def compute_bonds(self, symbols, mapper=None, bond_extra=0.45): """ Update bonds based on radii and an extra factor (in atomic units). .. code-block:: Python symbols = universe.atom['symbol'] mapper = {'C': 2.0} # atomic units - Bohr bond_extra = 0.2 # ditto # updates universe.atom_two['bond'] universe.atom_two.compute_bonds(symbols, mapper, bond_extra) Args: symbols: Series of symbols from the atom table (e.g. uni.atom['symbol']) mapper (dict): Dictionary of symbol, radii pairs (see note below) bond_extra (float): Extra additive factor to include when computing bonds Note: If the mapper is none, or is missing data, the computation will use default covalent radii available in :class:`~exa.relational.isotope`. """ if mapper is None: mapper = symbol_to_radius() elif not all(symbol in mapper for symbol in symbols.unique()): sym2rad = symbol_to_radius() for symbol in symbols.unique(): if symbol not in mapper: mapper[symbol] = sym2rad[symbol] # Note that the mapper is transformed here, but the same name is used... mapper = symbols.astype(str).map(mapper) radius0 = self['atom0'].map(mapper) radius1 = self['atom1'].map(mapper) mbl = radius0 + radius1 + bond_extra self['bond'] = self['distance'] <= mbl
def _custom_traits(self): ''' Create creates for the atomic size (using the covalent radius) and atom colors (using the common `Jmol`_ color scheme). Note that that data is present in the static data (see :mod:`~exa.relational.isotope`). .. _Jmol: ''' self._set_categories() grps = self.groupby('frame') symbols = grps.apply(lambda g: g['symbol'] # Pass integers rather than string symbols symbols = Unicode(symbols.to_json(orient='values')).tag(sync=True) symmap = {i: v for i, v in enumerate(self['symbol'].cat.categories)} sym2rad = symbol_to_radius() radii = sym2rad[self['symbol'].unique()] radii = Dict({i: radii[v] for i, v in symmap.items()}).tag(sync=True) # (Int) symbol radii sym2col = symbol_to_color() colors = sym2col[self['symbol'].unique()] # Same thing for colors colors = Dict({i: colors[v] for i, v in symmap.items()}).tag(sync=True) try: atom_set = grps.apply(lambda g: g['set'].values).to_json(orient='values') atom_set = Unicode(atom_set).tag(sync=True) except KeyError: atom_set = Unicode().tag(sync=True) # Note that position traits (atom_x, atom_y, atom_z) are created automatically # since we have defined _traits = ['x', 'y', 'z'] above. return {'atom_symbols': symbols, 'atom_radii': radii, 'atom_colors': colors, 'atom_set': atom_set}
def _custom_traits(self): """ Create creates for the atomic size (using the covalent radius) and atom colors (using the common `Jmol`_ color scheme). Note that that data is present in the static data (see :mod:`~exa.relational.isotope`). .. _Jmol: """ self._set_categories() kwargs = {} grps = self.cardinal_groupby() symbols = grps.apply(lambda g: g['symbol'] # Pass integers rather than string symbols kwargs['atom_symbols'] = Unicode(symbols.to_json(orient='values')).tag(sync=True) symmap = {i: v for i, v in enumerate(self['symbol'].cat.categories)} sym2rad = symbol_to_radius() radii = sym2rad[self['symbol'].unique()] kwargs['atom_radii'] = Dict({i: radii[v] for i, v in symmap.items()}).tag(sync=True) # (Int) symbol radii sym2col = symbol_to_color() colors = sym2col[self['symbol'].unique()] # Same thing for colors kwargs['atom_colors'] = Dict({i: colors[v] for i, v in symmap.items()}).tag(sync=True) return kwargs