def callback(msg, ar_tags):
    for i in range(0, len(msg.transforms)):
        # YOUR CODE HERE
        # The code should look at the transforms for each AR tag
        # Then compute the rigid body transform between AR0 and AR1,
        # AR0 and ARZ, AR1 and ARZ
        #  hint: use the functions you wrote in exp_quat_func

        #note:callback gets called for every message, not every packet of 3.

        #extract tag ID
        tag = msg.transforms[i].child_frame_id
        #extract rotation quaternion as an nd array
        rotation_msg = msg.transforms[i].transform.rotation
        rotation_quaternion = np.array(
            [rotation_msg.x, rotation_msg.y, rotation_msg.z, rotation_msg.w])
        #compute omega, theta, of the quaternion.
        omega, theta = eqf.quaternion_to_exp(rotation_quaternion)
        #extract translation as nd array
        translation_msg = msg.transforms[i].transform.translation
        translation = np.array(
            [translation_msg.x, translation_msg.y, translation_msg.z])
        #compute transform from camera to AR tag.
        tag_transform = eqf.create_rbt(omega, theta, translation)
        ar_tag_name = ar_tags[tag]
        most_recent_transforms[ar_tag_name] = tag_transform
        #insert tag_transform into the dictionary tags
        print("Read tag " + str(tag))

    if len(most_recent_transforms) is not 3:
        print("ERROR: Tags is not the right length (3)")
        g0 = most_recent_transforms['ar0']
        g1 = most_recent_transforms['ar1']
        g2 = most_recent_transforms['ar2']

        g01 = eqf.compute_gab(g0, g1)
        g02 = eqf.compute_gab(g0, g2)
        g12 = eqf.compute_gab(g1, g2)

        print("g01 is ")
        print("g02 is ")
        print("g12 is ")
        print("  ")
def callback(msg, ar_tags):
    for i in range(0, len(msg.transforms)):

        # YOUR CODE HERE
        # The code should look at the transforms for each AR tag
        # Then compute the rigid body transform between AR0 and AR1, 
        # AR0 and ARZ, AR1 and ARZ
        #  hint: use the functions you wrote in exp_quat_func
        #  note: you can change anything in this function to get it working
        #  note: you may want to save the last known position of the AR tag

        #lkp[msg.transforms[i].child_frame_id] = 0 # position / orientation
        id = msg.transforms[i].child_frame_id
        if id not in ar_tags.values(): continue
        quat = msg.transforms[i].transform.rotation
        trans = msg.transforms[i].transform.translation
        x = quat.x
        y = quat.y
        z = quat.z
        w = quat.w
        omega, theta = eqf.quaternion_to_exp(np.array([x,y,z,w]))
        g=eqf.create_rbt(omega, theta, np.array([trans.x, trans.y, trans.z]))

        lkp[msg.transforms[i].child_frame_id] = g # position / orientation
    print seen
    if len(lkp) == 3:
    	for j1 in lkp:
    		for j2 in lkp:
    			if j1 != j2:
                            print(eqf.compute_gab(lkp[j1], lkp[j2]))
def callback(msg, ar_tags):
    for i in range(0, len(msg.transforms)):
        # YOUR CODE HERE
        # The code should look at the transforms for each AR tag
        # Then compute the rigid body transform between AR0 and AR1, 
        # AR0 and ARZ, AR1 and ARZ
        #  hint: use the functions you wrote in exp_quat_func
        #note:callback gets called for every message, not every packet of 3.

        #extract tag ID
        tag = msg.transforms[i].child_frame_id
        #extract rotation quaternion as an nd array
        rotation_msg = msg.transforms[i].transform.rotation        
        rotation_quaternion = np.array([rotation_msg.x, rotation_msg.y, rotation_msg.z, rotation_msg.w])
        #compute omega, theta, of the quaternion.
        omega, theta = eqf.quaternion_to_exp(rotation_quaternion)
        #extract translation as nd array
        translation_msg = msg.transforms[i].transform.translation
        translation = np.array([translation_msg.x, translation_msg.y, translation_msg.z])
        #compute transform from camera to AR tag.
        tag_transform = eqf.create_rbt(omega,theta,translation)
        ar_tag_name = ar_tags[tag]
        most_recent_transforms[ar_tag_name] = tag_transform
        #insert tag_transform into the dictionary tags
        print("Read tag " + str(tag))
    if len(most_recent_transforms) is not 3:
        print("ERROR: Tags is not the right length (3)")
        g0 = most_recent_transforms['ar0']
        g1 = most_recent_transforms['ar1']
        g2 = most_recent_transforms['ar2']

        g01 = eqf.compute_gab(g0,g1)
        g02 = eqf.compute_gab(g0,g2)
        g12 = eqf.compute_gab(g1,g2)

        print("g01 is ")
        print("g02 is ")
        print("g12 is ")
        print("  ")
def callback(msg, ar_tags):
    for i in range(0, len(msg.transforms)):

        # YOUR CODE HERE
        # The code should look at the transforms for each AR tag
        # Then compute the rigid body transform between AR0 and AR1, 
        # AR0 and ARZ, AR1 and ARZ
        #  hint: use the functions you wrote in exp_quat_func
        #  note: you can change anything in this function to get it working
        #  note: you may want to save the last known position of the AR tag

        lkp[msg.transforms[i].child_frame_id] = msg.transforms[i].transform # position / orientation
        # print lkp
    tag_name = lkp.keys()
    marker1_pose = lkp['ar_marker_0']
    marker1_rot = np.array([marker1_pose.rotation.x, marker1_pose.rotation.y,marker1_pose.rotation.z, marker1_pose.rotation.w])
    marker1_trans = np.array([marker1_pose.translation.x, marker1_pose.translation.y,marker1_pose.translation.z])
    marker1_exp = eqf.quaternion_to_exp(marker1_rot)
    marker1_rbt = eqf.create_rbt(marker1_exp[0], marker1_exp[1], marker1_trans)

    marker2_pose = lkp['ar_marker_1']
    marker2_rot = np.array([marker2_pose.rotation.x, marker2_pose.rotation.y,marker2_pose.rotation.z, marker2_pose.rotation.w])
    marker2_trans = np.array([marker2_pose.translation.x, marker2_pose.translation.y,marker2_pose.translation.z])
    marker2_exp = eqf.quaternion_to_exp(marker2_rot)
    marker2_rbt = eqf.create_rbt(marker2_exp[0], marker2_exp[1], marker2_trans)

    marker3_pose = lkp['ar_marker_17']
    marker3_rot = np.array([marker3_pose.rotation.x, marker3_pose.rotation.y,marker3_pose.rotation.z, marker3_pose.rotation.w])
    marker3_trans = np.array([marker3_pose.translation.x, marker3_pose.translation.y,marker3_pose.translation.z])
    marker3_exp = eqf.quaternion_to_exp(marker3_rot)
    marker3_rbt = eqf.create_rbt(marker3_exp[0], marker3_exp[1], marker3_trans)

    g01 = eqf.compute_gab(marker1_rbt,marker2_rbt)
    g02 = eqf.compute_gab(marker1_rbt,marker3_rbt)
    g12 = eqf.compute_gab(marker2_rbt,marker3_rbt)
    print ('rot between tag 0 and 1')
    print g01
    print ('rot between tag 0 and 2')
    print g02
    print ('rot between tag 1 and 2')
    print g12
def rel_rbt(a_t, a_r, b_t, b_r):
    rbt_a = quat_to_rbt(a_t, a_r)
    rbt_b = quat_to_rbt(b_t, b_r)
    return eqf.compute_gab(rbt_a, rbt_b)
 # twist = None
 # trans = np.array([[1],[0],[0]])
 # tnew = np.array([[0],[1],[0]])
 # rot = np.array([[0],[0],[0],[1]])
 # rw_cur = Transform(Vector3(trans[0], trans[1], trans[2]),Quaternion(rot[0], rot[1], rot[2], rot[3]))
 # print rw_cur
 # rw_des = Transform(Vector3(tnew[0], tnew[1], tnew[2]),Quaternion(rot[0], rot[1], rot[2], rot[3]))
 # rw_cur = np.array([[1,0,0,0],[0,1,0,1],[0,0,1,0],[0,0,0,1]])
 # rw_des = np.array([[1,0,0,1],[0,1,0,0],[0,0,1,0],[0,0,0,1]])
 o1, t1 = eqf.quaternion_to_exp(np.array([rw_cur.rotation.x, rw_cur.rotation.y, rw_cur.rotation.z, rw_cur.rotation.w]))
 o2, t2 = eqf.quaternion_to_exp(np.array([rw_des.rotation.x, rw_des.rotation.y, rw_des.rotation.z, rw_des.rotation.w]))
 print 'blah' + str([rw_des.rotation.x, rw_des.rotation.y, rw_des.rotation.z, rw_des.rotation.w])
 # print 'o2' + str(o2)
 rb_cur = eqf.create_rbt(o1, t1, np.array([rw_cur.translation.x, rw_cur.translation.y, rw_cur.translation.z]))
 rb_des = eqf.create_rbt(o2, t2, np.array([rw_des.translation.x, rw_des.translation.y, rw_des.translation.z]))
 homogeneous = eqf.compute_gab(rb_cur,rb_des)
 print 'h**o'+str(homogeneous)
 trans = homogeneous[0:3,3]
 # (omega,theta) = eqf.find_omega_theta(homogeneous[0:2,0:2])
 # try:
 #     (trans, rot) = listener.lookupTransform(rw_des, rw_cur, rospy.Time(0))
 # except:
 #     print "not enough"
 #     continue
 twist = [[0,0,0], [0,0,0]]
 unfound = True
 print 'trans'+str(trans)
 if trans[0]**2+ trans[1]**2+ trans[2]**2 < .01:
     pub.publish(Twist(Vector3(0,0,0), Vector3(0,0,0)))
     # print 'twist'+str(twist[0][0]**2+ twist[0][1]**2+ twist[0][2]**2)
     pub_state.publish(doneWith(True, rw_des.translation.x, rw_des.translation.y))