def get_grasp_pose(translation, direction, angle, reverse, offset=1e-3): #direction = Pose(euler=Euler(roll=np.pi / 2, pitch=direction)) return multiply(Pose(point=Point(z=offset)), Pose(euler=Euler(yaw=angle)), direction, Pose(point=Point(z=translation)), Pose(euler=Euler(roll=(1-reverse) * np.pi)))
def test_grasps(robot, node_points, elements): element = elements[-1] [element_body] = create_elements(node_points, [element]) phi = 0 link = link_from_name(robot, TOOL_NAME) link_pose = get_link_pose(robot, link) draw_pose(link_pose) #, parent=robot, parent_link=link) wait_for_interrupt() n1, n2 = element p1 = node_points[n1] p2 = node_points[n2] length = np.linalg.norm(p2 - p1) # Bottom of cylinder is p1, top is p2 print(element, p1, p2) for phi in np.linspace(0, np.pi, 10, endpoint=True): theta = np.pi / 4 for t in np.linspace(-length / 2, length / 2, 10): translation = Pose( point=Point(z=-t) ) # Want to be moving backwards because +z is out end effector direction = Pose(euler=Euler(roll=np.pi / 2 + theta, pitch=phi)) angle = Pose(euler=Euler(yaw=1.2)) grasp_pose = multiply(angle, direction, translation) element_pose = multiply(link_pose, grasp_pose) set_pose(element_body, element_pose) wait_for_interrupt()
def create_elements(node_points, elements, radius=0.0005, color=(1, 0, 0, 1)): # TODO: just shrink the structure to prevent worrying about collisions at end-points #radius = 0.0001 #radius = 0.00005 #radius = 0.000001 radius = 1e-6 # TODO: seems to be a min radius shrink = 0.01 #shrink = 0. element_bodies = [] for (n1, n2) in elements: p1, p2 = node_points[n1], node_points[n2] height = max(np.linalg.norm(p2 - p1) - 2*shrink, 0) #if height == 0: # Cannot keep this here # continue center = (p1 + p2) / 2 # extents = (p2 - p1) / 2 body = create_cylinder(radius, height, color=color) set_point(body, center) element_bodies.append(body) delta = p2 - p1 x, y, z = delta phi = np.math.atan2(y, x) theta = np.math.acos(z / np.linalg.norm(delta)) set_quat(body, quat_from_euler(Euler(pitch=theta, yaw=phi))) # p1 is z=-height/2, p2 is z=+height/2 return element_bodies
def test_print(robot, node_points, elements): #elements = [elements[0]] elements = [elements[-1]] [element_body] = create_elements(node_points, elements) wait_for_interrupt() phi = 0 #grasp_rotations = [Pose(euler=Euler(roll=np.pi/2, pitch=phi, yaw=theta)) # for theta in np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 10, endpoint=False)] #grasp_rotations = [Pose(euler=Euler(roll=np.pi/2, pitch=theta, yaw=phi)) # for theta in np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 10, endpoint=False)] grasp_rotations = [sample_direction() for _ in range(25)] link = link_from_name(robot, TOOL_NAME) movable_joints = get_movable_joints(robot) sample_fn = get_sample_fn(robot, movable_joints) for grasp_rotation in grasp_rotations: n1, n2 = elements[0] length = np.linalg.norm(node_points[n2] - node_points[n1]) set_joint_positions(robot, movable_joints, sample_fn()) for t in np.linspace(-length / 2, length / 2, 10): #element_translation = Pose(point=Point(z=-t)) #grasp_pose = multiply(grasp_rotation, element_translation) #reverse = Pose(euler=Euler()) reverse = Pose(euler=Euler(roll=np.pi)) grasp_pose = get_grasp_pose(t, grasp_rotation, 0) grasp_pose = multiply(grasp_pose, reverse) element_pose = get_pose(element_body) link_pose = multiply(element_pose, invert(grasp_pose)) conf = inverse_kinematics(robot, link, link_pose) wait_for_interrupt()
def gen(robot, body): link = link_from_name(robot, BASE_LINK) with BodySaver(robot): set_base_conf(robot, np.zeros(3)) robot_pose = get_link_pose(robot, link) robot_aabb = get_turtle_aabb(robot) # _, upper = robot_aabb # radius = upper[0] extent = get_aabb_extent(robot_aabb) radius = max(extent[:2]) / 2. #draw_aabb(robot_aabb) center, (diameter, height) = approximate_as_cylinder(body) distance = radius + diameter / 2. + epsilon _, _, z = get_point(body) # Assuming already placed stably for [scale] in unit_generator(d=1, use_halton=use_halton): #theta = PI # 0 | PI theta = random.uniform(*theta_interval) position = np.append(distance * unit_from_theta(theta=theta), [z]) # TODO: halton yaw = scale * 2 * PI - PI quat = quat_from_euler(Euler(yaw=yaw)) body_pose = (position, quat) robot_from_body = multiply(invert(robot_pose), body_pose) grasp = Pose(body, robot_from_body) # TODO: grasp instead of pose if draw: world_pose = multiply(get_link_pose(robot, link), grasp.value) set_pose(body, world_pose) handles = draw_pose(get_pose(body), length=1) wait_for_user() remove_handles(handles) #continue yield (grasp, )
def sample_direction(): ##roll = random.uniform(0, np.pi) #roll = np.pi/4 #pitch = random.uniform(0, 2*np.pi) #return Pose(euler=Euler(roll=np.pi / 2 + roll, pitch=pitch)) roll = random.uniform(-np.pi/2, np.pi/2) pitch = random.uniform(-np.pi/2, np.pi/2) return Pose(euler=Euler(roll=roll, pitch=pitch))
def gen_fn(index): brick = brick_from_index[index] while True: original_grasp = random.choice(brick.grasps) theta = random.uniform(-np.pi, +np.pi) rotation = Pose(euler=Euler(yaw=theta)) new_attach = multiply(rotation, original_grasp.attach) grasp = Grasp(None, None, None, new_attach, None) yield grasp,
def gen(robot, body): link = link_from_name(robot, BASE_LINK) with BodySaver(robot): set_base_conf(robot, np.zeros(3)) robot_pose = get_link_pose(robot, link) robot_aabb = get_turtle_aabb(robot) #draw_aabb(robot_aabb) lower, upper = robot_aabb center, (diameter, height) = approximate_as_cylinder(body) _, _, z = get_point(body) # Assuming already placed stably position = Point(x=upper[0] + diameter / 2., z=z) for [scale] in halton_generator(d=1): yaw = scale * 2 * np.pi - np.pi quat = quat_from_euler(Euler(yaw=yaw)) body_pose = (position, quat) robot_from_body = multiply(invert(robot_pose), body_pose) grasp = Pose(body, robot_from_body) yield (grasp, )
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() # Automatically includes help parser.add_argument('-viewer', action='store_true', help='enable viewer.') args = parser.parse_args() connect(use_gui=True) with LockRenderer(): draw_pose(unit_pose(), length=1, width=1) floor = create_floor() set_point(floor, Point(z=-EPSILON)) table1 = create_table(width=TABLE_WIDTH, length=TABLE_WIDTH / 2, height=TABLE_WIDTH / 2, top_color=TAN, cylinder=False) set_point(table1, Point(y=+0.5)) table2 = create_table(width=TABLE_WIDTH, length=TABLE_WIDTH / 2, height=TABLE_WIDTH / 2, top_color=TAN, cylinder=False) set_point(table2, Point(y=-0.5)) tables = [table1, table2] #set_euler(table1, Euler(yaw=np.pi/2)) with HideOutput(): # data_path = add_data_path() # robot_path = os.path.join(data_path, WSG_GRIPPER) robot_path = get_model_path( WSG_50_URDF) # WSG_50_URDF | PANDA_HAND_URDF robot = load_pybullet(robot_path, fixed_base=True) #dump_body(robot) block1 = create_box(w=BLOCK_SIDE, l=BLOCK_SIDE, h=BLOCK_SIDE, color=RED) block_z = stable_z(block1, table1) set_point(block1, Point(y=-0.5, z=block_z)) block2 = create_box(w=BLOCK_SIDE, l=BLOCK_SIDE, h=BLOCK_SIDE, color=GREEN) set_point(block2, Point(x=-0.25, y=-0.5, z=block_z)) block3 = create_box(w=BLOCK_SIDE, l=BLOCK_SIDE, h=BLOCK_SIDE, color=BLUE) set_point(block3, Point(x=-0.15, y=+0.5, z=block_z)) blocks = [block1, block2, block3] set_camera_pose(camera_point=Point(x=-1, z=block_z + 1), target_point=Point(z=block_z)) block_pose = get_pose(block1) open_gripper(robot) tool_link = link_from_name(robot, 'tool_link') base_from_tool = get_relative_pose(robot, tool_link) #draw_pose(unit_pose(), parent=robot, parent_link=tool_link) grasps = get_side_grasps(block1, tool_pose=Pose(euler=Euler(yaw=np.pi / 2)), top_offset=0.02, grasp_length=0.03, under=False)[1:2] for grasp in grasps: gripper_pose = multiply(block_pose, invert(grasp)) set_pose(robot, multiply(gripper_pose, invert(base_from_tool))) wait_for_user() wait_for_user('Finish?') disconnect()