文件: state.py 项目: sychen/fabric
    # -S so sudo accepts passwd via stdin, -p with our known-value prompt for
    # later detection (thus %s -- gets filled with env.sudo_prompt at runtime)
    'sudo_prefix': "sudo -S -p '%s' ",
    'sudo_prompt': 'sudo password:'******'use_exceptions_for': {'network': False},
    'use_shell': True,
    'user': None,
    'version': get_version('short')

# Fill in exceptions settings
exceptions = ['network']
exception_dict = {}
for e in exceptions:
    exception_dict[e] = False
env.use_exceptions_for = _AliasDict(exception_dict,
    aliases={'everything': exceptions})

# Add in option defaults
for option in env_options:
    env[option.dest] = option.default

# Command dictionary

# Keys are the command/function names, values are the callables themselves.
# This is filled in when main() runs.
commands = {}

    'prompts': {},
    'use_exceptions_for': {
        'network': False
    'use_shell': True,
    'use_ssh_config': False,
    'user': None,
    'version': get_version('short')

# Fill in exceptions settings
exceptions = ['network']
exception_dict = {}
for e in exceptions:
    exception_dict[e] = False
env.use_exceptions_for = _AliasDict(exception_dict,
                                    aliases={'everything': exceptions})

# Add in option defaults
for option in env_options:
    env[option.dest] = option.default

# Command dictionary

# Keys are the command/function names, values are the callables themselves.
# This is filled in when main() runs.
commands = {}

# Host connection dict/cache
        "sudo_prompt": "sudo password:"******"sudo_user": None,
        "use_exceptions_for": {"network": False},
        "use_shell": True,
        "use_ssh_config": False,
        "user": None,
        "version": get_version("short"),

# Fill in exceptions settings
exceptions = ["network"]
exception_dict = {}
for e in exceptions:
    exception_dict[e] = False
env.use_exceptions_for = _AliasDict(exception_dict, aliases={"everything": exceptions})

# Add in option defaults
for option in env_options:
    env[option.dest] = option.default

# Command dictionary

# Keys are the command/function names, values are the callables themselves.
# This is filled in when main() runs.
commands = {}