	def getCarveRotatedBoundaryLayers(self):
		"Get the rotated boundary layers."
		vertexes = []
		for visibleObject in evaluate.getVisibleObjects(self.archivableObjects):
			vertexes += visibleObject.getTransformedVertexes()
		if len(vertexes) < 1:
			return []
		self.cornerMaximum = Vector3(-999999999.0, - 999999999.0, - 9999999999.9)
		self.cornerMinimum = Vector3(999999999.0, 999999999.0, 9999999999.9)
		for vertex in vertexes:
			self.cornerMaximum.z = max(self.cornerMaximum.z, vertex.z)
			self.cornerMinimum.z = min(self.cornerMinimum.z, vertex.z)
		trianglemesh.initializeZoneIntervalTable(self, vertexes)
		halfHeight = 0.5 * self.layerThickness
		z = self.cornerMinimum.z + halfHeight
		while z < self.cornerMaximum.z:
			z = self.getZAddExtruderPaths(z)
		for rotatedBoundaryLayer in self.rotatedBoundaryLayers:
			for loop in rotatedBoundaryLayer.loops:
				for point in loop:
					pointVector3 = Vector3(point.real, point.imag, rotatedBoundaryLayer.z)
					self.cornerMaximum = euclidean.getPointMaximum(self.cornerMaximum, pointVector3)
					self.cornerMinimum = euclidean.getPointMinimum(self.cornerMinimum, pointVector3)
		for rotatedBoundaryLayerIndex in xrange(len(self.rotatedBoundaryLayers) -1, -1, -1):
			rotatedBoundaryLayer = self.rotatedBoundaryLayers[rotatedBoundaryLayerIndex]
			if len(rotatedBoundaryLayer.loops) > 0:
				return self.rotatedBoundaryLayers[: rotatedBoundaryLayerIndex + 1]
		return []
	def getCarveRotatedBoundaryLayers( self ):
		"Get the rotated boundary layers."
		vertices = evaluate.getVerticesFromArchivableObjects( self.archivableObjects )
		if len( vertices ) < 1:
			return []
		self.cornerMaximum = Vector3( - 999999999.0, - 999999999.0, - 9999999999.9 )
		self.cornerMinimum = Vector3( 999999999.0, 999999999.0, 9999999999.9 )
		for vertex in vertices:
			self.cornerMaximum.z = max( self.cornerMaximum.z, vertex.z )
			self.cornerMinimum.z = min( self.cornerMinimum.z, vertex.z )
		halfHeight = 0.5 * self.layerThickness
		layerTop = self.cornerMaximum.z - halfHeight
		self.setActualMinimumZ( halfHeight, layerTop )
		trianglemesh.initializeZoneIntervalTable( self, vertices )
		z = self.cornerMinimum.z + halfHeight
		while z < layerTop:
			z = self.getZAddExtruderPaths( z )
		for rotatedBoundaryLayer in self.rotatedBoundaryLayers:
			for loop in rotatedBoundaryLayer.loops:
				for point in loop:
					pointVector3 = Vector3( point.real, point.imag, rotatedBoundaryLayer.z )
					self.cornerMaximum = euclidean.getPointMaximum( self.cornerMaximum, pointVector3 )
					self.cornerMinimum = euclidean.getPointMinimum( self.cornerMinimum, pointVector3 )
		self.cornerMaximum.z = layerTop + halfHeight
		for rotatedBoundaryLayerIndex in xrange( len( self.rotatedBoundaryLayers ) - 1, - 1, - 1 ):
			rotatedBoundaryLayer = self.rotatedBoundaryLayers[ rotatedBoundaryLayerIndex ]
			if len( rotatedBoundaryLayer.loops ) > 0:
				return self.rotatedBoundaryLayers[ : rotatedBoundaryLayerIndex + 1 ]
		return []
	def linearCorner( self, splitLine ):
		"Update the bounding corners."
		location = gcodec.getLocationFromSplitLine(self.oldLocation, splitLine)
		if self.extruderActive or self.repository.goAroundExtruderOffTravel.value:
			self.cornerHigh = euclidean.getPointMaximum( self.cornerHigh, location )
			self.cornerLow = euclidean.getPointMinimum( self.cornerLow, location )
		self.oldLocation = location
	def linearCorner( self, splitLine ):
		"Update the bounding corners."
		location = gcodec.getLocationFromSplitLine(self.oldLocation, splitLine)
		if self.extruderActive or self.repository.goAroundExtruderOffTravel.value:
			self.cornerHigh = euclidean.getPointMaximum( self.cornerHigh, location )
			self.cornerLow = euclidean.getPointMinimum( self.cornerLow, location )
		self.oldLocation = location
def setSVGCarvingCorners(rotatedLoopLayers, svgCarving):
	"Parse SVG text and store the layers."
	for rotatedBoundaryLayer in rotatedLoopLayers:
		for loop in rotatedBoundaryLayer.loops:
			for point in loop:
				pointVector3 = Vector3(point.real, point.imag, rotatedBoundaryLayer.z)
				svgCarving.cornerMaximum = euclidean.getPointMaximum(svgCarving.cornerMaximum, pointVector3)
				svgCarving.cornerMinimum = euclidean.getPointMinimum(svgCarving.cornerMinimum, pointVector3)
	def linearMove( self, splitLine ):
		"Get statistics for a linear move."
		location = gcodec.getLocationFromSplitLine(self.oldLocation, splitLine)
		self.cornerMaximum = euclidean.getPointMaximum( self.cornerMaximum, location )
		self.cornerMinimum = euclidean.getPointMinimum( self.cornerMinimum, location )
		if self.extruderActive:
			if len( self.thread ) == 0:
				self.thread = [ self.oldLocation.dropAxis(2) ]
			self.thread.append( location.dropAxis(2) )
		self.oldLocation = location
	def linearMove( self, splitLine ):
		"Get statistics for a linear move."
		location = gcodec.getLocationFromSplitLine(self.oldLocation, splitLine)
		self.cornerMaximum = euclidean.getPointMaximum( self.cornerMaximum, location )
		self.cornerMinimum = euclidean.getPointMinimum( self.cornerMinimum, location )
		if self.extruderActive:
			if len( self.thread ) == 0:
				self.thread = [ self.oldLocation.dropAxis(2) ]
			self.thread.append( location.dropAxis(2) )
		self.oldLocation = location
def setSVGCarvingCorners(rotatedLoopLayers, svgCarving):
    "Parse SVG text and store the layers."
    for rotatedBoundaryLayer in rotatedLoopLayers:
        for loop in rotatedBoundaryLayer.loops:
            for point in loop:
                pointVector3 = Vector3(point.real, point.imag,
                svgCarving.cornerMaximum = euclidean.getPointMaximum(
                    svgCarving.cornerMaximum, pointVector3)
                svgCarving.cornerMinimum = euclidean.getPointMinimum(
                    svgCarving.cornerMinimum, pointVector3)
	def addToPath( self, location ):
		"Add a point to travel and maybe extrusion."
		if self.oldLocation != None:
			travel = location.distance( self.oldLocation )
			if self.feedRateMinute > 0.0:
				self.totalBuildTime += 60.0 * travel / self.feedRateMinute
			self.totalDistanceTraveled += travel
			if self.extruderActive:
				self.totalDistanceExtruded += travel
				self.cornerHigh = euclidean.getPointMaximum( self.cornerHigh, location )
				self.cornerLow = euclidean.getPointMinimum( self.cornerLow, location )
		self.oldLocation = location
	def parseSVG( self, fileName, svgText ):
		"Parse SVG text and store the layers."
		if svgText == '':
		self.svgReader.parseSVG( fileName, svgText )
		self.cornerMaximum = Vector3( - 999999999.0, - 999999999.0, self.maximumZ )
		self.cornerMinimum = Vector3( 999999999.0, 999999999.0, self.minimumZ )
		for rotatedBoundaryLayer in self.svgReader.rotatedLoopLayers:
			for loop in rotatedBoundaryLayer.loops:
				for point in loop:
					pointVector3 = Vector3( point.real, point.imag, rotatedBoundaryLayer.z )
					self.cornerMaximum = euclidean.getPointMaximum( self.cornerMaximum, pointVector3 )
					self.cornerMinimum = euclidean.getPointMinimum( self.cornerMinimum, pointVector3 )
	def getCarveRotatedBoundaryLayers(self):
		"Get the rotated boundary layers."
		self.cornerMaximum = Vector3(-999999999.0, -999999999.0, -999999999.0)
		self.cornerMinimum = Vector3(999999999.0, 999999999.0, 999999999.0)
		for point in self.getTransformedVertexes():
			self.cornerMaximum = euclidean.getPointMaximum(self.cornerMaximum, point)
			self.cornerMinimum = euclidean.getPointMinimum(self.cornerMinimum, point)
		halfHeight = 0.5 * self.layerThickness
		initializeZoneIntervalTable(self, self.getTransformedVertexes())
		layerTop = self.cornerMaximum.z - halfHeight * 0.5
		z = self.cornerMinimum.z + halfHeight
		while z < layerTop:
			z = self.getZAddExtruderPaths(z)
		return self.rotatedBoundaryLayers
	def getCarveRotatedBoundaryLayers( self ):
		"Get the rotated boundary layers."
		self.cornerMaximum = Vector3( - 999999999.0, - 999999999.0, - 999999999.0 )
		self.cornerMinimum = Vector3( 999999999.0, 999999999.0, 999999999.0 )
		for point in self.getVertices():
			self.cornerMaximum = euclidean.getPointMaximum( self.cornerMaximum, point )
			self.cornerMinimum = euclidean.getPointMinimum( self.cornerMinimum, point )
		halfHeight = 0.5 * self.layerThickness
		initializeZoneIntervalTable( self, self.getVertices() )
		layerTop = self.cornerMaximum.z - halfHeight * 0.5
		z = self.cornerMinimum.z + halfHeight
		while z < layerTop:
			z = self.getZAddExtruderPaths( z )
		return self.rotatedBoundaryLayers
	def getCarveRotatedBoundaryLayers( self ):
		"Get the rotated boundary layers."
		self.cornerMaximum = Vector3( - 999999999.0, - 999999999.0, self.maximumZ )
		self.cornerMinimum = Vector3( 999999999.0, 999999999.0, self.minimumZ )
		for rotatedBoundaryLayer in self.rotatedBoundaryLayers:
			for loop in rotatedBoundaryLayer.loops:
				for point in loop:
					pointVector3 = Vector3( point.real, point.imag, rotatedBoundaryLayer.z )
					self.cornerMaximum = euclidean.getPointMaximum( self.cornerMaximum, pointVector3 )
					self.cornerMinimum = euclidean.getPointMinimum( self.cornerMinimum, pointVector3 )
		halfLayerThickness = 0.5 * self.layerThickness
		self.cornerMaximum.z += halfLayerThickness
		self.cornerMinimum.z -= halfLayerThickness
		return self.rotatedBoundaryLayers
 def getCarveRotatedBoundaryLayers(self):
     "Get the rotated boundary layers."
     self.cornerMaximum = Vector3(-999999999.0, -999999999.0, self.maximumZ)
     self.cornerMinimum = Vector3(999999999.0, 999999999.0, self.minimumZ)
     for rotatedBoundaryLayer in self.rotatedBoundaryLayers:
         for loop in rotatedBoundaryLayer.loops:
             for point in loop:
                 pointVector3 = Vector3(point.real, point.imag,
                 self.cornerMaximum = euclidean.getPointMaximum(
                     self.cornerMaximum, pointVector3)
                 self.cornerMinimum = euclidean.getPointMinimum(
                     self.cornerMinimum, pointVector3)
     halfLayerThickness = 0.5 * self.layerThickness
     self.cornerMaximum.z += halfLayerThickness
     self.cornerMinimum.z -= halfLayerThickness
     return self.rotatedBoundaryLayers
	def parseSVG( self, fileName, svgText ):
		"Parse SVG text and store the layers."
		self.fileName = fileName
		if svgText == '':
			return None
		svgText = svgText.replace( '\t', ' ' )
		svgText = svgText.replace( ';', ' ' )
		self.lines = gcodec.getTextLines( svgText )
		for lineIndex in xrange( self.lineIndex, len( self.lines ) ):
			self.parseLine( lineIndex )
		self.cornerMaximum = Vector3( - 999999999.0, - 999999999.0, self.maximumZ )
		self.cornerMinimum = Vector3( 999999999.0, 999999999.0, self.minimumZ )
		for rotatedBoundaryLayer in self.rotatedBoundaryLayers:
			for loop in rotatedBoundaryLayer.loops:
				for point in loop:
					pointVector3 = Vector3( point.real, point.imag, rotatedBoundaryLayer.z )
					self.cornerMaximum = euclidean.getPointMaximum( self.cornerMaximum, pointVector3 )
					self.cornerMinimum = euclidean.getPointMinimum( self.cornerMinimum, pointVector3 )
	def readFile( self, fileName ):
		"Read SLC and store the layers."
		self.fileName = fileName
		pslcfile = open( fileName, 'rb')
		readHeader( pslcfile )
		pslcfile.read( 256 ) #Go past the 256 byte 3D Reserved Section.
		self.readTableEntry( pslcfile )
		self.processContourLayers( pslcfile )
		self.cornerMaximum = Vector3( - 999999999.0, - 999999999.0, self.maximumZ )
		self.cornerMinimum = Vector3( 999999999.0, 999999999.0, self.minimumZ )
		for rotatedBoundaryLayer in self.rotatedBoundaryLayers:
			for loop in rotatedBoundaryLayer.loops:
				for point in loop:
					pointVector3 = Vector3( point.real, point.imag, rotatedBoundaryLayer.z )
					self.cornerMaximum = euclidean.getPointMaximum( self.cornerMaximum, pointVector3 )
					self.cornerMinimum = euclidean.getPointMinimum( self.cornerMinimum, pointVector3 )
		halfLayerThickness = 0.5 * self.layerThickness
		self.cornerMaximum.z += halfLayerThickness
		self.cornerMinimum.z -= halfLayerThickness
	def readFile( self, fileName ):
		"Read SLC and store the layers."
		self.fileName = fileName
		pslcfile = open( fileName, 'rb')
		readHeader( pslcfile )
		pslcfile.read( 256 ) #Go past the 256 byte 3D Reserved Section.
		self.readTableEntry( pslcfile )
		self.processContourLayers( pslcfile )
		self.cornerMaximum = Vector3(-999999999.0, -999999999.0, self.maximumZ)
		self.cornerMinimum = Vector3(999999999.0, 999999999.0, self.minimumZ)
		for rotatedBoundaryLayer in self.rotatedBoundaryLayers:
			for loop in rotatedBoundaryLayer.loops:
				for point in loop:
					pointVector3 = Vector3(point.real, point.imag, rotatedBoundaryLayer.z)
					self.cornerMaximum = euclidean.getPointMaximum(self.cornerMaximum, pointVector3)
					self.cornerMinimum = euclidean.getPointMinimum(self.cornerMinimum, pointVector3)
		halfLayerThickness = 0.5 * self.layerThickness
		self.cornerMaximum.z += halfLayerThickness
		self.cornerMinimum.z -= halfLayerThickness
 def getCarveRotatedBoundaryLayers(self):
     "Get the rotated boundary layers."
     if len(self.carvableObjects) < 1:
         return []
     self.cornerMaximum = Vector3(-999999999.0, -999999999.0, -9999999999.9)
     self.cornerMinimum = Vector3(999999999.0, 999999999.0, 9999999999.9)
     for carvableObject in self.carvableObjects:
         self.cornerMaximum.z = max(self.cornerMaximum.z,
         self.cornerMinimum.z = min(self.cornerMinimum.z,
     halfHeight = 0.5 * self.layerThickness
     layerTop = self.cornerMaximum.z - halfHeight
     self.setActualMinimumZ(halfHeight, layerTop)
     vertices = []
     for carvableObject in self.carvableObjects:
         vertices += carvableObject.getVertices()
     triangle_mesh.initializeZoneIntervalTable(self, vertices)
     z = self.cornerMinimum.z + halfHeight
     while z < layerTop:
         z = self.getZAddExtruderPaths(z)
     for rotatedBoundaryLayer in self.rotatedBoundaryLayers:
         for loop in rotatedBoundaryLayer.loops:
             for point in loop:
                 pointVector3 = Vector3(point.real, point.imag,
                 self.cornerMaximum = euclidean.getPointMaximum(
                     self.cornerMaximum, pointVector3)
                 self.cornerMinimum = euclidean.getPointMinimum(
                     self.cornerMinimum, pointVector3)
     self.cornerMaximum.z = layerTop + halfHeight
     for rotatedBoundaryLayerIndex in xrange(
             len(self.rotatedBoundaryLayers) - 1, -1, -1):
         rotatedBoundaryLayer = self.rotatedBoundaryLayers[
         if len(rotatedBoundaryLayer.loops) > 0:
             return self.rotatedBoundaryLayers[:rotatedBoundaryLayerIndex +
     return []
 def parseSVG(self, fileName, svgText):
     "Parse SVG text and store the layers."
     self.fileName = fileName
     if svgText == '':
         return None
     svgText = svgText.replace('\t', ' ')
     svgText = svgText.replace(';', ' ')
     self.lines = gcodec.getTextLines(svgText)
     for lineIndex in xrange(self.lineIndex, len(self.lines)):
     self.cornerMaximum = Vector3(-999999999.0, -999999999.0, self.maximumZ)
     self.cornerMinimum = Vector3(999999999.0, 999999999.0, self.minimumZ)
     for rotatedBoundaryLayer in self.rotatedBoundaryLayers:
         for loop in rotatedBoundaryLayer.loops:
             for point in loop:
                 pointVector3 = Vector3(point.real, point.imag,
                 self.cornerMaximum = euclidean.getPointMaximum(
                     self.cornerMaximum, pointVector3)
                 self.cornerMinimum = euclidean.getPointMinimum(
                     self.cornerMinimum, pointVector3)