def battery_state(self, battery): '''Checks the discharge state of the battery and gives a warning when the battery voltage gets low. ''' if ((battery.percent <= 20) and ((battery.percent % 5) == 0)): print 'battery.percent', battery.percent, (battery.percent % 5) print highlight_yellow( ' Battery voltage low -- ', battery.percent, '% left, switch to a freshly charged battery! ')
def configure(self, data): """Configures the motionplanner. Creates omgtools Point2point problem with room, static and dynamic obstacles. Args: data : static_obstacles dyn_obstacles difficult_obst """ mp_configured = False self._obstacles = [] self.n_stat_obst = len(data.static_obstacles) self.n_dyn_obst = len(data.dyn_obstacles) if data.difficult_obst: self.omg_update_time = rospy.get_param( 'controller/omg_update_time_slow', 0.5) safety_margin = rospy.get_param( 'motionplanner/safety_margin_small', 0.1) safety_weight = rospy.get_param('motionplanner/safety_weight_slow', 10.) drone_radius = rospy.get_param('motionplanner/drone_radius_small', 0.20) vmax = rospy.get_param('motionplanner/omg_vmax_low', 0.2) amax = rospy.get_param('motionplanner/omg_amax_low', 0.3) else: self.omg_update_time = rospy.get_param( 'controller/omg_update_time', 0.5) safety_margin = rospy.get_param('motionplanner/safety_margin', 0.2) safety_weight = rospy.get_param('motionplanner/safety_weight', 10.) drone_radius = rospy.get_param('motionplanner/drone_radius', 0.225) vmax = rospy.get_param('motionplanner/omg_vmax', 0.2) amax = rospy.get_param('motionplanner/omg_amax', 0.3) print("amax = " + str(amax) + "vmax =" + str(vmax)) if self.n_dyn_obst: safety_margin = rospy.get_param( 'motionplanner/safety_margin_dyn_obst', 0.2) safety_weight = rospy.get_param( 'motionplanner/safety_weight_dyn_obst', 10.) self._vehicle = omg.Holonomic3D(shapes=omg.Sphere(drone_radius), bounds={ 'vmax': vmax, 'vmin': -vmax, 'amax': amax, 'amin': -amax }) self._vehicle.define_knots(knot_intervals=self.knots) self._vehicle.set_options({ 'safety_distance': safety_margin, 'safety_weight': safety_weight, 'syslimit': 'norm_2' }) self._vehicle.set_initial_conditions([0., 0., 0.]) self._vehicle.set_terminal_conditions([0., 0., 0.]) # Environment. room_width = rospy.get_param('motionplanner/room_width', 1.) room_depth = rospy.get_param('motionplanner/room_depth', 1.) room_height = rospy.get_param('motionplanner/room_height', 1.) room_origin_x = 0. room_origin_y = 0. room_origin_z = room_height / 2 room = { 'shape': omg.Cuboid(room_width, room_depth, room_height), 'position': [room_origin_x, room_origin_y, room_origin_z] } # Static obstacles. for k, obst in enumerate(data.static_obstacles): if == "inf cylinder": # 2D shape is extended infinitely along z. shape = omg.Circle(obst.shape[0]) position = [obst.pose[0], obst.pose[1]] elif == "slalom plate": shape = omg.Beam(obst.shape[1] - 0.1, 0.1, np.pi / 2) position = [obst.pose[0], obst.pose[1]] elif == "hexagon": shape = omg.RegularPrisma(obst.shape[0], obst.shape[1], 6) position = [obst.pose[0], obst.pose[1], obst.pose[2]] elif == "window plate": if (k % 4) <= 1: # Side plates 1 and 2. shape = omg.Beam(obst.shape[1] - 0.1, 0.1, np.pi / 2) position = [obst.pose[0], obst.pose[1]] else: # Upper and lower plates 3 and 4. shape = omg.Plate(shape2d=omg.Rectangle( obst.shape[0], obst.shape[1]), height=obst.shape[2], orientation=[0., np.pi / 2, 0.]) position = [obst.pose[0], 0., obst.pose[2]] elif == "plate": shape = omg.Plate(shape2d=omg.Rectangle( obst.shape[0], obst.shape[1]), height=obst.shape[2], orientation=[0., np.pi / 2, obst.direction]) position = [obst.pose[0], obst.pose[1], obst.pose[2]] else: print highlight_yellow(' Warning: invalid obstacle type ') self._obstacles.append( omg.Obstacle({'position': position}, shape=shape)) # Dynamic obstacles. for obst in data.dyn_obstacles: shape = omg.Circle(obst.shape[0]) position = [obst.pose[0], obst.pose[1]] self._obstacles.append( omg.Obstacle({'position': position}, shape=shape)) # Create the environment as room with obstacles. environment = omg.Environment(room=room) environment.add_obstacle(self._obstacles) # Create problem. problem = omg.Point2point(self._vehicle, environment, freeT=False) problem.set_options({ 'solver_options': { 'ipopt': { 'ipopt.linear_solver': 'ma57', 'ipopt.max_iter': 1000, 'ipopt.print_level': 0, 'ipopt.tol': 1e-4, 'ipopt.warm_start_init_point': 'yes', 'ipopt.warm_start_bound_push': 1e-8, 'ipopt.warm_start_mult_bound_push': 1e-8, 'ipopt.mu_init': 1e-5, 'ipopt.hessian_approximation': 'limited-memory' } } }) if self.n_dyn_obst: problem.set_options({ 'hard_term_con': False, 'horizon_time': self.horizon_time, 'verbose': 1. }) else: problem.set_options({ 'hard_term_con': True, 'horizon_time': self.horizon_time, 'verbose': 1. }) problem.init() # problem.fullstop = True self._deployer = omg.Deployer(problem, self._sample_time, self.omg_update_time) self._deployer.reset() mp_configured = True print green('---- Motionplanner running ----') return ConfigMotionplannerResponse(mp_configured)