def extract_sequence(level_from_node, remaining, ordered_pairs):
    planned = set()
    sequence = []
    for key1, key2 in ordered_pairs[1:-1]:
        element1, node1 = key1
        element2, node2 = key2
        if (element1 == element2) and (element1 not in planned) and (
                node1 in level_from_node):
            directed = reverse_element(element1) if is_end(
                node1, element1) else element1
    if remaining != planned:
        return None
    return sequence
    def fn(printed, directed, position, conf):
        # Queue minimizes the statistic
        element = get_undirected(all_elements, directed)
        n1, n2 = directed

        # forward adds, backward removes
        structure = printed | {element} if forward else printed - {element}
        structure_ids = get_extructed_ids(element_from_id, structure)

        normalizer = 1
        #normalizer = len(structure)
        #normalizer = compute_element_distance(node_points, all_elements)

        reduce_op = sum # sum | max | average
        reaction_fn = force_from_reaction  # force_from_reaction | torque_from_reaction

        first_node, second_node = directed if forward else reverse_element(directed)
        layer = sign * layer_from_edge[element]
        #layer = sign * layer_from_directed.get(directed, INF)

        tool_point = position
        tool_distance = 0.
        if heuristic in COST_HEURISTICS:
            if conf is not None:
                if hash_or_id(conf) not in ee_cache:
                    with BodySaver(robot):
                        set_configuration(robot, conf)
                        ee_cache[hash_or_id(conf)] = get_tool_position(robot)
                tool_point = ee_cache[hash_or_id(conf)]
            tool_distance = get_distance(tool_point, node_points[first_node])

        # TODO: weighted average to balance cost and bias
        if heuristic == 'none':
            return 0
        if heuristic == 'random':
            return random.random()
        elif heuristic == 'degree':
            # TODO: other graph statistics
            #printed_nodes = {n for e in printed for n in e}
            #node = n1 if n2 in printed_nodes else n2
            #if node in ground_nodes:
            #    return 0
            raise NotImplementedError()
        elif heuristic == 'length':
            # Equivalent to mass if uniform density
            return get_element_length(element, node_points)
        elif heuristic == 'distance':
            return tool_distance
        elif heuristic == 'layered-distance':
            return (layer, tool_distance)
        # elif heuristic == 'components':
        #     # Ground nodes intentionally omitted
        #     # TODO: this is broken
        #     remaining = all_elements - printed if forward else printed - {element}
        #     vertices = nodes_from_elements(remaining)
        #     components = get_connected_components(vertices, remaining)
        #     #print('Components: {} | Distance: {:.3f}'.format(len(components), tool_distance))
        #     return (len(components), tool_distance)
        elif heuristic == 'fixed-tsp':
            # TODO: layer_from_edge[element]
            # TODO: score based on current distance from the plan in the tour
            # TODO: factor in the distance to the next element in a more effective way
            if order is None:
                return (INF, tool_distance)
            return (sign*order[element], tool_distance) # Chooses least expensive direction
        elif heuristic == 'tsp':
            if printed not in tsp_cache: # not last_plan and
                # TODO: seed with the previous solution
                #remaining = all_elements - printed if forward else printed
                #assert element in remaining
                #printed_nodes = compute_printed_nodes(ground_nodes, printed) if forward else ground_nodes
                tsp_cache[printed] = solve_tsp(all_elements, ground_nodes, node_points, printed, tool_point, initial_point,
                                               bidirectional=True, layers=True, max_time=30, visualize=False, verbose=True)
                if not last_plan:
                    last_plan[:] = tsp_cache[printed][0]
            plan, cost = tsp_cache[printed]
            #plan = last_plan[len(printed):]
            if plan is None:
                #return tool_distance
                return (layer, INF)
            transit = compute_transit_distance(node_points, plan, start=tool_point, end=initial_point)
            assert forward
            first = plan[0] == directed
            #return not first # No info if the best isn't possible
            index = None
            for i, directed2 in enumerate(plan):
                undirected2 = get_undirected(all_elements, directed2)
                if element == undirected2:
                    assert index is None
                    index = i
            assert index is not None
            # Could also break ties by other in the plan
            # Two plans might have the same cost but the swap might be detrimental
            new_plan = [directed] + plan[:index] + plan[index+1:]
            assert len(plan) == len(new_plan)
            new_transit = compute_transit_distance(node_points, new_plan, start=tool_point, end=initial_point)
            #print(layer, cost, transit + compute_element_distance(node_points, plan),
            #      new_transit + compute_element_distance(node_points, plan))
            #return new_transit
            return (layer, not first, new_transit) # Layer important otherwise it shortcuts
        elif heuristic == 'online-tsp':
            if forward:
                _, tsp_distance = solve_tsp(all_elements-structure, ground_nodes, node_points, printed,
                                            node_points[second_node], initial_point, visualize=False)
                _, tsp_distance = solve_tsp(structure, ground_nodes, node_points, printed, initial_point,
                                            node_points[second_node], visualize=False)
            total = tool_distance + tsp_distance
            return total
        # elif heuristic == 'mst':
        #     # TODO: this is broken
        #     mst_distance = compute_component_mst(node_points, ground_nodes, remaining,
        #                                          initial_position=node_points[second_node])
        #     return tool_distance + mst_distance
        elif heuristic == 'x':
            return sign * get_midpoint(node_points, element)[0]
        elif heuristic == 'z':
            return sign * compute_z_distance(node_points, element)
        elif heuristic == 'pitch':
            #delta = node_points[second_node] - node_points[first_node]
            delta = node_points[n2] - node_points[n1]
            return get_pitch(delta)
        elif heuristic == 'dijkstra': # offline
            # TODO: sum of all element path distances
            return sign*np.average([distance_from_node[node].cost for node in element]) # min, max, average
        elif heuristic == 'online-dijkstra':
            if printed not in distance_cache:
                distance_cache[printed] = compute_distance_from_node(printed, node_points, ground_nodes)
            return sign*min(distance_cache[printed][node].cost
                            if node in distance_cache[printed] else INF
                            for node in element)
        elif heuristic == 'plan-stiffness':
            if order is None:
                return None
            return (sign*order[element], directed not in order)
        elif heuristic == 'load':
            nodal_loads = checker.get_nodal_loads(existing_ids=structure_ids, dof_flattened=False) # get_self_weight_loads
            return reduce_op(np.linalg.norm(force_from_reaction(reaction)) for reaction in nodal_loads.values())
        elif heuristic == 'fixed-forces':
            #printed = all_elements # disable to use most up-to-date
            # TODO: relative to the load introduced
            if printed not in reaction_cache:
                reaction_cache[printed] = compute_all_reactions(extrusion_path, all_elements, checker=checker)
            force = reduce_op(np.linalg.norm(reaction_fn(reaction)) for reaction in reaction_cache[printed].reactions[element])
            return force / normalizer
        elif heuristic == 'forces':
            reactions_from_nodes = compute_node_reactions(extrusion_path, structure, checker=checker)
            #torque = sum(np.linalg.norm(np.sum([torque_from_reaction(reaction) for reaction in reactions], axis=0))
            #            for reactions in reactions_from_nodes.values())
            #return torque / normalizer
            total = reduce_op(np.linalg.norm(reaction_fn(reaction)) for reactions in reactions_from_nodes.values()
                            for reaction in reactions)
            return total / normalizer
            #return max(sum(np.linalg.norm(reaction_fn(reaction)) for reaction in reactions)
            #               for reactions in reactions_from_nodes.values())
        elif heuristic == 'stiffness':
            # TODO: add different variations
            # TODO: normalize by initial stiffness, length, or degree
            # Most unstable or least unstable first
            # Gets faster with fewer all_elements
            #old_stiffness = score_stiffness(extrusion_path, element_from_id, printed, checker=checker)
            stiffness = score_stiffness(extrusion_path, element_from_id, structure, checker=checker) # lower is better
            return stiffness / normalizer
            #return stiffness / old_stiffness
        elif heuristic == 'fixed-stiffness':
            # TODO: invert the sign for regression/progression?
            # TODO: sort FastDownward by the (fixed) action cost
            return stiffness_cache[element] / normalizer
        elif heuristic == 'relative-stiffness':
            stiffness = score_stiffness(extrusion_path, element_from_id, structure, checker=checker) # lower is better
            if normalizer == 0:
                return 0
            return stiffness / normalizer
            #return stiffness / stiffness_cache[element]
        raise ValueError(heuristic)
def solve_tsp(all_elements,
    # https://developers.google.com/optimization/routing/tsp
    # https://developers.google.com/optimization/reference/constraint_solver/routing/RoutingModel
    # http://www.math.uwaterloo.ca/tsp/concorde.html
    # https://developers.google.com/optimization/reference/python/constraint_solver/pywrapcp
    # AddDisjunction
    # TODO: pick up and delivery
    # TODO: time window for skipping elements
    # TODO: Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) bias
    # TODO: time window constraint to ensure connected
    # TODO: reuse by simply swapping out the first vertex
    # arc-routing
    from ortools.constraint_solver import routing_enums_pb2, pywrapcp
    from extrusion.visualization import draw_ordered, draw_model
    start_time = time.time()
    assert initial_point is not None
    remaining = all_elements - printed
    #printed_nodes = compute_printed_nodes(ground_nodes, printed)
    if not remaining:
        cost = get_distance(initial_point, final_point)
        return [], cost
    # TODO: use as a lower bound
    total_distance = compute_element_distance(node_points, remaining)

    # TODO: some of these are invalid still
    level_from_node, cost_from_edge, sequence = greedily_plan(
        all_elements, node_points, ground_nodes, remaining, initial_point)
    if sequence is None:
        return None, INF
    extrusion_edges = set()
    point_from_vertex = {INITIAL_NODE: initial_point, FINAL_NODE: final_point}
    frame_nodes = nodes_from_elements(remaining)
    min_level = min(level_from_node[n] for n in frame_nodes)
    max_level = max(level_from_node[n] for n in frame_nodes)

    frame_keys = set()
    keys_from_node = defaultdict(set)
    for element in remaining:
        mid = (element, element)
        point_from_vertex[mid] = get_midpoint(node_points, element)
        for node in element:
            key = (element, node)
            point_from_vertex[key] = node_points[node]

        for reverse in [True, False]:
            directed = reverse_element(element) if reverse else element
            node1, node2 = directed
            #delta = node_points[node2] - node_points[node1]
            #pitch = get_pitch(delta)
            #upward = -SUPPORT_THETA <= pitch
            # theta = angle_between(delta, [0, 0, -1])
            # upward = theta < (np.pi / 2 - SUPPORT_THETA)
            #if (directed in tree_elements): # or upward:
            if bidirectional or (directed in cost_from_edge):
                # Add edges from anything that is roughly the correct cost
                start = (element, node1)
                end = (element, node2)
                extrusion_edges.update({(start, mid), (mid, end)})

    for node in keys_from_node:
        for edge in product(keys_from_node[node], repeat=2):
    # Key thing is partial order on buckets of elements to adhere to height

    # Connect v2 to v1 if v2 is the same level
    # Traversing an edge might move to a prior level (but at most one)
    transit_edges = set()
    for directed in product(frame_keys, repeat=2):
        key1, key2 = directed
        element1, node1 = key1
        #level1 = min(level_from_node[n] for n in element1)
        level1 = level_from_node[get_other_node(node1, element1)]
        _, node2 = key2
        level2 = level_from_node[node2]
        if level2 in [level1, level1 + 1]:  # TODO: could bucket more coarsely
    for key in frame_keys:
        _, node = key
        if level_from_node[node] == min_level:
            transit_edges.add((INITIAL_NODE, key))
        if level_from_node[node] in [max_level, max_level - 1]:
            transit_edges.add((key, FINAL_NODE))
    # TODO: can also remove restriction that elements are printed in a single direction
    if not layers:
            product(frame_keys | {INITIAL_NODE, FINAL_NODE},
                    repeat=2))  # TODO: apply to greedy as well

    key_from_index = list(
         for pair in extrusion_edges | transit_edges for k in pair})
    edge_weights = {
        pair: INVALID
        for pair in product(key_from_index, repeat=2)
    for k1, k2 in transit_edges | extrusion_edges:
        p1, p2 = point_from_vertex[k1], point_from_vertex[k2]
        edge_weights[k1, k2] = get_distance(p1, p2)
    #edge_weights.update({e: 0. for e in extrusion_edges}) # frame edges are free
    edge_weights[FINAL_NODE, INITIAL_NODE] = 0.
                 FINAL_NODE] = INVALID  # Otherwise might be backward

        'Elements: {} | Vertices: {} | Edges: {} | Structure: {:.3f} | Min Level {} | Max Level: {}'
        .format(len(remaining), len(key_from_index), len(edge_weights),
                total_distance, min_level, max_level))
    index_from_key = dict(map(reversed, enumerate(key_from_index)))
    num_vehicles, depot = 1, index_from_key[INITIAL_NODE]
    manager = pywrapcp.RoutingIndexManager(len(key_from_index), num_vehicles,
    #[depot], [depot])
    solver = pywrapcp.RoutingModel(manager)

    cost_from_index = {}
    for (k1, k2), weight in edge_weights.items():
        i1, i2 = index_from_key[k1], index_from_key[k2]
        cost_from_index[i1, i2] = int(math.ceil(SCALE * weight))
            lambda i1, i2: cost_from_index[manager.IndexToNode(
                i1), manager.IndexToNode(i2)]))  # from -> to

    # sequence = plan_stiffness(None, None, node_points, ground_nodes, elements,
    #                           initial_position=initial_point, stiffness=False, max_backtrack=INF)

    initial_order = []
    #initial_order = [INITIAL_NODE] # Start and end automatically included
    for directed in sequence:
        node1, node2 = directed
        element = get_undirected(remaining, directed)
            (element, node1),
            (element, element),
            (element, node2),
    initial_route = [index_from_key[key] for key in initial_order]
    #index = initial_route.index(0)
    #initial_route = initial_route[index:] + initial_route[:index] + [0]

    initial_solution = solver.ReadAssignmentFromRoutes(
        [initial_route], ignore_inactive_indices=True)
    assert initial_solution is not None
    #print_solution(manager, solver, initial_solution)

    objective = initial_solution.ObjectiveValue() / SCALE
    invalid = int(objective / INVALID)
    order = parse_solution(solver, manager, key_from_index,
    ordered_pairs = get_pairs(order)
    cost = sum(edge_weights[pair] for pair in ordered_pairs)
    #print('Initial solution | Invalid: {} | Objective: {:.3f} | Cost: {:.3f} | Duration: {:.3f}s'.format(
    #    invalid, objective, cost, elapsed_time(start_time)))
    if False and visualize:  # and invalid
        draw_model(printed, node_points, None, color=BLACK)
        draw_point(initial_point, color=BLACK)
        draw_point(final_point, color=GREEN)
        for pair in ordered_pairs:
            if edge_weights[pair] == INVALID:
                for key in pair:
                    draw_point(point_from_vertex[key], color=RED)
        draw_ordered(ordered_pairs, point_from_vertex)
        wait_for_user()  # TODO: pause only if viewer
    #sequence = extract_sequence(level_from_node, remaining, ordered_pairs)
    #print(compute_sequence_distance(node_points, sequence, start=initial_point, end=final_point), total_distance+cost)
    #print([cost_from_edge[edge] for edge in sequence])
    #return sequence, cost

    start_time = time.time()
    search_parameters = pywrapcp.DefaultRoutingSearchParameters()
    #search_parameters.solution_limit = 1
    search_parameters.time_limit.seconds = int(max_time)
    search_parameters.log_search = verbose
    #search_parameters.first_solution_strategy = (
    #    routing_enums_pb2.FirstSolutionStrategy.AUTOMATIC)
    #search_parameters.local_search_metaheuristic = (
    #    routing_enums_pb2.LocalSearchMetaheuristic.GREEDY_DESCENT)
    #solution = solver.SolveWithParameters(search_parameters)
    solution = solver.SolveFromAssignmentWithParameters(
        initial_solution, search_parameters)
    #print_solution(manager, solver, solution)

    print('Status: {} | Text: {}'.format(solver.status(),
    if not solution:
        print('Failure! Duration: {:.3f}s'.format(elapsed_time(start_time)))
        return None, INF

    objective = solution.ObjectiveValue() / SCALE
    invalid = int(objective / INVALID)
    order = parse_solution(solver, manager, key_from_index, solution)[:-1]
    ordered_pairs = get_pairs(order)  # + [(order[-1], order[0])]
    #cost = compute_element_distance(point_from_vertex, ordered_pairs)
    cost = sum(edge_weights[pair] for pair in ordered_pairs)
        'Final solution | Invalid: {} | Objective: {:.3f} | Cost: {:.3f} | Duration: {:.3f}s'
        .format(invalid, objective, cost, elapsed_time(start_time)))

    sequence = extract_sequence(level_from_node, remaining, ordered_pairs)
    #print(compute_sequence_distance(node_points, sequence, start=initial_point, end=final_point)) #, total_distance+cost)

    violations = 0
    printed_nodes = compute_printed_nodes(ground_nodes, printed)
    for directed in sequence:
        if directed[0] not in printed_nodes:
            violations += 1
    print('Violations:', violations)

    if visualize:
        # TODO: visualize by weight
        draw_model(printed, node_points, None, color=BLACK)
        draw_point(initial_point, color=BLACK)
        draw_point(final_point, color=GREEN)
        #tour_pairs = ordered_pairs + get_pairs(list(reversed(order)))
        #draw_model(extrusion_edges - set(tour_pairs), point_from_vertex, ground_nodes, color=BLACK)
        draw_ordered(ordered_pairs, point_from_vertex)

    if sequence is None:
        return None, INF
    #print([cost_from_edge[edge] for edge in sequence])
    return sequence, cost
    def gen_fn(node1, element, extruded=[], trajectories=[]):  # fluents=[]):
        start_time = time.time()
        assert not is_reversed(element_bodies, element)
        idle_time = 0
        reverse = is_end(node1, element)
        if disable or (len(extruded) < SKIP_PERCENTAGE *
                       len(element_bodies)):  # For quick visualization
            path, tool_path = [], []
            traj = PrintTrajectory(end_effector, get_movable_joints(robot),
                                   path, tool_path, element, reverse)
            command = Command([traj])
            yield (command, )
        directed = reverse_element(element) if reverse else element
        extrusion = extrusions[directed]

        n1, n2 = reverse_element(element) if reverse else element
        neighboring_elements = node_neighbors[n1] & node_neighbors[n2]

        supporters = []  # TODO: can also do according to levels
        retrace_supporters(element, incoming_supporters, supporters)
        element_obstacles = {
            for e in supporters + list(extruded)
        obstacles = set(fixed_obstacles) | element_obstacles
        if not collisions:
            obstacles = set()
            #obstacles = set(fixed_obstacles)

        elements_order = [
            e for e in element_bodies if (e != element) and (
                e not in removed) and (element_bodies[e] not in obstacles)
        collision_fn = get_element_collision_fn(robot, obstacles)
        #print(len(fixed_obstacles), len(element_obstacles), len(elements_order))

        trajectories = list(trajectories)
        for num in irange(INF):
            for attempt, tool_traj in enumerate(
                    islice(extrusion.generator(), max_directions)):
                # TODO: is this slower now for some reason?
                #tool_traj.safe_from_body = {} # Disables caching
                if not tool_traj.is_safe(obstacles):
                for _ in range(max_attempts):
                    if max_time <= elapsed_time(start_time):
                    nearby_conf = initial_conf if random.random(
                    ) < p_nearby else None
                    command = compute_direction_path(tool_traj,
                    if command is None:

                    if precompute_collisions:
                        bodies_order = [
                            element_bodies[e] for e in elements_order
                        colliding = command_collision(end_effector, command,
                        for element2, unsafe in zip(elements_order, colliding):
                            if unsafe:
                    if not is_ground(element, ground_nodes) and (
                            neighboring_elements <= command.colliding):
                        continue  # If all neighbors collide

                    if precompute_collisions:
                    if command not in trajectories:
                        '{}) {}->{} | EE: {} | Supporters: {} | Attempts: {} | Trajectories: {} | Colliding: {}'
                        .format(num, n1, n2, ee_only, len(supporters), attempt,
                                       for t in trajectories)))
                    temp_time = time.time()
                    yield (command, )

                    idle_time += elapsed_time(temp_time)
                    if precompute_collisions:
                        if len(command.colliding) == 0:
                            #print('Reevaluated already non-colliding trajectory!')
                        elif len(command.colliding) == 1:
                            [colliding_element] = command.colliding
                    if allow_failures:
                        yield None
                    '{}) {}->{} | EE: {} | Supporters: {} | Attempts: {} | Max attempts exceeded!'
                    .format(num, n1, n2, ee_only, len(supporters),
 def directed(self):
     return reverse_element(self.element) if self.reverse else self.element