class EvalFmtTest(HasEvaluableFields):
    """Test class for HasEvaluableFields.

    fmt1 = Unicode('+{fmt1}').tag(fmt=True)

    fmt2 = Unicode('+{fmt2}').tag(fmt=False)

    feval1 = Unicode('2*{feval1}').tag(feval=Feval(store_global=True))

    feval2 = Unicode(FORMULA).tag(feval=Feval(types=(int, float)))

    feval3 = Unicode('').tag(feval=SkipEmpty(types=int))

    def format_error_id(self, member):
        return member

    def format_global_vars_id(self, member):
        return member
class GaussienDerivativeShape(AbstractShape):
    """ Basic gaussian pulse with a variable amplitude.


    amplitude = Str('1.0').tag(pref=True, feval=Feval(types=Real))

    width = Str('').tag(pref=True, feval=Feval(types=Real))

    def eval_entries(self, root_vars, sequence_locals, missing, errors):
        """ Evaluate the amplitude of the pulse.

        root_vars : dict
            Global variables. As shapes and modulation cannot update them an
            empty dict is passed.

        sequence_locals : dict
            Known locals variables for the pulse sequence.

        missing : set
            Set of variables missing to evaluate some entries in the sequence.

        errors : dict
            Errors which occurred when trying to compile the pulse sequence.

        result : bool
            Flag indicating whether or not the evaluation succeeded.

        res = super(GaussienDerivativeShape,
                    self).eval_entries(root_vars, sequence_locals, missing,

        if res:
            if not -1.0 <= self._cache['amplitude'] <= 1.0:
                msg = 'Shape amplitude must be between -1 and 1.'
                errors[self.format_error_id('amplitude')] = msg
                res = False
        return res

    def compute(self, time, unit):
        """ Computes the shape of the pulse at a given time.

        time : ndarray
            Times at which to compute the modulation.

        unit : str
            Unit in which the time is expressed.

        shape : ndarray
            Amplitude of the pulse.

        amp = self._cache['amplitude']
        sigma = self._cache['width']
        t0 = (time[0] + time[-1]) / 2
        pulse_shape = [
            -(t - t0) / (time[-1] - time[0]) * 4 * amp *
            np.exp(-(t - t0)**2 / 2 / sigma**2) for t in time
        return np.asarray(pulse_shape)
class GaussianEdgeShape(AbstractShape):
    """ Basic gaussian edge pulse with a variable amplitude.


    amplitude = Str('1.0').tag(pref=True, feval=Feval(types=Real))

    edge_width = Str('').tag(pref=True, feval=Feval(types=Real))

    def eval_entries(self, root_vars, sequence_locals, missing, errors):
        """ Evaluate the amplitude of the pulse.

        root_vars : dict
            Global variables. As shapes and modulation cannot update them an
            empty dict is passed.

        sequence_locals : dict
            Known locals variables for the pulse sequence.

        missing : set
            Set of variables missing to evaluate some entries in the sequence.

        errors : dict
            Errors which occurred when trying to compile the pulse sequence.

        result : bool
            Flag indicating whether or not the evaluation succeeded.

        res = super(GaussianEdgeShape,
                    self).eval_entries(root_vars, sequence_locals, missing,

        if res:
            if not -1.0 <= self._cache['amplitude'] <= 1.0:
                msg = 'Shape amplitude must be between -1 and 1.'
                errors[self.format_error_id('amplitude')] = msg
                res = False
        return res

    def compute(self, time, unit):
        """ Computes the shape of the pulse at a given time.

        time : ndarray
            Times at which to compute the modulation.

        unit : str
            Unit in which the time is expressed.

        shape : ndarray
            Amplitude of the pulse.

        out = np.ones(len(time))
        c = self._cache['edge_width'] / (2 * np.sqrt(2 * np.log(2)))
        gaussian = np.exp(
            -np.square(time - time[0] - 2 * self._cache['edge_width']) /
            (2 * c**2))
        out[time - time[0] <= self._cache['edge_width'] *
            2] = gaussian[time - time[0] <= self._cache['edge_width'] * 2]
        out[time - time[0] >= len(time) - self._cache['edge_width'] *
            2] = gaussian[(time - time[0] > self._cache['edge_width'] * 2) *
                          (time - time[0] <= self._cache['edge_width'] * 4)]

        return self._cache['amplitude'] * out
class SechShape(AbstractShape):
    """ Basic sech pulse with a variable amplitude.


    amplitude = Str('1.0').tag(pref=True, feval=Feval(types=Real))

    width = Str('').tag(pref=True, feval=Feval(types=Real))

    def eval_entries(self, root_vars, sequence_locals, missing, errors):
        """ Evaluate the amplitude of the pulse.

        root_vars : dict
            Global variables. As shapes and modulation cannot update them an
            empty dict is passed.

        sequence_locals : dict
            Known locals variables for the pulse sequence.

        missing : set
            Set of variables missing to evaluate some entries in the sequence.

        errors : dict
            Errors which occurred when trying to compile the pulse sequence.

        result : bool
            Flag indicating whether or not the evaluation succeeded.

        res = super(SechShape, self).eval_entries(root_vars, sequence_locals,
                                                  missing, errors)

        if res:
            if not -1.0 <= self._cache['amplitude'] <= 1.0:
                msg = 'Shape amplitude must be between -1 and 1.'
                errors[self.format_error_id('amplitude')] = msg
                res = False
        return res

    def compute(self, time, unit):
        """ Computes the shape of the pulse at a given time.

        time : ndarray
            Times at which to compute the modulation.

        unit : str
            Unit in which the time is expressed.

        shape : ndarray
            Amplitude of the pulse.

        # The sqrt(pi/2) factor is so that the fft of sec(x/sigma) is sec(x*sigma)
        return self._cache['amplitude'] / np.cosh(
            (time - (time[0] + time[-1]) / 2.0) * np.sqrt(np.pi / 2) /