class EdEditorView(ed_stc.EditraStc, ed_tab.EdTabBase): """Tab editor view for main notebook control.""" ID_NO_SUGGEST = wx.NewId() DOCMGR = DocPositionMgr() def __init__(self, parent, id_=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=0, use_dt=True): """Initialize the editor view""" ed_stc.EditraStc.__init__(self, parent, id_, pos, size, style, use_dt) ed_tab.EdTabBase.__init__(self) # Attributes self._ignore_del = False self._has_dlg = False self._lprio = 0 # Idle event priority counter self._menu = ContextMenuManager() self._spell = STCSpellCheck(self, check_region=self.IsNonCode) self._caret_w = 1 self._focused = True spref = Profile_Get('SPELLCHECK', default=dict()) self._spell_data = dict(choices=list(), word=('', -1, -1), enabled=spref.get('auto', False)) # Initialize the classes position manager for the first control # that is created only. if not EdEditorView.DOCMGR.IsInitialized(): EdEditorView.DOCMGR.InitPositionCache(ed_glob.CONFIG['CACHE_DIR'] + \ os.sep + u'positions') self._spell.clearAll() self._spell.setDefaultLanguage(spref.get('dict', 'en_US')) self._spell.startIdleProcessing() # Context Menu Events self.Bind(wx.EVT_CONTEXT_MENU, self.OnContextMenu) # Need to relay the menu events from the context menu to the top level # window to be handled on gtk. Other platforms don't require this. self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnMenuEvent) # Hide autocomp/calltips when window looses focus # TODO: decide on whether this belongs in base class or not self.Bind(wx.EVT_KILL_FOCUS, lambda evt: self.HidePopups()) self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_UP, self.OnSetFocus) self.Bind(wx.EVT_WINDOW_DESTROY, self.OnDestroy, self) ed_msg.Subscribe(self.OnConfigMsg, ed_msg.EDMSG_PROFILE_CHANGE + ('SPELLCHECK',)) ed_msg.Subscribe(self.OnConfigMsg, ed_msg.EDMSG_PROFILE_CHANGE + ('AUTOBACKUP',)) ed_msg.Subscribe(self.OnConfigMsg, ed_msg.EDMSG_PROFILE_CHANGE + ('SYNTHEME',)) ed_msg.Subscribe(self.OnConfigMsg, ed_msg.EDMSG_PROFILE_CHANGE + ('SYNTAX',)) def OnDestroy(self, evt): if evt.GetId() == self.GetId(): ed_msg.Unsubscribe(self.OnConfigMsg) evt.Skip() #---- EdTab Methods ----# def DoDeactivateTab(self): """Deactivate any active popups when the tab is no longer the active tab. """ self._menu.Clear() self.HidePopups() def DoOnIdle(self): """Check if the file has been modified and prompt a warning""" # Don't check while the file is loading if self.IsLoading(): return # Handle hiding and showing the caret when the window gets loses focus cfocus = self.FindFocus() if not self._focused and cfocus is self: # Focus has just returned to the window self.SetCaretWidth(self._caret_w) self._focused = True elif self._focused and cfocus is not self: cwidth = self.GetCaretWidth() if cwidth > 0: self._caret_w = cwidth self.SetCaretWidth(0) # Hide the caret when not active self._focused = False self.CallTipCancel() # Check for changes to on disk file if not self._has_dlg and Profile_Get('CHECKMOD'): cfile = self.GetFileName() lmod = GetFileModTime(cfile) mtime = self.GetModTime() if mtime and not lmod and not os.path.exists(cfile): # File was deleted since last check wx.CallAfter(self.PromptToReSave, cfile) elif mtime < lmod: # Check if we should automatically reload the file or not if Profile_Get('AUTO_RELOAD', default=False) and \ not self.GetModify(): wx.CallAfter(self.DoReloadFile) else: wx.CallAfter(self.AskToReload, cfile) # Check for changes to permissions readonly = self._nb.ImageIsReadOnly(self.GetTabIndex()) if self.File.IsReadOnly() != readonly: if readonly: # File is no longer read only self._nb.SetPageImage(self.GetTabIndex(), str(self.GetLangId())) else: # File has changed to be readonly self._nb.SetPageImage(self.GetTabIndex(), ed_glob.ID_READONLY) self._nb.Refresh() else: pass # Handle Low(er) priority idle events self._lprio += 1 if self._lprio == 2: self._lprio = 0 # Reset counter # Do spell checking # TODO: Add generic subscriber hook and move spell checking and # and other low priority idle handling there if self.IsShown(): if self._spell_data['enabled']: self._spell.processCurrentlyVisibleBlock() else: # Ensure calltips are not shown when this is a background tab. self.CallTipCancel() @modalcheck def DoReloadFile(self): """Reload the current file""" ret, rmsg = self.ReloadFile() if not ret: cfile = self.GetFileName() errmap = dict(filename=cfile, errmsg=rmsg) mdlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, _("Failed to reload %(filename)s:\n" "Error: %(errmsg)s") % errmap, _("Error"), wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR) mdlg.ShowModal() mdlg.Destroy() def DoTabClosing(self): """Save the current position in the buffer to reset on next load""" if len(self.GetFileName()) > 1: EdEditorView.DOCMGR.AddRecord([self.GetFileName(), self.GetCurrentPos()]) def DoTabOpen(self, ): """Called to open a new tab""" pass def DoTabSelected(self): """Performs updates that need to happen when this tab is selected""" Log("[ed_editv][info] Tab has file: %s" % self.GetFileName()) self.PostPositionEvent() def GetName(self): """Gets the unique name for this tab control. @return: (unicode) string """ return u"EditraTextCtrl" def GetTabMenu(self): """Get the tab menu @return: wx.Menu @todo: move logic from notebook to here @todo: generalize generic actions to base class (close, new, etc..) """ ptxt = self.GetTabLabel() menu = ed_menu.EdMenu() menu.Append(ed_glob.ID_NEW, _("New Tab")) menu.Append(ed_glob.ID_MOVE_TAB, _("Move Tab to New Window")) menu.AppendSeparator() menu.Append(ed_glob.ID_SAVE, _("Save \"%s\"") % ptxt) menu.Append(ed_glob.ID_CLOSE, _("Close \"%s\"") % ptxt) menu.Append(ed_glob.ID_CLOSE_OTHERS, _("Close Other Tabs")) menu.Append(ed_glob.ID_CLOSEALL, _("Close All")) menu.AppendSeparator() menu.Append(ed_glob.ID_COPY_FILE, _("Copy Filename")) menu.Append(ed_glob.ID_COPY_PATH, _("Copy Full Path")) return menu def GetTitleString(self): """Get the title string to display in the MainWindows title bar @return: (unicode) string """ fname = self.GetFileName() title = os.path.split(fname)[-1] # Its an unsaved buffer if not len(title): title = fname = self.GetTabLabel() if self.GetModify() and not title.startswith(u'*'): title = u"*" + title return u"%s - file://%s" % (title, fname) def CanCloseTab(self): """Called when checking if tab can be closed or not @return: bool """ if self._ignore_del: self._ignore_del = False return True result = True if self.GetModify(): result = self.ModifySave() result = result in (wx.ID_YES, wx.ID_OK, wx.ID_NO) if result: self._ignore_del = True return result def OnSetFocus(self, evt): """Make sure that the currently selected tab is this one""" evt.Skip() parent = self.GetParent() csel = parent.GetSelection() idx = self.GetTabIndex() if csel != idx: parent.SetSelection(idx) def OnSpelling(self, buff, evt): """Context menu subscriber callback @param buff: buffer menu event happened in @param evt: MenuEvent """ e_id = evt.GetId() replace = None for choice in self._spell_data['choices']: if e_id == choice[0]: replace = choice[1] break if replace is not None: buff.SetTargetStart(self._spell_data['word'][1]) buff.SetTargetEnd(self._spell_data['word'][2]) buff.ReplaceTarget(replace) def OnTabMenu(self, evt): """Tab menu event handler""" e_id = evt.GetId() if e_id in (ed_glob.ID_COPY_PATH, ed_glob.ID_COPY_FILE): path = self.GetFileName() if path is not None: if e_id == ed_glob.ID_COPY_FILE: path = GetFileName(path) SetClipboardText(path) elif e_id == ed_glob.ID_MOVE_TAB: frame = wx.GetApp().OpenNewWindow() nbook = frame.GetNotebook() parent = self.GetParent() pg_txt = parent.GetRawPageText(parent.GetSelection()) nbook.OpenDocPointer(self.GetDocPointer(), self.GetDocument(), pg_txt) self._ignore_del = True wx.CallAfter(parent.ClosePage) elif e_id == ed_glob.ID_CLOSE_OTHERS: parent = self.GetParent() if hasattr(parent, 'CloseOtherPages'): parent.CloseOtherPages() elif wx.Platform == '__WXGTK__' and \ e_id in (ed_glob.ID_CLOSE, ed_glob.ID_CLOSEALL): # Need to relay events up to toplevel window on GTK for them to # be processed. On other platforms the propagate by them selves. wx.PostEvent(self.GetTopLevelParent(), evt) else: evt.Skip() #---- End EdTab Methods ----# def IsNonCode(self, pos): """Is the passed in position in a non code region @param pos: buffer position @return: bool """ return self.IsComment(pos) or self.IsString(pos) def OnConfigMsg(self, msg): """Update config based on profile changes""" mtype = msg.GetType()[-1] mdata = msg.GetData() if mtype == 'SPELLCHECK': self._spell_data['enabled'] = mdata.get('auto', False) self._spell.setDefaultLanguage(mdata.get('dict', 'en_US')) if not self._spell_data['enabled']: self._spell.clearAll() elif mtype == 'AUTOBACKUP': self.EnableAutoBackup(Profile_Get('AUTOBACKUP')) elif mtype == 'SYNTHEME': self.UpdateAllStyles() elif mtype == 'SYNTAX': self.SyntaxOnOff(Profile_Get('SYNTAX')) elif mtype == 'AUTO_COMP_EX': self.ConfigureAutoComp() def OnContextMenu(self, evt): """Handle right click menu events in the buffer""" self._menu.Clear() menu = ed_menu.EdMenu() menu.Append(ed_glob.ID_UNDO, _("Undo")) menu.Append(ed_glob.ID_REDO, _("Redo")) menu.AppendSeparator() menu.Append(ed_glob.ID_CUT, _("Cut")) menu.Append(ed_glob.ID_COPY, _("Copy")) menu.Append(ed_glob.ID_PASTE, _("Paste")) menu.AppendSeparator() menu.Append(ed_glob.ID_TO_UPPER, _("To Uppercase")) menu.Append(ed_glob.ID_TO_LOWER, _("To Lowercase")) menu.AppendSeparator() menu.Append(ed_glob.ID_SELECTALL, _("Select All")) # Allow clients to customize the context menu self._menu.SetMenu(menu) pos = evt.GetPosition() bpos = self.PositionFromPoint(self.ScreenToClient(pos)) self._menu.SetPosition(bpos) self._menu.SetUserData('buffer', self) ed_msg.PostMessage(ed_msg.EDMSG_UI_STC_CONTEXT_MENU, self._menu, self.GetId()) # Spell checking # TODO: de-couple to the forthcoming buffer service interface menu.InsertSeparator(0) words = self.GetWordFromPosition(bpos) self._spell_data['word'] = words sugg = self._spell.getSuggestions(words[0]) # Don't give suggestions if the selected word is in the suggestions list if words[0] in sugg: sugg = list() if not len(sugg): item = menu.Insert(0, EdEditorView.ID_NO_SUGGEST, _("No Suggestions")) item.Enable(False) else: sugg = reversed(sugg[:min(len(sugg), 3)]) ids = (ID_SPELL_1, ID_SPELL_2, ID_SPELL_3) del self._spell_data['choices'] self._spell_data['choices'] = list() for idx, sug in enumerate(sugg): id_ = ids[idx] self._menu.AddHandler(id_, self.OnSpelling) self._spell_data['choices'].append((id_, sug)) menu.Insert(0, id_, sug) self.PopupMenu(self._menu.Menu) evt.Skip() def OnMenuEvent(self, evt): """Handle context menu events""" e_id = evt.GetId() handler = self._menu.GetHandler(e_id) # Handle custom menu items if handler is not None: handler(self, evt) else: self.ControlDispatch(evt) if evt.GetSkipped(): evt.Skip() def OnModified(self, evt): """Overrides EditraBaseStc.OnModified""" super(EdEditorView, self).OnModified(evt) # Handle word changes to update spell checking # TODO: limit via preferences and move to buffer service once # implemented. mod = evt.GetModificationType() if mod & or mod & pos = evt.GetPosition() last = pos + evt.GetLength() self._spell.addDirtyRange(pos, last, evt.GetLinesAdded(), mod & @modalcheck def PromptToReSave(self, cfile): """Show a dialog prompting to resave the current file @param cfile: the file in question """ mdlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, _("%s has been deleted since its " "last save point.\n\nWould you " "like to save it again?") % cfile, _("Resave File?"), wx.YES_NO | wx.ICON_INFORMATION) mdlg.CenterOnParent() result = mdlg.ShowModal() mdlg.Destroy() if result == wx.ID_YES: result = self.SaveFile(cfile) else: self.SetModTime(0) @modalcheck def AskToReload(self, cfile): """Show a dialog asking if the file should be reloaded @param cfile: the file to prompt for a reload of """ mdlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, _("%s has been modified by another " "application.\n\nWould you like " "to reload it?") % cfile, _("Reload File?"), wx.YES_NO | wx.ICON_INFORMATION) mdlg.CenterOnParent() result = mdlg.ShowModal() mdlg.Destroy() if result == wx.ID_YES: self.DoReloadFile() else: self.SetModTime(GetFileModTime(cfile)) def SetLexer(self, lexer): """Override to toggle spell check context""" super(EdEditorView, self).SetLexer(lexer) if lexer == self._spell.setCheckRegion(lambda p: True) else: self._spell.setCheckRegion(self.IsNonCode) #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# def ModifySave(self): """Called when document has been modified prompting a message dialog asking if the user would like to save the document before closing. @return: Result value of whether the file was saved or not """ name = self.GetFileName() if name == u"": name = self.GetTabLabel() dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, _("The file: \"%s\" has been modified since " "the last save point.\n\nWould you like to " "save the changes?") % name, _("Save Changes?"), wx.YES_NO | wx.YES_DEFAULT | wx.CANCEL | \ wx.ICON_INFORMATION) result = dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() # HACK if result == wx.ID_YES: evt = wx.MenuEvent(wx.wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, ed_glob.ID_SAVE) tlw = self.GetTopLevelParent() if hasattr(tlw, 'OnSave'): tlw.OnSave(evt) return result
class EdEditorView(ed_stc.EditraStc, ed_tab.EdTabBase): """Tab editor view for main notebook control.""" ID_NO_SUGGEST = wx.NewId() ID_ADD_TO_DICT = wx.NewId() ID_IGNORE = wx.NewId() ID_SPELLING_MENU = wx.NewId() ID_CLOSE_TAB = wx.NewId() ID_CLOSE_ALL_TABS = wx.NewId() DOCMGR = DocPositionMgr() def __init__(self, parent, id_=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=0, use_dt=True): """Initialize the editor view""" ed_stc.EditraStc.__init__(self, parent, id_, pos, size, style, use_dt) ed_tab.EdTabBase.__init__(self) # Attributes self._ro_img = False self._ignore_del = False self._has_dlg = False self._lprio = 0 # Idle event priority counter self._menu = ContextMenuManager() self._spell = STCSpellCheck(self, check_region=self.IsNonCode) self._caret_w = 1 self._focused = True spref = Profile_Get('SPELLCHECK', default=dict()) self._spell_data = dict(choices=list(), word=('', -1, -1), enabled=spref.get('auto', False)) # Initialize the classes position manager for the first control # that is created only. if not EdEditorView.DOCMGR.IsInitialized(): EdEditorView.DOCMGR.InitPositionCache(ed_glob.CONFIG['CACHE_DIR'] + \ os.sep + u'positions') self._spell.clearAll() self._spell.setDefaultLanguage(spref.get('dict', 'en_US')) self._spell.startIdleProcessing() # Context Menu Events self.Bind(wx.EVT_CONTEXT_MENU, self.OnContextMenu) # Need to relay the menu events from the context menu to the top level # window to be handled on gtk. Other platforms don't require this. self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnMenuEvent) # Hide autocomp/calltips when window looses focus # TODO: decide on whether this belongs in base class or not self.Bind(wx.EVT_KILL_FOCUS, lambda evt: self.HidePopups()) self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_UP, self.OnSetFocus) self.Bind(wx.EVT_WINDOW_DESTROY, self.OnDestroy, self) # Subscribe for configuration updates for opt in ('AUTOBACKUP', 'SYNTHEME', 'SYNTAX', 'BRACKETHL', 'GUIDES', 'SHOW_EDGE', 'EDGE', 'CODE_FOLD', 'AUTO_COMP', 'AUTO_INDENT', 'HLCARETLINE', 'SPELLCHECK', 'VI_EMU', 'VI_NORMAL_DEFAULT', 'USETABS', 'TABWIDTH', 'INDENTWIDTH', 'BSUNINDENT', 'EOL_MODE', 'AALIASING', 'SHOW_EOL', 'SHOW_LN', 'SHOW_WS', 'WRAP', 'VIEWVERTSPACE'): ed_msg.Subscribe(self.OnConfigMsg, ed_msg.EDMSG_PROFILE_CHANGE + (opt, )) def OnDestroy(self, evt): """Cleanup message handlers on destroy""" if evt.Id == self.Id: ed_msg.Unsubscribe(self.OnConfigMsg) evt.Skip() #---- EdTab Methods ----# def DoDeactivateTab(self): """Deactivate any active popups when the tab is no longer the active tab. """ self._menu.Clear() self.HidePopups() def DoOnIdle(self): """Check if the file has been modified and prompt a warning""" # Don't check while the file is loading if self.IsLoading(): return # Handle hiding and showing the caret when the window gets loses focus cfocus = self.FindFocus() if not self._focused and cfocus is self: # Focus has just returned to the window self.RestoreCaret() self._focused = True elif self._focused and cfocus is not self: self.HideCaret() # Hide the caret when not active self._focused = False self.CallTipCancel() # Check for changes to on disk file if not self._has_dlg and Profile_Get('CHECKMOD'): cfile = self.GetFileName() lmod = GetFileModTime(cfile) mtime = self.GetModTime() if mtime and not lmod and not os.path.exists(cfile): # File was deleted since last check wx.CallAfter(self.PromptToReSave, cfile) elif mtime < lmod: # Check if we should automatically reload the file or not if Profile_Get('AUTO_RELOAD', default=False) and \ not self.GetModify(): wx.CallAfter(self.DoReloadFile) else: wx.CallAfter(self.AskToReload, cfile) # Check for changes to permissions if self.File.IsReadOnly() != self._ro_img: self._nb.SetPageBitmap(self.GetTabIndex(), self.GetTabImage()) self._nb.Refresh() else: pass # Handle Low(er) priority idle events self._lprio += 1 if self._lprio == 2: self._lprio = 0 # Reset counter # Do spell checking # TODO: Add generic subscriber hook and move spell checking and # and other low priority idle handling there if self.IsShown(): if self._spell_data['enabled']: self._spell.processCurrentlyVisibleBlock() else: # Ensure calltips are not shown when this is a background tab. self.CallTipCancel() @modalcheck def DoReloadFile(self): """Reload the current file""" ret, rmsg = self.ReloadFile() if not ret: cfile = self.GetFileName() errmap = dict(filename=cfile, errmsg=rmsg) mdlg = wx.MessageDialog( self, _("Failed to reload %(filename)s:\n" "Error: %(errmsg)s") % errmap, _("Error"), wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR) mdlg.ShowModal() mdlg.Destroy() def DoTabClosing(self): """Save the current position in the buffer to reset on next load""" if len(self.GetFileName()) > 1: EdEditorView.DOCMGR.AddRecord( [self.GetFileName(), self.GetCurrentPos()]) def DoTabOpen(self, ): """Called to open a new tab""" pass def DoTabSelected(self): """Performs updates that need to happen when this tab is selected""" Log("[ed_editv][info] Tab has file: %s" % self.GetFileName()) self.PostPositionEvent() def GetName(self): """Gets the unique name for this tab control. @return: (unicode) string """ return u"EditraTextCtrl" def GetTabImage(self): """Get the Bitmap to use for the tab @return: wx.Bitmap (16x16) """ if self.GetDocument().ReadOnly: self._ro_img = True bmp = wx.ArtProvider.GetBitmap(str(ed_glob.ID_READONLY), wx.ART_MENU) else: self._ro_img = False lang_id = str(self.GetLangId()) bmp = wx.ArtProvider.GetBitmap(lang_id, wx.ART_MENU) if bmp.IsNull(): bmp = wx.ArtProvider.GetBitmap(str(synglob.ID_LANG_TXT), wx.ART_MENU) return bmp def GetTabMenu(self): """Get the tab menu @return: wx.Menu @todo: move logic from notebook to here @todo: generalize generic actions to base class (close, new, etc..) """ ptxt = self.GetTabLabel() menu = ed_menu.EdMenu() menu.Append(ed_glob.ID_NEW, _("New Tab")) menu.Append(ed_glob.ID_MOVE_TAB, _("Move Tab to New Window")) menu.AppendSeparator() menu.Append(ed_glob.ID_SAVE, _("Save \"%s\"") % ptxt) menu.Append(EdEditorView.ID_CLOSE_TAB, _("Close \"%s\"") % ptxt) menu.Append(ed_glob.ID_CLOSE_OTHERS, _("Close Other Tabs")) menu.Append(EdEditorView.ID_CLOSE_ALL_TABS, _("Close All")) menu.AppendSeparator() menu.Append(ed_glob.ID_COPY_FILE, _("Copy Filename")) menu.Append(ed_glob.ID_COPY_PATH, _("Copy Full Path")) return menu def GetTitleString(self): """Get the title string to display in the MainWindows title bar @return: (unicode) string """ fname = self.GetFileName() title = os.path.split(fname)[-1] # Its an unsaved buffer if not len(title): title = fname = self.GetTabLabel() if self.GetModify() and not title.startswith(u'*'): title = u"*" + title return u"%s - file://%s" % (title, fname) def CanCloseTab(self): """Called when checking if tab can be closed or not @return: bool """ if self._ignore_del: self._ignore_del = False return True result = True if self.GetModify(): result = self.ModifySave() result = result in (wx.ID_YES, wx.ID_OK, wx.ID_NO) if result: self._ignore_del = True return result def OnSetFocus(self, evt): """Make sure that the currently selected tab is this one""" evt.Skip() parent = self.GetParent() csel = parent.GetSelection() idx = self.GetTabIndex() if csel != idx: parent.SetSelection(idx) def OnSpelling(self, buff, evt): """Context menu subscriber callback @param buff: buffer menu event happened in @param evt: MenuEvent """ e_id = evt.Id spelld = self._spell.getSpellingDictionary() if e_id == EdEditorView.ID_ADD_TO_DICT: # Permanently add to users spelling dictionary if spelld: spelld.add(self._spell_data['word'][0]) self.RefreshSpellcheck() elif e_id == EdEditorView.ID_IGNORE: # Ignore spelling for this session if spelld: spelld.add_to_session(self._spell_data['word'][0]) self.RefreshSpellcheck() else: replace = None for choice in self._spell_data['choices']: if e_id == choice[0]: replace = choice[1] break if replace is not None: buff.SetTargetStart(self._spell_data['word'][1]) buff.SetTargetEnd(self._spell_data['word'][2]) buff.ReplaceTarget(replace) def RefreshSpellcheck(self): """Refresh the visible text area for spellchecking""" fline = self.GetFirstVisibleLine() first = self.GetLineStartPosition(fline) lline = self.GetLastVisibleLine() last = self.GetLineEndPosition(lline) self._spell.addDirtyRange(first, last, 0, False) def OnTabMenu(self, evt): """Tab menu event handler""" e_id = evt.GetId() if e_id in (ed_glob.ID_COPY_PATH, ed_glob.ID_COPY_FILE): path = self.GetFileName() if path is not None: if e_id == ed_glob.ID_COPY_FILE: path = GetFileName(path) SetClipboardText(path) elif e_id == ed_glob.ID_MOVE_TAB: frame = wx.GetApp().OpenNewWindow() nbook = frame.GetNotebook() parent = self.GetParent() pg_txt = parent.GetRawPageText(parent.GetSelection()) nbook.OpenDocPointer(self.GetDocPointer(), self.GetDocument(), pg_txt) self._ignore_del = True wx.CallAfter(parent.ClosePage) elif e_id == ed_glob.ID_CLOSE_OTHERS: parent = self.GetParent() if hasattr(parent, 'CloseOtherPages'): parent.CloseOtherPages() elif e_id in (EdEditorView.ID_CLOSE_TAB, EdEditorView.ID_CLOSE_ALL_TABS): # Need to relay events up to toplevel window on GTK for them to # be processed. On other platforms the propagate by themselves. evt.SetId({ EdEditorView.ID_CLOSE_TAB: ed_glob.ID_CLOSE, EdEditorView.ID_CLOSE_ALL_TABS: ed_glob.ID_CLOSEALL }.get(e_id)) wx.PostEvent(self.GetTopLevelParent(), evt) else: evt.Skip() #---- End EdTab Methods ----# def OnConfigMsg(self, msg): """Update config based on profile changes""" mtype = msg.GetType()[-1] mdata = msg.GetData() if mtype == 'SPELLCHECK': self._spell_data['enabled'] = mdata.get('auto', False) self._spell.setDefaultLanguage(mdata.get('dict', 'en_US')) if not self._spell_data['enabled']: self._spell.clearAll() return elif mtype == 'AUTO_COMP_EX': self.ConfigureAutoComp() return elif mtype == 'CARETWIDTH': if self.GetCaretWidth(): # check that it is not hidden self.RestoreCaret() return elif mtype in ('VI_EMU', 'VI_NORMAL_DEFAULT'): self.SetViEmulationMode(Profile_Get('VI_EMU'), Profile_Get('VI_NORMAL_DEFAULT')) return elif mtype == 'VIEWVERTSPACE': self.SetEndAtLastLine(not Profile_Get('VIEWVERTSPACE')) # Update other settings cfgmap = { 'AUTOBACKUP': self.EnableAutoBackup, 'SYNTHEME': self.UpdateAllStyles, 'SYNTAX': self.SyntaxOnOff, 'BRACKETHL': self.ToggleBracketHL, 'GUIDES': self.SetIndentationGuides, 'SHOW_EDGE': self.SetViewEdgeGuide, 'EDGE': self.SetViewEdgeGuide, 'CODE_FOLD': self.FoldingOnOff, 'AUTO_COMP': self.SetAutoComplete, 'AUTO_INDENT': self.ToggleAutoIndent, 'HLCARETLINE': self.SetCaretLineVisible, 'USETABS': self.SetUseTabs, 'BSUNINDENT': self.SetBackSpaceUnIndents, 'EOL_MODE': self.SetEOLMode, 'AALIASING': self.SetUseAntiAliasing, 'SHOW_EOL': self.SetViewEOL, 'SHOW_LN': self.ToggleLineNumbers, 'SHOW_WS': self.SetViewWhiteSpace, 'WRAP': self.SetWrapMode } if mtype in cfgmap: cfgmap[mtype](Profile_Get(mtype)) return cfgmap2 = {'TABWIDTH': self.SetTabWidth, 'INDENTWIDTH': self.SetIndent} if mtype in cfgmap2: cfgmap2[mtype](Profile_Get(mtype, 'int')) def OnContextMenu(self, evt): """Handle right click menu events in the buffer""" self._menu.Clear() menu = ed_menu.EdMenu() menu.Append(ed_glob.ID_UNDO, _("Undo")) menu.Append(ed_glob.ID_REDO, _("Redo")) menu.AppendSeparator() menu.Append(ed_glob.ID_CUT, _("Cut")) menu.Append(ed_glob.ID_COPY, _("Copy")) menu.Append(ed_glob.ID_PASTE, _("Paste")) menu.AppendSeparator() menu.Append(ed_glob.ID_TO_UPPER, _("To Uppercase")) menu.Append(ed_glob.ID_TO_LOWER, _("To Lowercase")) menu.AppendSeparator() menu.Append(ed_glob.ID_SELECTALL, _("Select All")) # Allow clients to customize the context menu self._menu.SetMenu(menu) pos = evt.GetPosition() bpos = self.PositionFromPoint(self.ScreenToClient(pos)) self._menu.SetPosition(bpos) self._menu.SetUserData('buffer', self) ed_msg.PostMessage(ed_msg.EDMSG_UI_STC_CONTEXT_MENU, self._menu, self.GetId()) #### Spell checking #### # TODO: de-couple to the forthcoming buffer service interface menu.InsertSeparator(0) words = self.GetWordFromPosition(bpos) self._spell_data['word'] = words sugg = self._spell.getSuggestions(words[0]) # Don't give suggestions if the selected word is in the suggestions list if words[0] in sugg: sugg = list() if not len(sugg): item = menu.Insert(0, EdEditorView.ID_NO_SUGGEST, _("No Suggestions")) item.Enable(False) else: sugg = reversed(sugg[:min(len(sugg), 3)]) ids = (ID_SPELL_1, ID_SPELL_2, ID_SPELL_3) del self._spell_data['choices'] self._spell_data['choices'] = list() pos = 0 for idx, sug in enumerate(sugg): id_ = ids[idx] self._menu.AddHandler(id_, self.OnSpelling) self._spell_data['choices'].append((id_, sug)) menu.Insert(0, id_, sug) pos += 1 # Add spelling settings menu smenu = wx.Menu() smenu.Append(EdEditorView.ID_IGNORE, _("Ignore")) self._menu.AddHandler(EdEditorView.ID_IGNORE, self.OnSpelling) smenu.Append( EdEditorView.ID_ADD_TO_DICT, _("Add '%s' to dictionary") % self._spell_data['word'][0]) self._menu.AddHandler(EdEditorView.ID_ADD_TO_DICT, self.OnSpelling) menu.InsertSeparator(pos) menu.InsertMenu(pos + 1, EdEditorView.ID_SPELLING_MENU, _("Spelling"), smenu) #### End Spell Checking #### self.PopupMenu(self._menu.Menu) evt.Skip() def OnMenuEvent(self, evt): """Handle context menu events""" e_id = evt.GetId() handler = self._menu.GetHandler(e_id) # Handle custom menu items if handler is not None: handler(self, evt) else: self.ControlDispatch(evt) if evt.GetSkipped(): evt.Skip() def OnModified(self, evt): """Overrides EditraBaseStc.OnModified""" super(EdEditorView, self).OnModified(evt) # Handle word changes to update spell checking # TODO: limit via preferences and move to buffer service once # implemented. mod = evt.GetModificationType() if mod & or mod & pos = evt.GetPosition() last = pos + evt.GetLength() self._spell.addDirtyRange(pos, last, evt.GetLinesAdded(), mod & @modalcheck def PromptToReSave(self, cfile): """Show a dialog prompting to resave the current file @param cfile: the file in question """ mdlg = wx.MessageDialog( self, _("%s has been deleted since its " "last save point.\n\nWould you " "like to save it again?") % cfile, _("Resave File?"), wx.YES_NO | wx.ICON_INFORMATION) mdlg.CenterOnParent() result = mdlg.ShowModal() mdlg.Destroy() if result == wx.ID_YES: result = self.SaveFile(cfile) else: self.SetModTime(0) @modalcheck def AskToReload(self, cfile): """Show a dialog asking if the file should be reloaded @param cfile: the file to prompt for a reload of """ mdlg = wx.MessageDialog( self, _("%s has been modified by another " "application.\n\nWould you like " "to reload it?") % cfile, _("Reload File?"), wx.YES_NO | wx.ICON_INFORMATION) mdlg.CenterOnParent() result = mdlg.ShowModal() mdlg.Destroy() if result == wx.ID_YES: self.DoReloadFile() else: self.SetModTime(GetFileModTime(cfile)) def SetLexer(self, lexer): """Override to toggle spell check context""" super(EdEditorView, self).SetLexer(lexer) if lexer == self._spell.setCheckRegion(lambda p: True) else: self._spell.setCheckRegion(self.IsNonCode) #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# def ModifySave(self): """Called when document has been modified prompting a message dialog asking if the user would like to save the document before closing. @return: Result value of whether the file was saved or not """ name = self.GetFileName() if name == u"": name = self.GetTabLabel() dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, _("The file: \"%s\" has been modified since " "the last save point.\n\nWould you like to " "save the changes?") % name, _("Save Changes?"), wx.YES_NO | wx.YES_DEFAULT | wx.CANCEL | \ wx.ICON_INFORMATION) result = dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() # HACK if result == wx.ID_YES: evt = wx.MenuEvent(wx.wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, ed_glob.ID_SAVE) tlw = self.GetTopLevelParent() if hasattr(tlw, 'OnSave'): tlw.OnSave(evt) return result
class EdEditorView(ed_stc.EditraStc, ed_tab.EdTabBase): """Tab editor view for main notebook control.""" ID_NO_SUGGEST = wx.NewId() DOCMGR = DocPositionMgr() def __init__(self, parent, id_=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=0, use_dt=True): """Initialize the editor view""" ed_stc.EditraStc.__init__(self, parent, id_, pos, size, style, use_dt) ed_tab.EdTabBase.__init__(self) # Attributes self._ignore_del = False self._has_dlg = False self._lprio = 0 # Idle event priority counter self._menu = ContextMenuManager() self._spell = STCSpellCheck(self, check_region=self.IsNonCode) spref = Profile_Get('SPELLCHECK', default=dict()) self._spell_data = dict(choices=list(), word=('', -1, -1), enabled=spref.get('auto', False)) # Initialize the classes position manager for the first control # that is created only. if not EdEditorView.DOCMGR.IsInitialized(): EdEditorView.DOCMGR.InitPositionCache(ed_glob.CONFIG['CACHE_DIR'] + \ os.sep + u'positions') self._spell.clearAll() self._spell.setDefaultLanguage(spref.get('dict', 'en_US')) self._spell.startIdleProcessing() # Context Menu Events self.Bind(wx.EVT_CONTEXT_MENU, self.OnContextMenu) # Need to relay the menu events from the context menu to the top level # window to be handled on gtk. Other platforms don't require this. self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnMenuEvent) # Hide autocomp/calltips when window looses focus # TODO: decide on whether this belongs in base class or not self.Bind(wx.EVT_KILL_FOCUS, lambda evt: self.HidePopups()) self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_UP, self.OnSetFocus) ed_msg.Subscribe(self.OnConfigMsg, ed_msg.EDMSG_PROFILE_CHANGE + ('SPELLCHECK',)) ed_msg.Subscribe(self.OnConfigMsg, ed_msg.EDMSG_PROFILE_CHANGE + ('AUTOBACKUP',)) ed_msg.Subscribe(self.OnConfigMsg, ed_msg.EDMSG_PROFILE_CHANGE + ('SYNTHEME',)) ed_msg.Subscribe(self.OnConfigMsg, ed_msg.EDMSG_PROFILE_CHANGE + ('SYNTAX',)) def __del__(self): ed_msg.Unsubscribe(self.OnConfigMsg) super(EdEditorView, self).__del__() #---- EdTab Methods ----# def DoDeactivateTab(self): """Deactivate any active popups when the tab is no longer the active tab. """ self._menu.Clear() self.HidePopups() def DoOnIdle(self): """Check if the file has been modified and prompt a warning""" # Don't check while the file is loading if self.IsLoading(): return if not self._has_dlg and Profile_Get('CHECKMOD'): cfile = self.GetFileName() lmod = GetFileModTime(cfile) mtime = self.GetModTime() if mtime and not lmod and not os.path.exists(cfile): # File was deleted since last check wx.CallAfter(self.PromptToReSave, cfile) elif mtime < lmod: # Check if we should automatically reload the file or not if Profile_Get('AUTO_RELOAD', default=False) and \ not self.GetModify(): wx.CallAfter(self.DoReloadFile) else: wx.CallAfter(self.AskToReload, cfile) # Check for changes to permissions readonly = self._nb.ImageIsReadOnly(self.GetTabIndex()) if self.File.IsReadOnly() != readonly: if readonly: # File is no longer read only self._nb.SetPageImage(self.GetTabIndex(), str(self.GetLangId())) else: # File has changed to be readonly self._nb.SetPageImage(self.GetTabIndex(), ed_glob.ID_READONLY) self._nb.Refresh() else: pass # Handle Low(er) priority idle events self._lprio += 1 if self._lprio == 2: self._lprio = 0 # Reset counter # Do spell checking # TODO: Add generic subscriber hook and move spell checking and # and other low priority idle handling there if self._spell_data['enabled']: self._spell.processCurrentlyVisibleBlock() @modalcheck def DoReloadFile(self): """Reload the current file""" ret, rmsg = self.ReloadFile() if not ret: cfile = self.GetFileName() errmap = dict(filename=cfile, errmsg=rmsg) mdlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, _("Failed to reload %(filename)s:\n" "Error: %(errmsg)s") % errmap, _("Error"), wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR) mdlg.ShowModal() mdlg.Destroy() def DoTabClosing(self): """Save the current position in the buffer to reset on next load""" if len(self.GetFileName()) > 1: EdEditorView.DOCMGR.AddRecord([self.GetFileName(), self.GetCurrentPos()]) def DoTabOpen(self, ): """Called to open a new tab""" pass def DoTabSelected(self): """Performs updates that need to happen when this tab is selected""" Log("[ed_editv][info] Tab has file: %s" % self.GetFileName()) self.PostPositionEvent() def GetName(self): """Gets the unique name for this tab control. @return: (unicode) string """ return u"EditraTextCtrl" def GetTabMenu(self): """Get the tab menu @return: wx.Menu @todo: move logic from notebook to here @todo: generalize generic actions to base class (close, new, etc..) """ ptxt = self.GetTabLabel() menu = ed_menu.EdMenu() menu.Append(ed_glob.ID_NEW, _("New Tab")) menu.Append(ed_glob.ID_MOVE_TAB, _("Move Tab to New Window")) menu.AppendSeparator() menu.Append(ed_glob.ID_SAVE, _("Save \"%s\"") % ptxt) menu.Append(ed_glob.ID_CLOSE, _("Close \"%s\"") % ptxt) menu.Append(ed_glob.ID_CLOSE_OTHERS, _("Close Other Tabs")) menu.Append(ed_glob.ID_CLOSEALL, _("Close All")) menu.AppendSeparator() menu.Append(ed_glob.ID_COPY_PATH, _("Copy Full Path")) return menu def GetTitleString(self): """Get the title string to display in the MainWindows title bar @return: (unicode) string """ fname = self.GetFileName() title = os.path.split(fname)[-1] # Its an unsaved buffer if not len(title): title = fname = self.GetTabLabel() if self.GetModify() and not title.startswith(u'*'): title = u"*" + title return u"%s - file://%s" % (title, fname) def CanCloseTab(self): """Called when checking if tab can be closed or not @return: bool """ if self._ignore_del: self._ignore_del = False return True result = True if self.GetModify(): result = self.ModifySave() result = result in (wx.ID_YES, wx.ID_OK, wx.ID_NO) if result: self._ignore_del = True return result def OnSetFocus(self, evt): """Make sure that the currently selected tab is this one""" evt.Skip() parent = self.GetParent() csel = parent.GetSelection() idx = self.GetTabIndex() if csel != idx: parent.SetSelection(idx) def OnSpelling(self, buff, evt): """Context menu subscriber callback @param buff: buffer menu event happened in @param evt: MenuEvent """ e_id = evt.GetId() replace = None for choice in self._spell_data['choices']: if e_id == choice[0]: replace = choice[1] break if replace is not None: buff.SetTargetStart(self._spell_data['word'][1]) buff.SetTargetEnd(self._spell_data['word'][2]) buff.ReplaceTarget(replace) def OnTabMenu(self, evt): """Tab menu event handler""" e_id = evt.GetId() if e_id == ed_glob.ID_COPY_PATH: path = self.GetFileName() if path is not None: SetClipboardText(path) elif e_id == ed_glob.ID_MOVE_TAB: frame = wx.GetApp().OpenNewWindow() nbook = frame.GetNotebook() parent = self.GetParent() pg_txt = parent.GetRawPageText(parent.GetSelection()) nbook.OpenDocPointer(self.GetDocPointer(), self.GetDocument(), pg_txt) self._ignore_del = True wx.CallAfter(parent.ClosePage) elif e_id == ed_glob.ID_CLOSE_OTHERS: parent = self.GetParent() if hasattr(parent, 'CloseOtherPages'): parent.CloseOtherPages() elif wx.Platform == '__WXGTK__' and \ e_id in (ed_glob.ID_CLOSE, ed_glob.ID_CLOSEALL): # Need to relay events up to toplevel window on GTK for them to # be processed. On other platforms the propagate by them selves. wx.PostEvent(self.GetTopLevelParent(), evt) else: evt.Skip() #---- End EdTab Methods ----# def IsNonCode(self, pos): """Is the passed in position in a non code region @param pos: buffer position @return: bool """ return self.IsComment(pos) or self.IsString(pos) def OnConfigMsg(self, msg): """Update config based on profile changes""" mtype = msg.GetType()[-1] mdata = msg.GetData() if mtype == 'SPELLCHECK': self._spell_data['enabled'] = mdata.get('auto', False) self._spell.setDefaultLanguage(mdata.get('dict', 'en_US')) if not self._spell_data['enabled']: self._spell.clearAll() elif mtype == 'AUTOBACKUP': self.EnableAutoBackup(Profile_Get('AUTOBACKUP')) elif mtype == 'SYNTHEME': self.UpdateAllStyles() elif mtype == 'SYNTAX': self.SyntaxOnOff(Profile_Get('SYNTAX')) elif mtype == 'AUTO_COMP_EX': self.ConfigureAutoComp() def OnContextMenu(self, evt): """Handle right click menu events in the buffer""" self._menu.Clear() menu = ed_menu.EdMenu() menu.Append(ed_glob.ID_UNDO, _("Undo")) menu.Append(ed_glob.ID_REDO, _("Redo")) menu.AppendSeparator() menu.Append(ed_glob.ID_CUT, _("Cut")) menu.Append(ed_glob.ID_COPY, _("Copy")) menu.Append(ed_glob.ID_PASTE, _("Paste")) menu.AppendSeparator() menu.Append(ed_glob.ID_TO_UPPER, _("To Uppercase")) menu.Append(ed_glob.ID_TO_LOWER, _("To Lowercase")) menu.AppendSeparator() menu.Append(ed_glob.ID_SELECTALL, _("Select All")) # Allow clients to customize the context menu self._menu.SetMenu(menu) pos = evt.GetPosition() bpos = self.PositionFromPoint(self.ScreenToClient(pos)) self._menu.SetPosition(bpos) self._menu.SetUserData('buffer', self) ed_msg.PostMessage(ed_msg.EDMSG_UI_STC_CONTEXT_MENU, self._menu, self.GetId()) # Spell checking # TODO: de-couple to the forthcoming buffer service interface menu.InsertSeparator(0) words = self.GetWordFromPosition(bpos) self._spell_data['word'] = words sugg = self._spell.getSuggestions(words[0]) # Don't give suggestions if the selected word is in the suggestions list if words[0] in sugg: sugg = list() if not len(sugg): item = menu.Insert(0, EdEditorView.ID_NO_SUGGEST, _("No Suggestions")) item.Enable(False) else: sugg = reversed(sugg[:min(len(sugg), 3)]) ids = (ID_SPELL_1, ID_SPELL_2, ID_SPELL_3) del self._spell_data['choices'] self._spell_data['choices'] = list() for idx, sug in enumerate(sugg): id_ = ids[idx] self._menu.AddHandler(id_, self.OnSpelling) self._spell_data['choices'].append((id_, sug)) menu.Insert(0, id_, sug) self.PopupMenu(self._menu.Menu) evt.Skip() def OnMenuEvent(self, evt): """Handle context menu events""" e_id = evt.GetId() handler = self._menu.GetHandler(e_id) # Handle custom menu items if handler is not None: handler(self, evt) else: self.ControlDispatch(evt) if evt.GetSkipped(): evt.Skip() def OnModified(self, evt): """Overrides EditraBaseStc.OnModified""" super(EdEditorView, self).OnModified(evt) # Handle word changes to update spell checking # TODO: limit via preferences and move to buffer service once # implemented. mod = evt.GetModificationType() if mod & or mod & pos = evt.GetPosition() last = pos + evt.GetLength() self._spell.addDirtyRange(pos, last, evt.GetLinesAdded(), mod & @modalcheck def PromptToReSave(self, cfile): """Show a dialog prompting to resave the current file @param cfile: the file in question """ mdlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, _("%s has been deleted since its " "last save point.\n\nWould you " "like to save it again?") % cfile, _("Resave File?"), wx.YES_NO | wx.ICON_INFORMATION) mdlg.CenterOnParent() result = mdlg.ShowModal() mdlg.Destroy() if result == wx.ID_YES: result = self.SaveFile(cfile) else: self.SetModTime(0) @modalcheck def AskToReload(self, cfile): """Show a dialog asking if the file should be reloaded @param cfile: the file to prompt for a reload of """ mdlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, _("%s has been modified by another " "application.\n\nWould you like " "to reload it?") % cfile, _("Reload File?"), wx.YES_NO | wx.ICON_INFORMATION) mdlg.CenterOnParent() result = mdlg.ShowModal() mdlg.Destroy() if result == wx.ID_YES: self.DoReloadFile() else: self.SetModTime(GetFileModTime(cfile)) def SetLexer(self, lexer): """Override to toggle spell check context""" super(EdEditorView, self).SetLexer(lexer) if lexer == self._spell.setCheckRegion(lambda p: True) else: self._spell.setCheckRegion(self.IsNonCode) #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# def ModifySave(self): """Called when document has been modified prompting a message dialog asking if the user would like to save the document before closing. @return: Result value of whether the file was saved or not """ name = self.GetFileName() if name == u"": name = self.GetTabLabel() dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, _("The file: \"%s\" has been modified since " "the last save point.\n\nWould you like to " "save the changes?") % name, _("Save Changes?"), wx.YES_NO | wx.YES_DEFAULT | wx.CANCEL | \ wx.ICON_INFORMATION) result = dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() # HACK if result == wx.ID_YES: evt = wx.MenuEvent(wx.wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, ed_glob.ID_SAVE) tlw = self.GetTopLevelParent() if hasattr(tlw, 'OnSave'): tlw.OnSave(evt) return result
class EdEditorView(ed_stc.EditraStc, ed_tab.EdTabBase): """Tab editor view for main notebook control.""" ID_NO_SUGGEST = wx.NewId() ID_ADD_TO_DICT = wx.NewId() ID_IGNORE = wx.NewId() ID_SPELLING_MENU = wx.NewId() ID_CLOSE_TAB = wx.NewId() ID_CLOSE_ALL_TABS = wx.NewId() DOCMGR = DocPositionMgr() def __init__(self, parent, id_=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=0, use_dt=True): """Initialize the editor view""" ed_stc.EditraStc.__init__(self, parent, id_, pos, size, style, use_dt) ed_tab.EdTabBase.__init__(self) # Attributes self._ro_img = False self._ignore_del = False self._has_dlg = False self._lprio = 0 # Idle event priority counter self._menu = ContextMenuManager() self._spell = STCSpellCheck(self, check_region=self.IsNonCode) self._caret_w = 1 self._focused = True spref = Profile_Get("SPELLCHECK", default=dict()) self._spell_data = dict(choices=list(), word=("", -1, -1), enabled=spref.get("auto", False)) # Initialize the classes position manager for the first control # that is created only. if not EdEditorView.DOCMGR.IsInitialized(): EdEditorView.DOCMGR.InitPositionCache(ed_glob.CONFIG["CACHE_DIR"] + os.sep + u"positions") self._spell.clearAll() self._spell.setDefaultLanguage(spref.get("dict", "en_US")) self._spell.startIdleProcessing() # Context Menu Events self.Bind(wx.EVT_CONTEXT_MENU, self.OnContextMenu) # Need to relay the menu events from the context menu to the top level # window to be handled on gtk. Other platforms don't require this. self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnMenuEvent) # Hide autocomp/calltips when window looses focus # TODO: decide on whether this belongs in base class or not self.Bind(wx.EVT_KILL_FOCUS, lambda evt: self.HidePopups()) self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_UP, self.OnSetFocus) self.Bind(wx.EVT_WINDOW_DESTROY, self.OnDestroy, self) # Subscribe for configuration updates for opt in ( "AUTOBACKUP", "SYNTHEME", "SYNTAX", "BRACKETHL", "GUIDES", "SHOW_EDGE", "EDGE", "CODE_FOLD", "AUTO_COMP", "AUTO_INDENT", "HLCARETLINE", "SPELLCHECK", "VI_EMU", "VI_NORMAL_DEFAULT", "USETABS", "TABWIDTH", "INDENTWIDTH", "BSUNINDENT", "EOL_MODE", "AALIASING", "SHOW_EOL", "SHOW_LN", "SHOW_WS", "WRAP", "VIEWVERTSPACE", ): ed_msg.Subscribe(self.OnConfigMsg, ed_msg.EDMSG_PROFILE_CHANGE + (opt,)) def OnDestroy(self, evt): """Cleanup message handlers on destroy""" if evt.Id == self.Id: ed_msg.Unsubscribe(self.OnConfigMsg) evt.Skip() # ---- EdTab Methods ----# def DoDeactivateTab(self): """Deactivate any active popups when the tab is no longer the active tab. """ self._menu.Clear() self.HidePopups() def DoOnIdle(self): """Check if the file has been modified and prompt a warning""" # Don't check while the file is loading if self.IsLoading(): return # Handle hiding and showing the caret when the window gets loses focus cfocus = self.FindFocus() if not self._focused and cfocus is self: # Focus has just returned to the window self.RestoreCaret() self._focused = True elif self._focused and cfocus is not self: self.HideCaret() # Hide the caret when not active self._focused = False self.CallTipCancel() # Check for changes to on disk file if not self._has_dlg and Profile_Get("CHECKMOD"): cfile = self.GetFileName() lmod = GetFileModTime(cfile) mtime = self.GetModTime() if mtime and not lmod and not os.path.exists(cfile): # File was deleted since last check wx.CallAfter(self.PromptToReSave, cfile) elif mtime < lmod: # Check if we should automatically reload the file or not if Profile_Get("AUTO_RELOAD", default=False) and not self.GetModify(): wx.CallAfter(self.DoReloadFile) else: wx.CallAfter(self.AskToReload, cfile) # Check for changes to permissions if self.File.IsReadOnly() != self._ro_img: self._nb.SetPageBitmap(self.GetTabIndex(), self.GetTabImage()) self._nb.Refresh() else: pass # Handle Low(er) priority idle events self._lprio += 1 if self._lprio == 2: self._lprio = 0 # Reset counter # Do spell checking # TODO: Add generic subscriber hook and move spell checking and # and other low priority idle handling there if self.IsShown(): if self._spell_data["enabled"]: self._spell.processCurrentlyVisibleBlock() else: # Ensure calltips are not shown when this is a background tab. self.CallTipCancel() @modalcheck def DoReloadFile(self): """Reload the current file""" ret, rmsg = self.ReloadFile() if not ret: cfile = self.GetFileName() errmap = dict(filename=cfile, errmsg=rmsg) mdlg = wx.MessageDialog( self, _("Failed to reload %(filename)s:\n" "Error: %(errmsg)s") % errmap, _("Error"), wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR, ) mdlg.ShowModal() mdlg.Destroy() def DoTabClosing(self): """Save the current position in the buffer to reset on next load""" if len(self.GetFileName()) > 1: EdEditorView.DOCMGR.AddRecord([self.GetFileName(), self.GetCurrentPos()]) def DoTabOpen(self,): """Called to open a new tab""" pass def DoTabSelected(self): """Performs updates that need to happen when this tab is selected""" Log("[ed_editv][info] Tab has file: %s" % self.GetFileName()) self.PostPositionEvent() def GetName(self): """Gets the unique name for this tab control. @return: (unicode) string """ return u"EditraTextCtrl" def GetTabImage(self): """Get the Bitmap to use for the tab @return: wx.Bitmap (16x16) """ if self.GetDocument().ReadOnly: self._ro_img = True bmp = wx.ArtProvider.GetBitmap(str(ed_glob.ID_READONLY), wx.ART_MENU) else: self._ro_img = False lang_id = str(self.GetLangId()) bmp = wx.ArtProvider.GetBitmap(lang_id, wx.ART_MENU) if bmp.IsNull(): bmp = wx.ArtProvider.GetBitmap(str(synglob.ID_LANG_TXT), wx.ART_MENU) return bmp def GetTabMenu(self): """Get the tab menu @return: wx.Menu @todo: move logic from notebook to here @todo: generalize generic actions to base class (close, new, etc..) """ ptxt = self.GetTabLabel() menu = ed_menu.EdMenu() menu.Append(ed_glob.ID_NEW, _("New Tab")) menu.Append(ed_glob.ID_MOVE_TAB, _("Move Tab to New Window")) menu.AppendSeparator() menu.Append(ed_glob.ID_SAVE, _('Save "%s"') % ptxt) menu.Append(EdEditorView.ID_CLOSE_TAB, _('Close "%s"') % ptxt) menu.Append(ed_glob.ID_CLOSE_OTHERS, _("Close Other Tabs")) menu.Append(EdEditorView.ID_CLOSE_ALL_TABS, _("Close All")) menu.AppendSeparator() menu.Append(ed_glob.ID_COPY_FILE, _("Copy Filename")) menu.Append(ed_glob.ID_COPY_PATH, _("Copy Full Path")) return menu def GetTitleString(self): """Get the title string to display in the MainWindows title bar @return: (unicode) string """ fname = self.GetFileName() title = os.path.split(fname)[-1] # Its an unsaved buffer if not len(title): title = fname = self.GetTabLabel() if self.GetModify() and not title.startswith(u"*"): title = u"*" + title return u"%s - file://%s" % (title, fname) def CanCloseTab(self): """Called when checking if tab can be closed or not @return: bool """ if self._ignore_del: self._ignore_del = False return True result = True if self.GetModify(): result = self.ModifySave() result = result in (wx.ID_YES, wx.ID_OK, wx.ID_NO) if result: self._ignore_del = True return result def OnSetFocus(self, evt): """Make sure that the currently selected tab is this one""" evt.Skip() parent = self.GetParent() csel = parent.GetSelection() idx = self.GetTabIndex() if csel != idx: parent.SetSelection(idx) def OnSpelling(self, buff, evt): """Context menu subscriber callback @param buff: buffer menu event happened in @param evt: MenuEvent """ e_id = evt.Id spelld = self._spell.getSpellingDictionary() if e_id == EdEditorView.ID_ADD_TO_DICT: # Permanently add to users spelling dictionary if spelld: spelld.add(self._spell_data["word"][0]) self.RefreshSpellcheck() elif e_id == EdEditorView.ID_IGNORE: # Ignore spelling for this session if spelld: spelld.add_to_session(self._spell_data["word"][0]) self.RefreshSpellcheck() else: replace = None for choice in self._spell_data["choices"]: if e_id == choice[0]: replace = choice[1] break if replace is not None: buff.SetTargetStart(self._spell_data["word"][1]) buff.SetTargetEnd(self._spell_data["word"][2]) buff.ReplaceTarget(replace) def RefreshSpellcheck(self): """Refresh the visible text area for spellchecking""" fline = self.GetFirstVisibleLine() first = self.GetLineStartPosition(fline) lline = self.GetLastVisibleLine() last = self.GetLineEndPosition(lline) self._spell.addDirtyRange(first, last, 0, False) def OnTabMenu(self, evt): """Tab menu event handler""" e_id = evt.GetId() if e_id in (ed_glob.ID_COPY_PATH, ed_glob.ID_COPY_FILE): path = self.GetFileName() if path is not None: if e_id == ed_glob.ID_COPY_FILE: path = GetFileName(path) SetClipboardText(path) elif e_id == ed_glob.ID_MOVE_TAB: frame = wx.GetApp().OpenNewWindow() nbook = frame.GetNotebook() parent = self.GetParent() pg_txt = parent.GetRawPageText(parent.GetSelection()) nbook.OpenDocPointer(self.GetDocPointer(), self.GetDocument(), pg_txt) self._ignore_del = True wx.CallAfter(parent.ClosePage) elif e_id == ed_glob.ID_CLOSE_OTHERS: parent = self.GetParent() if hasattr(parent, "CloseOtherPages"): parent.CloseOtherPages() elif e_id in (EdEditorView.ID_CLOSE_TAB, EdEditorView.ID_CLOSE_ALL_TABS): # Need to relay events up to toplevel window on GTK for them to # be processed. On other platforms the propagate by themselves. evt.SetId( {EdEditorView.ID_CLOSE_TAB: ed_glob.ID_CLOSE, EdEditorView.ID_CLOSE_ALL_TABS: ed_glob.ID_CLOSEALL}.get( e_id ) ) wx.PostEvent(self.GetTopLevelParent(), evt) else: evt.Skip() # ---- End EdTab Methods ----# def OnConfigMsg(self, msg): """Update config based on profile changes""" mtype = msg.GetType()[-1] mdata = msg.GetData() if mtype == "SPELLCHECK": self._spell_data["enabled"] = mdata.get("auto", False) self._spell.setDefaultLanguage(mdata.get("dict", "en_US")) if not self._spell_data["enabled"]: self._spell.clearAll() return elif mtype == "AUTO_COMP_EX": self.ConfigureAutoComp() return elif mtype == "CARETWIDTH": if self.GetCaretWidth(): # check that it is not hidden self.RestoreCaret() return elif mtype in ("VI_EMU", "VI_NORMAL_DEFAULT"): self.SetViEmulationMode(Profile_Get("VI_EMU"), Profile_Get("VI_NORMAL_DEFAULT")) return elif mtype == "VIEWVERTSPACE": self.SetEndAtLastLine(not Profile_Get("VIEWVERTSPACE")) # Update other settings cfgmap = { "AUTOBACKUP": self.EnableAutoBackup, "SYNTHEME": self.UpdateAllStyles, "SYNTAX": self.SyntaxOnOff, "BRACKETHL": self.ToggleBracketHL, "GUIDES": self.SetIndentationGuides, "SHOW_EDGE": self.SetViewEdgeGuide, "EDGE": self.SetViewEdgeGuide, "CODE_FOLD": self.FoldingOnOff, "AUTO_COMP": self.SetAutoComplete, "AUTO_INDENT": self.ToggleAutoIndent, "HLCARETLINE": self.SetCaretLineVisible, "USETABS": self.SetUseTabs, "BSUNINDENT": self.SetBackSpaceUnIndents, "EOL_MODE": self.SetEOLMode, "AALIASING": self.SetUseAntiAliasing, "SHOW_EOL": self.SetViewEOL, "SHOW_LN": self.ToggleLineNumbers, "SHOW_WS": self.SetViewWhiteSpace, "WRAP": self.SetWrapMode, } if mtype in cfgmap: cfgmap[mtype](Profile_Get(mtype)) return cfgmap2 = {"TABWIDTH": self.SetTabWidth, "INDENTWIDTH": self.SetIndent} if mtype in cfgmap2: cfgmap2[mtype](Profile_Get(mtype, "int")) def OnContextMenu(self, evt): """Handle right click menu events in the buffer""" self._menu.Clear() menu = ed_menu.EdMenu() menu.Append(ed_glob.ID_UNDO, _("Undo")) menu.Append(ed_glob.ID_REDO, _("Redo")) menu.AppendSeparator() menu.Append(ed_glob.ID_CUT, _("Cut")) menu.Append(ed_glob.ID_COPY, _("Copy")) menu.Append(ed_glob.ID_PASTE, _("Paste")) menu.AppendSeparator() menu.Append(ed_glob.ID_TO_UPPER, _("To Uppercase")) menu.Append(ed_glob.ID_TO_LOWER, _("To Lowercase")) menu.AppendSeparator() menu.Append(ed_glob.ID_SELECTALL, _("Select All")) # Allow clients to customize the context menu self._menu.SetMenu(menu) pos = evt.GetPosition() bpos = self.PositionFromPoint(self.ScreenToClient(pos)) self._menu.SetPosition(bpos) self._menu.SetUserData("buffer", self) ed_msg.PostMessage(ed_msg.EDMSG_UI_STC_CONTEXT_MENU, self._menu, self.GetId()) #### Spell checking #### # TODO: de-couple to the forthcoming buffer service interface menu.InsertSeparator(0) words = self.GetWordFromPosition(bpos) self._spell_data["word"] = words sugg = self._spell.getSuggestions(words[0]) # Don't give suggestions if the selected word is in the suggestions list if words[0] in sugg: sugg = list() if not len(sugg): item = menu.Insert(0, EdEditorView.ID_NO_SUGGEST, _("No Suggestions")) item.Enable(False) else: sugg = reversed(sugg[: min(len(sugg), 3)]) ids = (ID_SPELL_1, ID_SPELL_2, ID_SPELL_3) del self._spell_data["choices"] self._spell_data["choices"] = list() pos = 0 for idx, sug in enumerate(sugg): id_ = ids[idx] self._menu.AddHandler(id_, self.OnSpelling) self._spell_data["choices"].append((id_, sug)) menu.Insert(0, id_, sug) pos += 1 # Add spelling settings menu smenu = wx.Menu() smenu.Append(EdEditorView.ID_IGNORE, _("Ignore")) self._menu.AddHandler(EdEditorView.ID_IGNORE, self.OnSpelling) smenu.Append(EdEditorView.ID_ADD_TO_DICT, _("Add '%s' to dictionary") % self._spell_data["word"][0]) self._menu.AddHandler(EdEditorView.ID_ADD_TO_DICT, self.OnSpelling) menu.InsertSeparator(pos) menu.InsertMenu(pos + 1, EdEditorView.ID_SPELLING_MENU, _("Spelling"), smenu) #### End Spell Checking #### self.PopupMenu(self._menu.Menu) evt.Skip() def OnMenuEvent(self, evt): """Handle context menu events""" e_id = evt.GetId() handler = self._menu.GetHandler(e_id) # Handle custom menu items if handler is not None: handler(self, evt) else: self.ControlDispatch(evt) if evt.GetSkipped(): evt.Skip() def OnModified(self, evt): """Overrides EditraBaseStc.OnModified""" super(EdEditorView, self).OnModified(evt) # Handle word changes to update spell checking # TODO: limit via preferences and move to buffer service once # implemented. mod = evt.GetModificationType() if mod & or mod & pos = evt.GetPosition() last = pos + evt.GetLength() self._spell.addDirtyRange(pos, last, evt.GetLinesAdded(), mod & @modalcheck def PromptToReSave(self, cfile): """Show a dialog prompting to resave the current file @param cfile: the file in question """ mdlg = wx.MessageDialog( self, _("%s has been deleted since its " "last save point.\n\nWould you " "like to save it again?") % cfile, _("Resave File?"), wx.YES_NO | wx.ICON_INFORMATION, ) mdlg.CenterOnParent() result = mdlg.ShowModal() mdlg.Destroy() if result == wx.ID_YES: result = self.SaveFile(cfile) else: self.SetModTime(0) @modalcheck def AskToReload(self, cfile): """Show a dialog asking if the file should be reloaded @param cfile: the file to prompt for a reload of """ mdlg = wx.MessageDialog( self, _("%s has been modified by another " "application.\n\nWould you like " "to reload it?") % cfile, _("Reload File?"), wx.YES_NO | wx.ICON_INFORMATION, ) mdlg.CenterOnParent() result = mdlg.ShowModal() mdlg.Destroy() if result == wx.ID_YES: self.DoReloadFile() else: self.SetModTime(GetFileModTime(cfile)) def SetLexer(self, lexer): """Override to toggle spell check context""" super(EdEditorView, self).SetLexer(lexer) if lexer == self._spell.setCheckRegion(lambda p: True) else: self._spell.setCheckRegion(self.IsNonCode) # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------# def ModifySave(self): """Called when document has been modified prompting a message dialog asking if the user would like to save the document before closing. @return: Result value of whether the file was saved or not """ name = self.GetFileName() if name == u"": name = self.GetTabLabel() dlg = wx.MessageDialog( self, _( 'The file: "%s" has been modified since ' "the last save point.\n\nWould you like to " "save the changes?" ) % name, _("Save Changes?"), wx.YES_NO | wx.YES_DEFAULT | wx.CANCEL | wx.ICON_INFORMATION, ) result = dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() # HACK if result == wx.ID_YES: evt = wx.MenuEvent(wx.wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, ed_glob.ID_SAVE) tlw = self.GetTopLevelParent() if hasattr(tlw, "OnSave"): tlw.OnSave(evt) return result