def usage():
    extlist = get_all_extensions()
    unavailableextlist = get_unavailable_extensions()
    extensionhelp = """\n\t\t\t\t\t"""
    for extensionname in extlist:
        extensionhelp += extensionname + """\n\t\t\t\t\t"""

    if len(unavailableextlist) > 0:
        extensionhelp += """
                                 The following extensions are not available 
                                 due to missing dependencies:\n\n\t\t\t\t\t"""

    for extensionname in unavailableextlist:
        extensionhelp += extensionname+""" (%s) """"""\n\t\t\t\t\t""" % \
                         unavailableextlist[extensionname].replace("No module named ","")

    print "%s %s - %s" % (PACKAGE, VERSION, DESCRIPTION)
    print COPYRIGHT
    print "Usage: cvsanaly2 [options] [URI]"
    print """
Analyze the given URI. An URI can be a checked out directory,
or a remote URL pointing to a repository. If URI is omitted,
the current working directory will be used as a checked out directory.


  -h, --help                     Print this usage message.
  -V, --version                  Show version
  -g, --debug                    Enable debug mode
  -q, --quiet                    Run silently, only print error messages
      --profile                  Enable profiling mode
  -f, --config-file              Use a custom configuration file
  -l, --repo-logfile=path        Logfile to use instead of getting log from
                                 the repository
  -s, --save-logfile[=path]      Save the repository log to the given path
  -n, --no-parse                 Skip the parsing process. It only makes sense
                                 in conjunction with --extensions
      --extensions=ext1,ext2,    List of extensions to run. Currently available 
                                 extensions are:
                                 \t""" + extensionhelp + """
def usage():
    extlist = get_all_extensions()
    unavailableextlist = get_unavailable_extensions();
    extensionhelp = """\n\t\t\t\t\t"""
    for extensionname in extlist:
      extensionhelp += extensionname+"""\n\t\t\t\t\t"""
    if len(unavailableextlist) > 0:
      extensionhelp += """
                                 The following extensions are not available 
                                 due to missing dependencies:\n\n\t\t\t\t\t"""

    for extensionname in unavailableextlist:
      extensionhelp += extensionname+""" (%s) """"""\n\t\t\t\t\t""" % \
                       unavailableextlist[extensionname].replace("No module named ","")
    print "%s %s - %s" % (PACKAGE, VERSION, DESCRIPTION)
    print COPYRIGHT
    print "Usage: cvsanaly2 [options] [URI]"
    print """
Analyze the given URI. An URI can be a checked out directory,
or a remote URL pointing to a repository. If URI is omitted,
the current working directory will be used as a checked out directory.


  -h, --help                     Print this usage message.
  -V, --version                  Show version
  -g, --debug                    Enable debug mode
  -q, --quiet                    Run silently, only print error messages
      --profile                  Enable profiling mode
  -f, --config-file              Use a custom configuration file
  -l, --repo-logfile=path        Logfile to use instead of getting log from
                                 the repository
  -s, --save-logfile[=path]      Save the repository log to the given path
  -n, --no-parse                 Skip the parsing process. It only makes sense
                                 in conjunction with --extensions
      --extensions=ext1,ext2,    List of extensions to run. Currently available 
                                 extensions are:
        config.count_types.extend([item for item in count_types \
                                  if item not in config.count_types])
    if hard_order is not None:
        config.hard_order = hard_order
    if low_memory is not None:
        config.low_memory = low_memory
    if branch is not None:
        config.branch = branch
    if metrics_all is not None:
        config.metrics_all = metrics_all
    if metrics_noerr is not None:
        config.metrics_noerr = metrics_noerr
    if no_content is not None:
        config.no_content = no_content
    if backout is not None:
        config.extensions = get_all_extensions()
    if analyze_merges is not None:
        config.analyze_merges = analyze_merges
    if hb_ignore_comments is not None:
        config.hb_ignore_comments = hb_ignore_comments
    if bug_fix_regexes is not None:
        if bug_fix_regexes == ['']:
            # This is empty, it means the user didn't want to match
            bug_fix_regexes = []

            config.bug_fix_regexes = bug_fix_regexes
    if bug_fix_regexes_case_sensitive is not None:
        if bug_fix_regexes == ['']:
            # This is empty, it means the user didn't want to match
            bug_fix_regexes_case_sensitive = []
        config.count_types.extend([item for item in count_types \
                                  if item not in config.count_types])
    if hard_order is not None:
        config.hard_order = hard_order
    if low_memory is not None:
        config.low_memory = low_memory
    if branch is not None:
        config.branch = branch
    if metrics_all is not None:
        config.metrics_all = metrics_all
    if metrics_noerr is not None:
        config.metrics_noerr = metrics_noerr
    if no_content is not None:
        config.no_content = no_content
    if backout is not None:
        config.extensions = get_all_extensions()
    if analyze_merges is not None:
        config.analyze_merges = analyze_merges
    if hb_ignore_comments is not None:
        config.hb_ignore_comments = hb_ignore_comments
    if bug_fix_regexes is not None:
        if bug_fix_regexes == ['']:
            # This is empty, it means the user didn't want to match
            bug_fix_regexes = []
            config.bug_fix_regexes = bug_fix_regexes
    if bug_fix_regexes_case_sensitive is not None:
        if bug_fix_regexes == ['']:
            # This is empty, it means the user didn't want to match
            bug_fix_regexes_case_sensitive = []