    def process(self, db, user, repository_id, commit_ids, branch, summary,
                reviewfilters, recipientfilters, applyfilters, applyparentfilters,
                description=None, frombranch=None, trackedbranch=None):
        if not branch.startswith("r/"):
            raise OperationFailure(code="invalidbranch",
                                   title="Invalid review branch name",
                                   message="'%s' is not a valid review branch name; it must have a \"r/\" prefix." % branch)

        repository = gitutils.Repository.fromId(db, repository_id)
        commits = [gitutils.Commit.fromId(db, repository, commit_id) for commit_id in commit_ids]
        commitset = CommitSet(commits)

        reviewfilters = parseReviewFilters(db, reviewfilters)
        recipientfilters = parseRecipientFilters(db, recipientfilters)

        review = createReview(db, user, repository, commits, branch, summary, description,

        extensions_output = StringIO()
        kwargs = {}

        if configuration.extensions.ENABLED:
            if executeProcessCommits(db, user, review, commits, None, commitset.getHeads().pop(), extensions_output):
                kwargs["extensions_output"] = extensions_output.getvalue().lstrip()

        if trackedbranch:
            cursor = db.cursor()
            cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO trackedbranches (repository, local_name, remote, remote_name, forced, delay)
                                   VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, false, '1 hour')
                                RETURNING id""",
                           (repository_id, branch, trackedbranch["remote"], trackedbranch["name"]))

            trackedbranch_id = cursor.fetchone()[0]

            cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO trackedbranchusers (branch, uid)
                                   VALUES (%s, %s)""",
                           (trackedbranch_id, user.id))


            pid = int(open(configuration.services.BRANCHTRACKER["pidfile_path"]).read().strip())
            os.kill(pid, signal.SIGHUP)

        return OperationResult(review_id=review.id, **kwargs)
文件: index.py 项目: KurSh/critic
def updateBranch(user_name, repository_name, name, old, new, multiple):
    repository = gitutils.Repository.fromName(db, repository_name)

    processCommits(repository_name, new)

        branch = dbutils.Branch.fromName(db, repository, name)
        base_branch_id = branch.base.id if branch.base else None
        raise IndexException, "The branch '%s' is not in the database!  (This should never happen.)" % name

    if branch.head.sha1 != old:
        if new == branch.head.sha1:
            # This is what we think the ref ought to be already.  Do nothing,
            # and let the repository "catch up."
            data = { "name": name,
                     "old": old[:8],
                     "new": new[:8],
                     "current": branch.head.sha1[:8] }

            message = """CONFUSED!  Git thinks %(name)s points to %(old)s, but Critic thinks it points to %(current)s.  Rejecting push since it would only makes matters worse.  To resolve this problem, use

  git push critic %(current)s:%(name)s

to resynchronize the Git repository with Critic's database.""" % data

            raise IndexException, textutils.reflow(message, line_length=80 - len("remote: "))

    cursor = db.cursor()
    cursor.execute("SELECT remote, remote_name, forced FROM trackedbranches WHERE repository=%s AND local_name=%s AND NOT disabled", (repository.id, name))
    row = cursor.fetchone()

    if row:
        remote, remote_name, forced = row
        tracked_branch = "%s in %s" % (remote_name, remote)

        assert not forced or not name.startswith("r/")

        if user_name != configuration.base.SYSTEM_USER_NAME:
            raise IndexException, """\
The branch '%s' is set up to track '%s' in
Please don't push it manually to this repository.""" % (name, remote_name, remote)
        elif not name.startswith("r/"):
            conflicting = repository.revlist([branch.head.sha1], [new])
            added = repository.revlist([new], [branch.head.sha1])

            if conflicting:
                if forced:
                    if branch.base is None:
                        cursor.executemany("""DELETE FROM reachable
                                                    USING commits
                                                    WHERE reachable.branch=%s
                                                      AND reachable.commit=commits.id
                                                      AND commits.sha1=%s""",
                                           [(branch.id, sha1) for sha1 in conflicting])
                        output = "Non-fast-forward update detected; deleting and recreating branch."

                        deleteBranch(repository.name, branch.name)
                        createBranch(None, repository, branch.name, new)

                        return output
                    raise IndexException, """\
Rejecting non-fast-forward update of branch.  To perform the update, you
can delete the branch using
  git push critic :%s
first, and then repeat this push.""" % name

            cursor.executemany("""INSERT INTO reachable (branch, commit)
                                       SELECT %s, commits.id
                                         FROM commits
                                        WHERE sha1=%s""",
                               [(branch.id, sha1) for sha1 in added])

            new_head = gitutils.Commit.fromSHA1(db, repository, new)

            cursor.execute("UPDATE branches SET head=%s WHERE id=%s",
                           (new_head.getId(db), branch.id))

            output = ""

            if conflicting: output += "Pruned %d conflicting commits." % len(conflicting)
            if added: output += "\nAdded %d new commits." % len(added)

            return output.strip() if output else None
        tracked_branch = False

    user = getUser(db, user_name)

    if isinstance(user, str):
        if not tracked_branch:
            commit = gitutils.Commit.fromSHA1(db, repository, new)
            user = dbutils.User.fromId(db, commit.committer.getUserId(db))
            user = dbutils.User(0, configuration.base.SYSTEM_USER_NAME, configuration.base.SYSTEM_USER_EMAIL, "Critic System", "current")

    cursor.execute("SELECT id FROM reviews WHERE branch=%s", (branch.id,))
    row = cursor.fetchone()

    is_review = bool(row)

    if is_review:
        if multiple:
            raise IndexException, """\
Refusing to update review in push of multiple refs.  Please push one
review branch at a time."""

        review_id = row[0]

        cursor.execute("""SELECT id, old_head, old_upstream, new_upstream, uid, branch
                            FROM reviewrebases
                           WHERE review=%s AND new_head IS NULL""",
        row = cursor.fetchone()

        if row:
            if tracked_branch:
                raise IndexException, "Refusing to perform a review rebase via an automatic update."

            rebase_id, old_head_id, old_upstream_id, new_upstream_id, rebaser_id, onto_branch = row

            review = dbutils.Review.fromId(db, review_id)
            rebaser = dbutils.User.fromId(db, rebaser_id)

            if isinstance(user, dbutils.User):
                if rebaser.id != user.id:
                    if user_name == configuration.base.SYSTEM_USER_NAME:
                        user = rebaser
                        raise IndexException, """\
This review is currently being rebased by
  %s <%s>
and can't be otherwise updated right now.""" % (rebaser.fullname, rebaser.email)
                assert user == configuration.base.SYSTEM_USER_NAME
                user = rebaser

            old_head = gitutils.Commit.fromId(db, repository, old_head_id)
            old_commitset = log.commitset.CommitSet(review.branch.commits)

            if old_head.sha1 != old:
                raise IndexException, """\
Unexpected error.  The branch appears to have been updated since your
rebase was prepared.  You need to cancel the rebase via the review
front-page and then try again, and/or report a bug about this error."""

            if old_upstream_id is not None:
                new_head = gitutils.Commit.fromSHA1(db, repository, new)

                old_upstream = gitutils.Commit.fromId(db, repository, old_upstream_id)

                if new_upstream_id is not None:
                    new_upstream = gitutils.Commit.fromId(db, repository, new_upstream_id)
                    if len(new_head.parents) != 1:
                        raise IndexException, "Invalid rebase: New head can't be a merge commit."

                    new_upstream = gitutils.Commit.fromSHA1(db, repository, new_head.parents[0])

                    if new_upstream in old_commitset.getTails():
                        old_upstream = new_upstream = None
                old_upstream = None

            if old_upstream:
                if old_upstream.sha1 != repository.mergebase([old_upstream.sha1, new_upstream.sha1]):
                    raise IndexException, """\
Invalid rebase: The new upstream commit is not a descendant of the old
upstream commit.  You may want to cancel the rebase via the review
front-page, and prepare another one specifying the correct new
upstream commit; or rebase the branch onto the new upstream specified
and then push that instead."""
                if new_upstream.sha1 != repository.mergebase([new_upstream.sha1, new]):
                    raise IndexException, """\
Invalid rebase: The new upstream commit you specified when the rebase
was prepared is not an ancestor of the commit now pushed.  You may want
to cancel the rebase via the review front-page, and prepare another one
specifying the correct new upstream commit; or rebase the branch onto
the new upstream specified and then push that instead."""

                old_upstream_name = repository.findInterestingTag(db, old_upstream.sha1) or old_upstream.sha1
                new_upstream_name = repository.findInterestingTag(db, new_upstream.sha1) or new_upstream.sha1

                if onto_branch:
                    merged_thing = "branch '%s'" % onto_branch
                    merged_thing = "commit '%s'" % new_upstream_name

                merge_sha1 = repository.run('commit-tree', new_head.tree, '-p', old_head.sha1, '-p', new_upstream.sha1,
Merge %s into %s

This commit was generated automatically by Critic as an equivalent merge
to the rebase of the commits


onto the %s.""" % (merged_thing, review.branch.name, old_upstream_name, old_head.sha1, merged_thing),
                                            env={ 'GIT_AUTHOR_NAME': user.fullname,
                                                  'GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL': user.email,
                                                  'GIT_COMMITTER_NAME': user.fullname,
                                                  'GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL': user.email }).strip()
                merge = gitutils.Commit.fromSHA1(db, repository, merge_sha1)

                gituser_id = merge.author.getGitUserId(db)

                cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO commits (sha1, author_gituser, commit_gituser, author_time, commit_time)
                                       VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)
                                    RETURNING id""",
                               (merge_sha1, gituser_id, gituser_id, timestamp(merge.author.time), timestamp(merge.committer.time)))
                merge.id = cursor.fetchone()[0]

                cursor.executemany("INSERT INTO edges (parent, child) VALUES (%s, %s)",
                                   [(old_head.getId(db), merge.id),
                                    (new_upstream.getId(db), merge.id)])

                # Have to commit to make the new commit available to other DB
                # sessions right away, specifically so that the changeset
                # creation server can see it.

                cursor.execute("""UPDATE reviewrebases
                                     SET old_head=%s, new_head=%s, new_upstream=%s
                                   WHERE review=%s AND new_head IS NULL""",
                               (merge.id, new_head.getId(db), new_upstream.getId(db), review.id))

                new_sha1s = repository.revlist([new], [new_upstream.sha1], '--topo-order')
                rebased_commits = [gitutils.Commit.fromSHA1(db, repository, sha1) for sha1 in new_sha1s]
                reachable_values = [(review.branch.id, sha1) for sha1 in new_sha1s]

                cursor.execute("INSERT INTO previousreachable (rebase, commit) SELECT %s, commit FROM reachable WHERE branch=%s", (rebase_id, review.branch.id))
                cursor.execute("DELETE FROM reachable WHERE branch=%s", (review.branch.id,))
                cursor.executemany("INSERT INTO reachable (branch, commit) SELECT %s, commits.id FROM commits WHERE commits.sha1=%s", reachable_values)
                cursor.execute("UPDATE branches SET head=%s WHERE id=%s", (gitutils.Commit.fromSHA1(db, repository, new).getId(db), review.branch.id))

                pending_mails = []

                cursor.execute("SELECT uid FROM reviewusers WHERE review=%s", (review.id,))
                recipients = []
                for (user_id,) in cursor.fetchall():
                    recipients.append(dbutils.User.fromId(db, user_id))
                for to_user in recipients:
                    pending_mails.extend(review_mail.sendReviewRebased(db, user, to_user, recipients, review, new_upstream_name, rebased_commits, onto_branch))

                print "Rebase performed."

                review_utils.addCommitsToReview(db, user, review, [merge], pending_mails=pending_mails, silent_if_empty=set([merge]), full_merges=set([merge]))

                old_commitset = log.commitset.CommitSet(review.branch.commits)
                new_sha1s = repository.revlist([new], old_commitset.getTails(), '--topo-order')

                if old_head.sha1 in new_sha1s:
                    raise IndexException, """\
Invalid history rewrite: Old head of the branch reachable from the
pushed ref; no history rewrite performed.  (Cancel the rebase via
the review front-page if you've changed your mind.)"""

                for new_sha1 in new_sha1s:
                    new_head = gitutils.Commit.fromSHA1(db, repository, new_sha1)
                    if new_head.tree == old_head.tree: break
                    raise IndexException, """\
Invalid history rewrite: No commit on the rebased branch references
the same tree as the old head of the branch."""

                cursor.execute("""UPDATE reviewrebases
                                     SET new_head=%s
                                   WHERE review=%s AND new_head IS NULL""",
                               (new_head.getId(db), review.id))

                rebased_commits = [gitutils.Commit.fromSHA1(db, repository, sha1) for sha1 in repository.revlist([new_head], old_commitset.getTails(), '--topo-order')]
                new_commits = [gitutils.Commit.fromSHA1(db, repository, sha1) for sha1 in repository.revlist([new], [new_head], '--topo-order')]
                reachable_values = [(review.branch.id, sha1) for sha1 in new_sha1s]

                cursor.execute("INSERT INTO previousreachable (rebase, commit) SELECT %s, commit FROM reachable WHERE branch=%s", (rebase_id, review.branch.id))
                cursor.execute("DELETE FROM reachable WHERE branch=%s", (review.branch.id,))
                cursor.executemany("INSERT INTO reachable (branch, commit) SELECT %s, commits.id FROM commits WHERE commits.sha1=%s", reachable_values)
                cursor.execute("UPDATE branches SET head=%s WHERE id=%s", (gitutils.Commit.fromSHA1(db, repository, new).getId(db), review.branch.id))

                pending_mails = []

                cursor.execute("SELECT uid FROM reviewusers WHERE review=%s", (review.id,))
                recipients = []
                for (user_id,) in cursor.fetchall():
                    recipients.append(dbutils.User.fromId(db, user_id))
                for to_user in recipients:
                    pending_mails.extend(review_mail.sendReviewRebased(db, user, to_user, recipients, review, None, rebased_commits))

                print "History rewrite performed."

                if new_commits:
                    review_utils.addCommitsToReview(db, user, review, new_commits, pending_mails=pending_mails)

                repository.run('update-ref', 'refs/keepalive/%s' % old, old)

            return True
        elif old != repository.mergebase([old, new]):
            raise IndexException, "Rejecting non-fast-forward update of review branch."
    elif old != repository.mergebase([old, new]):
        raise IndexException, """\
Rejecting non-fast-forward update of branch.  To perform the update, you
can delete the branch using
  git push critic :%s
first, and then repeat this push.""" % name

    cursor.execute("SELECT id FROM branches WHERE repository=%s AND base IS NULL ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 1", (repository.id,))
    root_branch_id = cursor.fetchone()[0]

    def isreachable(sha1):
        #if rescan: return False
        #if is_review: cursor.execute("SELECT 1 FROM commits, reachable, branches WHERE commits.sha1=%s AND commits.id=reachable.commit AND reachable.branch=branches.id AND branches.repository=%s", [sha1, repository.id])
        if is_review and sha1 == branch.tail: return True
        if base_branch_id: cursor.execute("SELECT 1 FROM commits, reachable WHERE commits.sha1=%s AND commits.id=reachable.commit AND reachable.branch IN (%s, %s, %s)", [sha1, branch.id, base_branch_id, root_branch_id])
        else: cursor.execute("SELECT 1 FROM commits, reachable WHERE commits.sha1=%s AND commits.id=reachable.commit AND reachable.branch IN (%s, %s)", [sha1, branch.id, root_branch_id])
        return cursor.fetchone() is not None

    stack = [new]
    commits = set()
    commit_list = []
    processed = set()
    count = 0

    while stack:
        sha1 = stack.pop()

        count += 1
        if (count % 1000) == 0:
            if (count % 10000) == 0:

        if sha1 not in commits and not isreachable(sha1):

            #if is_review:
            #    stack.append(gitutils.Commit.fromSHA1(repository, sha1).parents[0])
            stack.extend([parent_sha1 for parent_sha1 in gitutils.Commit.fromSHA1(db, repository, sha1).parents if parent_sha1 not in processed])


    branch = dbutils.Branch.fromName(db, repository, name)
    review = dbutils.Review.fromBranch(db, branch)

    if review:
        if review.state != "open":
            raise IndexException, """\
The review is closed and can't be extended.  You need to reopen it at
before you can add commits to it.""" % review.getURL(db, user, 2)

        all_commits = [gitutils.Commit.fromSHA1(db, repository, sha1) for sha1 in reversed(commit_list)]

        tails = CommitSet(all_commits).getTails()

        if old not in tails:
            raise IndexException, """\
Push rejected; would break the review.

It looks like some of the pushed commits are reachable from the
repository's main branch, and thus consequently the commits currently
included in the review are too.

Perhaps you should request a new review of the follow-up commits?"""

        review_utils.addCommitsToReview(db, user, review, all_commits, commitset=commits, tracked_branch=tracked_branch)

    reachable_values = [(branch.id, sha1) for sha1 in reversed(commit_list) if sha1 in commits]

    cursor.executemany("INSERT INTO reachable (branch, commit) SELECT %s, commits.id FROM commits WHERE commits.sha1=%s", reachable_values)
    cursor.execute("UPDATE branches SET head=%s WHERE id=%s", (gitutils.Commit.fromSHA1(db, repository, new).getId(db), branch.id))


    if configuration.extensions.ENABLED and review:
        extensions.executeProcessCommits(db, user, review, all_commits, gitutils.Commit.fromSHA1(db, repository, old), gitutils.Commit.fromSHA1(db, repository, new), stdout)
文件: index.py 项目: KurSh/critic
def createBranch(user, repository, name, head):
    processCommits(repository.name, head)

    cursor = db.cursor()

    def commit_id(sha1):
        cursor.execute("SELECT id FROM commits WHERE sha1=%s", [sha1])
        return cursor.fetchone()[0]

    components = name.split("/")
    for index in range(1, len(components)):
        try: repository.revparse("refs/heads/%s" % "/".join(components[:index]))
        except: continue

        message = ("Cannot create branch with name '%s' since there is already a branch named '%s' in the repository." %
                   (name, "/".join(components[:index])))
        raise IndexException, textutils.reflow(message, line_length=80 - len("remote: "))

    if name.startswith("r/"):
            review_id = int(name[2:])

            cursor.execute("SELECT branches.name FROM reviews JOIN branches ON (branches.id=reviews.branch) WHERE reviews.id=%s", (review_id,))
            row = cursor.fetchone()

            message = "Refusing to create review named as a number."

            if row:
                message += "\nDid you mean to push to the branch '%s', perhaps?" % row[0]

            raise IndexException, message
        except ValueError:

        if user.getPreference(db, "review.createViaPush"):
            the_commit = gitutils.Commit.fromSHA1(db, repository, head, commit_id(head))
            all_commits = [the_commit]
            review = review_utils.createReview(db, user, repository, all_commits, name, the_commit.summary(), None, via_push=True)

            print "Submitted review: %s/r/%d" % (dbutils.getURLPrefix(db), review.id)

            if review.reviewers:
                print "  Reviewers:"
                for reviewer in review.reviewers:
                    print "    %s <%s>" % (reviewer.fullname, reviewer.email)

            if review.watchers:
                print "  Watchers:"
                for watcher in review.watchers:
                    print "    %s <%s>" % (watcher.fullname, watcher.email)

            if configuration.extensions.ENABLED:
                if extensions.executeProcessCommits(db, user, review, all_commits, None, the_commit, stdout):

            print "Thank you!"
            return True
            raise IndexException, "Refusing to create review; user preference 'review.createViaPush' is not enabled."

    sha1 = head
    base = None
    tail = None

    cursor.execute("""SELECT 1
                        FROM reachable
                        JOIN branches ON (branches.id=reachable.branch)
                        JOIN repositories ON (repositories.id=branches.repository)
                       WHERE repositories.id=%s
                       LIMIT 1""",

    if cursor.fetchone():
        def reachable(sha1):
            cursor.execute("""SELECT branches.id
                                FROM branches
                                JOIN reachable ON (reachable.branch=branches.id)
                                JOIN commits ON (commits.id=reachable.commit)
                               WHERE branches.repository=%s
                                 AND branches.type='normal'
                                 AND commits.sha1=%s
                            ORDER BY reachable.branch ASC
                               LIMIT 1""",
                           (repository.id, sha1))
            return cursor.fetchone()
        def reachable(sha1):
            return None

    commit_map = {}
    commit_list = []

    row = reachable(sha1)
    if row:
        # Head of branch is reachable from an existing branch.  Could be because
        # this branch is actually empty (just created with no "own" commits) or
        # it could have been merged into some other already existing branch.  We
        # can't tell, so we just record it as empty.

        base = row[0]
        tail = sha1
        stack = []

        while True:
            if sha1 not in commit_map:
                commit = gitutils.Commit.fromSHA1(db, repository, sha1)
                commit_map[sha1] = commit

                for sha1 in commit.parents:
                    if sha1 not in commit_map:
                        row = reachable(sha1)
                        if not row:
                        elif base is None:
                            base = row[0]
                            tail = sha1

                            base_chain = [base]

                            while True:
                                cursor.execute("SELECT base FROM branches WHERE id=%s", (base_chain[-1],))
                                next = cursor.fetchone()[0]
                                if next is None: break
                                else: base_chain.append(next)

                            def reachable(sha1):
                                cursor.execute("""SELECT 1
                                                    FROM reachable
                                                    JOIN commits ON (commits.id=reachable.commit)
                                                   WHERE reachable.branch=ANY (%s)
                                                     AND commits.sha1=%s""",
                                               (base_chain, sha1))
                                return cursor.fetchone()

            if stack: sha1 = stack.pop(0)
            else: break

        if len(commit_list) % 10000 > 1000:

    if not base:
        cursor.execute("INSERT INTO branches (repository, name, head) VALUES (%s, %s, %s) RETURNING id", (repository.id, name, commit_id(head)))
        branch_id = cursor.fetchone()[0]
        cursor.execute("INSERT INTO branches (repository, name, head, base, tail) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s) RETURNING id", (repository.id, name, commit_id(head), base, commit_id(tail)))
        branch_id = cursor.fetchone()[0]

        cursor.execute("SELECT name FROM branches WHERE id=%s", [base])

        print "Added branch based on %s containing %d commit%s:" % (cursor.fetchone()[0], len(commit_list), "s" if len(commit_list) > 1 else "")
        print "  %s/log?repository=%d&branch=%s" % (dbutils.getURLPrefix(db), repository.id, name)
        if len(commit_list) > 1:
            print "To create a review of all %d commits:" % len(commit_list)
            print "To create a review of the commit:"
        print "  %s/createreview?repository=%d&branch=%s" % (dbutils.getURLPrefix(db), repository.id, name)

    reachable_values = [(branch_id, commit.sha1) for commit in commit_list]
    cursor.executemany("INSERT INTO reachable (branch, commit) SELECT %s, id FROM commits WHERE sha1=%s", reachable_values)

    if isinstance(user, str): user_name = user
    else: user_name = user.name

    if not repository.hasMainBranch() and user_name == configuration.base.SYSTEM_USER_NAME:
        cursor.execute("UPDATE repositories SET branch=%s WHERE id=%s", (branch_id, repository.id))
def updateBranch(user_name, repository_name, name, old, new, multiple):
    repository = gitutils.Repository.fromName(db, repository_name)

    processCommits(repository_name, new)

        branch = dbutils.Branch.fromName(db, repository, name)
        base_branch_id = branch.base.id if branch.base else None
        raise IndexException, "The branch '%s' is not in the database!  (This should never happen.)" % name

    if branch.head.sha1 != old:
        if new == branch.head.sha1:
            # This is what we think the ref ought to be already.  Do nothing,
            # and let the repository "catch up."
            data = {
                "name": name,
                "old": old[:8],
                "new": new[:8],
                "current": branch.head.sha1[:8]

            message = """CONFUSED!  Git thinks %(name)s points to %(old)s, but Critic thinks it points to %(current)s.  Rejecting push since it would only makes matters worse.  To resolve this problem, use

  git push critic %(current)s:%(name)s

to resynchronize the Git repository with Critic's database.""" % data

            raise IndexException, textutils.reflow(message,
                                                   line_length=80 -
                                                   len("remote: "))

    cursor = db.cursor()
        "SELECT remote, remote_name, forced FROM trackedbranches WHERE repository=%s AND local_name=%s AND NOT disabled",
        (repository.id, name))
    row = cursor.fetchone()

    if row:
        remote, remote_name, forced = row
        tracked_branch = "%s in %s" % (remote_name, remote)

        assert not forced or not name.startswith("r/")

        if user_name != configuration.base.SYSTEM_USER_NAME:
            raise IndexException, """\
The branch '%s' is set up to track '%s' in
Please don't push it manually to this repository.""" % (name, remote_name,
        elif not name.startswith("r/"):
            conflicting = repository.revlist([branch.head.sha1], [new])
            added = repository.revlist([new], [branch.head.sha1])

            if conflicting:
                if forced:
                    if branch.base is None:
                            """DELETE FROM reachable
                                                    USING commits
                                                    WHERE reachable.branch=%s
                                                      AND reachable.commit=commits.id
                                                      AND commits.sha1=%s""",
                            [(branch.id, sha1) for sha1 in conflicting])
                        output = "Non-fast-forward update detected; deleting and recreating branch."

                        deleteBranch(repository.name, branch.name)
                        createBranch(None, repository, branch.name, new)

                        return output
                    raise IndexException, """\
Rejecting non-fast-forward update of branch.  To perform the update, you
can delete the branch using
  git push critic :%s
first, and then repeat this push.""" % name

                """INSERT INTO reachable (branch, commit)
                                       SELECT %s, commits.id
                                         FROM commits
                                        WHERE sha1=%s""",
                [(branch.id, sha1) for sha1 in added])

            new_head = gitutils.Commit.fromSHA1(db, repository, new)

            cursor.execute("UPDATE branches SET head=%s WHERE id=%s",
                           (new_head.getId(db), branch.id))

            output = ""

            if conflicting:
                output += "Pruned %d conflicting commits." % len(conflicting)
            if added: output += "\nAdded %d new commits." % len(added)

            return output.strip() if output else None
        tracked_branch = False

    user = getUser(db, user_name)

    if isinstance(user, str):
        if not tracked_branch:
            commit = gitutils.Commit.fromSHA1(db, repository, new)
            user = dbutils.User.fromId(db, commit.committer.getUserId(db))
            user = dbutils.User(0, configuration.base.SYSTEM_USER_NAME,
                                "Critic System", "current")

    cursor.execute("SELECT id FROM reviews WHERE branch=%s", (branch.id, ))
    row = cursor.fetchone()

    is_review = bool(row)

    if is_review:
        if multiple:
            raise IndexException, """\
Refusing to update review in push of multiple refs.  Please push one
review branch at a time."""

        review_id = row[0]

            """SELECT id, old_head, old_upstream, new_upstream, uid, branch
                            FROM reviewrebases
                           WHERE review=%s AND new_head IS NULL""",
            (review_id, ))
        row = cursor.fetchone()

        if row:
            if tracked_branch:
                raise IndexException, "Refusing to perform a review rebase via an automatic update."

            rebase_id, old_head_id, old_upstream_id, new_upstream_id, rebaser_id, onto_branch = row

            review = dbutils.Review.fromId(db, review_id)
            rebaser = dbutils.User.fromId(db, rebaser_id)

            if isinstance(user, dbutils.User):
                if rebaser.id != user.id:
                    if user_name == configuration.base.SYSTEM_USER_NAME:
                        user = rebaser
                        raise IndexException, """\
This review is currently being rebased by
  %s <%s>
and can't be otherwise updated right now.""" % (rebaser.fullname,
                assert user == configuration.base.SYSTEM_USER_NAME
                user = rebaser

            old_head = gitutils.Commit.fromId(db, repository, old_head_id)
            old_commitset = log.commitset.CommitSet(review.branch.commits)

            if old_head.sha1 != old:
                raise IndexException, """\
Unexpected error.  The branch appears to have been updated since your
rebase was prepared.  You need to cancel the rebase via the review
front-page and then try again, and/or report a bug about this error."""

            if old_upstream_id is not None:
                new_head = gitutils.Commit.fromSHA1(db, repository, new)

                old_upstream = gitutils.Commit.fromId(db, repository,

                if new_upstream_id is not None:
                    new_upstream = gitutils.Commit.fromId(
                        db, repository, new_upstream_id)
                    if len(new_head.parents) != 1:
                        raise IndexException, "Invalid rebase: New head can't be a merge commit."

                    new_upstream = gitutils.Commit.fromSHA1(
                        db, repository, new_head.parents[0])

                    if new_upstream in old_commitset.getTails():
                        old_upstream = new_upstream = None
                old_upstream = None

            if old_upstream:
                if old_upstream.sha1 != repository.mergebase(
                    [old_upstream.sha1, new_upstream.sha1]):
                    raise IndexException, """\
Invalid rebase: The new upstream commit is not a descendant of the old
upstream commit.  You may want to cancel the rebase via the review
front-page, and prepare another one specifying the correct new
upstream commit; or rebase the branch onto the new upstream specified
and then push that instead."""
                if new_upstream.sha1 != repository.mergebase(
                    [new_upstream.sha1, new]):
                    raise IndexException, """\
Invalid rebase: The new upstream commit you specified when the rebase
was prepared is not an ancestor of the commit now pushed.  You may want
to cancel the rebase via the review front-page, and prepare another one
specifying the correct new upstream commit; or rebase the branch onto
the new upstream specified and then push that instead."""

                old_upstream_name = repository.findInterestingTag(
                    db, old_upstream.sha1) or old_upstream.sha1
                new_upstream_name = repository.findInterestingTag(
                    db, new_upstream.sha1) or new_upstream.sha1

                if onto_branch:
                    merged_thing = "branch '%s'" % onto_branch
                    merged_thing = "commit '%s'" % new_upstream_name

                merge_sha1 = repository.run('commit-tree',
Merge %s into %s

This commit was generated automatically by Critic as an equivalent merge
to the rebase of the commits


onto the %s.""" % (merged_thing, review.branch.name, old_upstream_name,
                   old_head.sha1, merged_thing),
                                                'GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL': user.email,
                merge = gitutils.Commit.fromSHA1(db, repository, merge_sha1)

                gituser_id = merge.author.getGitUserId(db)

                    """INSERT INTO commits (sha1, author_gituser, commit_gituser, author_time, commit_time)
                                       VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)
                                    RETURNING id""",
                    (merge_sha1, gituser_id, gituser_id,
                         merge.author.time), timestamp(merge.committer.time)))
                merge.id = cursor.fetchone()[0]

                    "INSERT INTO edges (parent, child) VALUES (%s, %s)",
                    [(old_head.getId(db), merge.id),
                     (new_upstream.getId(db), merge.id)])

                # Have to commit to make the new commit available to other DB
                # sessions right away, specifically so that the changeset
                # creation server can see it.

                    """UPDATE reviewrebases
                                     SET old_head=%s, new_head=%s, new_upstream=%s
                                   WHERE review=%s AND new_head IS NULL""",
                    (merge.id, new_head.getId(db), new_upstream.getId(db),

                new_sha1s = repository.revlist([new], [new_upstream.sha1],
                rebased_commits = [
                    gitutils.Commit.fromSHA1(db, repository, sha1)
                    for sha1 in new_sha1s
                reachable_values = [(review.branch.id, sha1)
                                    for sha1 in new_sha1s]

                    "INSERT INTO previousreachable (rebase, commit) SELECT %s, commit FROM reachable WHERE branch=%s",
                    (rebase_id, review.branch.id))
                cursor.execute("DELETE FROM reachable WHERE branch=%s",
                               (review.branch.id, ))
                    "INSERT INTO reachable (branch, commit) SELECT %s, commits.id FROM commits WHERE commits.sha1=%s",
                    "UPDATE branches SET head=%s WHERE id=%s",
                        db, repository, new).getId(db), review.branch.id))

                pending_mails = []

                cursor.execute("SELECT uid FROM reviewusers WHERE review=%s",
                               (review.id, ))
                recipients = []
                for (user_id, ) in cursor.fetchall():
                    recipients.append(dbutils.User.fromId(db, user_id))
                for to_user in recipients:
                        review_mail.sendReviewRebased(db, user, to_user,
                                                      recipients, review,

                print "Rebase performed."

                                                review, [merge],

                old_commitset = log.commitset.CommitSet(review.branch.commits)
                new_sha1s = repository.revlist([new], old_commitset.getTails(),

                if old_head.sha1 in new_sha1s:
                    raise IndexException, """\
Invalid history rewrite: Old head of the branch reachable from the
pushed ref; no history rewrite performed.  (Cancel the rebase via
the review front-page if you've changed your mind.)"""

                for new_sha1 in new_sha1s:
                    new_head = gitutils.Commit.fromSHA1(
                        db, repository, new_sha1)
                    if new_head.tree == old_head.tree: break
                    raise IndexException, """\
Invalid history rewrite: No commit on the rebased branch references
the same tree as the old head of the branch."""

                    """UPDATE reviewrebases
                                     SET new_head=%s
                                   WHERE review=%s AND new_head IS NULL""",
                    (new_head.getId(db), review.id))

                rebased_commits = [
                    gitutils.Commit.fromSHA1(db, repository, sha1)
                    for sha1 in repository.revlist(
                        [new_head], old_commitset.getTails(), '--topo-order')
                new_commits = [
                    gitutils.Commit.fromSHA1(db, repository, sha1) for sha1 in
                    repository.revlist([new], [new_head], '--topo-order')
                reachable_values = [(review.branch.id, sha1)
                                    for sha1 in new_sha1s]

                    "INSERT INTO previousreachable (rebase, commit) SELECT %s, commit FROM reachable WHERE branch=%s",
                    (rebase_id, review.branch.id))
                cursor.execute("DELETE FROM reachable WHERE branch=%s",
                               (review.branch.id, ))
                    "INSERT INTO reachable (branch, commit) SELECT %s, commits.id FROM commits WHERE commits.sha1=%s",
                    "UPDATE branches SET head=%s WHERE id=%s",
                        db, repository, new).getId(db), review.branch.id))

                pending_mails = []

                cursor.execute("SELECT uid FROM reviewusers WHERE review=%s",
                               (review.id, ))
                recipients = []
                for (user_id, ) in cursor.fetchall():
                    recipients.append(dbutils.User.fromId(db, user_id))
                for to_user in recipients:
                        review_mail.sendReviewRebased(db, user, to_user,
                                                      recipients, review, None,

                print "History rewrite performed."

                if new_commits:

                repository.run('update-ref', 'refs/keepalive/%s' % old, old)

            return True
        elif old != repository.mergebase([old, new]):
            raise IndexException, "Rejecting non-fast-forward update of review branch."
    elif old != repository.mergebase([old, new]):
        raise IndexException, """\
Rejecting non-fast-forward update of branch.  To perform the update, you
can delete the branch using
  git push critic :%s
first, and then repeat this push.""" % name

        "SELECT id FROM branches WHERE repository=%s AND base IS NULL ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 1",
        (repository.id, ))
    root_branch_id = cursor.fetchone()[0]

    def isreachable(sha1):
        #if rescan: return False
        #if is_review: cursor.execute("SELECT 1 FROM commits, reachable, branches WHERE commits.sha1=%s AND commits.id=reachable.commit AND reachable.branch=branches.id AND branches.repository=%s", [sha1, repository.id])
        if is_review and sha1 == branch.tail: return True
        if base_branch_id:
                "SELECT 1 FROM commits, reachable WHERE commits.sha1=%s AND commits.id=reachable.commit AND reachable.branch IN (%s, %s, %s)",
                [sha1, branch.id, base_branch_id, root_branch_id])
                "SELECT 1 FROM commits, reachable WHERE commits.sha1=%s AND commits.id=reachable.commit AND reachable.branch IN (%s, %s)",
                [sha1, branch.id, root_branch_id])
        return cursor.fetchone() is not None

    stack = [new]
    commits = set()
    commit_list = []
    processed = set()
    count = 0

    while stack:
        sha1 = stack.pop()

        count += 1
        if (count % 1000) == 0:
            if (count % 10000) == 0:

        if sha1 not in commits and not isreachable(sha1):

            #if is_review:
            #    stack.append(gitutils.Commit.fromSHA1(repository, sha1).parents[0])
                parent_sha1 for parent_sha1 in gitutils.Commit.fromSHA1(
                    db, repository, sha1).parents
                if parent_sha1 not in processed


    branch = dbutils.Branch.fromName(db, repository, name)
    review = dbutils.Review.fromBranch(db, branch)

    if review:
        if review.state != "open":
            raise IndexException, """\
The review is closed and can't be extended.  You need to reopen it at
before you can add commits to it.""" % review.getURL(db, user, 2)

        all_commits = [
            gitutils.Commit.fromSHA1(db, repository, sha1)
            for sha1 in reversed(commit_list)

        tails = CommitSet(all_commits).getTails()

        if old not in tails:
            raise IndexException, """\
Push rejected; would break the review.

It looks like some of the pushed commits are reachable from the
repository's main branch, and thus consequently the commits currently
included in the review are too.

Perhaps you should request a new review of the follow-up commits?"""


    reachable_values = [(branch.id, sha1) for sha1 in reversed(commit_list)
                        if sha1 in commits]

        "INSERT INTO reachable (branch, commit) SELECT %s, commits.id FROM commits WHERE commits.sha1=%s",
        "UPDATE branches SET head=%s WHERE id=%s",
        (gitutils.Commit.fromSHA1(db, repository, new).getId(db), branch.id))


    if configuration.extensions.ENABLED and review:
            db, user, review, all_commits,
            gitutils.Commit.fromSHA1(db, repository, old),
            gitutils.Commit.fromSHA1(db, repository, new), stdout)
def createBranch(user, repository, name, head):
    processCommits(repository.name, head)

    cursor = db.cursor()

    def commit_id(sha1):
        cursor.execute("SELECT id FROM commits WHERE sha1=%s", [sha1])
        return cursor.fetchone()[0]

    components = name.split("/")
    for index in range(1, len(components)):
            repository.revparse("refs/heads/%s" % "/".join(components[:index]))

        message = (
            "Cannot create branch with name '%s' since there is already a branch named '%s' in the repository."
            % (name, "/".join(components[:index])))
        raise IndexException, textutils.reflow(message,
                                               line_length=80 -
                                               len("remote: "))

    if name.startswith("r/"):
            review_id = int(name[2:])

                "SELECT branches.name FROM reviews JOIN branches ON (branches.id=reviews.branch) WHERE reviews.id=%s",
                (review_id, ))
            row = cursor.fetchone()

            message = "Refusing to create review named as a number."

            if row:
                message += "\nDid you mean to push to the branch '%s', perhaps?" % row[

            raise IndexException, message
        except ValueError:

        if user.getPreference(db, "review.createViaPush"):
            the_commit = gitutils.Commit.fromSHA1(db, repository, head,
            all_commits = [the_commit]
            review = review_utils.createReview(db,

            print "Submitted review: %s/r/%d" % (dbutils.getURLPrefix(db),

            if review.reviewers:
                print "  Reviewers:"
                for reviewer in review.reviewers:
                    print "    %s <%s>" % (reviewer.fullname, reviewer.email)

            if review.watchers:
                print "  Watchers:"
                for watcher in review.watchers:
                    print "    %s <%s>" % (watcher.fullname, watcher.email)

            if configuration.extensions.ENABLED:
                if extensions.executeProcessCommits(db, user, review,
                                                    all_commits, None,
                                                    the_commit, stdout):

            print "Thank you!"
            return True
            raise IndexException, "Refusing to create review; user preference 'review.createViaPush' is not enabled."

    sha1 = head
    base = None
    tail = None

        """SELECT 1
                        FROM reachable
                        JOIN branches ON (branches.id=reachable.branch)
                        JOIN repositories ON (repositories.id=branches.repository)
                       WHERE repositories.id=%s
                       LIMIT 1""", (repository.id, ))

    if cursor.fetchone():

        def reachable(sha1):
                """SELECT branches.id
                                FROM branches
                                JOIN reachable ON (reachable.branch=branches.id)
                                JOIN commits ON (commits.id=reachable.commit)
                               WHERE branches.repository=%s
                                 AND branches.type='normal'
                                 AND commits.sha1=%s
                            ORDER BY reachable.branch ASC
                               LIMIT 1""", (repository.id, sha1))
            return cursor.fetchone()

        def reachable(sha1):
            return None

    commit_map = {}
    commit_list = []

    row = reachable(sha1)
    if row:
        # Head of branch is reachable from an existing branch.  Could be because
        # this branch is actually empty (just created with no "own" commits) or
        # it could have been merged into some other already existing branch.  We
        # can't tell, so we just record it as empty.

        base = row[0]
        tail = sha1
        stack = []

        while True:
            if sha1 not in commit_map:
                commit = gitutils.Commit.fromSHA1(db, repository, sha1)
                commit_map[sha1] = commit

                for sha1 in commit.parents:
                    if sha1 not in commit_map:
                        row = reachable(sha1)
                        if not row:
                        elif base is None:
                            base = row[0]
                            tail = sha1

                            base_chain = [base]

                            while True:
                                    "SELECT base FROM branches WHERE id=%s",
                                    (base_chain[-1], ))
                                next = cursor.fetchone()[0]
                                if next is None: break
                                else: base_chain.append(next)

                            def reachable(sha1):
                                    """SELECT 1
                                                    FROM reachable
                                                    JOIN commits ON (commits.id=reachable.commit)
                                                   WHERE reachable.branch=ANY (%s)
                                                     AND commits.sha1=%s""",
                                    (base_chain, sha1))
                                return cursor.fetchone()

            if stack: sha1 = stack.pop(0)
            else: break

        if len(commit_list) % 10000 > 1000:

    if not base:
            "INSERT INTO branches (repository, name, head) VALUES (%s, %s, %s) RETURNING id",
            (repository.id, name, commit_id(head)))
        branch_id = cursor.fetchone()[0]
            "INSERT INTO branches (repository, name, head, base, tail) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s) RETURNING id",
            (repository.id, name, commit_id(head), base, commit_id(tail)))
        branch_id = cursor.fetchone()[0]

        cursor.execute("SELECT name FROM branches WHERE id=%s", [base])

        print "Added branch based on %s containing %d commit%s:" % (
            cursor.fetchone()[0], len(commit_list),
            "s" if len(commit_list) > 1 else "")
        print "  %s/log?repository=%d&branch=%s" % (dbutils.getURLPrefix(db),
                                                    repository.id, name)
        if len(commit_list) > 1:
            print "To create a review of all %d commits:" % len(commit_list)
            print "To create a review of the commit:"
        print "  %s/createreview?repository=%d&branch=%s" % (
            dbutils.getURLPrefix(db), repository.id, name)

    reachable_values = [(branch_id, commit.sha1) for commit in commit_list]
        "INSERT INTO reachable (branch, commit) SELECT %s, id FROM commits WHERE sha1=%s",

    if isinstance(user, str): user_name = user
    else: user_name = user.name

    if not repository.hasMainBranch(
    ) and user_name == configuration.base.SYSTEM_USER_NAME:
        cursor.execute("UPDATE repositories SET branch=%s WHERE id=%s",
                       (branch_id, repository.id))