    def _C__value(self):
        mt = self.mt # fails, recursion in self.delegate computation -- why? related to parent AttributeError: win? must be.
            ###e NEED BETTER ERROR MESSAGE from exception when computing self.mt by formula from caller.
            # It did have the attrerror, but buried under (and then followed by) too much other stuff (not stopping) to notice.
        node = self.node
        pixmap = mt.get_pixmap_for_dragging_nodes('move', [node]) # (drag_type, nodes); method defined in TreeWidget.py
            #e includes "moving n items", need to make it leave that out if I pass None for drag_type
        print pixmap # <constants.qt.QPixmap object at 0x10fbc2a0>
        #e make Image (texture) from pixmap -- how?
        # - pass the pixmap into ImageUtils somehow (won't be hard, could go in in place of the filename)
        # - worry about how it works in our texture-caching key (won't be hard)
        # - teach ImageUtils how to get a PIL image or equivalent data from it -- requires learning about QPixmap, image formats
        # MAYBE NOT WORTH IT FOR NOW, since I can get the icons anyway, and for text I'd rather have a Qt-independent path anyway,
        # if I can find one -- tho I predict I'll eventually want this one too, so we can make GL text look the same as Qt text.
        # Note: PixelGrabber shows how to go in the reverse direction, from GL to Qt image.
        # Guess: QPixmap or QImage docs will tell me a solution to this. So when I want nice text it might be the quickest way.
        # (Also worth trying PIL's builtin text-image makers, but I'm not sure if we have them in NE1 even tho we have PIL.)
        # The other way is to grab actual screenshots (of whatever) and make my own font-like images. Not ideal, re user-reconfig
        # of font or its size!
        # Here are hints towards using Qt: turn it into QImage, which boasts
        # "The QImage class provides a hardware-independent pixmap representation with direct access to the pixel data."
        # and then extract the data -- not yet known how much of this PyQt can do.
        # - QImage QPixmap::convertToImage () const
        ##uchar * QImage::scanLine ( int i ) const
        ##Returns a pointer to the pixel data at the scanline with index i. The first
        ##scanline is at index 0.
        ##The scanline data is aligned on a 32-bit boundary.
        ##Warning: If you are accessing 32-bpp image data, cast the returned pointer
        ##to QRgb* (QRgb has a 32-bit size) and use it to read/write the pixel value.
        ##You cannot use the uchar* pointer directly, because the pixel format depends
        ##on the byte order on the underlying platform. Hint: use qRed(), qGreen() and
        ##qBlue(), etc. (qcolor.h) to access the pixels.

        image = pixmap.convertToImage()
        print image # <constants.qt.QImage object at 0x10fe1900>

        print "scanlines 0 and 1 are", image.scanLine(0), image.scanLine(1)
            # <sip.voidptr object at 0x5f130> <sip.voidptr object at 0x5f130> -- hmm, same address
        print "image.bits() is",image.bits() # image.bits() is <sip.voidptr object at 0x5f130> -- also same address

        print "\n*** still same address when all collected at once?:" # no. good.
        objs = [image.scanLine(0), image.scanLine(1), image.bits()]
        for obj in objs:
            print obj
        # but what can i do with a <sip.voidptr object>? Can Python buffers help?? Can PIL use it somehow??
        # Or do I have to write a C routine? Or can I pass it directly to OpenGL as texture data, if I get the format right?
        # Hmm, maybe look for Qt/OpenGL example code doing this, even if in C. ##e
        _value = Image( "notfound")
        env = self.env
        ipath = self.ipath
        return _value._e_eval( env, ('v', ipath)) # 'v' is wrong, self.env is guess
class _height_dragger(DelegatingInstanceOrExpr):
    # args
    #e coordsystem? for now let x/y be the way it spreads, z be the height
    height_ref = Arg(StateRef, doc="stateref to a height variable")
    # appearance/behavior
    #e should draw some "walls" too, and maybe limit the height
    # note: the following sets up a cyclic inter-Instance ref ( drag_handler -> delegate -> drag_handler);
    # it works since the actual refs are symbolic (getattr_Expr(_self, 'attr'), not evalled except when used).
    drag_handler = Instance(
        xxx_drag_behavior(_self._delegate, height_ref,
                          Ray(ORIGIN, DX)))  ### DX for initial test, then DZ
    # note: passing _self._delegate (not _self.delegate) fixed my "undiagnosed bug".
    delegate = DraggableObject(
        ),  ###e needs an option to be visible from both sides (default True, probably)
        ##        constrain_delta = _self.constrain_delta, ###IMPLEM constrain_delta in DraggableObject
        ##        delta_stateref = height_ref ###IMPLEM delta_stateref [done] (and rename it); and change this to make height_ref a number not vector;
        ##e and maybe include the constraint in that transform, since it seems implicit in it anyway. ####HOW in semantics?
        # ... = PropertyRef(DZ * height_ref.value, Set( height_ref.value, project_onto_unit_vector( _something, DZ ))
        # ... = TransformStateRef( height_ref, ... ) # funcs? or formula in terms of 1 or 2 vars? with a chance at solving it?? ##e
    ##    def constrain_delta(self, delta):
    ##        not yet - called
    ##        return project_onto_unit_vector( delta, DZ)
class _height_dragger_3(DelegatingInstanceOrExpr):
    # args
    height_ref = Arg(StateRef, doc = "stateref to a height variable")
    direction = Arg(Vector)
    sbar_text = Option(str, "_height_dragger_3")
    range = Option(tuple_Expr, None, doc = "range limit of height")
    # appearance/behavior
    #e should draw some "walls" too, and maybe limit the height
    drag_handler = Instance( DragBehavior_AlongLine(
        ## Ray(ORIGIN, DX) # works
        ## Ray(ORIGIN, DZ) # works, but only if you trackball it (as expected)...
        ## Ray(ORIGIN, direction) # fails -- Ray is an ordinary class, not an expr! ###FIX
        call_Expr(Ray, ORIGIN, direction), # this workaround fixes it for now.
            # (in prior commit it didn't fix it, but only because of a typo in the testexpr defs
            #  in tests.py, which meant I passed DZ when I thought I passed DX.)
        range = range
        ### NOTE: drag_handler is also being used to compute the translation from the height, even between drags.
    delegate = Overlay(
                Image("blueflake.png"), ###e needs an option to be visible from both sides (default True, probably)
                drag_handler._translation ###k ok?? only if that thing hangs around even in between drags, i guess!
                    #e #k not sure if this code-commoning is good, but it's tempting. hmm.
            sbar_text = sbar_text,
            behavior = drag_handler
        Translate(Rect(2), direction * -0.01),
        Line(ORIGIN, ORIGIN + direction * height_ref.value, white)
class PixelTester(
        InstanceOrExpr, DelegatingMixin
):  # ought to be InstanceMacro but trying this alternate style just to see it
    # args
    testexpr = Arg(Widget2D)  # instantiated right here, hope that's ok
    testname = Arg(str)  # required for now, used to form filename
    # value
    filename = format_Expr("/tmp/%s.jpg", testname)
    delegate = SimpleColumn(
            "saved image from PRIOR session, in blue box"
        ),  # kluge: execute this first, so we read file before writing it
        TextRect("live widget, in purple box"),
        Boxed(bordercolor=purple)(PixelGrabber(testexpr, filename)),

        ##e and put current session image here, for comparison, or put top on in a tab control for flicker test
    pass  # end of class PixelTester

# ==

# exprs for images

# overlay image (command-specific icon)

# This draws a 22 x 22 icon in the upper left corner of the glpane.
# I need to be able to change the origin of the icon so it can be drawn at
# a different location inside the confirmation corner, but I cannot
# figure out how to do this. I will discuss with Bruce soon. -Mark 2008-03-23

_overlay_image = Image(convert = 'RGBA', 
                       decal = False, 
                       blend = True,
                       #ideal_width = 22, 
                       #ideal_height = 22,
                       size = Rect(22 * PIXELS))

from exprs.transforms import Translate
from exprs.Exprs import V_expr
from exprs.Rect import Spacer

def _expr_for_overlay_imagename(imagename, dx = 0, dy = 0):
    # WARNING: this is not optimized (see comment for _expr_for_imagename()).
    image_expr = _overlay_image( imagename )
        # NOTE: If the desired dx,dy depends on other settings,
        # like whether one or two CC buttons are shown,
        # then it's simplest to make more variants of this expr,
        # with dx, dy hardcoded differently in each one.
        # Or if that's not practical, let me know and I'll