    def test_exploration_class(self):
        """Test the Exploration class."""
        exploration = Exploration(id='The exploration hash id')

        # A new exploration should have a default title property.
        self.assertEqual(exploration.title, 'New exploration')

        # A new exploration should have a default is_public property.
        self.assertEqual(exploration.is_public, False)

        # An Exploration must have properties 'category' and 'init_state' set.
        with self.assertRaises(BadValueError):
        exploration.category = 'The category'
        with self.assertRaises(BadValueError):

        # The 'init_state' property must be a valid State.
        with self.assertRaises(BadValueError):
            exploration.init_state = 'The State'
        state = State(id='The state hash id')
        exploration.init_state = state.key

        # The 'states' property must be a list.
        with self.assertRaises(BadValueError):
            exploration.states = 'A string'
        # TODO(emersoj): We should put the initial state in the states list it should not be empty
        exploration.states = []

        # The 'states property must be a list of State keys.
        with self.assertRaises(BadValueError):
            exploration.states = ['A string']
        with self.assertRaises(BadValueError):
            exploration.states = [state]
        exploration.states = [state.key]

        # The 'parameters' property must be a list of Parameter objects.
        with self.assertRaises(BadValueError):
            exploration.parameters = 'A string'
        exploration.parameters = []
        parameter = Parameter(name='theParameter', obj_type='Int')
        with self.assertRaises(BadValueError):
            exploration.parameters = [parameter.key]
        exploration.parameters = [parameter]

        # The 'is_public' property must be a boolean.
        with self.assertRaises(BadValueError):
            exploration.is_public = 'true'
        exploration.is_public = True

        # The 'image_id' property must be a string.
        image = Image(id='The image')
        with self.assertRaises(BadValueError):
            exploration.image_id = image
        with self.assertRaises(BadValueError):
            exploration.image_id = image.key
        exploration.image_id = 'A string'

        # The 'editors' property must be a list of User objects.
        with self.assertRaises(BadValueError):
            exploration.editors = 'A string'
        exploration.editors = []
        with self.assertRaises(BadValueError):
            exploration.editors = ['A string']
        user = User(email='*****@*****.**')
        exploration.editors = [user]

        # Put and Retrieve the exploration.
        retrieved_exploration = Exploration.get_by_id('The exploration hash id')
        self.assertEqual(retrieved_exploration.category, 'The category')
        self.assertEqual(retrieved_exploration.init_state, state.key)
        self.assertEqual(retrieved_exploration.title, 'New exploration')
        self.assertEqual(retrieved_exploration.states, [state.key])
        self.assertEqual(retrieved_exploration.parameters, [parameter])
        self.assertEqual(retrieved_exploration.is_public, True)
        self.assertEqual(retrieved_exploration.image_id, 'A string')
        self.assertEqual(retrieved_exploration.editors, [user])

        # The Exploration class has a 'create' class method.
        exploration2 = Exploration.create(user, 'A title', 'A category', 'A exploration_id')

        # The Exploration class has a 'get' class method.
        retrieved_exploration2 = Exploration.get('A exploration_id')
        self.assertEqual(exploration2, retrieved_exploration2)

        # An Exploration has a 'delete' method.
        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
            retrieved_exploration2 = Exploration.get('A exploration_id')
        # The get() should fail silently when strict == False.
        retrieved_exploration2 = Exploration.get(
            'A exploration_id', strict=False)

        # An Exploration has a 'is_demo_exploration' method.
        demo = Exploration(id='0')
        self.assertEqual(demo.is_demo_exploration(), True)
        notdemo1 = Exploration(id='a')
        self.assertEqual(notdemo1.is_demo_exploration(), False)
        notdemo2 = Exploration(id='abcd')
        self.assertEqual(notdemo2.is_demo_exploration(), False)

        # Ad Exploration has a 'as_yaml' method.
        exploration3 = Exploration.create(user, 'A title', 'A category', 'A different exploration_id')
        self.assertEqual(exploration3.as_yaml(), """Activity 1:
  content: []
  param_changes: []
    - name: submit
      - dest: Activity 1
        feedback: []
        inputs: {}
        name: Default
        param_changes: []
    params: {}
    sticky: false
    widget_id: Continue