def menu(): phone_book = {} while True: print(yellow("\n1-Mostrar lista de contactos")) print(yellow("2-Añadir contacto (nombre y teléfono)")) print(yellow("3-Borrar contacto (nombre)")) print(yellow("4-Salir\n")) menu = input("¿Menú a elegir?: ") if menu == "1": show_contacts(phone_book) elif menu == "2": name = input(green("¿Contacto que desea añadir?: ")) if name not in phone_book: phone = input(green("¿Número de contacto?: ")) add_contact(phone_book, name, phone) else: print(red("ERROR: este contacto ya existe")) elif menu == "3": name = input(green("¿Contacto que desea eliminar?: ")) remove_contact(phone_book, name) elif menu == "4": break else: print(red("ERROR: menú incorrecto!!"))
def annotated_source(sourcefile, marks=None, annotations=None, context=3, mark='*'): marks = marks or [] annotations = annotations or {} interresting = set(marks) | set(annotations) printed = [range(n - context, n + context + 1) for n in interresting] printed = set(sum(printed, [])) lastprinted = 0 with, 'r', 'utf-8', 'replace') as f: print yellow(sourcefile) for n, line in enumerate(f, 1): if n in printed: m = red(mark if n in marks else ' ' * len(mark)) c = line.rstrip().expandtabs() if n in marks: c = red(c) if n in annotations: a = yellow('# ' + annotations[n]) else: a = '' print ' %4i %s %-80s %s' % (n, m, c, a) lastprinted = n elif lastprinted == n - 1: print bold(black(' %4s' % ('.' * len(str(n))))) else: pass
def run_as_hook(filename, commitA=None, commitB=None, skip=False): """ Runs in "hook" mode, called solely by git. filename: str commitA: str commitB: str skip: bool commitA and commitB exist /solely/ for profiling and testing """ # Initialize new repo (called from git hook so this directory works) repo = git.Repo('.') if commitA is not None and commitB is not None: previous_commit = repo.commit(commitB) current_commit = repo.commit(commitA) else: previous_commit = repo.commit('HEAD~1') current_commit = repo.commit('HEAD') # Get specific changes in each file todos = [] potential_todos = [] for filediff in previous_commit.diff(current_commit, create_patch=True): # Find all modified lines in file for line in str(filediff).split('\n'): if re.match('^\+', line) and re.match('^\+\+\+', line) is None: clean_line = re.sub('^\+ *', '', line) if check_is_todo(clean_line): todos.append((filediff.b_path, clean_line)) elif check_is_potential_todo(clean_line): potential_todos.append((filediff.b_path, clean_line)) if todos: print(color.bold(color.yellow( "Here's a list of TODOs you added in this commit:\n" "------------------------------------------------"))) with open(filename, 'a') as todofile: for todo in todos: print('+ {} | {}'.format(*todo)) check_date_and_save(todofile, todo[0], todo[1]) if potential_todos: # TODO: test print(color.bold(color.yellow( "These might be TODOs. Did you mean to do them?\n" "-----------------------------------------------"))) with open(filename, 'a') as todofile: for todo in potential_todos: if skip: choice = 'n' else: choice = input('+ {} | {} (y/N) '.format(*todo)) if choice.lower() == 'y': check_date_and_save(todofile, todo[0], todo[1]) print('')
def run_as_hook(filename, commitA=None, commitB=None): """ Runs in "hook" mode, called solely by git. filename: str commitA: str commitB: str commitA and commitB exist /solely/ for profiling and testing """ # Initialize new repo (called from git hook so this directory works) repo = git.Repo('.') if commitA is not None and commitB is not None: previous_commit = repo.commit(commitB) current_commit = repo.commit(commitA) else: previous_commit = repo.commit('HEAD~1') current_commit = repo.commit('HEAD') # Get specific changes in each file todos = [] potential_todos = [] for filediff in previous_commit.diff(current_commit, create_patch=True): # Find all modified lines in file for line in str(filediff).split('\n'): if re.match('^\+', line) and re.match('^\+\+\+', line) is None: clean_line = re.sub('^\+ *', '', line) if check_is_todo(clean_line): todos.append((filediff.b_path, clean_line)) elif check_is_potential_todo(clean_line): potential_todos.append((filediff.b_path, clean_line)) if todos: print( color.bold( color.yellow( "Here's a list of TODOs you added in this commit:\n" "------------------------------------------------"))) for todo in todos: print('+ {} | {}'.format(*todo)) check_date_and_save(filename, todo[0], todo[1]) if potential_todos: print( color.bold( color.yellow( "\n" "These might be TODOs. Did you mean to do them?\n" "-----------------------------------------------"))) for todo in potential_todos: print('+ {} | {}'.format(*todo)) check_date_and_save(filename, todo[0], todo[1]) print('')
def clean(items): for name, props in items: # only attempt if the clean method exists if props["clean"]: print print "clean: %s" % (cyan(name)) print "-"*30 # move to this files parent directory and then to the bundle directory os.chdir(dirname + "/..") os.chdir(props["dir"]) print yellow(props["clean"])["clean"].split())
def _printNode(self, key, val, padding='', last=False, maxdepth=None, maxcount=None): from fabulous.color import highlight_blue, red, blue, green, cyan, yellow, bold from tables import Array if isinstance(val, H5Node): val.printTree(padding=padding, last=last, maxdepth=maxdepth, maxcount=maxcount) else: if isinstance(val, Array): val = yellow('Array(%s,__dtype__=%s)' % (','.join(str(i) for i in val.shape), val.dtype)) elif isinstance(val, Table): val = green(val) else: val = red('%s,__dtype__=%s' % (str(val), type(val).__name__)) if last: print '%s `%s [%s]' % (padding[:-1], cyan(key), val) else: print '%s`%s [%s]' % (padding, cyan(key), val)
def make(items): for name, props in items: print print "make: %s" % (cyan(name)) print "-"*30 # move to this files parent directory and then to the bundle directory os.chdir(dirname + "/..") os.chdir(props["dir"]) for cmd in props["make"]: print yellow(cmd) c = if c != 0: print red("Error encountered (%s: %s)" % (cyan(name), yellow(cmd))) sys.exit()
def diff_all_table_data(self): failures = 0 print(bold(red('Starting table analysis.'))) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=sa_exc.SAWarning) tables = sorted( self.firstinspector.get_table_names(schema="public")) for table in tables: if table in self.exclude_tables: print(bold(yellow(f"Ignoring table {table}"))) continue with Halo(text=f"Analysing table {table}. " f"[{tables.index(table) + 1}/{len(tables)}]", spinner='dots') as spinner: result, message = self.diff_table_data(table) if result is True: spinner.succeed(f"{table} - {message}") elif result is None: spinner.warn(f"{table} - {message}") else: failures += 1"{table} - {message}") print(bold(green('Table analysis complete.'))) if failures > 0: return 1 return 0
def _printNode(self, key, val, padding= '', last=False,maxdepth=None,maxcount=None): from fabulous.color import highlight_blue,red,blue,green,cyan,yellow,bold from tables import Array if isinstance(val,H5Node): val.printTree(padding=padding,last=last,maxdepth=maxdepth,maxcount=maxcount) else: if isinstance(val,Array): val = yellow('Array(%s,__dtype__=%s)'% (','.join(str(i) for i in val.shape),val.dtype)) elif isinstance(val,Table): val = green(val) else: val = red('%s,__dtype__=%s' % (str(val),type(val).__name__)) if last: print '%s `%s [%s]' % (padding[:-1], cyan(key), val ) else: print '%s`%s [%s]' % (padding, cyan(key), val )
def yellow(self): return ansi(c.yellow(self.txt))
import requests import os import sys from fabulous import text try: from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup except ImportError: from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from humanfriendly.tables import format_pretty_table from fabulous.color import highlight_green, green, red, yellow baku_header = [ highlight_green('Qatar №-si'.decode("utf-8").strip()), green('Bakıdan çıxma'.decode("utf-8").strip()), green('Biləcəriyə çatma'.decode("utf-8").strip()), yellow('Biləcəridən getmə'.decode("utf-8").strip()), yellow('Xırdalana çatma'.decode("utf-8").strip()), red('Xırdalandan getmə'.decode("utf-8").strip()), red('Sumqayıta çatma'.decode("utf-8").strip()) ] sum_header = [ highlight_green('Qatar №-si'.decode("utf-8").strip()), green('Sumqayıtdan çıxma'.decode("utf-8").strip()), green('Xırdalana çatma'.decode("utf-8").strip()), yellow('Xırdalana getmə'.decode("utf-8").strip()), yellow('Biləcəriyə çatma'.decode("utf-8").strip()), red('Biləcəriyə getmə'.decode("utf-8").strip()), red('Bakıya çatma'.decode("utf-8").strip()) ]
#!/usr/bin/env python """Colour theme for terminals which support only 8-bit colors. """ from fabulous import color as col messagefmt = { None: '{asctime} {module} {levelname} {msg}'.format( asctime=col.highlight_blue('{r.asctime}'), module=col.cyan(('{r.module}')), levelname=col.cyan('{r.levelname}'), msg=col.bold(col.yellow('{r.msg}')), ), 'INFO': '{asctime} {module} {levelname} {msg}'.format( asctime=col.highlight_blue('{r.asctime}'), module=col.cyan(('{r.module}')),'{r.levelname}'), msg=col.bold(col.yellow('{r.msg}')), ), 'WARNING': '{asctime} {module} {levelname} {msg}'.format( asctime=col.highlight_blue('{r.asctime}'), module=col.cyan(('{r.module}')), levelname=col.bold(col.magenta('{r.levelname}')), msg=col.bold(col.yellow('{r.msg}')), ), 'ERROR': '{asctime} {module} {levelname} {msg}'.format( asctime=col.highlight_blue('{r.asctime}'),