def extractDgn(dgnNameList, nameRepeatFlag, dgnIndex, port, allLst): dgnLst, objLst, mobLst, mapLst = allLst[0], allLst[7], allLst[2], allLst[ -1] errorLog = [] # -----------获取Dgn内信息 # if dgnIndex in map2DgnDict.keys(): # dgnMapIndex = map2DgnDict[dgnIndex] # else: dgnMapIndex = [] directExtractFile, dgnObjID, allMapIndex, dgnMobID, dgnName, dgnPathName = dgnFunc( dgnIndex, dgnLst, port, dgnMapIndex) dgnName = correctDirName(dgnName) if dgnName not in dgnNameList: dgnNameList.append(dgnName) else: dgnName += str(nameRepeatFlag) nameRepeatFlag += 1 dgnNameList.append(dgnName) couldRepeatGetFileList, allObjID, allMobID, wrongObjID, wrongMobID = ObjMobIDToPath( dgnObjID, dgnMobID, objLst, mobLst) # changeMapID changeMapID, npcList = [], [] contentList = [ directExtractFile, couldRepeatGetFileList, allObjID, allMobID, changeMapID, npcList ] # 对在词典里的地图进行获取 [directExtractFile, couldRepeatGetFileList, allObjID, allMobID, changeMapID, npcList], \ dgnMapIndex, errorLog = getInDictMapInfo(contentList, allMapIndex, mapLst, errorLog, dgnMapIndex, port) # -----------循环获取 allApcID = [] directExtractList, allObjID, allMobID, errorLog = repeatGet( allObjID, objLst, allMobID, mobLst, couldRepeatGetFileList, directExtractFile, allApcID, port, errorLog) allMapIndex = reCSort(allMapIndex) allObjID = reCSort(allObjID) allMobID = reCSort(allMobID) directExtractFile = list(set(directExtractFile + directExtractList)) lstDict = { "dungeon": [[dgnIndex], dgnLst], "map": [allMapIndex, mapLst], "passiveObject": [allObjID, objLst], "monster": [allMobID, mobLst] } return [ "\\副本\\" + dgnName, nameRepeatFlag, dgnNameList, directExtractFile, lstDict, errorLog ]
def extractObj(objIndex, port, allLst, errorLog): mobLst, objLst = allLst[2], allLst[7] directExtractFile, couldRepeatGetFileList, allMobID, allApcID = getEmptyList( 4) directExtractFile, allObjID, allMobID, errorLog = repeatGet( objIndex, objLst, allMobID, mobLst, couldRepeatGetFileList, directExtractFile, allApcID, port, errorLog) # 去重排序 allObjID = reCSort(allObjID) allMobID = reCSort(allMobID) directExtractFile = list(set(directExtractFile)) # 导出文件 objName = '\\特效-被动对象\\' + "_".join(allObjID) lstDict = { "passiveObject": [allObjID, objLst], "monster": [allMobID, mobLst] } return objName, directExtractFile, lstDict, errorLog
def extractAPC(saveDir, allApcID, port, allLst, errorLog): start_id = int('%Y%m%d') + '00') shpID = 100301 apcLst, equLst, objLst, mobLst, = allLst[3], allLst[1], allLst[7], allLst[ 2] allDirectFile, allRepeatFile, allItems, newAllApc, allObjID, allMobID, stkList, newcashshopList = getEmptyList( 8) apcNameList = getApcNameDict(allApcID, apcLst, equLst, port, errorLog) apcDirName = "\\APC\\" + "_".join(allApcID) apcSaveDir = saveDir + apcDirName iep(apcSaveDir) for apcC in apcNameList: [apcID, apcName, equItem, apcJob, directFile, repeatFile] = apcC allItems += equItem allDirectFile += directFile allRepeatFile += repeatFile newAllApc.append(apcID) newSummon = summonStk.format(name=apcName, ID=apcID) # 写入STK文件 packageContent = '' for equID in equItem: if 'avatar' in equLst[equLst.index(equID) + 1]: packageContent += '''\n[avatar]\n1\t{equID}\t1000\t1\t0\t0\n[/avatar]\n'''.format( equID=equID) else: packageContent += '''\n[equipment]\n1\t{equID}\t1000\t1\n[/equipment]\n'''.format( equID=equID) packageContent += '''\n[stackable]\n1\t{card}\t1000\t1\n[/stackable]\n'''.format( card=str(start_id)) newPackage = packageStk.format(name=apcName, job=apcJob, package=packageContent) start_id, stkList = saveFileApc(start_id, newSummon, stkList, apcSaveDir) start_id, stkList = saveFileApc(start_id, newPackage, stkList, apcSaveDir) newcashshopList.append( """{a} {b} 0 0 1200 `{name} COS 礼包` 1 0 -1 -1 \n""".format( a=str(shpID), b=str(start_id - 1), name=apcName)) shpID += 1 allDirectFile, allObjID, allMobID, errorLog = repeatGet( allObjID, objLst, allMobID, mobLst, allRepeatFile, allDirectFile, allApcID, port, errorLog) allDirectFile = [ file.replace('key/key/', 'key/') for file in allDirectFile ] # 写出物品TXT with open(apcSaveDir + '\\apcEqu.lst', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write('**所有APC物品代码**\n') items = ','.join(allItems) f.write('-' * (len(items) + 4) + '\n') f.write('+ ' + items + ' +\n') f.write('-' * (len(items) + 4) + '\n\n') f.write('\n\n**对应APC物品代码**\n') for apc in apcNameList: f.write('apcName:' + apc[1] + '\n' + 'apcID:\t' + apc[0] + '\n') items = ','.join(apc[2]) f.write('-' * (len(items) + 4) + '\n') f.write('+ ' + items + ' +\n') f.write('-' * (len(items) + 4) + '\n\n') lstSavePath = apcSaveDir + '\\APC提取列表.txt' # 写出列表 with open(lstSavePath, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as lst: lst.write("----------stackable.lst----------\n") with open(lstSavePath, 'a', encoding="utf-8") as lst: for stk in stkList: lst.write(stk) with open(lstSavePath, 'a', encoding='utf-8') as lst: lst.write("\n\n----------etc/newcashshop.etc----------\n") with open(lstSavePath, 'a', encoding="utf-8") as lst: for shp in newcashshopList: lst.write(shp) lstDict = { "aicharacter": [allApcID, apcLst], "monster": [allMobID, mobLst], "passiveObject": [allObjID, objLst] } return apcDirName, allDirectFile, lstDict, errorLog
def extractTwn(twnId, port, allLst, errorLog, savePath): directExtractFile, uiPath, mapFilePath, allWdmID, allItemID = getEmptyList( 5) twnLst, wdmLst, objLst, mobLst = allLst[9], allLst[10], allLst[7], allLst[ 2] twnPath = getLstPath('town', twnId, twnLst) twnC = fromPvfGetContent(port, twnPath) twnCList = fileText2List(twnC) directExtractFile.append(twnPath) for index, line in enumerate(twnCList): if "`[dungeon gate]`" in line: allWdmID.append(line.split('\t')[-1]) elif line == "[entering title]": directExtractFile.append("town/" + twnCList[index + 1].replace('`', '').lower()) elif line[-5:].lower() == '.map`': # print(line) mapPath = 'map/' + line.replace('`', '').lower().replace('\\', '/') frMap = [ mapPath.replace( mapPath.split('/')[-1], '(r)' + mapPath.split('/')[-1]), mapPath.replace( mapPath.split('/')[-1], '(f)' + mapPath.split('/')[-1]) ] # print(frMap) mapFilePath.append(mapPath) directExtractFile.append(mapPath) mapFilePath += frMap directExtractFile += frMap if len(allWdmID) > 0: for wdmID in allWdmID: if wdmID not in wdmLst: errorLog.append(wdmID + '\t不在wdm列表中') continue wdmFilePath = getLstPath('worldmap', wdmID, wdmLst) wdmC = fromPvfGetContent(port, wdmFilePath) if wdmC is False: errorLog.append(wdmFilePath + '\t读取错误') continue directExtractFile.append(wdmFilePath) wdmCList = fileText2List(wdmC) for index, line in enumerate(wdmCList): # UI路径 if line == "[ui path]": directExtractFile.append(wdmCList[index + 1].replace( '`', '').lower()) # print(mapFilePath) mapDirectExtractFile, couldRepeatGetFileList, allObjID, allMobID, changeMapID, npcID = mapPathFunc( mapFilePath, port, errorLog) directExtractFile += mapDirectExtractFile allApcID = [] directExtractList, allObjID, allMobID, errorLog = repeatGet( allObjID, objLst, allMobID, mobLst, couldRepeatGetFileList, directExtractFile, allApcID, port, errorLog) npcLst = toList(fromPvfGetContent(port, "npc/npc.lst")) itemShopLst = toList(fromPvfGetContent(port, "itemshop/itemshop.lst")) directNpc, allItemID, npcWritID, itemshopWriteID, npcItemDIct, errorLog = extractNpc( npcLst, itemShopLst, npcID, port, errorLog) directExtractFile += directNpc name = "\\城镇\\{}".format(twnId) lstDict = { "passiveObject": [allObjID, objLst], "monster": [allMobID, mobLst], "town": [[twnId], twnLst], "worldmap": [allWdmID, wdmLst], "npc": [npcWritID, npcLst], "itemshop": [itemshopWriteID, itemShopLst] } itemIDFilePath = savePath + name + "\\商店物品列表.txt" iep(savePath + name) with open(itemIDFilePath, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write('**所有商店物品代码**\n') items = ','.join(allItemID) f.write('-' * (len(items) + 4) + '\n') f.write('+ ' + items + ' +\n') f.write('-' * (len(items) + 4) + '\n\n') f.write('\n\n**对应NPC/ItemShop商店物品代码**\n') for npc, item in npcItemDIct.items(): f.write('npcName:' + item[2] + '\n' + 'npcID:\t' + npc + '\n' + 'itemShopID:\t' + item[0] + '\n') items = ','.join(item[1]) f.write('-' * (len(items) + 4) + '\n') f.write('+ ' + items + ' +\n') f.write('-' * (len(items) + 4) + '\n\n') return name, directExtractFile, lstDict, errorLog
def extractEquStk(allItemID, errorLog, port, allLst, partSetIndexDict): # allItemID, (dgnLst, mapLst, mobLst, objLst, equLst, stkLst, apcLst, apdLst, creLst, twnLst), errorLog = result stkLst, equLst, objLst, mobLst, apcLst, apdLst, creLst = allLst[8], allLst[1], allLst[7], \ allLst[2], allLst[3], allLst[11], \ allLst[4] allEquID, allStkID = listJoin(allItemID, equLst), listJoin(allItemID, stkLst) [ allMobID, allObjID, allApcID, allCreID, allApdID, iconImgs, directExtractFiles, repeatFileList, repeatStk ] = getEmptyList(9) getContentList = directExtractFiles, repeatStk, allEquID, allMobID, allObjID, allApcID, repeatFileList, iconImgs getContentList, errorLog = stkIDFunc(allStkID, stkLst, equLst, getContentList, port, errorLog) repeatStk = list(set(list(set(repeatStk))) - set(allStkID)) # ------------新获取的STK重复 allStkID, getContentList = stkRepeat(repeatStk, allStkID, getContentList, stkLst, equLst, port, errorLog) directExtractFiles, repeatStk, allEquID, allMobID, allObjID, allApcID, repeatFileList, iconImgs = getContentList # ------------提取装备 partSetContent = '' trueVars = [] result = equExtract(allEquID, equLst, port, errorLog, partSetIndexDict) if result: _directExtractFiles, _repeatFileList, \ allEquID, _MobID, _ObjID, _ApdID, _CreID, _ApcID, \ _iconImgs, _trueVars, _partSetContent = result directExtractFiles += _directExtractFiles repeatFileList += _repeatFileList allMobID += _MobID allObjID += _ObjID allApdID += _ApdID allApcID += _ApcID allCreID += _CreID iconImgs += _iconImgs trueVars += _trueVars partSetContent += _partSetContent + '\n' # ------------重复获取可重复文件 directExtractFiles, allObjID, allMobID, errorLog = repeatGet( allObjID, objLst, allMobID, mobLst, repeatFileList, directExtractFiles, allApcID, port, errorLog) notInLstApc = checkInList(allApcID, apcLst) errorLog += [apcID + "\tAPC不在列表中" for apcID in notInLstApc] apdFilePathList, allApdID = getApdFilePathList(allApdID, apdLst, port, errorLog) directExtractFiles += apdFilePathList # ------------写出文件 lstDict = { "stackable": [allStkID, stkLst], "equipment": [allEquID, equLst], "aicharacter": [allApcID, apcLst], "appendage": [allApdID, apdLst], "creature": [allCreID, creLst], "passiveObject": [allObjID, objLst], "monster": [allMobID, mobLst] } # ------------导出整合IMG return "\\装备-消耗品\\" + allItemID[0], [ trueVars, iconImgs ], directExtractFiles, lstDict, errorLog
while True: result = getExtractIndex("obj", objLst) if len(result) == 1: flag = printErrorLog(result) if flag == 0: print("程序已退出。") break else: continue # 提取 allObjID, errorLog = result directExtractFile, couldRepeatGetFileList, allMobID, allApcID = getEmptyList( 4) directExtractFile, allObjID, allMobID, errorLog = repeatGet( allObjID, objLst, allMobID, mobLst, couldRepeatGetFileList, directExtractFile, allApcID, port, errorLog) # 去重排序 allObjID = reCSort(allObjID) allMobID = reCSort(allMobID) directExtractFile = list(set(directExtractFile)) # 导出文件 objName = 'obj' + "_".join(allObjID) lstDict = { "passiveObject": [allObjID, objLst], "monster": [allMobID, mobLst] } newSaveMainDir = saveMainDir + '\\特效\\{name}\\'.format(name=objName) imgList, errorLog = outPutFileAndNPK(newSaveMainDir, lstDict, imgDir, npk, directExtractFile, errorLog, port)
newPackage = packageStk.format(name=apcName, job=apcJob, package=packageContent) start_id, stkList = saveFile(start_id, newSummon, stkList, apcSaveDir) start_id, stkList = saveFile(start_id, newPackage, stkList, apcSaveDir) newCashShopList.append( cashShopFileC.format(a=str(shpID), b=str(start_id - 1), name=apcName)) shpID += 1 allDirectFile, allObjID, allMobID, errorLog = repeatGet( allObjID, objLst, allMobID, mobLst, allRepeatFile, allDirectFile, allApcID, port, errorLog) allDirectFile = [ file.replace('key/key/', 'key/') for file in allDirectFile ] # 写出物品TXT exLstText = apcExLst(stkList, newCashShopList, allItems, apcNameList) lstDict = { "aicharacter": [allApcID, apcLst], "passiveObject": [allObjID, objLst], "monster": [allMobID, mobLst] }