def setUp(self): """ Load up a DB for the OM. Create a client to talk to the OM. """ call_env_command(test_settings.OM_PROJECT_DIR, "flush", interactive=False) self.om_env = Env(test_settings.OM_PROJECT_DIR) self.om_env.switch_to() from openflow.optin_manager.dummyfv.models import DummyFV from openflow.optin_manager.xmlrpc_server.models import FVServerProxy from openflow.optin_manager.users.models import UserProfile, Priority from django.contrib.auth.models import User # Create the clearinghouse user username = "******" password = "******" u = User.objects.create(username=username) u.set_password(password) profile = UserProfile.get_or_create_profile(u) profile.is_clearinghouse_user = True self.om_client = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy( SCHEME + "://%s:%s@%s:%s/xmlrpc/xmlrpc/" % ( username, password, test_settings.HOST, test_settings.OM_PORT ) ) #create admin user: use this to look at DBs through admin interface username = "******" password = "******" u = User.objects.create_superuser(username, "*****@*****.**", password) profile = UserProfile.get_or_create_profile(u) profile.is_net_admin = True profile.supervisor = u profile.max_priority_level = Priority.Aggregate_Admin profile.admin_position = "Stanford Aggregate Admin" # Create dummy FVs for i in range(test_settings.NUM_DUMMY_FVS): fv = DummyFV.objects.create() # Load up a fake topology in the Dummy FV fv.populateTopology(10, 20, use_random=test_settings.USE_RANDOM) # create fake users for the Dummy FV username = "******" % i password = "******" u = User.objects.create(username=username) u.set_password(password) # Create the FV proxy connection FVServerProxy.objects.create( name="Flowvisor %s" % i, username=username, password=password, url = "test://%s:%s/dummyfv/%s/xmlrpc/" % ( test_settings.HOST, 8000,, ), )
def setUp(self): """ Load the DB fixtures for the AM (running using Apache). Create an xml-rpc client to talk to the AM Proxy through GAPI. Run the test Expedient, and create client to talk to it. """ import time, httplib, os call_env_command(settings.CH_PROJECT_DIR, "flush", interactive=False) call_env_command(settings.CH_PROJECT_DIR, "syncdb", interactive=False) logger.debug("setup started") # now we can import django stuff from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from django.conf import settings as djangosettings from openflow.plugin.models import OpenFlowAggregate self.assertEqual(OpenFlowAggregate.objects.all().count(), 0) self.create_users() self.browser = Browser() self.browser.login(get_base_url(reverse("auth_login")), username="******", password="******") self.setup_dummy_oms() # store the trusted CA dir self.before = os.listdir(djangosettings.XMLRPC_TRUSTED_CA_PATH) # Create the ssl certificates cmd = "make -C %s" % settings.SSL_DIR run_cmd(cmd).wait() # add the certificate to apache's certificate dir try: os.unlink(join(settings.APACHE_CERTS_DIR, "test-ca.crt")) except OSError as e: if "Errno 2" in "%s" % e: pass else: raise os.symlink(os.path.abspath(join(settings.SSL_DIR, "ca.crt")), join(settings.APACHE_CERTS_DIR, "test-ca.crt"))"make -C %s" % settings.APACHE_CERTS_DIR)) # run the CH kill_old_procs(settings.GCH_PORT, settings.GAM_PORT) cmd = "python %s -u %s -r %s -c %s -k %s -p %s --debug -H" % ( join(settings.GCF_DIR, ""), join(settings.SSL_DIR, "experimenter.crt"), join(settings.SSL_DIR, "certs"), join(settings.SSL_DIR, "ch.crt"), join(settings.SSL_DIR, "ch.key"), settings.GCH_PORT, ) self.ch_proc = run_cmd(cmd, pause=True) # # run the AM proxy # cmd = "python %s -r %s -c %s -k %s -p %s -u %s --debug -H" % ( # join(settings.GCF_DIR, ""), # join(settings.SSL_DIR, "certs"), # join(settings.SSL_DIR, "server.crt"), # join(settings.SSL_DIR, "server.key"), # settings.GAM_PORT, # SCHEME + "://%s:%s/openflow/gapi/" % (settings.HOST, settings.CH_PORT), # ) # self.am_proc = run_cmd(cmd, pause=True) ch_host = "%s:%s" % (settings.HOST, settings.GCH_PORT) cert_transport = SafeTransportWithCert( keyfile=join(settings.SSL_DIR, "experimenter.key"), certfile=join(settings.SSL_DIR, "experimenter.crt")) self.ch_client = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy("https://" + ch_host + "/", transport=cert_transport) am_host = "%s:%s" % (settings.HOST, settings.CH_PORT) cert_transport = SafeTransportWithCert( keyfile=join(settings.SSL_DIR, "experimenter.key"), certfile=join(settings.SSL_DIR, "experimenter.crt")) self.am_client = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy("https://" + am_host + "/openflow/gapi/", transport=cert_transport) logger.debug("setup done")
def prepare_om(self, proj_dir, flowvisor, ch_username, ch_passwd): """ Flush the OM DB and add a flowvisor and user for the CH """ call_env_command(proj_dir, "flush", interactive=False) self.om_env = Env(proj_dir) self.om_env.switch_to() from django.contrib.auth.models import User from openflow.optin_manager.users.models import UserProfile from openflow.optin_manager.xmlrpc_server.models import FVServerProxy from openflow.optin_manager.xmlrpc_server.ch_api import om_ch_translate from openflow.optin_manager.opts.models import AdminFlowSpace, UserFlowSpace import random # Create the Expedient user u = User.objects.create(username=ch_username) u.set_password(ch_passwd) profile = UserProfile.get_or_create_profile(u) profile.is_clearinghouse_user = True # make a normal user on system username = "******" password = "******" u = User.objects.create(username=username, is_active=True) u.set_password(password) # assign flowspace to the user random.seed(0) self.user_ip_src_s = random.randint(0,0x80000000) & 0xFFFF0000 self.user_ip_src_e = random.randint(0x80000000,0xFFFFFFFF) & 0xFFFF0000 fields=["dl_src","dl_dst","vlan_id","tp_src","tp_dst"] random.shuffle(fields) (to_str,from_str,width,om_name,of_name) = om_ch_translate.attr_funcs[fields[0]] self.user_field_name = om_name self.user_field_s = random.randint(0,2**(width)-3) self.user_field_e = self.user_field_s + 1 # assign full flowspace to admin: username = "******" password = "******" adm = User.objects.create(username=username, is_superuser=True, is_staff=True, is_active=True) adm.set_password(password) profile = UserProfile.get_or_create_profile(adm) profile.is_net_admin = True profile.supervisor = adm profile.max_priority_level = 7000 AdminFlowSpace.objects.create(user=adm) # assign flowspace to user ufs = UserFlowSpace(user=u, ip_src_s=self.user_ip_src_s, ip_src_e=self.user_ip_src_e,approver=adm) setattr(ufs,"%s_s"%self.user_field_name,self.user_field_s) setattr(ufs,"%s_e"%self.user_field_name,self.user_field_e) # Create the FV proxy connection fv = FVServerProxy( name="Flowvisor", username=flowvisor["username"], password=flowvisor["password"], url="https://%s:%s/xmlrpc" % ( flowvisor["host"], flowvisor["xmlrpc_port"], ), verify_certs=False, ) self.om_client = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy( SCHEME+"://%s:%s@%s:%s/xmlrpc/xmlrpc/" % ( ch_username, ch_passwd, test_settings.HOST, test_settings.OM_PORT, ) ) self.om_env.switch_from()
def setUp(self): """ Load the DB fixtures for the AM (running using Apache). Create an xml-rpc client to talk to the AM Proxy through GAPI. Run the test Expedient, and create client to talk to it. """ import time, httplib, os call_env_command(settings.CH_PROJECT_DIR, "flush", interactive=False) call_env_command(settings.CH_PROJECT_DIR, "syncdb", interactive=False) logger.debug("setup started") # now we can import django stuff from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from django.conf import settings as djangosettings from openflow.plugin.models import OpenFlowAggregate self.assertEqual(OpenFlowAggregate.objects.all().count(), 0) self.create_users() self.browser = Browser() self.browser.login(get_base_url(reverse("auth_login")), username="******", password="******") self.setup_dummy_oms() # store the trusted CA dir self.before = os.listdir(djangosettings.XMLRPC_TRUSTED_CA_PATH) # Create the ssl certificates cmd = "make -C %s" % settings.SSL_DIR run_cmd(cmd).wait() # add the certificate to apache's certificate dir try: os.unlink(join(settings.APACHE_CERTS_DIR, "test-ca.crt")) except OSError as e: if "Errno 2" in "%s" % e: pass else: raise os.symlink( os.path.abspath(join(settings.SSL_DIR, "ca.crt")), join(settings.APACHE_CERTS_DIR, "test-ca.crt") )"make -C %s" % settings.APACHE_CERTS_DIR)) # run the CH kill_old_procs(settings.GCH_PORT, settings.GAM_PORT) cmd = "python %s -u %s -r %s -c %s -k %s -p %s --debug -H" % ( join(settings.GCF_DIR, ""), join(settings.SSL_DIR, "experimenter.crt"), join(settings.SSL_DIR, "certs"), join(settings.SSL_DIR, "ch.crt"), join(settings.SSL_DIR, "ch.key"), settings.GCH_PORT, ) self.ch_proc = run_cmd(cmd, pause=True) # # run the AM proxy # cmd = "python %s -r %s -c %s -k %s -p %s -u %s --debug -H" % ( # join(settings.GCF_DIR, ""), # join(settings.SSL_DIR, "certs"), # join(settings.SSL_DIR, "server.crt"), # join(settings.SSL_DIR, "server.key"), # settings.GAM_PORT, # SCHEME + "://%s:%s/openflow/gapi/" % (settings.HOST, settings.CH_PORT), # ) # self.am_proc = run_cmd(cmd, pause=True) ch_host = "%s:%s" % (settings.HOST, settings.GCH_PORT) cert_transport = SafeTransportWithCert( keyfile=join(settings.SSL_DIR, "experimenter.key"), certfile=join(settings.SSL_DIR, "experimenter.crt")) self.ch_client = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy( "https://"+ch_host+"/", transport=cert_transport) am_host = "%s:%s" % (settings.HOST, settings.CH_PORT) cert_transport = SafeTransportWithCert( keyfile=join(settings.SSL_DIR, "experimenter.key"), certfile=join(settings.SSL_DIR, "experimenter.crt")) self.am_client = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy( "https://"+am_host+"/openflow/gapi/", transport=cert_transport) logger.debug("setup done")