def create_elements(node_points, elements, radius=0.0005, color=(1, 0, 0, 1)):
    # TODO: just shrink the structure to prevent worrying about collisions at end-points
    #radius = 0.0001
    #radius = 0.00005
    #radius = 0.000001
    radius = 1e-6
    # TODO: seems to be a min radius

    shrink = 0.01
    #shrink = 0.
    element_bodies = []
    for (n1, n2) in elements:
        p1, p2 = node_points[n1], node_points[n2]
        height = max(np.linalg.norm(p2 - p1) - 2*shrink, 0)
        #if height == 0: # Cannot keep this here
        #    continue
        center = (p1 + p2) / 2
        # extents = (p2 - p1) / 2
        body = create_cylinder(radius, height, color=color)
        set_point(body, center)

        delta = p2 - p1
        x, y, z = delta
        phi = np.math.atan2(y, x)
        theta = np.math.acos(z / np.linalg.norm(delta))
        set_quat(body, quat_from_euler(Euler(pitch=theta, yaw=phi)))
        # p1 is z=-height/2, p2 is z=+height/2
    return element_bodies
    def gen(robot, body):
        link = link_from_name(robot, BASE_LINK)
        with BodySaver(robot):
            set_base_conf(robot, np.zeros(3))
            robot_pose = get_link_pose(robot, link)
            robot_aabb = get_turtle_aabb(robot)
            # _, upper = robot_aabb
            # radius = upper[0]
            extent = get_aabb_extent(robot_aabb)
            radius = max(extent[:2]) / 2.

        center, (diameter, height) = approximate_as_cylinder(body)
        distance = radius + diameter / 2. + epsilon
        _, _, z = get_point(body)  # Assuming already placed stably

        for [scale] in unit_generator(d=1, use_halton=use_halton):
            #theta = PI # 0 | PI
            theta = random.uniform(*theta_interval)
            position = np.append(distance * unit_from_theta(theta=theta),
                                 [z])  # TODO: halton

            yaw = scale * 2 * PI - PI
            quat = quat_from_euler(Euler(yaw=yaw))
            body_pose = (position, quat)
            robot_from_body = multiply(invert(robot_pose), body_pose)
            grasp = Pose(body, robot_from_body)  # TODO: grasp instead of pose
            if draw:
                world_pose = multiply(get_link_pose(robot, link), grasp.value)
                set_pose(body, world_pose)
                handles = draw_pose(get_pose(body), length=1)
            yield (grasp, )
    def gen(robot, body):
        link = link_from_name(robot, BASE_LINK)
        with BodySaver(robot):
            set_base_conf(robot, np.zeros(3))
            robot_pose = get_link_pose(robot, link)
            robot_aabb = get_turtle_aabb(robot)
        lower, upper = robot_aabb
        center, (diameter, height) = approximate_as_cylinder(body)
        _, _, z = get_point(body)  # Assuming already placed stably
        position = Point(x=upper[0] + diameter / 2., z=z)

        for [scale] in halton_generator(d=1):
            yaw = scale * 2 * np.pi - np.pi
            quat = quat_from_euler(Euler(yaw=yaw))
            body_pose = (position, quat)
            robot_from_body = multiply(invert(robot_pose), body_pose)
            grasp = Pose(body, robot_from_body)
            yield (grasp, )