 def auth(self):
     if settings.BASIC_AUTH_USER and settings.BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD:
         return settings.BASIC_AUTH_USER, settings.BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD,
         raise ConfigurationError(
             "settings.BASIC_AUTH_USER and settings.BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD must be set."
    def _send_request(self, url):
        Make the tracking API request, return the request body

        :param url: TODO
        :type url: str
        :raises: ConfigurationError if the API URL was not set
        :rtype: str
        if self.api_url == '':
            raise ConfigurationError('API URL not set')
        parsed = urlparse.urlparse(self.api_url)
        url = "%s://%s%s?%s" % (parsed.scheme, parsed.netloc, parsed.path, url)
        request = urllib2.Request(url)
        request.add_header('User-Agent', self.user_agent)
        request.add_header('Accept-Language', self.accept_language)
        if not self.cookie_support:
            self.request_cookie = ''
        elif self.request_cookie != '':
            #print 'Adding cookie', self.request_cookie
            request.add_header('Cookie', self.request_cookie)

        response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
        #print response.info()
        body = response.read()
        # The cookie in the response will be set in the next request
        #for header, value in response.getheaders():
        #    # TODO handle cookies
        #    # set cookie to la
        #	# in case several cookies returned, we keep only the latest one
        #    # (ie. XDEBUG puts its cookie first in the list)
        #    #print header, value
        #    self.request_cookie = ''
        return body
    def get_driver_dir(self):
        if 'driver_dir' not in self.__config:
            raise ConfigurationError(
                "Missing parameter in toml configuration file: key 'driver_dir'"

        return self.__config['driver_dir']
    def get_crossref_mail(self):
        if not ('crossref' in self.__config
                and 'mail_to' in self.__config['crossref']):
            raise ConfigurationError(
                "Missing parameter in toml configuration file: Table 'crossref', key 'mail_to'"

        return self.__config['crossref']['mail_to']
    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        """Set the value of a configuration parameter.

        :arg key: The parameter to set
        :arg value: The value to set it to.

        .. note::
           Some configuration parameters are read-only in which case
           attempting to set them raises an error, see
           :attr:`Configuration.READONLY` for details of which.
        if key in Configuration.READONLY and key in self._set and value != self[key]:
            raise ConfigurationError("%s is read only" % key)
        if key in Configuration.DEFAULTS:
            valid_type = Configuration.DEFAULTS[key][1]
            if not isinstance(value, valid_type):
                raise ConfigurationError("Values for configuration key %s must be of type %r, not %r"
                                         % (key, valid_type, type(value)))
        self._conf[key] = value
    def get_notify(self):
        if 'mail_from' not in self.__config['notify']:
            raise ConfigurationError(
                "Missing parameter in toml configuration file: Table 'notify', key 'mail_from'"

        if 'mail_pass' not in self.__config['notify']:
            raise ConfigurationError(
                "Missing parameter in toml configuration file: Table 'notify', key 'mail_pass'"

        if 'mail_host' not in self.__config['notify']:
            raise ConfigurationError(
                "Missing parameter in toml configuration file: Table 'notify', key 'mail_host'"

        if 'mail_to' not in self.__config['notify']:
            raise ConfigurationError(
                "Missing parameter in toml configuration file: Table 'notify', key 'mail_to'"

        return self.__config['notify']['mail_from'], self.__config['notify']['mail_pass'], \
            self.__config['notify']['mail_host'], self.__config['notify']['mail_to']
def span_of_current_open() -> Dict[str, any]:
    current_span = span_from_today()
    duration = current_span["duration_months"]

        assert duration >= settings.OPEN_MONTHS
    except AssertionError as e:
        raise ConfigurationError("OPEN_MONTHS") from e

    start_of_open = span(current_span["start"],
                         shift=duration - settings.OPEN_MONTHS)

    return {"start": start_of_open["start"], "end": current_span["end"]}
    def get_query_string(self):
        Return the query string

        :raises: ConfigurationError if the API URL was not set
        :rtype: str
        if self.api_url is None:
            raise ConfigurationError("API URL not set")
        if len(self.p):
            qs = self.api_url
            qs += '?'
            qs += urllib.urlencode(self.p)
        return qs
    def set_plugins(self, **kwargs):
        Set supported plugins

        >>> piwiktrackerinstance.set_plugins(flash=True)

        See KNOWN_PLUGINS keys for valid values.

        :param kwargs: A plugin: version dict, e.g. {'java': 6}, see also
        :type kwargs: dict of {str: int}
        :rtype: None
        for plugin, version in kwargs.iteritems():
            if plugin not in self.KNOWN_PLUGINS.keys():
                raise ConfigurationError("Unknown plugin %s, please use one "
                                         "of %s" %
                                         (plugin, self.KNOWN_PLUGINS.keys()))
            self.plugins[self.KNOWN_PLUGINS[plugin]] = int(version)
文件: gui.py 项目: sylwekb/AutoMama
 def google_key(self):
     key = os.getenv("AUTOMAMA_GOOGLE_API_KEY")
     if key is None:
         raise ConfigurationError(
             "AUTOMAMA_GOOGLE_API_KEY env variable is not set.")
     return key