def prediction_function_krigging(xnew, y, xmat, theta_vec, p_vec): R = exp_kernel.kernel_mat(xmat, theta_vec, p_vec) Rinv = cho_inv.cholesky_inv(R) beta_hat = pred.beta_est(y, Rinv) rx = exp_kernel.kernel_rx(xmat, xnew, theta_vec, p_vec) y_hat = pred.y_est(rx, y, Rinv, beta_hat) return y_hat
def complete_acq_func(xmat, xnew, y, Rinv, beta_hat, theta, p, acq_func): """ Generate acquisition function for optimization with possibility to change easily of acquisition function Args: xmat (numpy.ndarray) : the data points, shape = (n, k) xnew (numpy.ndarray) : the new data point, shape = (k, ) y (numpy.ndarray) : y, shape=(n, 1) Rinv (numpy.ndarray) : Inverse of R, shape=(n, n) beta_hat(float) : estimation of beta on the data of xmat theta (numpy.ndarray) : vector of theta params, one by dim, shape = (k, ) p (numpy.ndarray) : powers used to compute the distance, one by dim, shape = (k, ) acq_func : Instance of one of the classes in file Returns: scipy.optimize.optimize.OptimizeResult. The result of optimization """ rx = exp_kernel.kernel_rx(xmat, xnew, theta, p) hat_y = pred.y_est(rx, y, Rinv, beta_hat) hat_sigma = np.power(pred.sigma_sqr_est(y, rx, Rinv, beta_hat), 0.5) # print("xnew") # print(xnew) if == "EI": fmin = np.min(y) acq_func.set_fmin(fmin) return acq_func.evaluate(hat_y, hat_sigma)
def EI(xnew, xtest, y, Rinv, beta_hat, theta_vec, p_vec, function2Bmin): # Si on prend ta logique de code, on va devoir recoder toutes les # Fonctions pour chaque fonction d'acquisition, clairement sous optimal # Cf mon fichier acquisition max # Reprend sa logique quand tu t'y remettras f_min = fmin(y) # Ici ce n'est pas la bonne formule pour y_hat puisque # meme si ce n'est pas vraiment le cas ici, l'article traite # de la minimization de "expensive" functions # Donc c'est un peu de la triche d'evaluer la fonction # A chaque nouveau point que l'on se propose... # Le role de l'expected improvement est justement de savoir ou on # va evaluer la fonction pour eviter l'evaluation explicite # Donc il faut reprendre la formule de l'article pour l'estimation de # y(xnew) y_hat = function2Bmin(xnew) rx = exp_kernel.kernel_rx(xtest, xnew, theta_vec, p_vec) sigma_hat = math.sqrt(pred.sigma_sqr_est(y, rx, Rinv, beta_hat)) if sigma_hat == 0: EI = 0 else: z = (f_min - y_hat) / sigma_hat EI = float((f_min - y_hat) * stats.norm.cdf(z) + sigma_hat * stats.norm.pdf(z)) print(EI) print(type(EI)) return EI
def pred_means_stds(x_grid, xmat, y, Rinv, beta_hat, theta, p): gp_means = np.zeros(shape=x_grid.shape) gp_stds = np.zeros(shape=x_grid.shape) for i in range(0, x_grid.shape[0]): rx = exp_kernel.kernel_rx(xmat, np.array([x_grid[i]]), theta, p) y_hat = y_est(rx, y, Rinv, beta_hat) sig_hat = np.sqrt(sigma_sqr_est(y, rx, Rinv, beta_hat)) gp_means[i] = y_hat gp_stds[i] = sig_hat return gp_means, gp_stds
import acquisition_functions as af import bayesian_optimization as bo import prediction_formulae as pred import math #Test for gp_tools n = 10 xtest = np.random.rand(n, 2) theta_vec = [1, 1] p_vec = [1, 1] #R = gp_tools.kernel_mat_2d(xtest, theta_vec, p_vec) R = exp_kernel.kernel_mat(xtest, theta_vec, p_vec) print(R) xnew = np.random.rand(2) rx = exp_kernel.kernel_rx(xtest, xnew, theta_vec, p_vec) print(rx) image = test_func.mystery_vec(xnew) #Test for test_func y = np.zeros((n, 1)) for i in range(0, n): y[i, 0] = test_func.mystery_vec(xtest[i, :]) print(y) #Test for cho_inv #Rinv = cho_inv.cholesky_inv(R) #print(, R))