def showTree(self): self.ftree = Tree(self) self.treeVis = True self.ftree.resize(80,430) self.treeSplit.addWidget(self.ftree)
def showTree(self): self.ftree = Tree(self) self.treeVis = True self.ftree.resize(80, 430) self.treeSplit.addWidget(self.ftree)
class mainWindow(QMainWindow): """Class for the main window that contains the tabs, editor, terminal, etc.""" def __init__(self, parent = None): super(mainWindow, self).__init__(parent) config.filename = "Untitled" self.tabNum = 0 self.treeVis = False self.termVis = False config.docList = [] self.edit = Editor() self.editDict = {"edit1":self.edit} = QTabWidget(self) self.initUI() def writeSettings(self): settings = QSettings() font = settings.setValue("Editor/font", QVariant(config.font.toString())) term = settings.setValue("mainWindow/term", QVariant(self.termVis)) tree = settings.setValue("mainWindow/tree", QVariant(self.treeVis)) pDir = settings.setValue("fileTree/proDir", QVariant(config.proDir)) def readSettings(self): # The default fonts represented as a toString() list DEFAULT_FONT = str(",12,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0" settings = QSettings() if config.font.fromString(settings.value("Editor/font", QVariant(DEFAULT_FONT),type=str)): #config.lexer.setDefaultColor(QColor("Black")) config.lexer.setFont(config.font) self.termVis = settings.value("mainWindow/term", QVariant(False),type=bool) self.treeVis = settings.value("mainWindow/tree", QVariant(False),type=bool) config.proDir = settings.value("fileTree/proDir",type=str) def initActions(self): self.newAction = QAction("New Window",self) self.newAction.setShortcut("Ctrl+N") self.newAction.triggered.connect( self.newTabAction = QAction("New Tab",self) self.newTabAction.setShortcut("Ctrl+T") self.newTabAction.triggered.connect(self.newTab) self.openAction = QAction("Open file",self) self.openAction.setShortcut("Ctrl+O") self.openAction.triggered.connect(self.openFile) self.saveAction = QAction("Save",self) self.saveAction.setShortcut("Ctrl+S") self.saveAction.triggered.connect(self.saveFile) self.saveasAction = QAction("Save As",self) self.saveasAction.setShortcut("Ctrl+Shift+S") self.saveasAction.triggered.connect(self.saveFileAs) self.cutAction = QAction("Cut",self) self.cutAction.setShortcut("Ctrl+X") self.cutAction.triggered.connect(lambda cut: self.getEditor( self.copyAction = QAction("Copy",self) self.copyAction.setShortcut("Ctrl+C") self.copyAction.triggered.connect(lambda copy: self.getEditor( self.pasteAction = QAction("Paste",self) self.pasteAction.setShortcut("Ctrl+V") self.pasteAction.triggered.connect(lambda paste: self.getEditor( self.undoAction = QAction("Undo",self) self.undoAction.setShortcut("Ctrl+Z") self.undoAction.triggered.connect(lambda undo: self.getEditor( self.redoAction = QAction("Redo",self) self.redoAction.setShortcut("Ctrl+Y") self.redoAction.triggered.connect(lambda redo: self.getEditor( self.aboutAction = QAction("About Codex",self) self.aboutAction.triggered.connect(self.about) self.noLexAct = QAction("Plain Text",self) self.noLexAct.triggered.connect(lambda noLex: self.getEditor(\ setLexer(QsciLexerText())) self.termAct = QAction("Terminal",self) self.termAct.setCheckable(True) self.termAct.triggered.connect(self.toggleTerm) self.treeAct = QAction("File Tree",self) self.treeAct.setCheckable(True) self.treeAct.triggered.connect(self.toggleTree) self.toggleIntAct = QAction("Indentation Guides",self) self.toggleIntAct.triggered.connect(self.toggleIntGuide) self.toggleIntAct.setCheckable(True) self.toggleIntAct.setChecked(True) self.toggleLNAct = QAction("Line Numbers",self) self.toggleLNAct.triggered.connect(self.toggleLN) self.toggleLNAct.setCheckable(True) self.toggleLNAct.setChecked(True) self.FRAct = QAction("Find and Replace",self) self.FRAct.triggered.connect( self.FRAct.setShortcut("Ctrl+F") self.fontAct = QAction("Choose Font",self) self.fontAct.triggered.connect(self.chooseFont) self.dirAct = QAction("Choose Project Directory",self) self.dirAct.triggered.connect(self.setProDir) def getEditor(self, index): if index == 0: return self.editDict.get("edit1") else: return self.editDict.get(("edit"+str(index))) def getCurrentFile(self): return config.docList[] # returns tuple (?) def initMenubar(self): menubar = self.menuBar() file = menubar.addMenu("File") edit = menubar.addMenu("Edit") self.lang = menubar.addMenu("Languages") view = menubar.addMenu("View") about = menubar.addMenu("About") self.initLexers() file.addAction(self.newAction) file.addAction(self.newTabAction) file.addAction(self.openAction) file.addAction(self.saveAction) file.addAction(self.saveasAction) file.addSeparator() file.addAction(self.fontAct) file.addAction(self.dirAct) edit.addAction(self.undoAction) edit.addAction(self.redoAction) edit.addSeparator() edit.addAction(self.copyAction) edit.addAction(self.cutAction) edit.addAction(self.pasteAction) edit.addAction(self.FRAct) view.addAction(self.termAct) view.addAction(self.toggleIntAct) view.addAction(self.toggleLNAct) view.addAction(self.treeAct) about.addAction(self.aboutAction) def lessTabs(self): self.tabNum = self.tabNum - 1 try: #print config.docList config.docList.remove(config.docList[]) except: if len(config.docList) == 0: pass finally: if self.tabNum < 1: self.newTab() else: #print self.tabNum def initTabs(self): # Set up the tabs # Needed for Mac self.setUnifiedTitleAndToolBarOnMac(True) # Automatically make new tabs contain an editor widget"edit1"), config.filename) self.termSplit.addWidget( def initUI(self): # Create first qsplitter for sidebar self.treeSplit = QSplitter() self.treeSplit.setOrientation(Qt.Horizontal) # Create second qsplitter (Allows split screen for terminal) self.termSplit = QSplitter() self.termSplit.setOrientation(Qt.Vertical) # Add a termSplit to the treeSplit self.treeSplit.addWidget(self.termSplit) self.setCentralWidget(self.treeSplit) # Create everything else self.initTabs() self.initActions() self.initMenubar() # Create terminal widget and automatically hide it because otherwise # it will awkwardly hover in the corner self.term = Terminal() #self.term.hide() # x and y coordinates on the screen, width, height self.setGeometry(100,100,800,630) self.setWindowTitle("Codex") # Move up to the parent directory and set the window icons. # Without os.path it will look for icons in src/ self.setWindowIcon(QIcon(os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__)) + "/icons/256x256/codex.png")) # Open any documents that were open before closing and restore settings QTimer.singleShot(0,self.loadDocs) self.readSettings() # Show the terminal/tree if necessary. self.loadTermAndTree() # If there are no documents to load set the language as plain text # If there are documents to load guess lexers for them if len(config.docList) == 0: self.getEditor(self.tabNum).setLang(QsciLexerText()) self.noLexAct.setChecked(True) else: self.guessLexer() # Set font self.getEditor( def initLexers(self): # Dict that maps lexer actions to their respective strings self.lexActs = {} langGrp = QActionGroup(self.lang) langGrp.setExclusive(True) self.lang.addAction(self.noLexAct) self.noLexAct.setCheckable(True) #self.noLexAct.setChecked(True) self.noLexAct.setActionGroup(langGrp) self.lang.addSeparator() languages = sorted(config.LEXERS.keys()) for i in languages: langAct = self.lang.addAction(i) langAct.setCheckable(True) langAct.setActionGroup(langGrp) self.lexActs[langAct] = i langGrp.triggered.connect(lambda lex: self.getEditor(self.tabNum+1).setLang(self.lexActs.get(lex))) def guessLexer(self): try: x = config.docList[] n, e = os.path.basename(x).lower().split(".") if e == "sh" or e == "bsh": self.getEditor(self.tabNum).setLang("Bash") elif e == "cmd" or e == "bat" or e == "btm" or e == "nt": self.getEditor(self.tabNum).setLang("Batch") elif e == "cmake" or e == "cmakelists": self.getEditor(self.tabNum).setLang("CMake") elif e == "cpp" or e == "cxx" or e == "cc" or e == "c" or e == "h"\ or e == "hh" or e == "hpp": self.getEditor(self.tabNum).setLang("C++") elif e == "cs": self.getEditor(self.tabNum).setLang("C#") elif e == "css": self.getEditor(self.tabNum).setLang("CSS") elif e == "d": self.getEditor(self.tabNum).setLang("D") elif e == "diff" or e == "patch": self.getEditor(self.tabNum).setLang("Diff") elif e == "f90" or e == "f95" or e == "f2k" or e == "f03" or e == "f15": self.getEditor(self.tabNum).setLang("Fortran") elif e == "f" or e == "for": self.getEditor(self.tabNum).setLang("Fortran77") elif e == "html" or e == "htm": self.getEditor(self.tabNum).setLang("HTML") elif e == "java": self.getEditor(self.tabNum).setLang("Java") elif e == "js": self.getEditor(self.tabNum).setLang("JavaScript") elif e == "lua": self.getEditor(self.tabNum).setLang("Lua") elif e == "mak" or n == "gnumakefile" or n == "makefile": self.getEditor(self.tabNum).setLang("Makefile") elif e == "m": self.getEditor(self.tabNum).setLang("MATLAB") elif e == "pas" or e == "inc": self.getEditor(self.tabNum).setLang("Pascal") elif e == "ps": self.getEditor(self.tabNum).setLang("PostScript") elif e == "pov" or e == "tga": self.getEditor(self.tabNum).setLang("POV-Ray") elif e == "py" or e == "pyw": self.getEditor(self.tabNum).setLang("Python") #print "p" elif e == "rb" or e == "rbw": self.getEditor(self.tabNum).setLang("Ruby") elif e == "cir": self.getEditor(self.tabNum).setLang("Spice") elif e == "sql": self.getEditor(self.tabNum).setLang("SQL") elif e == "tcl": self.getEditor(self.tabNum).setLang("TCL") elif e == "tex": self.getEditor(self.tabNum).setLang("TeX") elif e == "v" or e == "sv" or e == "vh" or e == "svh": self.getEditor(self.tabNum).setLang("Verilog") elif e == "vhd" or e == "vhdl": self.getEditor(self.tabNum).setLang("VHDL") elif e == "xml" or e == "xsl" or e == "xsml" or e == "xsd" or \ e == "kml" or e == "wsdl" or e == "xlf" or e == "xliff": self.getEditor(self.tabNum).setLang("XML") elif e == "yml": self.getEditor(self.tabNum).setLang("YML") except (ValueError, IndexError): self.lexer = QsciLexerText() self.lexer.setDefaultFont(config.font) self.lexer.setDefaultColor(QColor("Black")) self.getEditor(self.tabNum).setLexer(self.lexer) self.noLexAct.setChecked(True) def new(self): main = mainWindow() def open(self): index = if(self.file != ('', '')): with open(self.file, "rt") as f: if self.tabNum >= 1: self.newEditor() #print "t", os.path.basename(str(self.file))) self.getEditor(self.tabNum).setText( if self.tabNum == 0: self.tabNum = 1, os.path.basename(str(self.file))) #print(self.tabNum) self.getEditor(self.tabNum).setText( # Try to guess the lexer based on extension self.guessLexer() # Not really sure where else to put this self.getEditor( self.getEditor(self.tabNum).textChanged.connect(self.unsaved) def newEditor(self): self.tabNum+=1 # Add a new entry to the dict and map it an editor object self.editDict["edit"+str(self.tabNum)] = Editor(), os.path.basename(str(self.file))) #print "o" def openFile(self): self.file = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, 'Open File',".")[0] try: config.docList.append(str(self.file)) #print "k" except AttributeError: config.docList.append(str(self.file)) #print "h" def loadDocs(self): fh = None if not os.access(".open.p", os.F_OK): return else: try: fh =".open.p", "rb") config.docList = pickle.load(fh) for x in config.docList: self.file = x except (IOError, OSError): #print e return finally: if fh is not None: fh.close() def save(self): # Save the file as plain text with open(self.getCurrentFile(), "wt") as file: file.write(self.getEditor( # Note that changes to the document are saved self.edit.setModified(False) # Set the tab title to filename, os.path.basename(str(self.getCurrentFile()))) def saveDocs(self): try: fh =".open.p", "wb") pickle.dump(config.docList, fh, 2) except (IOError, OSError) as e: raise e finally: if fh: fh.close() def saveFile(self): # Only open if it hasn't previously been saved if len(config.docList) != 0: if self.getCurrentFile() == "Untitled": config.docList[] = \ QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, 'Save File') else: config.docList.append(QFileDialog.getSaveFileName (self, 'Save File')) def saveFileAs(self): config.filename = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, 'Save File') def unsaved(self): if self.getEditor(, os.path.basename(self.getCurrentFile()+"*")) def about(self): QMessageBox.about(self, "About Codex", "<p>Codex is a text editor for programmers " \ "made with PyQt5 and QScintilla.</p>" ) def toggleTabs(self): state = state) def newTab(self): self.tabNum+=1 # Add a new entry to the dict and map it to an editor object self.editDict["edit"+str(self.tabNum)] = Editor(), "Untitled") self.guessLexer() self.getEditor( def showTerm(self): self.termVis = True self.termSplit.addWidget(self.term) self.term.resize(800,40) self.term.setFont(config.font) def hideTerm(self): self.termVis = False self.term.hide() def toggleTerm(self): self.hideTerm() if self.termVis else self.showTerm() def showTree(self): self.ftree = Tree(self) self.treeVis = True self.ftree.resize(80,430) self.treeSplit.addWidget(self.ftree) def hideTree(self): self.treeVis = False self.ftree.close() def toggleTree(self): self.hideTree() if self.treeVis else self.showTree() def loadTermAndTree(self): if self.treeVis: self.showTree() self.treeAct.setChecked(True) else: self.treeVis = False self.treeAct.setChecked(False) if self.termVis: self.showTerm() self.termAct.setChecked(True) else: self.termVis = False self.termAct.setChecked(False) def toggleIntGuide(self): state = self.edit.indentationGuides() self.edit.setIndentationGuides(not state) def toggleLN(self): state = self.edit.marginLineNumbers(0) self.edit.setMarginLineNumbers(0, not state) self.edit.setMarginWidth(0,0) if state == True else self.edit. \ setMarginWidth(0,self.edit.metrics.width("00000")) def fr(self): frwin = Find(self) def chooseFont(self): font, ok = QFontDialog.getFont() if ok: config.font = font try: self.getEditor( except AttributeError: self.getEditor( #print self.getEditor( self.getEditor( def setProDir(self): pdir, ok = QInputDialog.getText(self, "Set Project Directory", "Enter absolute path (i.e. "\ "/home/steve/Documents)") if ok: config.proDir = pdir #print config.proDir # This method adapted from Peter Goldsborough's Writer. # Save settings and alerts the user if they are saving an edited file. def closeEvent(self,event): self.writeSettings() self.saveDocs() if not self.edit.isModified(): event.accept() else: dialog = QMessageBox(self) dialog.setIcon(QMessageBox.Warning) dialog.setText(config.filename+" has unsaved changes.") dialog.setInformativeText("Do you want to save your changes?") dialog.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Save | QMessageBox.Cancel | QMessageBox.Discard) dialog.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox.Save) response = dialog.exec_() if response == QMessageBox.Save: elif response == QMessageBox.Discard: event.accept() else: event.ignore() def resizeEvent(self,event): # Don't try to resize a non-existant file tree try: self.ftree.treeView.resize(self.ftree.treeView.width(), self.height()) except: pass try: self.term.resize(self.width(), self.term.height()) except: pass def keyPressEvent(self,event): key = event.key() if (self.getEditor( == "bee movie"): with open("bee_movie.txt", "r") as file: script = self.getEditor(
class mainWindow(QMainWindow): """Class for the main window that contains the tabs, editor, terminal, etc.""" def __init__(self, parent=None): super(mainWindow, self).__init__(parent) config.filename = "Untitled" self.tabNum = 0 self.treeVis = False self.termVis = False config.docList = [] self.edit = Editor() self.editDict = {"edit1": self.edit} = QTabWidget(self) self.initUI() def writeSettings(self): settings = QSettings() font = settings.setValue("Editor/font", QVariant(config.font.toString())) term = settings.setValue("mainWindow/term", QVariant(self.termVis)) tree = settings.setValue("mainWindow/tree", QVariant(self.treeVis)) pDir = settings.setValue("fileTree/proDir", QVariant(config.proDir)) def readSettings(self): # The default fonts represented as a toString() list DEFAULT_FONT = str( + ",12,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0" settings = QSettings() if config.font.fromString( settings.value("Editor/font", QVariant(DEFAULT_FONT), type=str)): #config.lexer.setDefaultColor(QColor("Black")) config.lexer.setFont(config.font) self.termVis = settings.value("mainWindow/term", QVariant(False), type=bool) self.treeVis = settings.value("mainWindow/tree", QVariant(False), type=bool) config.proDir = settings.value("fileTree/proDir", type=str) def initActions(self): self.newAction = QAction("New Window", self) self.newAction.setShortcut("Ctrl+N") self.newAction.triggered.connect( self.newTabAction = QAction("New Tab", self) self.newTabAction.setShortcut("Ctrl+T") self.newTabAction.triggered.connect(self.newTab) self.openAction = QAction("Open file", self) self.openAction.setShortcut("Ctrl+O") self.openAction.triggered.connect(self.openFile) self.saveAction = QAction("Save", self) self.saveAction.setShortcut("Ctrl+S") self.saveAction.triggered.connect(self.saveFile) self.saveasAction = QAction("Save As", self) self.saveasAction.setShortcut("Ctrl+Shift+S") self.saveasAction.triggered.connect(self.saveFileAs) self.cutAction = QAction("Cut", self) self.cutAction.setShortcut("Ctrl+X") self.cutAction.triggered.connect( lambda cut: self.getEditor( self.copyAction = QAction("Copy", self) self.copyAction.setShortcut("Ctrl+C") self.copyAction.triggered.connect( lambda copy: self.getEditor( self.pasteAction = QAction("Paste", self) self.pasteAction.setShortcut("Ctrl+V") self.pasteAction.triggered.connect( lambda paste: self.getEditor( self.undoAction = QAction("Undo", self) self.undoAction.setShortcut("Ctrl+Z") self.undoAction.triggered.connect( lambda undo: self.getEditor( self.redoAction = QAction("Redo", self) self.redoAction.setShortcut("Ctrl+Y") self.redoAction.triggered.connect( lambda redo: self.getEditor( self.aboutAction = QAction("About Codex", self) self.aboutAction.triggered.connect(self.about) self.noLexAct = QAction("Plain Text", self) self.noLexAct.triggered.connect(lambda noLex: self.getEditor(\ setLexer(QsciLexerText())) self.termAct = QAction("Terminal", self) self.termAct.setCheckable(True) self.termAct.triggered.connect(self.toggleTerm) self.treeAct = QAction("File Tree", self) self.treeAct.setCheckable(True) self.treeAct.triggered.connect(self.toggleTree) self.toggleIntAct = QAction("Indentation Guides", self) self.toggleIntAct.triggered.connect(self.toggleIntGuide) self.toggleIntAct.setCheckable(True) self.toggleIntAct.setChecked(True) self.toggleLNAct = QAction("Line Numbers", self) self.toggleLNAct.triggered.connect(self.toggleLN) self.toggleLNAct.setCheckable(True) self.toggleLNAct.setChecked(True) self.FRAct = QAction("Find and Replace", self) self.FRAct.triggered.connect( self.FRAct.setShortcut("Ctrl+F") self.fontAct = QAction("Choose Font", self) self.fontAct.triggered.connect(self.chooseFont) self.dirAct = QAction("Choose Project Directory", self) self.dirAct.triggered.connect(self.setProDir) def getEditor(self, index): if index == 0: return self.editDict.get("edit1") else: return self.editDict.get(("edit" + str(index))) def getCurrentFile(self): return config.docList[] # returns tuple (?) def initMenubar(self): menubar = self.menuBar() file = menubar.addMenu("File") edit = menubar.addMenu("Edit") self.lang = menubar.addMenu("Languages") view = menubar.addMenu("View") about = menubar.addMenu("About") self.initLexers() file.addAction(self.newAction) file.addAction(self.newTabAction) file.addAction(self.openAction) file.addAction(self.saveAction) file.addAction(self.saveasAction) file.addSeparator() file.addAction(self.fontAct) file.addAction(self.dirAct) edit.addAction(self.undoAction) edit.addAction(self.redoAction) edit.addSeparator() edit.addAction(self.copyAction) edit.addAction(self.cutAction) edit.addAction(self.pasteAction) edit.addAction(self.FRAct) view.addAction(self.termAct) view.addAction(self.toggleIntAct) view.addAction(self.toggleLNAct) view.addAction(self.treeAct) about.addAction(self.aboutAction) def lessTabs(self): self.tabNum = self.tabNum - 1 try: #print config.docList config.docList.remove(config.docList[ - 1]) except: if len(config.docList) == 0: pass finally: if self.tabNum < 1: self.newTab() else: - 1) #print self.tabNum def initTabs(self): # Set up the tabs # Needed for Mac self.setUnifiedTitleAndToolBarOnMac(True) # Automatically make new tabs contain an editor widget"edit1"), config.filename) self.termSplit.addWidget( def initUI(self): # Create first qsplitter for sidebar self.treeSplit = QSplitter() self.treeSplit.setOrientation(Qt.Horizontal) # Create second qsplitter (Allows split screen for terminal) self.termSplit = QSplitter() self.termSplit.setOrientation(Qt.Vertical) # Add a termSplit to the treeSplit self.treeSplit.addWidget(self.termSplit) self.setCentralWidget(self.treeSplit) # Create everything else self.initTabs() self.initActions() self.initMenubar() # Create terminal widget and automatically hide it because otherwise # it will awkwardly hover in the corner self.term = Terminal() #self.term.hide() # x and y coordinates on the screen, width, height self.setGeometry(100, 100, 800, 630) self.setWindowTitle("Codex") # Move up to the parent directory and set the window icons. # Without os.path it will look for icons in src/ self.setWindowIcon( QIcon( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__)) + "/icons/256x256/codex.png")) # Open any documents that were open before closing and restore settings QTimer.singleShot(0, self.loadDocs) self.readSettings() # Show the terminal/tree if necessary. self.loadTermAndTree() # If there are no documents to load set the language as plain text # If there are documents to load guess lexers for them if len(config.docList) == 0: self.getEditor(self.tabNum).setLang(QsciLexerText()) self.noLexAct.setChecked(True) else: self.guessLexer() # Set font self.getEditor( def initLexers(self): # Dict that maps lexer actions to their respective strings self.lexActs = {} langGrp = QActionGroup(self.lang) langGrp.setExclusive(True) self.lang.addAction(self.noLexAct) self.noLexAct.setCheckable(True) #self.noLexAct.setChecked(True) self.noLexAct.setActionGroup(langGrp) self.lang.addSeparator() languages = sorted(config.LEXERS.keys()) for i in languages: langAct = self.lang.addAction(i) langAct.setCheckable(True) langAct.setActionGroup(langGrp) self.lexActs[langAct] = i langGrp.triggered.connect(lambda lex: self.getEditor(self.tabNum + 1). setLang(self.lexActs.get(lex))) def guessLexer(self): try: x = config.docList[ + 1] n, e = os.path.basename(x).lower().split(".") if e == "sh" or e == "bsh": self.getEditor(self.tabNum).setLang("Bash") elif e == "cmd" or e == "bat" or e == "btm" or e == "nt": self.getEditor(self.tabNum).setLang("Batch") elif e == "cmake" or e == "cmakelists": self.getEditor(self.tabNum).setLang("CMake") elif e == "cpp" or e == "cxx" or e == "cc" or e == "c" or e == "h"\ or e == "hh" or e == "hpp": self.getEditor(self.tabNum).setLang("C++") elif e == "cs": self.getEditor(self.tabNum).setLang("C#") elif e == "css": self.getEditor(self.tabNum).setLang("CSS") elif e == "d": self.getEditor(self.tabNum).setLang("D") elif e == "diff" or e == "patch": self.getEditor(self.tabNum).setLang("Diff") elif e == "f90" or e == "f95" or e == "f2k" or e == "f03" or e == "f15": self.getEditor(self.tabNum).setLang("Fortran") elif e == "f" or e == "for": self.getEditor(self.tabNum).setLang("Fortran77") elif e == "html" or e == "htm": self.getEditor(self.tabNum).setLang("HTML") elif e == "java": self.getEditor(self.tabNum).setLang("Java") elif e == "js": self.getEditor(self.tabNum).setLang("JavaScript") elif e == "lua": self.getEditor(self.tabNum).setLang("Lua") elif e == "mak" or n == "gnumakefile" or n == "makefile": self.getEditor(self.tabNum).setLang("Makefile") elif e == "m": self.getEditor(self.tabNum).setLang("MATLAB") elif e == "pas" or e == "inc": self.getEditor(self.tabNum).setLang("Pascal") elif e == "ps": self.getEditor(self.tabNum).setLang("PostScript") elif e == "pov" or e == "tga": self.getEditor(self.tabNum).setLang("POV-Ray") elif e == "py" or e == "pyw": self.getEditor(self.tabNum).setLang("Python") #print "p" elif e == "rb" or e == "rbw": self.getEditor(self.tabNum).setLang("Ruby") elif e == "cir": self.getEditor(self.tabNum).setLang("Spice") elif e == "sql": self.getEditor(self.tabNum).setLang("SQL") elif e == "tcl": self.getEditor(self.tabNum).setLang("TCL") elif e == "tex": self.getEditor(self.tabNum).setLang("TeX") elif e == "v" or e == "sv" or e == "vh" or e == "svh": self.getEditor(self.tabNum).setLang("Verilog") elif e == "vhd" or e == "vhdl": self.getEditor(self.tabNum).setLang("VHDL") elif e == "xml" or e == "xsl" or e == "xsml" or e == "xsd" or \ e == "kml" or e == "wsdl" or e == "xlf" or e == "xliff": self.getEditor(self.tabNum).setLang("XML") elif e == "yml": self.getEditor(self.tabNum).setLang("YML") except (ValueError, IndexError): self.lexer = QsciLexerText() self.lexer.setDefaultFont(config.font) self.lexer.setDefaultColor(QColor("Black")) self.getEditor(self.tabNum).setLexer(self.lexer) self.noLexAct.setChecked(True) def new(self): main = mainWindow() def open(self): index = if (self.file != ('', '')): with open(self.file, "rt") as f: if self.tabNum >= 1: self.newEditor() #print "t" + 1, os.path.basename(str(self.file))) self.getEditor(self.tabNum).setText( + 1) if self.tabNum == 0: self.tabNum = 1, os.path.basename(str(self.file))) #print(self.tabNum) self.getEditor(self.tabNum).setText( + 1) # Try to guess the lexer based on extension self.guessLexer() # Not really sure where else to put this self.getEditor( + 1).setModified(False) self.getEditor(self.tabNum).textChanged.connect(self.unsaved) def newEditor(self): self.tabNum += 1 # Add a new entry to the dict and map it an editor object self.editDict["edit" + str(self.tabNum)] = Editor(), os.path.basename(str(self.file))) #print "o" def openFile(self): self.file = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, 'Open File', ".")[0] try: config.docList.append(str(self.file)) #print "k" except AttributeError: config.docList.append(str(self.file)) #print "h" def loadDocs(self): fh = None if not os.access(".open.p", os.F_OK): return else: try: fh =".open.p", "rb") config.docList = pickle.load(fh) for x in config.docList: self.file = x except (IOError, OSError): #print e return finally: if fh is not None: fh.close() def save(self): # Save the file as plain text with open(self.getCurrentFile(), "wt") as file: file.write(self.getEditor( + 1).text()) # Note that changes to the document are saved self.edit.setModified(False) # Set the tab title to filename, os.path.basename(str(self.getCurrentFile()))) def saveDocs(self): try: fh =".open.p", "wb") pickle.dump(config.docList, fh, 2) except (IOError, OSError) as e: raise e finally: if fh: fh.close() def saveFile(self): # Only open if it hasn't previously been saved if len(config.docList) != 0: if self.getCurrentFile() == "Untitled": config.docList[] = \ QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, 'Save File') else: config.docList.append( QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, 'Save File')) def saveFileAs(self): config.filename = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, 'Save File') def unsaved(self): if self.getEditor( + 1).isModified:, os.path.basename(self.getCurrentFile() + "*")) def about(self): QMessageBox.about(self, "About Codex", "<p>Codex is a text editor for programmers " \ "made with PyQt5 and QScintilla.</p>" ) def toggleTabs(self): state = state) def newTab(self): self.tabNum += 1 # Add a new entry to the dict and map it to an editor object self.editDict["edit" + str(self.tabNum)] = Editor(), "Untitled") self.guessLexer() self.getEditor( + 1).lexer.setFont(config.font) def showTerm(self): self.termVis = True self.termSplit.addWidget(self.term) self.term.resize(800, 40) self.term.setFont(config.font) def hideTerm(self): self.termVis = False self.term.hide() def toggleTerm(self): self.hideTerm() if self.termVis else self.showTerm() def showTree(self): self.ftree = Tree(self) self.treeVis = True self.ftree.resize(80, 430) self.treeSplit.addWidget(self.ftree) def hideTree(self): self.treeVis = False self.ftree.close() def toggleTree(self): self.hideTree() if self.treeVis else self.showTree() def loadTermAndTree(self): if self.treeVis: self.showTree() self.treeAct.setChecked(True) else: self.treeVis = False self.treeAct.setChecked(False) if self.termVis: self.showTerm() self.termAct.setChecked(True) else: self.termVis = False self.termAct.setChecked(False) def toggleIntGuide(self): state = self.edit.indentationGuides() self.edit.setIndentationGuides(not state) def toggleLN(self): state = self.edit.marginLineNumbers(0) self.edit.setMarginLineNumbers(0, not state) self.edit.setMarginWidth(0,0) if state == True else self.edit. \ setMarginWidth(0,self.edit.metrics.width("00000")) def fr(self): frwin = Find(self) def chooseFont(self): font, ok = QFontDialog.getFont() if ok: config.font = font try: self.getEditor( config.font) except AttributeError: self.getEditor( QsciLexerText()) #print self.getEditor( self.getEditor( config.font) def setProDir(self): pdir, ok = QInputDialog.getText(self, "Set Project Directory", "Enter absolute path (i.e. "\ "/home/steve/Documents)") if ok: config.proDir = pdir #print config.proDir # This method adapted from Peter Goldsborough's Writer. # Save settings and alerts the user if they are saving an edited file. def closeEvent(self, event): self.writeSettings() self.saveDocs() if not self.edit.isModified(): event.accept() else: dialog = QMessageBox(self) dialog.setIcon(QMessageBox.Warning) dialog.setText(config.filename + " has unsaved changes.") dialog.setInformativeText("Do you want to save your changes?") dialog.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Save | QMessageBox.Cancel | QMessageBox.Discard) dialog.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox.Save) response = dialog.exec_() if response == QMessageBox.Save: elif response == QMessageBox.Discard: event.accept() else: event.ignore() def resizeEvent(self, event): # Don't try to resize a non-existant file tree try: self.ftree.treeView.resize(self.ftree.treeView.width(), self.height()) except: pass try: self.term.resize(self.width(), self.term.height()) except: pass def keyPressEvent(self, event): key = event.key() if (self.getEditor( == "bee movie"): with open("bee_movie.txt", "r") as file: script = self.getEditor(