def init(): # Get workbook wb_path = get_directory([".xlsx"], "Type path of your excel file (.xlsx): ") wb = openpyxl.load_workbook(wb_path) sheets = wb.sheetnames # Edited depreciated function: "wb.get_sheet_names()" # Initialize 2D dictionary representing each sheet and its column headers sheet_header_lookup = {} for sheet_name in sheets: sheet_header_lookup.setdefault(sheet_name, {}) sheet = wb.get_sheet_by_name(sheet_name) for cell in sheet[1]: sheet_header_lookup[sheet_name].setdefault(cell.value, None) # Get user selections for each sheet for sheet_name in sheets: # Check if user wants to process this sheet analyze_sheet = input("Would you like to analyze sheet " + sheet_name + "? (y/n) ") if analyze_sheet not in ("yes", "Yes", "Y", "y"): continue # Menu object used below cleanup_menu = menus.Value_Menu("cleanup", ANALYSIS_OPTIONS_LIST, ANALYSIS_OPTIONS_LIST) # Get user selections for each header in sheet for header in sheet_header_lookup[sheet_name]: print('-' * 40) print("SHEET: " + str(sheet_name)) print("HEADER: " + str(header)) user_selection = ANALYSIS_OPTIONS_LIST.index(cleanup_menu.display_shift_menu()) if user_selection == BREAK_SHEET: # Check if user wants to break out of sheet break elif user_selection == NO_ANALYSIS: # Check if user wants to skip this column continue else: sheet_header_lookup[sheet_name][header] = user_selection # Analyze data change_file_flag = 0 for sheet_name in sheets: sheet = wb.get_sheet_by_name(sheet_name) for col in range(1, sheet.max_column + 1): analysis_number = sheet_header_lookup[sheet_name][sheet.cell(row=1, column=col).value] if analysis_number is not None: change_file_flag = 1 col_letter = get_column_letter(col) perform_analysis(wb, sheet_name, sheet[col_letter], int(analysis_number)) # Save new file if change_file_flag: save_file(wb, wb_path, ".xlsx") else: print() print("File not changed, no need to save new version.") input("Press enter to continue...") # Loop back to top menu menu_header()
def init(): # Get workbook wb_path = get_directory([".xlsx"], "Type path of your excel file (.xlsx): ") wb = openpyxl.load_workbook(wb_path) sheets = wb.get_sheet_names() # Initialize 2D dictionary representing each sheet and its column headers sheet_header_lookup = {} for sheet_name in sheets: sheet_header_lookup.setdefault(sheet_name, {}) sheet = wb.get_sheet_by_name(sheet_name) for cell in sheet[1]: sheet_header_lookup[sheet_name].setdefault(cell.value, None) # Get user selections for sheet_name in sheets: # Check if user wants to process this sheet process_sheet = input("Would you like to clean sheet " + sheet_name + "? (y/n) ") if process_sheet not in ("yes", "Yes", "Y", "y"): continue # Get user selections for each header in sheet for header in sheet_header_lookup[sheet_name]: print_menu(sheet_name, header, CLEANUP_OPTIONS_LIST) user_selection = get_user_selection(CLEANUP_OPTIONS_LIST) if user_selection == BREAK_SHEET: # Check if user wants to break out of sheet break elif user_selection == NO_CLEANING: # Check if user wants to skip this column continue else: sheet_header_lookup[sheet_name][header] = user_selection # Process data for sheet_name in sheets: sheet = wb.get_sheet_by_name(sheet_name) for col in range(1, sheet.max_column + 1): process_number = sheet_header_lookup[sheet_name][sheet.cell( row=1, column=col).value] if process_number is not None: col_letter = get_column_letter(col) process_column(wb, sheet[col_letter], int(process_number)) # Save to a new copy of the workbook new_file = wb_path[:len(wb_path) - 5] + "_EDITED.xlsx" print("Done! New file saved to " + new_file) input("Press enter to continue...") # Display Menu Header loop menu_header()
def init(): # Get input for .csv file wb_path = get_directory([".csv"], "Type path of your .csv file: ") wb_csv = pandas.read_csv(wb_path) # Get input for where to save new excel file export_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(wb_path)) export_path += "/" + input("Input new file's name (saves to same directory): ") + ".xlsx" wb_csv.to_excel(export_path, index = False) # Sucess message print("Done! New file saved to " + export_path) input("Press enter to continue...") # Display Menu Header again menu_header()
def init(): # Get input for excel file wb_path = get_directory([".xlsx"], "Type path of your excel file (.xlsx): ") wb_xls = pandas.read_excel(wb_path, 'Sheet1', index_col=None) # Get input where to save export file (.csv file) export_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(wb_path)) export_path += "/" + input( "Input new file's name (saves to same directory): ") + ".csv" wb_xls.to_csv(export_path, encoding='utf-8', index=False) # Success message print("Success!\n" + wb_path + " was saved to " + export_path) input("Press enter to continue...") # Display Menu Header again. menu_header()
def init(): # Get path and determine zipfile name path = os.path.abspath( get_directory([], "Type path of the file/folder you would like to zip: ")) zipfile_name = path if zipfile_name.find(os.sep) != -1: zipfile_name = zipfile_name[(zipfile_name.rfind(os.sep) + 1):] if zipfile_name.find('.') != -1: zipfile_name = zipfile_name[:zipfile_name.find('.')] zipped_file = zipfile.ZipFile(zipfile_name + ".zip", 'w') # If path is a directory, change directories to path and write all files in that directory to the zipfile if os.path.isdir(path): current_dir = os.curdir os.chdir(path) file_paths = os.listdir('.') for file in file_paths: zipped_file.write(file) # If path is a file, change directories to housing directory and write single file to the zipfile if os.path.isfile(path): current_dir = os.curdir os.chdir(os.path.dirname(path)) zipped_file.write(os.path.basename(path)) # Close the zipfile and move back to previous directory zipped_file.close() os.chdir(current_dir) print("Done! New file saved from " + path) input("Press enter to continue...") # Clears the screen (checks os and uses command for that system) os.system('cls' if == 'nt' else 'clear') # Loop back to compress menu menu_header()
def init(): # Get user input for excel file wb_path = get_directory([".xlsx"], "Type path of your excel file (.xlsx): ") wb = openpyxl.load_workbook(wb_path) # Gets input from user if they want to remove duplicates from all sheets if (len(wb.sheetnames) > 1): # Edited depreciated function: "wb.get_sheet_names()" user_choice = input( "Would you like to remove duplicates from all sheets (Y) or one sheet (N)?: " ) if user_choice in ("yes", "Yes", "Y", "y"): remove_duplicate_all_sheet(wb, wb_path) else: single_sheet(wb, wb_path) else: # If only 1 sheet, chooses single sheet option single_sheet(wb, wb_path) # Loop back to top menu menu_header()
def init(): # Get workbook wb_path = get_directory([".xlsx"], "Type path of your excel file (.xlsx): ") wb = openpyxl.load_workbook(wb_path) sheets = wb.sheetnames # Edited depreciated function: "wb.get_sheet_names()" # Select sheet sheet_menu = menus.Value_Menu("cleanup", sheets, sheets) user_selection = sheet_menu.display_shift_menu() sheet = wb.get_sheet_by_name(user_selection) = sheet # Create header menu to use for selecting x and y axes headers = [] for cell in sheet[1]: headers.append(str(cell.value)) header_menu = menus.Value_Menu("cleanup", headers, headers) # Select x-axis print("Select x-axis:") x_axis = header_menu.display_shift_menu() x = np.empty(sheet.max_row - 1) rows = list(sheet.iter_rows(min_row=2, max_row=sheet.max_row, min_col=headers.index(x_axis) + 1, max_col=headers.index(x_axis) + 1)) for i in range(sheet.max_row - 1): try: x[i] = rows[i][0].value except Exception: print("ERROR: Incompatible data type for x on " + str(rows[i][0].value) + ". All data in x must be either a float or an integer.") return # Select y-axis print("Select y-axis:") y_axis = header_menu.display_shift_menu() y = np.empty(sheet.max_row - 1) rows = list(sheet.iter_rows(min_row=2, max_row=sheet.max_row, min_col=headers.index(y_axis) + 1, max_col=headers.index(y_axis) + 1)) for i in range(sheet.max_row - 1): try: y[i] = rows[i][0].value except Exception: print("ERROR: Incompatible data type for y on " + str(rows[i][0].value) + ". All data in x must be either a float or an integer.") return # Plot graph plt.plot(x, y, "ob") plt.xlabel(sheet.cell(column=headers.index(x_axis) + 1, row=1).value) plt.ylabel(sheet.cell(column=headers.index(y_axis) + 1, row=1).value) print("Plotting graph...") input("Press enter to continue...") # Display Menu Header loop menu_header()
def init(): # Get user input\ wb_path = get_directory([".xlsx"], "Type path of your excel file (.xlsx): ") email_list = get_email_list() sender_email = input("Enter your email address (supports gmail, outlook, hotmail, and yahoo): ") password = getpass("Enter your email password: "******"Attempting to send emails...") smtp = get_smtp(sender_email) # Connect to Server session = smtplib.SMTP(smtp, 587) session.ehlo() session.starttls() try: session.login(sender_email, password) except Exception: print() print("ERROR: Unable to login to your email account") input("Press enter to continue...") # Display Menu Header loop menu_header() invalid_emails = [] message_content = "Hello,\n\n" + sender_email + " has shared this file with you.\n\n" for email in email_list: # Check the sending email is valid if not invalid_emails.append(email) email_list.remove(email) continue # Setup the MIME message = MIMEMultipart() message['From'] = sender_email message['To'] = email message['Subject'] = "File Share From " + sender_email # The body and the attachments for the mail message.attach(MIMEText(message_content, 'plain')) attach_file = open(wb_path, 'rb') # Open the file as binary mode payload = MIMEBase('application', '') payload.set_payload((attach_file).read()) attach_file.close() encoders.encode_base64(payload) # Encode the attachment # Add payload header with filename payload.add_header("Content-Disposition", "attachment", filename=os.path.basename(wb_path)) message.attach(payload) # Create SMTP session for sending the email text = message.as_string() session.sendmail(sender_email, email, text) session.quit() # Print success message and list of invalid email addresses if there were any print('-' * 40) print() print("Success!") if len(invalid_emails) != 0: print("The following emails were deemed invalid: ") for email in invalid_emails: print(email) input("Press enter to continue...") # Display Menu Header loop menu_header()