def convert_splines(mbp, robot, gripper, context, trajectories):
    # TODO: move to trajectory class
    splines, gripper_setpoints = [], []
    for i, traj in enumerate(trajectories):
        joints = traj.path[0].joints
        if len(joints) == 8: # TODO: fix this
            joints = joints[:7]

        if len(joints) == 2:
            q_knots_kuka = np.zeros((2, 7))
            q_knots_kuka[0] = get_configuration(mbp, context, robot) # Second is velocity
            splines.append(PiecewisePolynomial.ZeroOrderHold([0, 1], q_knots_kuka.T))
        elif len(joints) == 7:
            # TODO: adjust timing based on distance & velocities
            # TODO: adjust number of waypoints
            distance_fn = get_distance_fn(joints)
            #path = [traj.path[0].positions, traj.path[-1].positions]
            path = [q.positions[:len(joints)] for q in traj.path]
            path = waypoints_from_path(joints, path) # TODO: increase time for pick/place & hold
            q_knots_kuka = np.vstack(path).T
            distances = [0.] + [distance_fn(q1, q2) for q1, q2 in zip(path, path[1:])]
            t_knots = np.cumsum(distances) / RADIANS_PER_SECOND # TODO: this should be a max
            d, n = q_knots_kuka.shape
            print('{}) d={}, n={}, duration={:.3f}'.format(i, d, n, t_knots[-1]))
            # RuntimeError: times must be in increasing order.
            raise ValueError(joints)
        _, gripper_setpoint = get_configuration(mbp, context, gripper)
    return splines, gripper_setpoints
def convert_splines(mbp, robot, gripper, context, trajectories):
    # TODO: move to trajectory class
    splines, gripper_setpoints = [], []
    for i, traj in enumerate(trajectories):
        joints = traj.joints
        if len(joints) == 8: # TODO: remove inclusion of door joints
            joints = joints[:7]

        if len(joints) == 2:
            spline = get_hold_spline(mbp, context, robot)
        elif len(joints) == 7:
            spline = traj.spline()
            raise ValueError(joints)
        d = spline.rows()
        n = spline.get_number_of_segments()
        print('{}) d={}, n={}, duration={:.3f}'.format(i, d, n, spline.duration(n-1)))
        _, gripper_setpoint = get_configuration(mbp, context, gripper)
    return splines, gripper_setpoints
def get_pddlstream_problem(task, context, collisions=True):
    domain_pddl = read(get_file_path(__file__, 'domain.pddl'))
    stream_pddl = read(get_file_path(__file__, 'stream.pddl'))
    constant_map = {}

    plant = task.mbp
    robot = task.robot
    robot_name = get_model_name(plant, robot)

    world = plant.world_frame()  # mbp.world_body()
    robot_joints = get_movable_joints(plant, robot)
    robot_conf = Conf(robot_joints, get_configuration(plant, context, robot))
    init = [
        ('Robot', robot_name),
        ('CanMove', robot_name),
        ('Conf', robot_name, robot_conf),
        ('AtConf', robot_name, robot_conf),
        ('HandEmpty', robot_name),
    goal_literals = []
    if task.reset_robot:
        goal_literals.append(('AtConf', robot_name, robot_conf), )

    for obj in task.movable:
        obj_name = get_model_name(plant, obj)
        #obj_frame = get_base_body(mbp, obj).body_frame()
        obj_pose = Pose(plant, world, obj,
                        get_world_pose(plant, context,
                                       obj))  # get_relative_transform
        init += [
            ('Graspable', obj_name),
            ('Pose', obj_name, obj_pose),
            #('InitPose', obj_name, obj_pose),
            ('AtPose', obj_name, obj_pose)
        for surface in task.surfaces:
            init += [('Stackable', obj_name, surface)]
            # TODO: detect already stacked

    for surface in task.surfaces:
        surface_name = get_model_name(plant, surface.model_index)
        if 'sink' in surface_name:
            init += [('Sink', surface)]
        if 'stove' in surface_name:
            init += [('Stove', surface)]

    for door in task.doors:
        door_body = plant.tree().get_body(door)
        door_name = door_body.name()
        door_joints = get_parent_joints(plant, door_body)
        door_conf = Conf(door_joints,
                         get_joint_positions(door_joints, context))
        init += [
            ('Door', door_name),
            ('Conf', door_name, door_conf),
            ('AtConf', door_name, door_conf),
        for positions in [get_door_positions(door_body, DOOR_OPEN)]:
            conf = Conf(door_joints, positions)
            init += [('Conf', door_name, conf)]
        if task.reset_doors:
            goal_literals += [('AtConf', door_name, door_conf)]

    for obj, transform in task.goal_poses.items():
        obj_name = get_model_name(plant, obj)
        obj_pose = Pose(plant, world, obj, transform)
        init += [('Pose', obj_name, obj_pose)]
        goal_literals.append(('AtPose', obj_name, obj_pose))
    for obj in task.goal_holding:
            ('Holding', robot_name, get_model_name(plant, obj)))
    for obj, surface in task.goal_on:
        goal_literals.append(('On', get_model_name(plant, obj), surface))
    for obj in task.goal_cooked:
        goal_literals.append(('Cooked', get_model_name(plant, obj)))

    goal = And(*goal_literals)
    print('Initial:', init)
    print('Goal:', goal)

    stream_map = {
        #'sample-pose': from_gen_fn(get_stable_gen(task, context, collisions=collisions)),
            get_reachable_pose_gen_fn(task, context, collisions=collisions)),
        from_gen_fn(get_ik_gen_fn(task, context, collisions=collisions)),
        from_fn(get_motion_fn(task, context, collisions=collisions)),
        from_fn(get_pull_fn(task, context, collisions=collisions)),
        get_collision_test(task, context, collisions=collisions),
        get_collision_test(task, context, collisions=collisions),
    #stream_map = 'debug' # Runs PDDLStream with "placeholder streams" for debugging

    return domain_pddl, constant_map, stream_pddl, stream_map, init, goal
def get_hold_spline(mbp, context, robot):
    q_knots_kuka = np.zeros((2, 7))
    q_knots_kuka[0] = get_configuration(mbp, context, robot)  # Second is velocity
    return PiecewisePolynomial.ZeroOrderHold([0, 1], q_knots_kuka.T)
def get_pddlstream_problem(mbp, context, scene_graph, task, collisions=True):
    domain_pddl = read(get_file_path(__file__, 'domain.pddl'))
    stream_pddl = read(get_file_path(__file__, 'stream.pddl'))
    constant_map = {}

    robot = task.robot
    #gripper = task.gripper
    robot_name = get_model_name(mbp, robot)

    world = mbp.world_frame() # mbp.world_body()
    robot_joints = prune_fixed_joints(get_model_joints(mbp, robot))
    robot_conf = Conf(robot_joints, get_configuration(mbp, context, robot))
    init = [
        ('Robot', robot_name),
        ('CanMove', robot_name),
        ('Conf', robot_name, robot_conf),
        ('AtConf', robot_name, robot_conf),
        ('HandEmpty', robot_name),
    goal_literals = [
        ('AtConf', robot_name, robot_conf),
        #('Holding', robot_name, get_model_name(mbp, task.movable[0])),

    for obj in task.movable:
        obj_name = get_model_name(mbp, obj)
        #obj_frame = get_base_body(mbp, obj).body_frame()
        obj_pose = Pose(mbp, world, obj, get_world_pose(mbp, context, obj)) # get_relative_transform
        init += [('Graspable', obj_name),
                 ('Pose', obj_name, obj_pose),
                 ('AtPose', obj_name, obj_pose)]
        for surface in task.surfaces:
            init += [('Stackable', obj_name, surface)]
            #if is_placement(body, surface):
            #    init += [('Supported', body, pose, surface)]

    for surface in task.surfaces:
        surface_name = get_model_name(mbp, surface.model_index)
        if 'sink' in surface_name:
            init += [('Sink', surface)]
        if 'stove' in surface_name:
            init += [('Stove', surface)]

    for door in task.doors:
        door_body = mbp.tree().get_body(door)
        door_name = door_body.name()
        door_joints = get_parent_joints(mbp, door_body)
        door_conf = Conf(door_joints, get_joint_positions(door_joints, context))
        init += [
            ('Door', door_name),
            ('Conf', door_name, door_conf),
            ('AtConf', door_name, door_conf),
        for positions in [get_open_positions(door_body)]: #, get_closed_positions(door_body)]:
            conf = Conf(door_joints, positions)
            init += [('Conf', door_name, conf)]
            #goal_literals += [('AtConf', door_name, conf)]
        goal_literals += [('AtConf', door_name, door_conf)]

    for obj, surface in task.goal_on:
        obj_name = get_model_name(mbp, obj)
        goal_literals.append(('On', obj_name, surface))
    for obj in task.goal_cooked:
        obj_name = get_model_name(mbp, obj)
        goal_literals.append(('Cooked', obj_name))

    goal = And(*goal_literals)
    print('Initial:', init)
    print('Goal:', goal)

    stream_map = {
        'sample-pose': from_gen_fn(get_stable_gen(task, context, collisions=collisions)),
        'sample-grasp': from_gen_fn(get_grasp_gen(task)),
        'inverse-kinematics': from_fn(get_ik_fn(task, context, collisions=collisions)),
        'plan-motion': from_fn(get_motion_fn(task, context, collisions=collisions)),
        'plan-pull': from_fn(get_pull_fn(task, context, collisions=collisions)),
        'TrajPoseCollision': get_collision_test(task, context, collisions=collisions),
        'TrajConfCollision': get_collision_test(task, context, collisions=collisions),
    #stream_map = 'debug'

    return domain_pddl, constant_map, stream_pddl, stream_map, init, goal