class Exporter:
    """A convenient class to export the scenes to web programmatically

    NO_ERROR = None

    def __init__(self, iface=None, settingsPath=None):
        """ Constructor.

      :param iface: If specified, mapSettings attribute is initialized with the map settings of the map canvas.
                    The iface.legendInterface() is used to export vector layers in the same order as the legend.
      :type iface: QgisInterface
      :param settingsPath: Path to an existing settings file (.qto3settings).
      :type settingsPath: unicode
        self.iface = iface
        self.mapSettings = None

        # create an export settings object
        self.settings = ExportSettings()
        if settingsPath:

        if iface:

    def setExtent(self, center, width, height, rotation=0):
        """ Set map extent to export settings.

    This is a convenience method to set map extent to export settings.
    Map settings should be set before this method is called.

    :param center: Center of the map extent in the map CRS.
    :type center: QgsPoint
    :param width: Width of the map extent in unit of the map CRS.
    :type width: float
    :param height: Height of the map extent in unit of the map CRS.
    :type height: float
    :param rotation: Rotation in degrees. Requires QGIS version 2.8 or later.
    :type rotation: float
        if self.mapSettings is None:
            self.mapSettings = QgsMapSettings()

        if rotation:
            rect = RotatedRect(center, width, height, rotation)
            rect = QgsRectangle(center.x() - width / 2,
                                center.y() - height / 2,
                                center.x() + width / 2,
                                center.y() + height / 2)


    def setMapSettings(self, mapSettings):
        """Set map settings to export settings.

    Map settings is used to define base extent of the export and render a map canvas image.

    :param mapSettings: Map settings to be set.
    :type mapSettings: QgsMapSettings
        self.mapSettings = mapSettings

    def export(self, htmlPath, openBrowser=False):
        """Do export.

    :param htmlPath: Output HTML file path.
    :type htmlPath: unicode
    :param openBrowser: If True, open the exported page using default web browser.
    :type openBrowser: bool

    :returns: Exporter.NO_ERROR if success. Otherwise returns error message.
    :rtype: None or unicode.

        # check validity of export settings
        err_msg = self.settings.checkValidity()
        if err_msg:
            return err_msg

        ret = exportToThreeJS(
            self.iface.legendInterface() if self.iface else None)
        if not ret:
            return "Failed to export (Unknown error)"

        if openBrowser:

        return Exporter.NO_ERROR
class Exporter:
  """A convenient class to export the scenes to web programmatically

  NO_ERROR = None

  def __init__(self, iface=None, settingsPath=None):
    """ Constructor.

      :param iface: If specified, mapSettings attribute is initialized with the map settings of the map canvas.
                    The iface.legendInterface() is used to export vector layers in the same order as the legend.
      :type iface: QgisInterface
      :param settingsPath: Path to an existing settings file (.qto3settings).
      :type settingsPath: unicode
    self.iface = iface
    self.mapSettings = None

    # create an export settings object
    self.settings = ExportSettings()
    if settingsPath:

    if iface:

  def setExtent(self, center, width, height, rotation=0):
    """ Set map extent to export settings.

    This is a convenience method to set map extent to export settings.
    Map settings should be set before this method is called.

    :param center: Center of the map extent in the map CRS.
    :type center: QgsPoint
    :param width: Width of the map extent in unit of the map CRS.
    :type width: float
    :param height: Height of the map extent in unit of the map CRS.
    :type height: float
    :param rotation: Rotation in degrees. Requires QGIS version 2.8 or later.
    :type rotation: float
    if self.mapSettings is None:
      self.mapSettings = QgsMapSettings()

    if rotation:
      rect = RotatedRect(center, width, height, rotation)
      rect = QgsRectangle(center.x() - width / 2, center.y() - height / 2,
                          center.x() + width / 2, center.y() + height / 2)


  def setMapSettings(self, mapSettings):
    """Set map settings to export settings.

    Map settings is used to define base extent of the export and render a map canvas image.

    :param mapSettings: Map settings to be set.
    :type mapSettings: QgsMapSettings
    self.mapSettings = mapSettings

  def export(self, htmlPath, openBrowser=False):
    """Do export.

    :param htmlPath: Output HTML file path.
    :type htmlPath: unicode
    :param openBrowser: If True, open the exported page using default web browser.
    :type openBrowser: bool

    :returns: Exporter.NO_ERROR if success. Otherwise returns error message.
    :rtype: None or unicode.

    # check validity of export settings
    err_msg = self.settings.checkValidity()
    if err_msg:
      return err_msg

    ret = exportToThreeJS(self.settings, self.iface.legendInterface() if self.iface else None)
    if not ret:
      return "Failed to export (Unknown error)"

    if openBrowser:

    return Exporter.NO_ERROR