def test_args(self,d): path = d.write('','\n'.join(( "import sys", "print sys.argv", )),path=True) compare(("[%r, 'x=1', '--y=2', 'a', 'b']\n" % path,0), both(sys.executable+' '+path+' x=1 --y=2 a b'))
def test_popen_params(self): m = Mock() m.Popen.return_value = m.Popeni m.Popeni.communicate.return_value=('','') with Replacer() as r: r.replace('execute.Popen',m.Popen) both('something') compare(m.method_calls,[ ('Popen', ('something',), {'cwd': None, 'shell': True, 'stderr': STDOUT, 'stdout': PIPE, 'universal_newlines': True}), ('Popeni.communicate', (), {}) ])
def test_out_and_err(self,d): # without the flushes, the order comes out wrong path = d.write('','\n'.join(( "import sys", "sys.stdout.write('stdout\\n')", "sys.stdout.flush()", "sys.stderr.write('stderr\\n')", "sys.stderr.flush()", "sys.stdout.write('stdout2\\n')", "sys.stdout.flush()", )),path=True) compare(('stdout\nstderr\nstdout2\n',0), both(sys.executable+' '+path))
def test_working_directory(self,d): dir = d.makedir('a_dir',path=True) path = d.write('','\n'.join(( "import os", "print os.getcwd()", )),path=True) # tempdirs on Mac OS X give a different path # after you've os.chdir's into them! cur = os.getcwd() try: os.chdir(dir) expected = os.getcwd()+'\n',0 finally: os.chdir(cur) compare(expected, both(sys.executable+' '+path,cwd=dir))