id)

					# kill advertisements that have timed out
					ewads.delete_expired_ads(id_server = server.id)

					await ewdistrict.give_kingpins_slime_and_decay_capture_points(id_server = server.id)

					await ewmap.kick(server.id)

					# Post leaderboards at 6am NLACakaNM time.
					if market_data.clock == 6:
						await ewleaderboard.post_leaderboards(client = client, server = server)

			ewutils.logMsg('An error occurred in the scheduled slime market update task:')
			traceback.print_exc(file = sys.stdout)

		# Parse files dumped into the msgqueue directory and send messages as needed.
			for msg_file in os.listdir(ewcfg.dir_msgqueue):
				fname = "{}/{}".format(ewcfg.dir_msgqueue, msg_file)

				msg = ewutils.readMessage(fname)

				msg_channel_names = []
				msg_channel_names_reverb = []

				if msg.channel != None:

				if msg.poi != None:
					poi = ewcfg.id_to_poi.get(msg.poi)
					if poi != None:
						if poi.channel != None and len(poi.channel) > 0:

						if msg.reverb == True:
							pois_adjacent = ewmap.path_to(poi_start = msg.poi)

							for poi_adjacent in pois_adjacent:
								if poi_adjacent.channel != None and len(poi_adjacent.channel) > 0:

				if len(msg_channel_names) == 0:
					ewutils.logMsg('in file {} message for channel {} (reverb {})\n{}'.format(msg_file, msg.channel, msg.reverb, msg.message))
					# Send messages to every connected server.
					for server in client.servers:
						for channel in server.channels:
							if channel.name in msg_channel_names:
								await ewutils.send_message(client, channel, "**{}**".format(msg.message))
							elif channel.name in msg_channel_names_reverb:
								await ewutils.send_message(client, channel, "**Something is happening nearby...\n\n{}**".format(msg.message))
			ewutils.logMsg('An error occurred while trying to process the message queue:')
			traceback.print_exc(file = sys.stdout)

		# Wait a while before running periodic tasks.
		await asyncio.sleep(15)
async def on_message(message):
	time_now = int(time.time())

	""" do not interact with our own messages """
	if message.author.id == client.user.id or message.author.bot == True:

	if message.server != None:
		# Note that the user posted a message.
		active_map = active_users_map.get(message.server.id)
		if active_map == None:
			active_map = {}
			active_users_map[message.server.id] = active_map
		active_map[message.author.id] = True

		# Update player information.
			member = message.author,
			server = message.server

	content_tolower = message.content.lower()
	re_awoo = re.compile('.*![a]+[w]+o[o]+.*')

	# update the player's time_last_action which is used for kicking AFK players out of subzones
	if message.server != None:

			ewutils.execute_sql_query("UPDATE users SET {time_last_action} = %s WHERE id_user = %s AND id_server = %s".format(
				time_last_action = ewcfg.col_time_last_action
			), (
			ewutils.logMsg('server {}: failed to update time_last_action for {}'.format(message.server.id, message.author.id))
		user_data = EwUser(member = message.author)
		statuses = user_data.getStatusEffects()

		if ewcfg.status_strangled_id in statuses:
			strangle_effect = EwStatusEffect(id_status=ewcfg.status_strangled_id, user_data=user_data)
			source = EwPlayer(id_user=strangle_effect.source, id_server=message.server.id)
			response = "You manage to break {}'s garrote wire!".format(source.display_name)
			return await ewutils.send_message(client, message.channel, ewutils.formatMessage(message.author, response))

	if message.content.startswith(ewcfg.cmd_prefix) or message.server == None or len(message.author.roles) < 2:
			Wake up if we need to respond to messages. Could be:
				message starts with !
				direct message (server == None)
				user is new/has no roles (len(roles) < 2)

		#Ignore users with weird characters in their name
		except UnicodeError:
			return await ewutils.send_message(client, message.channel, ewutils.formatMessage(message.author, "We don't take kindly to moon runes around here."))

		# tokenize the message. the command should be the first word.
			tokens = shlex.split(message.content)  # it's split with shlex now because shlex regards text within quotes as a single token
			tokens = message.content.split(' ')  # if splitting via shlex doesnt work (odd number of quotes), use the old splitting method so it doesnt give an exception

		tokens_count = len(tokens)
		cmd = tokens[0].lower() if tokens_count >= 1 else ""

		# remove mentions to us
		mentions = list(filter(lambda user : user.id != client.user.id, message.mentions))
		mentions_count = len(mentions)

		# Create command object
		cmd_obj = ewcmd.EwCmd(
			tokens = tokens,
			message = message,
			client = client,
			mentions = mentions

			Handle direct messages.
		if message.server == None:
			playermodel = ewplayer.EwPlayer(id_user = message.author.id)
			usermodel = EwUser(id_user=message.author.id, id_server= playermodel.id_server)
			poi = ewcfg.id_to_poi.get(usermodel.poi)
			# Direct message the player their inventory.
			if ewitem.cmd_is_inventory(cmd):
				return await ewitem.inventory_print(cmd_obj)
			elif cmd == ewcfg.cmd_inspect:
				return await ewitem.item_look(cmd_obj)
			elif poi.is_apartment:
				return await ewapt.aptCommands(cmd=cmd_obj)
				time_last = last_helped_times.get(message.author.id, 0)

				# Only send the help doc once every thirty seconds. There's no need to spam it.
				if (time_now - time_last) > 30:
					last_helped_times[message.author.id] = time_now
					await ewutils.send_message(client, message.channel, ewcfg.generic_help_response)

			# Nothing else to do in a DM.

		# assign the appropriate roles to a user with less than @everyone, faction, location
		if len(message.author.roles) < 3:
			await ewrolemgr.updateRoles(client = client, member = message.author)

		user_data = EwUser(member = message.author)
		if user_data.arrested:

		mutations = user_data.get_mutations()
		# Scold/ignore offline players.
		if message.author.status == discord.Status.offline:

			if ewcfg.mutation_id_chameleonskin not in mutations or cmd not in ewcfg.offline_cmds:

				response = "You cannot participate in the ENDLESS WAR while offline."
				return await ewutils.send_message(client, message.channel, ewutils.formatMessage(message.author, response))

		if user_data.time_lastoffline > time_now - ewcfg.time_offline:

			if ewcfg.mutation_id_chameleonskin not in mutations or cmd not in ewcfg.offline_cmds:
				response = "You are too paralyzed by ENDLESS WAR's judgemental stare to act."

				return await ewutils.send_message(client, message.channel, ewutils.formatMessage(message.author, response))

		# Ignore stunned players
		if ewcfg.status_stunned_id in statuses:

		# Check the main command map for the requested command.
		global cmd_map
		cmd_fn = cmd_map.get(cmd)

		if user_data.poi in ewcfg.tutorial_pois:	
			return await ewdungeons.tutorial_cmd(cmd_obj)

		elif cmd_fn != None:
			# Execute found command
			return await cmd_fn(cmd_obj)

		# FIXME debug
		# Test item creation
		elif debug == True and cmd == (ewcfg.cmd_prefix + 'createtestitem'):
			item_id = ewitem.item_create(
				item_type = 'medal',
				id_user = message.author.id,
				id_server = message.server.id,
				item_props = {
					'medal_name': 'Test Award',
					'medal_desc': '**{medal_name}**: *Awarded to Krak by Krak for testing shit.*'

			ewutils.logMsg('Created item: {}'.format(item_id))
			item = EwItem(id_item = item_id)
			item.item_props['test'] = 'meow'

			item = EwItem(id_item = item_id)

			await ewutils.send_message(client, message.channel, ewutils.formatMessage(message.author, ewitem.item_look(item)))

		# Creates a poudrin
		elif debug == True and cmd == (ewcfg.cmd_prefix + 'createpoudrin'):
			for item in ewcfg.item_list:
				if item.context == "poudrin":
						item_type = ewcfg.it_item,
						id_user = message.author.id,
						id_server = message.server.id,
						item_props = {
							'id_item': item.id_item,
							'context': item.context,
							'item_name': item.str_name,
							'item_desc': item.str_desc,
					ewutils.logMsg('Created item: {}'.format(item.id_item))
					item = EwItem(id_item = item.id_item)

			await ewutils.send_message(client, message.channel, ewutils.formatMessage(message.author, "Poudrin created."))

		# Gives the user some slime
		elif debug == True and cmd == (ewcfg.cmd_prefix + 'getslime'):
			user_data = EwUser(member = message.author)
			user_initial_level = user_data.slimelevel

			response = "You get 100,000 slime!"

			levelup_response = user_data.change_slimes(n = 100000)

			was_levelup = True if user_initial_level < user_data.slimelevel else False

			if was_levelup:
				response += " {}".format(levelup_response)

			await ewutils.send_message(client, message.channel, ewutils.formatMessage(message.author, response))
		elif debug == True and cmd == (ewcfg.cmd_prefix + 'getcoin'):
			user_data = EwUser(member=message.author)
			user_data.change_slimecoin(n=1000000000, coinsource=ewcfg.coinsource_spending)

			response = "You get 1,000,000,000 slimecoin!"

			await ewutils.send_message(client, message.channel, ewutils.formatMessage(message.author, response))

		# Deletes all items in your inventory.
		elif debug == True and cmd == (ewcfg.cmd_prefix + 'clearinv'):
			user_data = EwUser(member = message.author)
			ewitem.item_destroyall(id_server = message.server.id, id_user = message.author.id)
			response = "You destroy every single item in your inventory."
			await ewutils.send_message(client, message.channel, ewutils.formatMessage(message.author, response))

		elif debug == True and cmd == (ewcfg.cmd_prefix + 'createapple'):
			item_id = ewitem.item_create(
				id_user = message.author.id,
				id_server = message.server.id,
				item_type = ewcfg.it_food,
				item_props = {
					'id_food': "direapples",
					'food_name': "Dire Apples",
					'food_desc': "This sure is a illegal Dire Apple!",
					'recover_hunger': 500,
					'str_eat': "You chomp into this illegal Dire Apple.",
					'time_expir': int(time.time() + ewcfg.farm_food_expir)

			ewutils.logMsg('Created item: {}'.format(item_id))
			item = EwItem(id_item = item_id)
			item.item_props['test'] = 'meow'

			await ewutils.send_message(client, message.channel, ewutils.formatMessage(message.author, "Apple created."))

		elif debug == True and cmd == (ewcfg.cmd_prefix + 'createhat'):
			patrician_rarity = 20
			patrician_smelted = random.randint(1, patrician_rarity)
			patrician = False

			if patrician_smelted == 1:
				patrician = True

			items = []

			for cosmetic in ewcfg.cosmetic_items_list:
				if patrician and cosmetic.rarity == ewcfg.rarity_patrician:
				elif not patrician and cosmetic.rarity == ewcfg.rarity_plebeian:

			item = items[random.randint(0, len(items) - 1)]

			item_id = ewitem.item_create(
				item_type = ewcfg.it_cosmetic,
				id_user = message.author.id,
				id_server = message.server.id,
				item_props = {
					'id_cosmetic': item.id_cosmetic,
					'cosmetic_name': item.str_name,
					'cosmetic_desc': item.str_desc,
					'rarity': item.rarity,
					'adorned': 'false'

			ewutils.logMsg('Created item: {}'.format(item_id))
			item = EwItem(id_item = item_id)
			item.item_props['test'] = 'meow'

			await ewutils.send_message(client, message.channel, ewutils.formatMessage(message.author, "Hat created."))

		elif debug == True and cmd == (ewcfg.cmd_prefix + 'createfood'):
			item = ewcfg.food_list[random.randint(0, len(ewcfg.food_list) - 1)]

			item_id = ewitem.item_create(
				item_type = ewcfg.it_food,
				id_user = message.author.id,
				id_server = message.server.id,
				item_props = {
					'id_food': item.id_food,
					'food_name': item.str_name,
					'food_desc': item.str_desc,
					'recover_hunger': item.recover_hunger,
					'str_eat': item.str_eat,
					'time_expir': item.time_expir

			ewutils.logMsg('Created item: {}'.format(item_id))
			item = EwItem(id_item = item_id)
			item.item_props['test'] = 'meow'

			await ewutils.send_message(client, message.channel, ewutils.formatMessage(message.author, "Food created."))

		# FIXME debug
		# Test item deletion
		elif debug == True and cmd == (ewcfg.cmd_prefix + 'delete'):
			items = ewitem.inventory(
				id_user = message.author.id,
				id_server = message.server.id

			for item in items:
					id_item = item.get('id_item')

			await ewutils.send_message(client, message.channel, ewutils.formatMessage(message.author, 'ok'))

		elif re_awoo.match(cmd):
			return await ewcmd.cmd_howl(cmd_obj)

		# Debug command to override the role of a user
		elif debug == True and cmd == (ewcfg.cmd_prefix + 'setrole'):

			response = ""

			if mentions_count == 0:
				response = 'Set who\'s role?'
				roles_map = ewutils.getRoleMap(message.server.roles)
				role_target = tokens[1]
				role = roles_map.get(role_target)

				if role != None:
					for user in mentions:
							await client.replace_roles(user, role)
							ewutils.logMsg('Failed to replace_roles for user {} with {}.'.format(user.display_name, role.name))

					response = 'Done.'
					response = 'Unrecognized role.'

			await ewutils.send_message(client, cmd.message.channel, ewutils.formatMessage(message.author, response))
		elif debug == True and cmd == (ewcfg.cmd_prefix + 'getrowdy'):
			response = "You get rowdy. F**k. YES!"
			user_data = EwUser(member=message.author)
			user_data.life_state = ewcfg.life_state_enlisted
			user_data.faction = ewcfg.faction_rowdys
			user_data.time_lastenlist = time_now + ewcfg.cd_enlist
			await ewutils.send_message(client, message.channel, ewutils.formatMessage(message.author, response))
		elif debug == True and cmd == (ewcfg.cmd_prefix + 'getkiller'):
			response = "You uh... 'get' killer. Sure."
			user_data = EwUser(member=message.author)
			user_data.life_state = ewcfg.life_state_enlisted
			user_data.faction = ewcfg.faction_killers
			user_data.time_lastenlist = time_now + ewcfg.cd_enlist
			await ewutils.send_message(client, message.channel, ewutils.formatMessage(message.author, response))
		# Toggles rain on and off
		elif debug == True and cmd == (ewcfg.cmd_prefix + 'toggledownfall'):
			market_data = EwMarket(id_server=message.server.id)
			if market_data.weather == ewcfg.weather_bicarbonaterain:
				newweather = ewcfg.weather_sunny
				market_data.weather = newweather
				response = "Bicarbonate rain turned OFF. Weather was set to {}.".format(newweather)
				market_data.weather = ewcfg.weather_bicarbonaterain
				response = "Bicarbonate rain turned ON."
			await ewutils.send_message(client, message.channel, ewutils.formatMessage(message.author, response))

		elif debug == True and cmd == (ewcfg.cmd_prefix + 'dayforward'):
			market_data = EwMarket(id_server=message.server.id)

			market_data.day += 1

			response = "Time has progressed 1 day forward manually."
			if ewutils.check_fursuit_active(market_data.id_server):
				response += "\nIt's a full moon!"
			await ewutils.send_message(client, message.channel, ewutils.formatMessage(message.author, response))
		elif debug == True and cmd == (ewcfg.cmd_prefix + 'hourforward'):
			market_data = EwMarket(id_server=message.server.id)
			market_data.clock += 1
			response = "Time has progressed 1 hour forward manually."

			if market_data.clock >= 24 or market_data.clock < 0:
				market_data.clock = 0
				market_data.day += 1
				response += "\nMidnight has come. 1 day progressed forward."
			if ewutils.check_fursuit_active(market_data.id_server):
				response += "\nIt's a full moon!"
			await ewutils.send_message(client, message.channel, ewutils.formatMessage(message.author, response))
		# didn't match any of the command words.
			""" couldn't process the command. bail out!! """
			""" bot rule 0: be cute """
			randint = random.randint(1,3)
			msg_mistake = "ENDLESS WAR is growing frustrated."
			if randint == 2:
				msg_mistake = "ENDLESS WAR denies you his favor."
			elif randint == 3:
				msg_mistake = "ENDLESS WAR pays you no mind."

			msg = await ewutils.send_message(client, cmd_obj.message.channel, msg_mistake)
			await asyncio.sleep(2)
				await client.delete_message(msg)

	elif content_tolower.find(ewcfg.cmd_howl) >= 0 or content_tolower.find(ewcfg.cmd_howl_alt1) >= 0 or re_awoo.match(content_tolower):
		""" Howl if !howl is in the message at all. """
		return await ewcmd.cmd_howl(ewcmd.EwCmd(
			message = message,
			client = client