def googleTTS(text='hello', lang='en', fname='result.wav', player='mplayer'): """ Send text to Google's text to speech service and returns created speech (wav file). """ pub_face_commands = rospy.Publisher('/face/control', faceRequests) face = faceRequests() limit = min(100, len(text))#100 characters is the current limit. text = text[0:limit] url = "" values = urllib.urlencode({"q": text, "textlen": len(text), "tl": lang}) hrs = {"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686) AppleWebKit/535.7 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/16.0.912.63 Safari/535.7"} req = urllib2.Request(url, data=values, headers=hrs) while True: try: p = urllib2.urlopen(req) break except urllib2.HTTPError: print "------ Caught Exception in google text to speech urlopen --------" time.sleep(0.2) f = open(fname, 'wb') f.write( f.close() face.talking = True face.question = text pub_face_commands.publish(face) play_wav(fname, player) face.talking = False face.question = "" pub_face_commands.publish(face) os.remove(fname)
def googleTTS(text='hello', lang='en', fname='result.wav', player='mplayer'): """ Send text to Google's text to speech service and returns created speech (wav file). """ pub_face_commands = rospy.Publisher('/face/control', faceRequests) face = faceRequests() limit = min(100, len(text)) #100 characters is the current limit. text = text[0:limit] url = "" values = urllib.urlencode({"q": text, "textlen": len(text), "tl": lang}) hrs = { "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686) AppleWebKit/535.7 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/16.0.912.63 Safari/535.7" } req = urllib2.Request(url, data=values, headers=hrs) while True: try: p = urllib2.urlopen(req) break except urllib2.HTTPError: print "------ Caught Exception in google text to speech urlopen --------" time.sleep(0.2) f = open(fname, 'wb') f.write( f.close() face.talking = True face.question = text pub_face_commands.publish(face) play_wav(fname, player) face.talking = False face.question = "" pub_face_commands.publish(face) os.remove(fname)
def face(self, args): faceArgs = args.split() face = faceRequests() face.emotion = faceArgs[1] if len(faceArgs) < 3: face.talking = False elif faceArgs[2] == '1': face.talking = True elif faceArgs[2] == '0': face.talking == False self.pub_face_commands.publish(face)
def update(self, is_talking=False, message=''):, question=message))