    def edit(self, text_format, text, file='', safety_belt=''):
        """ Update the document.

        To add webDav support, we need to check if the content is locked, and if
        so return ResourceLockedError if not, call _edit.

        Note that this method expects to be called from a web form, and so
        disables header processing
        if not self._safety_belt_update(safety_belt=safety_belt):
            msg = _(u'Intervening changes from elsewhere detected. '
                    u'Please refetch the document and reapply your changes. '
                    u'(You may be able to recover your version using the '
                    u"browser 'back' button, but will have to apply them to "
                    u'a freshly fetched copy.)')
            raise EditingConflict(msg)
        if file and (type(file) is not type('')):
            contents = file.read()
            if contents:
                text = contents
        if html_headcheck(text) and text_format.lower() != 'plain':
            text = bodyfinder(text)
    def _edit(self, text, text_format='', safety_belt=''):
        """ Edit the Document and cook the body.
        if not self._safety_belt_update(safety_belt=safety_belt):
            msg = ("Intervening changes from elsewhere detected."
                   " Please refetch the document and reapply your changes."
                   " (You may be able to recover your version using the"
                   " browser 'back' button, but will have to apply them"
                   " to a freshly fetched copy.)")
            raise EditingConflict(msg)

        self.text = text

        if not text_format:
            text_format = self.text_format
        if text_format == 'html':
            self.cooked_text = text
        elif text_format == 'plain':
            self.cooked_text = html_quote(text).replace('\n', '<br />')
            self.cooked_text = HTML(text, level=self._stx_level, header=0)