 def __init__(self, G, coloring, name=None, check=True):
     from flexible_rigid_graph import FlexRiGraph
     if type(G) == FlexRiGraph or 'FlexRiGraph' in str(
             type(G)) or isinstance(G, FlexRiGraph):
         self._graph = G
         raise exceptions.TypeError('The graph G must be FlexRiGraph.')
     if type(coloring) in [list, Set] and len(coloring) == 2:
         self._red_edges = Set([Set(e) for e in coloring[0]])
         self._blue_edges = Set([Set(e) for e in coloring[1]])
     elif type(coloring) == dict:
         self._red_edges = Set(
             [Set(e) for e in coloring if coloring[e] == 'red'])
         self._blue_edges = Set(
             [Set(e) for e in coloring if coloring[e] == 'blue'])
     elif type(coloring) == NACcoloring or isinstance(
             coloring, NACcoloring) or 'NACcoloring' in str(type(coloring)):
         self._red_edges = copy(coloring._red_edges)
         self._blue_edges = copy(coloring._blue_edges)
         raise exceptions.TypeError(
             'The coloring must be a dict, list consisting of two lists or an instance of NACcoloring.'
     self._name = name
     if check and not self.is_NAC_coloring():
         raise exceptions.ValueError('The coloring is not a NAC-coloring.')
 def getCluster(self, feats):
     """Converts the feature vectors of the input into integers, which represent the cluster which each feature is most likelly a member of. Output will be the same form as the input, but with the features converted to integers. In the case of a feature matrix it will become a vector of integers. For a list of feature vectors it will become a list of integers. For a list of tuples with the last element a feature vector it will return a list of tuples where the last element has been replaced with an integer."""
     if isinstance(feats, numpy.ndarray):
         # Numpy array - just pass through...
         assert (len(feats.shape) == 2)
         return self.doGetCluster(feats)
     elif isinstance(feats, list):
         if isinstance(feats[0], numpy.ndarray):
             # List of vectors - glue them all together to create a data matrix and pass on through...
             data = numpy.vstack(feats)
             asVec = self.doGetCluster(data)
             return map(lambda i: asVec[i], xrange(asVec.shape[0]))
         elif isinstance(feats[0], tuple):
             # List of tuples where the last item should be a numpy.array as a feature vector...
             vecs = map(lambda x: x[-1], feats)
             data = numpy.vstack(vecs)
             asVec = self.doGetCluster(data)
             return map(lambda i: feats[i][:-1] + (asVec[i], ),
             raise exceptions.TypeError(
                 'bad type for features - when given a list it must contain numpy.array vectors or tuples with the last element a vector'
         raise exceptions.TypeError(
             'bad type for features - expects a numpy.array or a list')
文件: mixture.py 项目: zoginni/helit
 def getCluster(self, feats):
     """Given a set of features returns for each feature the cluster with the highest probability of having generated it. Multiple input/output modes are supported. If a data matrix is input then the output will be an integer vector of cluster indices. If the input is a list of feature vectors the output will be a list of cluster indices. If the input is a list of tuples with the last elements a feature vector the output will be identical, but with the feature vectors replaced by cluster integers."""
     if isinstance(feats, numpy.ndarray):
         # Numpy array - just pass through...
         assert (len(feats.shape) == 2)
         return self.doGetCluster(feats)
     elif isinstance(feats, list):
         if isinstance(feats[0], numpy.ndarray):
             # List of vectors - glue them all together to create a data matrix and pass on through...
             data = numpy.vstack(feats)
             asVec = self.doGetCluster(data)
             return map(lambda i: asVec[i], xrange(asVec.shape[0]))
         elif isinstance(feats[0], tuple):
             # List of tuples where the last item should be a numpy.array as a feature vector...
             vecs = map(lambda x: x[-1], feats)
             data = numpy.vstack(vecs)
             asVec = self.doGetCluster(data)
             return map(lambda i: feats[i][:-1] + (asVec[i], ),
             raise exceptions.TypeError(
                 'bad type for features - when given a list it must contain numpy.array vectors or tuples with the last element a vector'
         raise exceptions.TypeError(
             'bad type for features - expects a numpy.array or a list')
文件: mixture.py 项目: zoginni/helit
 def getWeight(self, feats):
     """Given a set of features returns for each feature the probability of having been generated by each mixture member - this vector will sum to one. Multiple input/output modes are supported. If a data matrix is input then the output will be a matrix where each row has been replaced by the mixing vector. If the input is a list of feature vectors the output will be a list of mixing vectors. If the input is a list of tuples with the last elements a feature vector the output will be identical, but with the feature vectors replaced with mixing vectors."""
     if isinstance(feats, numpy.ndarray):
         # Numpy array - just pass through...
         assert (len(feats.shape) == 2)
         return self.doGetWeight(feats)
     elif isinstance(feats, list):
         if isinstance(feats[0], numpy.ndarray):
             # List of vectors - glue them all together to create a data matrix and pass on through...
             data = numpy.vstack(feats)
             asMat = self.doGetWeight(data)
             return map(lambda i: asMat[i, :], xrange(asMat.shape[0]))
         elif isinstance(feats[0], tuple):
             # List of tuples where the last item should be a numpy.array as a feature vector...
             vecs = map(lambda x: x[-1], feats)
             data = numpy.vstack(vecs)
             asMat = self.doGetWeight(data)
             return map(lambda i: feats[i][:-1] + (asMat[i, :], ),
             raise exceptions.TypeError(
                 'bad type for features - when given a list it must contain numpy.array vectors or tuples with the last element a vector'
         raise exceptions.TypeError(
             'bad type for features - expects a numpy.array or a list')
 def train(self, feats, clusters, *listArgs, **dictArgs):
     """Given the features and number of clusters, plus any implimentation specific arguments, this trains the model. Features can be provided as a data matrix, as a list of feature vectors or as a list of tuples where the last entry of each tuple is a feature vector."""
     if isinstance(feats, numpy.ndarray):
         # Numpy array - just pass through...
         assert (len(feats.shape) == 2)
         self.doTrain(feats, clusters, *listArgs, **dictArgs)
         del listArgs, dictArgs
     elif isinstance(feats, list):
         if isinstance(feats[0], numpy.ndarray):
             # List of vectors - glue them all together to create a data matrix and pass on through...
             data = numpy.vstack(feats)
             self.doTrain(data, clusters, *listArgs, **dictArgs)
             del listArgs, dictArgs
         elif isinstance(feats[0], tuple):
             # List of tuples where the last item should be a numpy.array as a feature vector...
             vecs = map(lambda x: x[-1], feats)
             data = numpy.vstack(vecs)
             self.doTrain(data, clusters, *listArgs, **dictArgs)
             del listArgs, dictArgs
             raise exceptions.TypeError(
                 'bad type for features - when given a list it must contain numpy.array vectors or tuples with the last element a vector'
         raise exceptions.TypeError(
             'bad type for features - expects a numpy.array or a list')
    def __init__(self, graph):
        if not (isinstance(graph, FlexRiGraph) or 'FlexRiGraph' in str(type(graph))):
            raise exceptions.TypeError('The graph must be of the type FlexRiGraph.')
        self._graph = graph

        self._same_lengths = None
        self._active_NACs = None
    def __init__(self, *params):
        """ Disk represents a raw disk
            Possible constructors:
            __init__(self, element, doc=None)  type(element)=Node
            __init__(self, name, doc=None) type(name)==str
        if len(params)==1:
            doc=xml.dom.getDOMImplementation().createDocument(None, self.TAGNAME, None)
        elif len(params)==2:
            raise exceptions.TypeError("""Wrong number of arguments to constructor of HostDisk.
   Either __init__(self, element, doc=None) or
          __init__(self, name, doc=None) are supported.""")

        if isinstance(params[0], basestring):
            element.setAttribute("name", params[0])
        super(HostDisk, self).__init__(element, doc)
文件: command.py 项目: sssst315/beah
 def check(self):
     if self[0] != 'Command':
         raise exceptions.TypeError(
             '%r not permitted as %r[0]. Has to be \'Command\'' %
             (self[0], self))
     check_type("command", self.command(), self.TESTTYPE)
     check_type("id", self.id(), self.TESTTYPE)
     check_type("args", self.args(), dict)
def checkAndSetInteger(var=None, default=None):
    Utility to check if the passed value is a positive integer.

    @param var : The object to check.
    @param default : The default to use if no var is given.
    @return : The checked object or default.
    @throw : TypeError if check fails.

    if var is None:
        if not (isinstance( default, int) ):
            raise exceptions.TypeError("The default must be an integer.")
        return default

    if not isinstance(var, int):
            raise exceptions.TypeError("The parameter must be of type integer.")
    return var
def makeSizeList2(slist):
    """slist: ( ( w,h) , optional count , ( w2,h2) , optional count2 , ( w3,h3 ) , optional count3 , ... ( wn,hn ) ) """
    rtn = []
    for i, carg in zip(range(len(slist)), slist):
        if type(carg) is int:
            if type(slist[i - 1]) in (list, tuple) and type(slist[i + 1]) in (list, tuple):
                for j in range(1, carg):
                    rtn.append((getProgress(slist[i - 1][0], slist[i + 1][0],  float(j) / carg),
                                getProgress(slist[i - 1][1], slist[i + 1][1],  float(j) / carg))
                raise exceptions.TypeError('invalid type in list ')
        elif type(carg) in (list, tuple):
            raise exceptions.TypeError(
                'invalid type %s type must list or tuple' % type(carg))
    return rtn
 def check(self):
     if self[0] != 'Event':
         raise exceptions.TypeError(
             '%r not permitted as %r[0]. Has to be \'Event\'' % (self[0]))
     check_type("event", self.event(), self.TESTTYPE)
     check_type("id", self.id(), self.TESTTYPE)
     check_type("origin", self.origin(), dict)
     check_type("args", self.args(), dict)
     check_type("timestamp", self.timestamp(), float, True)
 def calculate_overlap(self, A, B):
     """ calculate overlap integral between fields A and B. A & B must be
     integers between 0-2 (0 = pump, 1 = signal, 3 = idler.)"""
     if (type(A) is not int) or (type(B) is not int):
         e = exceptions.TypeError('A & B must both be integers.')
         raise e
     if A < 0 or A > 3 or B < 0 or B > 3:
         e = exceptions.ValueError('A & B must be in range [0,3].')
         raise e
     return (self.waists[A] + self.waists[B]) / 2.0
    def __init__(self, address, data, description = 'Generic memory.'):
        DebugOut('Memory.__init__(%s, data, %s)' % (address, description))
        self.__description = description
        self.__address = address

        if (type(data) != types.StringType):

            raise exceptions.TypeError('Data must be a string.')

        self.__data = list(data)
 def save_dense(self, s, xout, h):
     if self.count == self.kmax:
     y = s.dense_out(xout, h)
     if self.ysave.dtype != y.dtype:
         errmsg = 'Integrand returns ', str(
             y.dtype), ' but workspaces are initialized to ', str(
                 self.ysave.dtype), '!'
         raise exceptions.TypeError(errmsg)
     self.ysave[self.count, :] = y
     self.xsave[self.count] = xout
     self.count += 1
def checkAndSetInstance(cls, var=None, default=None):
    Utility to check if the passed object is an instance of the given class (or derived class).

    @param cls : The class against which to check.
    @param var : The object to check.
    @param default : The default to use if no var is given.
    @return : The checked object or default.
    @throw : TypeError if var is not an instance of cls or a derived class.

    if var is None:
        if default is None:
            return None
        elif not isinstance(default, cls):
            raise exceptions.TypeError("The default is not of correct type.")
        else: return default

    elif not isinstance(var, cls):
        raise exceptions.TypeError("The parameter 'var' is not of correct type.")

    return var
 def save(self, x, y):
     if self.ysave.dtype != y.dtype:
         errmsg = 'Integrand returns ', str(
             y.dtype), ' but workspaces are initialized to ', str(
                 self.ysave.dtype), '!'
         raise exceptions.TypeError(errmsg)
     if self.kmax <= 0:
     if self.count == self.kmax:
     self.ysave[self.count, :] = y
     self.xsave[self.count] = x
     self.count += 1
文件: mixture.py 项目: zoginni/helit
 def train(self, feats, clusters, *listArgs, **dictArgs):
     """Accepts as input the features, how many clusters to use and any further implimentation specific variables. The features can be represented as a data matrix, a list of vectors or as a list of tuples where the last entry is a feature vector. Will then train the model on the given data set."""
     if isinstance(feats, numpy.ndarray):
         # Numpy array - just pass through...
         assert (len(feats.shape) == 2)
         self.doTrain(feats, clusters, *listArgs, **dictArgs)
     elif isinstance(feats, list):
         if isinstance(feats[0], numpy.ndarray):
             # List of vectors - glue them all together to create a data matrix and pass on through...
             data = numpy.vstack(feats)
             self.doTrain(data, clusters, *listArgs, **dictArgs)
         elif isinstance(feats[0], tuple):
             # List of tuples where the last item should be a numpy.array as a feature vector...
             vecs = map(lambda x: x[-1], feats)
             data = numpy.vstack(vecs)
             self.doTrain(data, clusters, *listArgs, **dictArgs)
             raise exceptions.TypeError(
                 'bad type for features - when given a list it must contain numpy.array vectors or tuples with the last element a vector'
         raise exceptions.TypeError(
             'bad type for features - expects a numpy.array or a list')
 def getNLL(self, feats):
     """Given a set of features returns the negative log likelihood of the given features being generated by the model. Note that as the k-means model is not probabilistic this is technically wrong, but it hacks it by treating each cluster as a symmetric Gaussian with a standard deviation calculated using the provided features, with equal probability of selecting each cluster."""
     if isinstance(feats, numpy.ndarray):
         # Numpy array - just pass through...
         assert (len(feats.shape) == 2)
         return self.doGetNLL(feats)
     elif isinstance(feats, list):
         if isinstance(feats[0], numpy.ndarray):
             # List of vectors - glue them all together to create a data matrix and pass on through...
             data = numpy.vstack(feats)
             return self.doGetNLL(data)
         elif isinstance(feats[0], tuple):
             # List of tuples where the last item should be a numpy.array as a feature vector...
             vecs = map(lambda x: x[-1], feats)
             data = numpy.vstack(vecs)
             return self.doGetNLL(data)
             raise exceptions.TypeError(
                 'bad type for features - when given a list it must contain numpy.array vectors or tuples with the last element a vector'
         raise exceptions.TypeError(
             'bad type for features - expects a numpy.array or a list')
文件: __init__.py 项目: sssst315/beah
def check_type(name, value, type_, allows_none=False):
    """Check value is of type type_ or None if allows_none is True."""
    if isinstance(value, type_):
    if allows_none and value is None:
    if isinstance(type_, tuple):
        types = list([t.__name__ for t in type_])
        types = [type_.__name__]
    if allows_none:
    raise exceptions.TypeError('%r not permitted as %s. Has to be %s.' \
            % (value, name, prettyprint_list(types)))
文件: mixture.py 项目: zoginni/helit
 def getNLL(self, feats):
     """Given a set of features returns the negative log likelihood of the given features being generated by the model."""
     if isinstance(feats, numpy.ndarray):
         # Numpy array - just pass through...
         assert (len(feats.shape) == 2)
         return self.doGetNLL(feats)
     elif isinstance(feats, list):
         if isinstance(feats[0], numpy.ndarray):
             # List of vectors - glue them all together to create a data matrix and pass on through...
             data = numpy.vstack(feats)
             return self.doGetNLL(data)
         elif isinstance(feats[0], tuple):
             # List of tuples where the last item should be a numpy.array as a feature vector...
             vecs = map(lambda x: x[-1], feats)
             data = numpy.vstack(vecs)
             return self.doGetNLL(data)
             raise exceptions.TypeError(
                 'bad type for features - when given a list it must contain numpy.array vectors or tuples with the last element a vector'
         raise exceptions.TypeError(
             'bad type for features - expects a numpy.array or a list')
 def setTransition(self, getfunc, inputs, nextState, action):
     """setTransition(getfunc, inputs, nextState, action)
     getfunc (function): converte function from input to "inputs"
     inputs (list):  a set of conditions to invoke this rule.
     nextState (int): next state.
     action (string/function): execute when this rule is invoked.
          string: call shell
          function: call the function"""
     if not (type(inputs) == type([])):
         raise exceptions.TypeError("inputs must be list, but:" \
                                    + str(type(inputs)))
         "input": inputs,
         "next": nextState,
         "action": action,
         "getfunc": getfunc
 def __getitem__(self, item):
     ## This WILL get cleaned up, but it does what I want for now
     x_vals = []
     toReshape = None
     if isinstance(item, types.TupleType):
         if isinstance(item[0], types.FloatType) or \
            isinstance(item[0], types.IntType):
         elif isinstance(item[0], na.ndarray):
             toReshape = item[0].shape
             x_vals = (item[0].ravel())
         colsToReturn = []
         for col in item[1:]:
             if isinstance(col, types.StringType):
     elif isinstance(item, types.FloatType) or \
          isinstance(item, types.IntType):
         colsToReturn = arange(1, len(self.cols))
     elif isinstance(item, na.ndarray):
         toReshape = item.shape
         x_vals = item.ravel()
         colsToReturn = arange(1, len(self.cols))
     elif isinstance(item, types.ListType):
         colsToReturn = arange(1, len(self.cols))
     elif isinstance(item, types.StringType):
         return self.columns[:, self.cols[item]]
         raise exceptions.TypeError()
     colsToReturn = na.array(colsToReturn, 'int32')
     valsToReturn = na.zeros((len(x_vals), len(colsToReturn)), 'float64')
     x_axis = self.columns[:, 0]
     x_vals_arr = na.array(x_vals, 'float64')
     PointCombine.Interpolate(x_axis, self.columns, x_vals_arr,
                              valsToReturn, colsToReturn)
     if toReshape != None:
         if len(colsToReturn == 1):
             valsToReturn = na.reshape(valsToReturn, toReshape)
             newShape = list(toReshape)
             valsToReturn = na.reshape(valsToReturn, newShape)
     return valsToReturn
    def write(self, address, data):
        DebugOut('Memory.write(%s, data)' % (address))
        'Arguments are the address and a string.'

        if (type(data) != types.StringType):

            raise exceptions.TypeError('Data must be a string.')

        offset = address - self.__address

        DebugOut( 'self.__address: %s' % self.__address )
        DebugOut( 'offset: %s' % offset )
        DebugOut( 'len(data): %s' % len(data))
        #DebugOut( 'len(self): %s' % len(self))
        if (((offset + len(data) - 1) >= len(self)) or (offset < 0)):
            raise exceptions.ValueError('Request is not within memory boundary.')

        self.__data[offset : offset + len(data)] = list(data)
 def __init__(self,
     if not isinstance(seqname, (types.StringType, types.NoneType)):
         raise exceptions.TypeError("seqname needs to be string")
     self.frame = frame
     self.alphabet = alphabet
     if location is None:
         self.seqname = seqname
         self.start = start
         self.end = end
         self.strand = strand
         self.seqname = location.seqname
         self.start = location.start() + 1
         self.end = location.end() + 1
         self.strand = location.complement
 def __init__(self, writer=None, serializer=None, delim=None):
     self.writer = writer or stdout.write
     self.serializer = serializer or str
     self.delim = delim or '\n'
     if not callable(self.writer):
         raise exceptions.TypeError('%r is not callable.' % self.writer)
文件: jsonenv.py 项目: sssst315/beah
def RAISE(key, value):
    raise exceptions.TypeError("env[%s] = %r is not a string." % (key, value))
 def proc_obj(self, obj):
     raise exceptions.TypeError("Not a list or a tuple", obj)
    def __init__(self, graph, four_cycles=[], separator='', edges_ordered=[]):
        if not (isinstance(graph, FlexRiGraph) or 'FlexRiGraph' in str(type(graph))):
            raise exceptions.TypeError('The graph must be of the type FlexRiGraph.')
        self._graph = graph

        if four_cycles == []:
            self._four_cycles = self._graph.four_cycles(only_with_NAC=True) 
            self._four_cycles = four_cycles

        if not self._graph.are_NAC_colorings_named():

#        -----Polynomial Ring for leading coefficients-----
        ws = []
        zs = []
        lambdas = []
        ws_latex = []
        zs_latex = []
        lambdas_latex = []
        if edges_ordered==[]:
            edges_ordered = self._graph.edges(labels=False)
            if (Set([self._edge2str(e) for e in edges_ordered]) !=
                Set([self._edge2str(e) for e in self._graph.edges(labels=False)])):
                raise ValueError('The provided ordered edges do not match the edges of the graph.')

        for e in edges_ordered:
            ws.append('w' + self._edge2str(e))
            zs.append('z' + self._edge2str(e))
            lambdas.append('lambda' + self._edge2str(e))
            ws_latex.append('w_{' + self._edge2str(e).replace('_', separator) + '}')
            zs_latex.append('z_{' + self._edge2str(e).replace('_', separator) + '}')
            lambdas_latex.append('\\lambda_{' + self._edge2str(e).replace('_', separator) + '}')

        self._ringLC = PolynomialRing(QQ, names=lambdas+ws+zs) #, order='lex')
        self._ringLC._latex_names = lambdas_latex + ws_latex + zs_latex
        self._ringLC_gens = self._ringLC.gens_dict()

        self._ring_lambdas = PolynomialRing(QQ, names=lambdas + ['u'])
        self._ring_lambdas._latex_names = lambdas_latex + ['u']
        self._ring_lambdas_gens = self._ring_lambdas.gens_dict()
        self.aux_var = self._ring_lambdas_gens['u']
        xs = []
        ys = []
        xs_latex = []
        ys_latex = []
        for v in self._graph.vertices():
            xs.append('x' + str(v))
            ys.append('y' + str(v))
            xs_latex.append('x_{' + str(v) + '}')
            ys_latex.append('y_{' + str(v) + '}')
        self._ring_coordinates = PolynomialRing(QQ, names=lambdas+xs+ys)
        self._ring_coordinates._latex_names = lambdas_latex + xs_latex + ys_latex
        self._ring_coordinates_gens = self._ring_coordinates.gens_dict()
#        ----Ramification-----
#         if len(self._graph.NAC_colorings()) > 1: 
        self._ring_ramification = PolynomialRing(QQ,
                                                 [col.name() for col in self._graph.NAC_colorings()],
#         else:
#             self._ring_ramification = PolynomialRing(QQ, self._graph.NAC_colorings()[0].name())
        self._ring_ramification_gens = self._ring_ramification.gens_dict()
        self._restriction_NAC_types = self.NAC_coloring_restrictions()

#        -----Graph of 4-cycles-----
        self._four_cycle_graph = Graph([self._four_cycles,[]], format='vertices_and_edges')

        for c1, c2 in Subsets(self._four_cycle_graph.vertices(), 2):
            intersection = self.cycle_edges(c1, sets=True).intersection(self.cycle_edges(c2, sets=True))
            if len(intersection)>=2 and len(intersection[0].intersection(intersection[1]))==1:
                common_vert = intersection[0].intersection(intersection[1])[0]
                self._four_cycle_graph.add_edge(c1, c2, common_vert)

#        -----Cycle with orthogonal diagonals due to NAC-----
        self._orthogonal_diagonals = {
                delta.name(): [cycle for cycle in self._four_cycle_graph if delta.cycle_has_orthogonal_diagonals(cycle)]
                for delta in self._graph.NAC_colorings()}