def enqueue(self, task, priority): """ Enqueues the given :class:`~retask.task.Task` object to the queue and returns a :class:`~retask.queue.Job` object. :arg task: ::class:`~retask.task.Task` object :arg priority: :return: :class:`~retask.queue.Job` object If the queue is not connected then it will raise :class:`retask.ConnectionError`. """ if not self.connected: raise exceptions.ConnectionError('PriorityQueue is not connected') try: job = queue.Job(self.rdb) task.urn = job.urn text = json.dumps(task.__dict__) self.rdb.zadd(self._name, priority, text) self.rdb.publish(self._wc_name, _PRIORITY_QUEUE_READY_MSG) return job except redis.ConnectionError as e: raise exceptions.ConnectionError(str(e))
def length(self): if not self.connected: raise exceptions.ConnectionError('PriorityQueue is not connected') try: return self.rdb.zcard(self._name) except redis.exceptions.ConnectionError as e: raise exceptions.ConnectionError(str(e))
def detect_common_color(): request_json = request.get_json() if "url" not in request_json: raise exceptions.InvalidUsage("URL key missing from JSON post data") try: r = requests.get(request_json["url"], stream=True) except requests.exceptions.InvalidSchema: raise exceptions.InvalidUsage("URL has an invalid schema") except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e: raise exceptions.ConnectionError("Unable to connect to URL") except requests.exceptions.MissingSchema: raise exceptions.InvalidUsage( "No schema supplied. Perhaps you meant http://{}?".format( request_json["url"] ) ) if int(r.headers["Content-length"]) > config.max_file_size: raise exceptions.InvalidUsage( "File larger than allowed maximum ({})".format(config.max_file_size) ) try: im = except UnidentifiedImageError: raise exceptions.InvalidUsage("URL is not an image") count, rgb = max(im.getcolors(im.size[0] * im.size[1])) distance, color_name = find_closest(rgb) if distance > config.max_color_distance: return jsonify({"result": None}) return jsonify({"result": color_name})
def handle_response(self, response, content): """Validate HTTP response """ status = response.status_code if status in (301, 302, 303, 307): raise exceptions.Redirection(response, content) elif 200 <= status <= 299: return json.loads(content) if content else {} elif status == 400: raise exceptions.BadRequest(response, content) elif status == 401: raise exceptions.UnauthorizedAccess(response, content) elif status == 403: raise exceptions.ForbiddenAccess(response, content) elif status == 404: raise exceptions.ResourceNotFound(response, content) elif status == 405: raise exceptions.MethodNotAllowed(response, content) elif status == 409: raise exceptions.ResourceConflict(response, content) elif status == 410: raise exceptions.ResourceGone(response, content) elif status == 422: raise exceptions.ResourceInvalid(response, content) elif 401 <= status <= 499: raise exceptions.ClientError(response, content) elif 500 <= status <= 599: raise exceptions.ServerError(response, content) else: raise exceptions.ConnectionError( response, content, "Unknown response code: #{response.code}")
def wait(self, wait_time=None): """ Returns a :class:`~rtask.task.Task` object from the queue. Returns ``False`` if it timeouts. :arg wait_time: Time in seconds to wait, default is infinite. :return: :class:`~retask.task.Task` object from the queue or False if it timeouts. .. doctest:: >>> from retask import Queue >>> q = Queue('test') >>> q.connect() True >>> task = q.wait() >>> print {u'name': u'kushal'} .. note:: This is a blocking call, you can specity wait_time argument for timeout. """ if not self.connected: raise exceptions.ConnectionError('PriorityQueue is not connected') ps = self.rdb.pubsub(ignore_subscribe_messages=True) ps.subscribe(self._wc_name) data = self._try_pop() timed_out = False while data is None and not timed_out: start_time = time.time() msg = ps.get_message(timeout=wait_time) elapsed = time.time() - start_time if wait_time is not None: wait_time -= elapsed timed_out = (wait_time <= 0) if not timed_out: if _is_priority_queue_ready_msg(msg): data = self._try_pop() elif msg is not None: # raise? _log.error("PriorityQueue.wait: Unexpected message\n%s", str(msg)) ps.unsubscribe(self._wc_name) ps.close() if data: t = task.Task() t.__dict__ = json.loads(data) return t return False
def get_definitions(word, examples=False): if not word.strip(): raise exceptions.WordNotFoundError(word) url = f'{word}' try: soups = get_definitions_soup(url, word) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e: raise exceptions.ConnectionError() from e definitions = scrap_definitions(soups, word, examples) return definitions
def get_service_document(self, refresh=False): if not refresh and self._service_document is not None: return self._service_document resp = requests.get(self.sd_uri, auth=self.auth) if resp.status_code == 403: raise exceptions.UnauthorizedError( 'The credentials provided are invalid.') elif resp.status_code != 200: raise exceptions.ConnectionError( 'Could not connect to the Dataverse') self._service_document = etree.XML(resp.content) return self._service_document
def find(self, obj): """Returns the index of the given object in the queue, it might be string which will be searched inside each task. :arg obj: object we are looking :return: -1 if the object is not found or else the location of the task """ if not self.connected: raise exceptions.ConnectionError('Queue is not connected') data = self.rdb.zrange(self._name, 0, -1) for i, datum in enumerate(data): if datum.find(str(obj)) != -1: return i return -1
class AWSConnection(object): """Wrapper on top of boto's ``connect_to_region`` which retry api calls if some well-known errors occur.""" def __init__(self, aws_region, *args, **kwargs): if aws_region not in ( for r in botologs.regions()): raise exceptions.InvalidRegionError(aws_region) try: self.connection = botologs.connect_to_region( aws_region, *args, **kwargs) except boto.exception.NoAuthHandlerFound, exc: raise exceptions.NoAuthHandlerFoundError(*exc.args) if not self.connection: raise exceptions.ConnectionError()
def perform(self, request): url = self.base_url + request.path params = copy.deepcopy(request.params) params['ServiceId'] = self.service_id request_mac = calculate_mac( self.secret, *[params.get(f) for f in request.mac_fields]) params['MAC'] = request_mac try: response = requests.request( request.method, url, data=params, timeout=(self.connect_timeout, self.read_timeout) ) except requests_exceptions.RequestException as exc: msg = "Connection with url {} refused.".format(self.base_url) raise exceptions.ConnectionError(msg, exc) return self.check_response(response, request)
def dequeue(self): """ Returns a :class:`~retask.task.Task` object from the queue. Returns ``None`` if the queue is empty. :return: :class:`~retask.task.Task` object from the queue If the queue is not connected then it will raise :class:`retask.ConnectionError` """ if not self.connected: raise exceptions.ConnectionError('PriorityQueue is not connected') data = self._try_pop() if data: if isinstance(data, six.binary_type): data = six.text_type(data, 'utf-8', errors='replace') t = task.Task() t.__dict__ = json.loads(data) return t return None
def get_wifi_detail(): if 'linux' in os.sys.platform: command = 'ifconfig' elif 'Windows' in os.sys.platform: command = 'ipconfig' else: return "Exception" raw_details = subprocess.check_output([command]) try: response = [ addrs[addrs.find(':') + 1:] for addrs in [ line[line.find('inet') + 1:] for line in raw_details.split('\n') if 'inet addr' in line and '127' not in line ][0].split(' ') if addrs[addrs.find(':') + 1:].replace('.', '').isdigit() ] return response except: raise exceptions.ConnectionError("Please connect to a network")