def split_path_at_line_dist(path, way_line, vec, dist):
    """Split a path at the projected point along vec at dist of way_line"""
    way_p = way_line.interpolate(dist)

    path_p = find_closest_point_along_vec(path, way_p, vec)
    path_split_dist = path.project(path_p)
    return extract_features.split_line(path, path_split_dist)
def create_intersection_data(line, split_dist, normalized=False, tags={}, explicit_features={}):
    """Accepts a LineString and a distance where the intersection center is and creates fake osm data for it."""
    node_ids = {}
    osm = []
    int_sit = copy.deepcopy(_intersection_situation)
    entry_line, exit_line = split_line(line, split_dist, normalized=normalized)

    # Assign ID to every coord in LineStrings
    for coord in entry_line.coords[:] + exit_line.coords[:]:
        if coord not in node_ids: node_ids[coord] = create_unique_id()

    # Make OSM representation of nodes
    int_sit["entry_way_node"] = node_ids[entry_line.coords[0]]
    int_sit["exit_way_node"] = node_ids[exit_line.coords[-1]]
    int_sit["intersection_node"] = node_ids[entry_line.coords[-1]]
    osm.extend( [get_node_from_coord(coord, coord_id) for coord, coord_id in node_ids.iteritems()] )

    # Make OSM representation of ways
    int_sit["entry_way"] = create_unique_id()
    int_sit["exit_way"] = create_unique_id()
        osm.append(get_way_from_line(entry_line, int_sit["entry_way"], node_ids, tags["entry_way"]))
    except KeyError:
        osm.append(get_way_from_line(entry_line, int_sit["entry_way"], node_ids))
        osm.append(get_way_from_line(exit_line, int_sit["exit_way"], node_ids, tags["exit_way"]))
    except KeyError:
        osm.append(get_way_from_line(exit_line, int_sit["exit_way"], node_ids))

    # Just use OSM path as track
    # Upsample to allow for extraction of vehicle speed
    track_line = upsample_line(line, 5)
    x,y = zip(*track_line.coords[:])
    times = [datetime.date.today() + datetime.timedelta(days=i) for i in range(len(x))]
    print times
    int_sit["track"] = zip(x,y,times)

    return int_sit, osm