    def contains(self, point):
        Returns True if the point in inside the cylinder and False if it is on the surface or outside.
        >>> # Inside
        >>> cylinder = Cylinder(.5, 2)
        >>> cylinder.contains([.25, .25, 1])
        >>> # On surface
        >>> cylinder.contains([.0, .0, 2.])
        >>> # Outside
        >>> cylinder.contains([-1,-1,-1])

        if self.on_surface(point) == True:
            return False
        local_point = transform_point(point, tf.inverse_matrix(self.transform))
        origin_z = 0.
        xydistance = np.sqrt(local_point[0]**2 + local_point[1]**2)
        if intervalcheckstrict(origin_z, local_point[2], self.length) == True and xydistance<self.radius:
            return True
            return False        
    def surface_normal(self, ray, acute=True):
        Return the surface normal for a ray arriving on the CSGsub surface.

        invtransform = tf.inverse_matrix(self.transform)
        localray = Ray()
        localray.position = transform_point(ray.position, invtransform)
        localray.direction = transform_direction(ray.direction, invtransform)
        bool1 = self.SUBplus.on_surface(localray.position)
        bool2 = self.SUBminus.on_surface(localray.position)

        assertbool = False
        if bool1 == True and self.SUBminus.contains(localray.position) == False:
            assertbool = True
        if bool2 == True and self.SUBplus.contains(localray.position) == True:
            assertbool = True
        assert assertbool == True

        if bool1 == True and self.SUBminus.contains(localray.position) == False:            
            return self.SUBplus.surface_normal(ray, acute)            

        if bool2 == True and self.SUBplus.contains(localray.position) == True:
            if acute:            
                return self.SUBminus.surface_normal(ray,acute)
                normal = -1 * self.SUBminus.surface_normal(ray, acute=True)
                # Remove signed zeros
                for i in range(0,3):
                    if normal[i] == 0.0:
                        normal[i] = 0.0
                return normal
 def on_surface(self, point):
     """Returns True if the point is on the plane's surface and false otherwise."""
     inv_transform = tf.inverse_matrix(self.transform)
     rpos = transform_point(ray.position, inv_transform)
     if cmp_floats(rpos, 0.) and (0. < rpos[0] <= self.length ) and (0. < rpos[1] <= self.width):
         return True
     return False
    def surface_identifier(self, surface_point, assert_on_surface = True):
        local_point = transform_point(surface_point, tf.inverse_matrix(self.transform))
        origin_z = 0.
        xydistance = np.sqrt(local_point[0]**2 + local_point[1]**2)
        Assert surface_point on surface
        assertbool = False
        if intervalcheck(origin_z, local_point[2], self.length) == True:
            if cmp_floats(xydistance, self.radius) == True:                
                surfacename = 'hull'
                assertbool = True
        if smallerequalto(xydistance,self.radius):
            if cmp_floats(local_point[2], origin_z) == True:
                surfacename = 'base'
                assertbool = True
            if cmp_floats(local_point[2], self.length) == True:
                surfacename = 'cap'
                assertbool = True

        if assert_on_surface == True:    
            assert assertbool, "The assert bool is wrong."
        return surfacename
    def surface_identifier(self, surface_point, assert_on_surface = True):
        Returns surface-ID name if surface_point located on CSGint surface

        Ensure surface_point on CSGint surface
        invtransform = tf.inverse_matrix(self.transform)
        local_point = transform_point(surface_point, invtransform)
        bool1 = self.INTone.on_surface(local_point)
        bool2 = self.INTtwo.on_surface(local_point)
        assertbool = False
        if bool1 == True and self.INTtwo.contains(local_point) == True:
            assertbool = True
        if bool2 == True and self.INTone.contains(local_point) == True:
            assertbool = True
        if bool1 == bool2 == True:
            assertbool = True
        if assert_on_surface == True:
            assert assertbool == True
        if bool1 == True:
            return self.reference + "_INTone_" + self.INTone.surface_identifier(local_point)
        if bool2 == True:
            return self.reference + "_INTtwo_" + self.INTtwo.surface_identifier(local_point)
    def surface_normal(self, ray, acute=True):
        Returns surface normal in point where ray hits CSGint surface

        Ensure surface_point on CSGint surface

        invtransform = tf.inverse_matrix(self.transform)
        localray = Ray()
        localray.position = transform_point(ray.position, invtransform)
        localray.direction = transform_direction(ray.direction, invtransform)
        bool1 = self.INTone.on_surface(localray.position)
        bool2 = self.INTtwo.on_surface(localray.position)
        assertbool = False
        if bool1 == True and self.INTtwo.contains(localray.position) == True:
            assertbool = True
        if bool2 == True and self.INTone.contains(localray.position) == True:
            assertbool = True
        if bool1 == bool2 == True:
            assertbool = True
        assert assertbool == True
        if bool1 == True:
            return self.INTone.surface_normal(ray, acute)
            return self.INTtwo.surface_normal(ray, acute)
    def on_surface(self, point):
        Returns True or False dependent on whether point on CSGadd surface or not

        if self.contains(point):
            return False

        invtransform = tf.inverse_matrix(self.transform)
        local_point = transform_point(point, invtransform)
        bool1 = self.ADDone.on_surface(local_point)
        bool2 = self.ADDtwo.on_surface(local_point)

        if bool1 == True and self.ADDtwo.contains(local_point) == False:
            return True
        if bool2 == True and self.ADDone.contains(local_point) == False:
            return True
        if bool1 == bool2 == True:
            return True
            return False
    def surface_normal(self, ray, acute=True):
        Return the surface normal for a ray on the shape surface. 
        An assert error is raised if the ray is not on the surface.
        >>> cylinder = Cylinder(2, 2)
        >>> #Bottom cap in
        >>> ray = Ray([0,0,0], [0,0,1])
        >>> cylinder.surface_normal(ray)
        array([ 0.,  0.,  1.])
        >>> #Bottom cap out
        >>> ray = Ray([0,0,0], [0,0,-1])
        >>> cylinder.surface_normal(ray)
        array([ 0.,  0., -1.])
        >>> # End cap in
        >>> ray = Ray([0,0,2], [0,0,-1])
        >>> cylinder.surface_normal(ray)
        array([ 0.,  0., -1.])
        >>> # End cap out
        >>> ray = Ray([0,0,2], [0,0,1])
        >>> cylinder.surface_normal(ray)
        array([ 0.,  0.,  1.])
        >>> # Radial
        >>> ray = Ray([2, 0, 1], [1,0,0])
        >>> cylinder.surface_normal(ray)
        array([ 1.,  0.,  0.])
        assert self.on_surface(ray.position), "The ray is not on the surface."
        invtrans = tf.inverse_matrix(self.transform)
        rpos = transform_point(ray.position, invtrans)
        rdir = transform_direction(ray.direction, invtrans)
        # point on radius surface
        pt_radius = np.sqrt(rpos[0]**2 + rpos[1]**2)
        c0 = cmp_floats(pt_radius, self.radius)
        #point on end caps
        c1 = cmp_floats(rpos[2], .0)
        c2 = cmp_floats(rpos[2], self.length)
        # check radius first
        if c0 and (c1 == c2):
            normal = norm(np.array(rpos) - np.array([0,0,rpos[2]]))
        elif c1:
            normal = np.array([0,0,-1])
            # Create a vector that points from the axis of the cylinder to the ray position, 
            # this is the normal vector.
            normal = np.array([0,0,1])

        if acute:
            if angle(normal, rdir) > np.pi*0.5:
                normal = normal * -1.
        return transform_direction(normal, self.transform)
    def contains(self, point):
        """Returns True is the point is inside the box or False if it is not or is on the surface.
        >>> box = Box([1,1,1], [2,2,2])
        >>> box.contains([2,2,2])
        >>> box = Box([1,1,1], [2,2,2])
        >>> box.contains([3,3,3])
        >>> # This point is not the surface within rounding errors
        >>> box = Box([0,0,0], [1,1,1])
        >>> box.contains([ 0.04223342,  0.99999999999999989  ,  0.35692177])
        >>> box = Box([0,0,0], [1,1,1])
        >>> box.contains([ 0.04223342,  0.5        ,  0.35692177])
        #local_point = transform_point(point, tf.inverse_matrix(self.transform))
        #for pair in zip((self.origin, local_point, self.extent)):
        #    if not pair[0] < pair[1] < pair[2]:
        #        return False
        #return True
        local_point = transform_point(point, tf.inverse_matrix(self.transform))
        for i in range(0,3):
            #if not (self.origin[i] < local_point[i] < self.extent[i]):
            # Want to make this comparison: self.origin[i] < local_point[i] < self.extent[i]
            c1 = cmp_floats_range(self.origin[i], local_point[i])
            #print self.origin[i], " is less than ", local_point[i]
            if c1 == -1:
                b1 = True
                b1 = False
            #print b1
            c2 = cmp_floats_range(local_point[i], self.extent[i])
            #print local_point[i], " is less than ", self.extent[i]
            if c2 == -1:
                b2 = True
                b2 = False
            #print b2
            if not (b1 and b2):
                return False
        return True

        """ # Alternatively:
    def contains(self, point):
        Returns True if ray contained by CSGint, False otherwise

        invtransform = tf.inverse_matrix(self.transform)
        point = transform_point(point, invtransform)
        bool1 = self.INTone.contains(point)
        bool2 = self.INTtwo.contains(point)

        if bool1 == bool2 == True:
            return True
            return False
    def on_surface(self, point):
        >>> # On surface
        >>> cylinder = Cylinder(.5, 2.)
        >>> cylinder.on_surface([.0, .0, 2.])
        """ # !!! Old version !!!
        local_point = transform_point(point, tf.inverse_matrix(self.transform))
        # xy-component is equal to radius
        pt_radius = np.sqrt(local_point[0]**2 + local_point[1]**2)
        c0 = cmp_floats(pt_radius, self.radius)
        #z-component is equal to zero or length
        c1 = cmp_floats(local_point[2], .0)
        c2 = cmp_floats(local_point[2], self.length)
        if c1 or c2:
            return True
        elif c0:
            return True
            return False

        local_point = transform_point(point, tf.inverse_matrix(self.transform))
        origin_z = 0.
        xydistance = np.sqrt(local_point[0]**2 + local_point[1]**2)
        if intervalcheck(origin_z, local_point[2], self.length) == True:
            if cmp_floats(xydistance, self.radius) == True:
                return True
        if smallerequalto(xydistance,self.radius):
            if cmp_floats(local_point[2], origin_z) == True or cmp_floats(local_point[2], self.length) == True:
                return True
        return False
    def contains(self, point):
        Returns True if ray contained by CSGsub, False otherwise

        invtransform = tf.inverse_matrix(self.transform)
        local_point = transform_point(point, invtransform)
        bool1 = self.SUBplus.contains(local_point)
        bool2 = self.SUBminus.contains(local_point)
        if bool1 == False:
            return False
        if bool2 == True:
            return False
            return True
    def on_surface(self, point):
        """Returns True if the point is on the surface False otherwise.
        >>> box = Box([1,1,1], [2,2,2])
        >>> box.on_surface([2,2,2])
        >>> box = Box([1,1,1], [2,2,2])
        >>> box.on_surface([4,4,4])
        >>> box = Box(origin=(0, 0, 1.1000000000000001), extent=np.array([ 1. ,  1. ,  2.1]))
        >>> ray = Ray(position=(.5,.5, 2.1), direction=(0,0,1))
        >>> box.on_surface(ray.position)

        if self.contains(point) == True:
            return False
        # Get an axis-aligned point... then this is really easy.
        local_point = transform_point(point, tf.inverse_matrix(self.transform))
        # the local point must have at least one common point with the surface definition points
        def_points = np.concatenate((np.array(self.origin), np.array(self.extent)))

        bool1 = False
        bool2 = False
        bool3 = False
        boolarray = [bool1, bool2, bool3]
        for i in range(0,3):
            if cmp_floats(def_points[i], local_point[i]):
                for j in range(0,3):
                    if intervalcheck(def_points[j],local_point[j],def_points[j+3]):
                        boolarray[j] = True
            if cmp_floats(def_points[i+3], local_point[i]):
                for j in range(0,3):
                    if intervalcheck(def_points[j],local_point[j],def_points[j+3]):
                        boolarray[j] = True                        
        if boolarray[0] == boolarray[1] == boolarray[2] == True:
            return True

        return False
    def on_surface(self, point):
        Returns True if the point is on the outer or inner surface of the CSGsub, and False othewise.

        invtransform = tf.inverse_matrix(self.transform)
        local_point = transform_point(point, invtransform)
        bool1 = self.SUBplus.on_surface(local_point)
        bool2 = self.SUBminus.on_surface(local_point)

        if bool1 == True and self.SUBminus.contains(local_point) == False:
            return True
        if bool2 == True and self.SUBplus.contains(local_point) == True:
            return True
            return False

        """ Alternatively:
    def contains(self, point):
        Returns True if ray contained by CSGadd, False otherwise

        invtransform = tf.inverse_matrix(self.transform)
        local_point = transform_point(point, invtransform)
        bool1 = self.ADDone.contains(local_point)
        bool2 = self.ADDtwo.contains(local_point)
        bool3 = self.ADDone.on_surface(local_point)
        bool4 = self.ADDtwo.on_surface(local_point)

        if bool1 or bool2:
            return True

        if bool3 and bool4:
            return True

        return False
 def intersection(self, ray):
     Returns the intersection point of the ray with the plane. If no intersection occurs None is returned.
     >>> ray = Ray(position=[0.5, 0.5, -0.5], direction=[0,0,1])
     >>> plane = Plane()
     >>> plane.intersection(ray)
     [array([ 0.5,  0.5,  0. ])]
     >>> ray = Ray(position=[0.5, 0.5, -0.5], direction=[0,0,1])
     >>> plane = Plane()
     >>> plane.transform = tf.translation_matrix([0,0,1])
     >>> plane.intersection(ray)
     [array([ 0.5,  0.5,  1. ])]
     >>> ray = Ray(position=[0.5, 0.5, -0.5], direction=[0,0,1])
     >>> plane = Plane()
     >>> plane.append_transform(tf.translation_matrix([0,0,1]))
     >>> plane.append_transform(tf.rotation_matrix(np.pi,[1,0,0]))
     >>> plane.intersection(ray)
     [array([ 0.5,  0.5,  1. ])]
      # We need apply the anti-transform of the plane to the ray. This gets the ray in the local frame of the plane.
     inv_transform = tf.inverse_matrix(self.transform)
     rpos = transform_point(ray.position, inv_transform)
     rdir = transform_direction(ray.direction, inv_transform)
     # Ray is in parallel to the plane -- there is no intersection
     if rdir[2] == 0.0:
         return None
     t = -rpos[2]/rdir[2]
     # Intersection point is behind the ray
     if t < 0.0:
         return None
     # Convert local frame to world frame
     point = rpos + t*rdir
     return [transform_point(point, self.transform)]
    def surface_identifier(self, surface_point, assert_on_surface = True):
        Returns a unique identifier for the surface location on the CSGsub.

        invtransform = tf.inverse_matrix(self.transform)
        local_point = transform_point(surface_point, invtransform)
        bool1 = self.SUBplus.on_surface(local_point)
        bool2 = self.SUBminus.on_surface(local_point)

        assertbool = False
        if bool1 == True and self.SUBminus.contains(local_point) == False:
            assertbool = True
        elif bool2 == True and self.SUBplus.contains(local_point) == True:
            assertbool = True
        if assert_on_surface == True:
            assert assertbool == True

        if bool1 == True and self.SUBminus.contains(local_point) == False:
            return self.reference + "_SUBplus_" + self.SUBplus.surface_identifier(local_point)

        if bool2 == True and self.SUBplus.contains(local_point) == True:
            return self.reference + "_SUBminus_" + self.SUBminus.surface_identifier(local_point)
    def intersection(self, ray):
        Returns the intersection points of ray with CSGadd in global frame

        # We will need the invtransform later when we return the results..."
        invtransform = tf.inverse_matrix(self.transform)

        localray = Ray()

        localray.position = transform_point(ray.position, invtransform)
        localray.direction = transform_direction(ray.direction, invtransform)

        ADDone__intersections = self.ADDone.intersection(localray)
        ADDtwo__intersections = self.ADDtwo.intersection(localray)

        Cover the simpler cases
        if ADDone__intersections == None and ADDtwo__intersections == None:
            return None  

        Change ..._intersections into tuples
        if ADDone__intersections != None:
            for i in range(0,len(ADDone__intersections)):
                point = ADDone__intersections[i]
                new_point = (point[0], point[1], point[2])
                ADDone__intersections[i] = new_point
        if ADDtwo__intersections != None:
            for i in range(0,len(ADDtwo__intersections)):
                point = ADDtwo__intersections[i]
                new_point = (point[0],point[1],point[2])
                ADDtwo__intersections[i] = new_point

        Only intersection points NOT containted in resp. other structure relevant
        ADDone_intersections = []
        ADDtwo_intersections = []

        if ADDone__intersections != None:
            for i in range(0,len(ADDone__intersections)):
                if self.ADDtwo.contains(ADDone__intersections[i]) == False:

        if ADDtwo__intersections != None:
            for j in range(0,len(ADDtwo__intersections)):
                if self.ADDone.contains(ADDtwo__intersections[j]) == False:

        => Convert to list
        ADDone_set = set(ADDone_intersections[:])
        ADDtwo_set = set(ADDtwo_intersections[:])
        combined_set = ADDone_set | ADDtwo_set
        combined_intersections = list(combined_set)

        Just in case...
        if len(combined_intersections) == 0:
            return None

        Sort by separation from ray origin
        intersection_separations = []
        for point in combined_intersections:
            intersection_separations.append(separation(ray.position, point))

        Convert into Numpy arrays in order to sort
        intersection_separations = np.array(intersection_separations)
        sorted_indices = intersection_separations.argsort()
        sorted_combined_intersections = []
        for index in sorted_indices:

        global_frame_intersections = []
        for point in sorted_combined_intersections:
            global_frame_intersections.append(transform_point(point, self.transform))

        global_frame_intersections_cleared = []
        for point in global_frame_intersections:
            if self.on_surface(point) == True:
                This is only necessary if the two objects have an entire surface region in common,
                for example consider two boxes joined at one face.

        if len(global_frame_intersections_cleared) == 0:
            return None
        return global_frame_intersections_cleared
    def surface_identifier(self, surface_point, assert_on_surface = True):
        Returns an unique identifier that specifies the surface which holds the surface_points.
        self.on_surface(surface_point) must return True, otherwise an assert error is thrown.
        Example, for a Box with origin=(X,Y,Z), and size=(L,W,H) has the identifiers:
        # Get an axis-aligned point... then this is really easy.
        local_point = transform_point(surface_point, tf.inverse_matrix(self.transform))
        # the local point must have at least one common point with the surface definition points
        def_points = np.concatenate((np.array(self.origin), np.array(self.extent)))
        #surface_id[0]=0 => left
        #surface_id[1]=0 => near
        #surface_id[2]=0 => bottom
        #surface_id[3]=0 => right
        #surface_id[4]=0 => far
        #surface_id[5]=0 => top
        #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
        surface_id_array = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
        boolarray = [False, False, False]
        for i in range(0,3):
            if cmp_floats(def_points[i], local_point[i]):
                for j in range(0,3):
                    if intervalcheck(def_points[j],local_point[j],def_points[j+3]):
                        surface_id_array[i] = 1
                        boolarray[j] = True
            if cmp_floats(def_points[i+3], local_point[i]):
                for j in range(0,3):
                    if intervalcheck(def_points[j],local_point[j],def_points[j+3]):
                        surface_id_array[i+3] = 1                        
                        boolarray[j] = True          
        if assert_on_surface == True:                                        
            assert boolarray[0] == boolarray[1] == boolarray[2] == True 
        surface_name = []
        if surface_id_array[0] == 1:
        if surface_id_array[1] == 1:
        if surface_id_array[2] == 1:
        if surface_id_array[3] == 1:
        if surface_id_array[4] == 1:
        if surface_id_array[5] == 1:

        The following helps to specify if the local_point is located on a corner
        or edge of the box. If that is not desired, simply return surface_name[0].

        # return surface_name[0]
        return_id = ''
        for j in range(len(surface_name)):
            return_id = return_id + surface_name[j] + ''
        return return_id
 def surface_normal(self, ray, acute=True):
     Returns the normalised vector of which is the acute surface normal (0<~ theta <~ 90) 
     with respect to ray direction. If acute=False is specified the reflex
     normal is returned (0<~ theta < 360) The ray must be on the surface 
     otherwise an error is raised.
     >>> box = Box([0,0,0], [1,1,1])
     >>> ray = Ray([0.5,0.5,1], [0,0,1])
     >>> box.surface_normal(ray)
     array([ 0.,  0.,  1.])
     >>> box = Box([1,1,1], [2,2,2])
     >>> ray = Ray([1.5,1.5,2], [0,0,1])
     >>> box.surface_normal(ray)
     array([ 0.,  0.,  1.])
     assert self.on_surface(ray.position), "The point is not on the surface of the box."
     invtrans = tf.inverse_matrix(self.transform)
     rpos = transform_point(ray.position, invtrans)
     rdir = transform_direction(ray.direction, invtrans)
     # To define a flat surface, 3 points are needed.
     common_index = None
     exit = False
     reference_point = list(self.origin)
     for ref in reference_point:
         if not exit:
             for val in rpos:
                 if cmp_floats(ref,val):
                     #logging.debug("Common value found, " + str(val) + " at index" + str(list(rpos).index(val)))
                     common_index = list(rpos).index(val)
                     exit = True
     exit = False
     if common_index == None:
         reference_point = list(self.extent)
         for ref in reference_point:
             if not exit:
                 for val in rpos:
                     if cmp_floats(ref,val):
                         #logging.debug("Common value found, " + str(val) + " at index" + str(list(rpos).index(val)))
                         common_index = list(rpos).index(val)
                         exit = True
     assert common_index != None, "The intersection point %s doesn't share an element with either the origin %s or extent points %s (all points transformed into local frame)." % (rpos, self.origin, self.extent)
     normal = np.zeros(3)
     if list(self.origin) == list(reference_point):
         normal[common_index] = -1.
         normal[common_index] = 1.
     if acute:
         if angle(normal, rdir) > np.pi/2:
             normal = normal * -1.0
             assert 0 <= angle(normal, rdir) <= np.pi/2, "The normal vector needs to be pointing in the same direction quadrant as the ray, so the angle between them is between 0 and 90"
     # remove signed zeros this just makes the doctest work. Signed zeros shouldn't really effect the maths but makes things neat.
     for i in range(0,3):
         if normal[i] == 0.0:
             normal[i] = 0.0
     return transform_direction(normal, self.transform)
    def intersection(self, ray):
        Returns the intersection points of ray with CSGint in global frame

        # We will need the invtransform later when we return the results..."
        invtransform = tf.inverse_matrix(self.transform)

        localray = Ray()

        localray.position = transform_point(ray.position, invtransform)
        localray.direction = transform_direction(ray.direction, invtransform)

        INTone__intersections = self.INTone.intersection(localray)
        INTtwo__intersections = self.INTtwo.intersection(localray)

        Cover the simpler cases
        if INTone__intersections == None and INTtwo__intersections == None:
            return None  
        Change ..._intersections into tuples
        if INTone__intersections != None:
            for i in range(0,len(INTone__intersections)):
                point = INTone__intersections[i]
                new_point = (point[0], point[1], point[2])
                INTone__intersections[i] = new_point

        if INTtwo__intersections != None:
            for i in range(0,len(INTtwo__intersections)):
                point = INTtwo__intersections[i]
                new_point = (point[0], point[1], point[2])
                INTtwo__intersections[i] = new_point

        Only intersection points contained in resp. other structure relevant
        INTone_intersections = []
        INTtwo_intersections = []

        if INTone__intersections != None:
            for i in range(0,len(INTone__intersections)):
                if self.INTtwo.contains(INTone__intersections[i]) == True:

        if INTtwo__intersections != None:       
            for j in range(0,len(INTtwo__intersections)):
                if self.INTone.contains(INTtwo__intersections[j]) == True:

        => Convert to list
        INTone_set = set(INTone_intersections[:])
        INTtwo_set = set(INTtwo_intersections[:])
        combined_set = INTone_set | INTtwo_set
        combined_intersections = list(combined_set)

        Just in case...
        if len(combined_intersections) == 0:
            return None

        Sort by separation from ray origin
        intersection_separations = []
        for point in combined_intersections:
            intersection_separations.append(separation(ray.position, point))

        Convert into Numpy arrays in order to sort
        intersection_separations = np.array(intersection_separations)
        sorted_indices = intersection_separations.argsort()
        sorted_combined_intersections = []
        for index in sorted_indices:

        global_frame_intersections = []
        for point in sorted_combined_intersections:
            global_frame_intersections.append(transform_point(point, self.transform))

        return global_frame_intersections
 def intersection(self, ray):
     '''Returns an array intersection points with the ray and box. If no intersection occurs
     this function returns None.
     # Inside-out single intersection
     >>> ray = Ray(position=[0.5,0.5,0.5], direction=[0,0,1])
     >>> box = Box()
     >>> box.intersection(ray)
     [array([ 0.5,  0.5,  1. ])]
     # Inside-out single intersection with translation
     >>> ray = Ray(position=[0.5,0.5,0.5], direction=[0,0,1])
     >>> box = Box()
     >>> box.transform = tf.translation_matrix([0,0,1])
     >>> box.intersection(ray)
     [array([ 0.5,  0.5,  1. ]), array([ 0.5,  0.5,  2. ])]
     >>> ray = Ray(position=[0.5,0.5,0.5], direction=[0,0,1])
     >>> box = Box()
     >>> box.append_transform(tf.rotation_matrix(2*np.pi, [0,0,1]))
     >>> box.intersection(ray)
     [array([ 0.5,  0.5,  1. ])]
     >>> ray = Ray(position=[0.5,0.5,0.5], direction=[0,0,1])
     >>> box = Box()
     >>> box.append_transform(tf.rotation_matrix(2*np.pi, norm([1,1,0])))
     >>> box.append_transform(tf.translation_matrix([0,0,1]))
     >>> box.intersection(ray)
     [array([ 0.5,  0.5,  1. ]), array([ 0.5,  0.5,  2. ])]
     Here I am using the the work of Amy Williams, Steve Barrus, R. Keith Morley, and 
     Peter Shirley, "An Efficient and Robust Ray-Box Intersection Algorithm" Journal of 
     graphics tools, 10(1):49-54, 2005'''
     invtrans = tf.inverse_matrix(self.transform)
     rpos = transform_point(ray.position, invtrans)
     rdir = transform_direction(ray.direction, invtrans)
     #pts = [transform_point(self.points[0], self.transform), transform_point(self.points[1], self.transform)]
     pts = [np.array(self.points[0]), np.array(self.points[1])]
     rinvd = [1.0/rdir[0], 1.0/rdir[1], 1.0/rdir[2]]
     rsgn = [1.0/rinvd[0] < 0.0, 1.0/rinvd[1] < 0.0, 1.0/rinvd[2] < 0.0]
     tmin = (pts[rsgn[0]][0] - rpos[0]) * rinvd[0]
     tmax = (pts[1-rsgn[0]][0] - rpos[0]) * rinvd[0]
     tymin = (pts[rsgn[1]][1] - rpos[1]) * rinvd[1]
     tymax = (pts[1-rsgn[1]][1] - rpos[1]) * rinvd[1]
     #Bug here: this is the exit point with bug1.py
     if (tmin > tymax) or (tymin > tmax): 
         return None
     if tymin > tmin:
         tmin = tymin
     if tymax < tmax:
         tmax = tymax
     tzmin = (pts[rsgn[2]][2] - rpos[2]) * rinvd[2]
     tzmax = (pts[1-rsgn[2]][2] - rpos[2]) * rinvd[2]
     if (tmin > tzmax) or  (tzmin > tmax): 
         return None
     if tzmin > tmin:
         tmin = tzmin
     if tzmax < tmax:
         tmax = tzmax
     # Calculate the hit coordinates then if the solution is in the forward direction append to the hit list.
     hit_coordinates = []
     pt1 = rpos + tmin * rdir
     pt2 = rpos + tmax * rdir
     #pt1_sign = np.dot(pt1, rdir)
     #pt2_sign = np.dot(pt2, rdir)
     #print "tmin", tmin, "tmax", tmax
     if tmin >= 0.0:
     if tmax >= 0.0:
     #print hit_coordinates
     if len(hit_coordinates) == 0:
         return None
     # Convert hit coordinate back to the world frame
     hit_coords_world = []
     for point in hit_coordinates:
         hit_coords_world.append(transform_point(point, self.transform))
     return hit_coords_world
 def intersection(self, ray):
     Returns all forward intersection points with ray and the capped cylinder. 
     The intersection algoithm is taken from, "Intersecting a Ray with a Cylinder"
     Joseph M. Cychosz and Warren N. Waggenspack, Jr., in "Graphics Gems IV", 
     Academic Press, 1994.
     >>> cld = Cylinder(1.0, 1.0)
     >>> cld.intersection(Ray([0.0,0.0,0.5], [1,0,0]))
     [array([ 1. ,  0. ,  0.5])]
     >>> cld.intersection(Ray([-5,0.0,0.5], [1,0,0]))
     [array([-1. ,  0. ,  0.5]), array([ 1. ,  0. ,  0.5])]
     >>> cld.intersection(Ray([.5,.5,-1], [0,0,1]))
     [array([ 0.5,  0.5,  1. ]), array([ 0.5,  0.5,  0. ])]
     >>> cld.intersection( Ray([0.0,0.0,2.0], [0,0,-1]))
     [array([ 0.,  0.,  1.]), array([ 0.,  0.,  0.])]
     >>> cld.intersection(Ray([-0.2, 1.2,0.5],[0.75498586, -0.53837322,  0.37436697]))
     [array([ 0.08561878,  0.99632797,  0.64162681]), array([ 0.80834999,  0.48095523,  1.        ])]
     >>> cld.intersection(Ray(position=[ 0.65993112596983427575736414, -0.036309587083015459896273569,  1.        ], direction=[ 0.24273873128664008591570678, -0.81399482405912471083553328,  0.52772183462341881732271531]))
     [array([ 0.65993113, -0.03630959,  1.        ])]
     >>> cld.transform = tf.translation_matrix([0,0,1])
     >>> cld.intersection(Ray([-5,0.0,1.5], [1,0,0]))
     [array([-1. ,  0. ,  1.5]), array([ 1. ,  0. ,  1.5])]
     >>> cld.transform = tf.identity_matrix()
     >>> cld.transform = tf.rotation_matrix(0.25*np.pi, [1,0,0])
     >>> cld.intersection(Ray([-5,-.5,-0.25], [1,0,0]))
     [array([-0.84779125, -0.5       , -0.25      ]), array([ 0.84779125, -0.5       , -0.25      ])]
     # Inverse transform the ray to get it into the cylinders local frame
     inv_transform = tf.inverse_matrix(self.transform)
     rpos = transform_point(ray.position, inv_transform)
     rdir = transform_direction(ray.direction, inv_transform)
     direction = np.array([0,0,1])
     normal = np.cross(rdir, direction)
     normal_magnitude = magnitude(normal)
     #print normal_magnitude, "Normal magnitude"
     if cmp_floats(normal_magnitude, .0):
         # Ray parallel to cylinder direction
         normal = norm(normal)
         #d = abs(np.dot(rpos, direction))
         #D = rpos - d * np.array(direction)
         #if magnitude(D) <= self.radius:
         # Axis aligned ray inside the cylinder volume only hits caps
         #print "Inside axis aligned ray only hits caps"
         bottom = Plane()
         top = Plane()
         top.transform = tf.translation_matrix([0,0,self.length])
         p0 = top.intersection(Ray(rpos, rdir))
         p1 = bottom.intersection(Ray(rpos, rdir))
         cap_intersections = []
         if p0 != None:
         if p1 != None:
         points = []
         for point in cap_intersections:
             if point[0] != None:
                 point = point[0]
                 point_radius = np.sqrt(point[0]**2 + point[1]**2)
                 if point_radius <= self.radius:
                     #print "Hit cap at point:"
                     #print point
                     #print ""
         if len(points) > 0:
             world_points = []
             for pt in points:
                 world_points.append(transform_point(pt, self.transform))
             #print "Local points", points
             #print "World points", world_points
             return world_points
         return None
     # finish axis parallel branch
     #print "Not parallel to cylinder axis."
     #print ""
     normal = norm(normal)
     d = abs(np.dot(rpos, normal))
     if d <= self.radius:
         #Hit quadratic surface
         O = np.cross(rpos, direction)
         t = - np.dot(O,normal) / normal_magnitude
         O = np.cross(normal, direction)
         O = norm(O)
         s = abs(np.sqrt(self.radius**2 - d**2) / np.dot(rdir, O))
         t0 = t - s
         p0 = rpos + t0 * rdir
         t1 = t + s
         p1 = rpos + t1 * rdir
         points = []
         if (t0 >= 0.0) and (.0 <= p0[2] <= self.length):
         if (t1 >= 0.0) and (.0 <= p1[2] <= self.length):
         #print "Hits quadratic surface with t0 and t1, ", t0, t1
         #print ""
         #print "Intersection points:"
         #p0 = rpos + t0 * rdir
         #p1 = rpos + t1 * rdir
         # Check that hit quadratic surface in the length range
         #points = []
         #if (.0 <= p0[2] <= self.length) and not Ray(rpos, rdir).behind(p0):
         #    points.append(p0)
         #if (.0 <= p1[2] <= self.length) and not Ray(rpos, rdir).behind(p1):
         #    points.append(p1)
         #print points
         #Now compute intersection with end caps
         #print "Now to calculate caps intersections"
         bottom = Plane()
         top = Plane()
         top.transform = tf.translation_matrix([0,0,self.length])
         p2 = top.intersection(Ray(rpos, rdir))
         p3 = bottom.intersection(Ray(rpos, rdir))
         cap_intersections = []
         if p2 != None:
         if p3 != None:
         for point in cap_intersections:
             if point[0] != None:
                 point = point[0]
                 point_radius = np.sqrt(point[0]**2 + point[1]**2)
                 if point_radius <= self.radius:
                     #print "Hit cap at point:"
                     #print point
                     #print ""
         #print points
         if len(points) > 0:
             world_points = []
             for pt in points:
                 world_points.append(transform_point(pt, self.transform))
             return world_points
         return None
    def intersection(self, ray):
        Returns the intersection points of ray with CSGsub in global frame

        # We will need the invtransform later when we return the results..."
        invtransform = tf.inverse_matrix(self.transform)

        localray = Ray()

        localray.position = transform_point(ray.position, invtransform)
        localray.direction = transform_direction(ray.direction, invtransform)
        SUBplus__intersections = self.SUBplus.intersection(localray)
        SUBminus__intersections = self.SUBminus.intersection(localray)
        Cover the simpler cases
        if SUBplus__intersections == None and SUBminus__intersections == None:
            return None  
        Change ..._intersections into tuples
        if SUBplus__intersections != None:
            for i in range(0,len(SUBplus__intersections)):
                point = SUBplus__intersections[i]
                new_point = (point[0], point[1], point[2])
                SUBplus__intersections[i] = new_point

        if SUBminus__intersections != None:
            for i in range(0,len(SUBminus__intersections)):
                point = SUBminus__intersections[i]
                new_point = (point[0], point[1], point[2])
                SUBminus__intersections[i] = new_point
        Valid intersection points:
        SUBplus intersections must lie outside SUBminus
        SUBminus intersections must lie inside SUBplus
        SUBplus_intersections = []
        SUBminus_intersections = []

        if SUBplus__intersections != None:
            for intersection in SUBplus__intersections:
                if not self.SUBminus.contains(intersection):

        if SUBminus__intersections != None:
            for intersection in SUBminus__intersections:
                if self.SUBplus.contains(intersection):
        # SUBplus_set = set(SUBplus_intersections[:])
        # SUBminus_set = set(SUBminus_intersections[:])
        # combined_set = SUBplus_set ^ SUBminus_set
        # combined_intersections = list(combined_set)
        combined_intersections = np.array(list(set(SUBplus_intersections+SUBminus_intersections)))
        # intersection_separations = combined_intersections[0]**2+combined_intersections[1]**2+combined_intersections[2]**2
        Just in case...
        if len(combined_intersections) == 0:
            return None
        transposed_intersections = combined_intersections.transpose()
        intersection_vectors = transposed_intersections[0]-ray.position[0], transposed_intersections[1]-ray.position[1], transposed_intersections[2]-ray.position[2]
        # intersection_separations= []
        # print combined_intersections, point, intersection_vectors
        intersection_separations = intersection_vectors[0]**2+intersection_vectors[1]**2+intersection_vectors[2]**2
        # for point in combined_intersections:
        #     intersection_separations.append(separation(ray.position, point))

        # for i in range(len(intersection_separations)):
        #     print intersection_separations[i], intersection_separations2[i]

        Sort by distance from ray origin => Use Numpy arrays
        # intersection_separations = np.array(intersection_separations)
        sorted_combined_intersections = combined_intersections[intersection_separations.argsort()]
        # sorted_combined_intersections = []
        #         for index in sorted_indices:
        #             sorted_combined_intersections.append(np.array(combined_intersections[index]))
        # global_frame_intersections = []
        # for point in sorted_combined_intersections:
        #     global_frame_intersections.append(transform_point(point, self.transform))

        global_frame_intersections = [transform_point(point, self.transform) for point in sorted_combined_intersections]
        return global_frame_intersections