def on_post(self, req: Request, resp: Response, subreddit: Text):'Attempting to create monitored sub %s', subreddit) try: self.reddit.subreddit(subreddit).mod.accept_invite() except APIException as e: if e.error_type == 'NO_INVITE_FOUND': log.error('No open invite to %s', subreddit) raise HTTPInternalServerError( f'No available invite for {subreddit}', f'We were unable to find a ' f'pending mod invote for r/{subreddit}') else: log.exception('Problem accepting invite', exc_info=True) raise HTTPInternalServerError( f'Unknown error accepting mod invite for r/{subreddit}', f'Unknown error accepting mod invite for r/{subreddit}. Please contact us' ) except Exception as e: log.exception('Failed to accept invite', exc_info=True) raise HTTPInternalServerError( f'Unknown error accepting mod invite for r/{subreddit}', f'Unknown error accepting mod invite for r/{subreddit}. Please contact us' ) with self.uowm.start() as uow: existing = uow.monitored_sub.get_by_sub(subreddit) if existing: resp.body = json.dumps(existing.to_dict()) return monitored_sub = create_monitored_sub_in_db(subreddit, uow) resp.body = json.dumps(monitored_sub.to_dict())
def call_jasmin(self, url, params=None): try: r = requests.get('%s/%s' % (old_api_uri, url), params=params) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e: raise HTTPInternalServerError( 'Jasmin httpapi connection error', 'Could not connect to Jasmin http api (%s): %s' % (old_api_uri, e)) except Exception as e: raise HTTPInternalServerError('Jasmin httpapi unknown error', str(e)) else: return r.status_code, r.content.decode('utf-8').strip('"')
def on_get(self, req, resp, username): try: redis_cli = super().redis_client if redis_cli is not None: user_info = redis_cli.hget('USERS', username) access_info = redis_cli.hget('USERS_APIKEY', user_info['api_key']) access_token = '' if access_info is not None and access_info['access_token']: if redis_cli.exists(access_info['access_token']): access_token = access_info['access_token'] if user_info is not None: user_info = json.loads(user_info) resp.status = HTTP_200 resp.body = json.dumps( dict(status='Success', user=dict(username=user_info['username'], api_key=user_info['api_key'], access_token=access_token))) else: raise HTTPNotFound(description='No user with username {}'. format(username)) else: raise HTTPServiceUnavailable( description='Data instances are not yet active') except (HTTPNotFound, HTTPServiceUnavailable) as e: raise e except Exception as e: print('Exception in getting user', e) raise HTTPInternalServerError( description='Something went wrong while getting user info')
def raise_error(self, error_code=None, desc='Something went wrong in server'): if error_code and error_code != 500: if error_code == 401 or error_code == 403: redis_cli = Redis.get_redis_client() if redis_cli is not None: access_token = redis_cli.delete('sheets_v4_access') else: print('Redis client is not active') if error_code == 400: raise HTTPBadRequest(description=desc or '') elif error_code == 401: raise HTTPUnauthorized(description=desc or '') elif error_code == 403: raise HTTPForbidden(description=desc or '') elif error_code == 404: raise HTTPNotFound(description=desc or '') elif error_code == 409: raise HTTPConflict(description=desc or '') elif error_code == 412: raise HTTPPreconditionFailed(description=desc or '') elif error_code == 422: raise HTTPUnprocessableEntity(description=desc or '') elif error_code == 503: raise HTTPServiceUnavailable(description=desc or '') else: raise HTTPError(HTTP_400, description=desc or '', code=error_code) else: raise HTTPInternalServerError(description=desc or '')
def main(self, run): try: if callable(run): run() else: raise Exception('run argument must be executable') # HttpError is different from HTTPError # HttpError is error from googleapiclient # HTTPError belongs to falcon except HttpError as err: status_code = err.resp.status if status_code == 404: from falcon import HTTP_404 falcon_status = HTTP_404 elif status_code == 403: from falcon import HTTP_403 falcon_status = HTTP_403 else: from falcon import HTTP_400 falcon_status = HTTP_400 raise HTTPError(falcon_status, description=err._get_reason() or '', code=status_code) except Exception as err: print('Exception in getting spreadsheet info', err) raise HTTPInternalServerError( description='Something went wrong while getting sheets info')
def _serialize_json_to_string(self, resp): if self._has_json(resp): if not isinstance(resp.json, (dict, list)): raise HTTPInternalServerError( f'Unexpected error parsing response: payload={resp.json}') return json.dumps(resp.json) return json.dumps({})
def __handle__(*args, **kwargs): service = kwargs.get('service_name', 'Service') try: r = function(*args, **kwargs) if r.status_code == 404: raise HTTPNotFound() if r.status_code == 500: raise HTTPInternalServerError( 'Failed to process request on {}'.format(service), code='102') if r.status_code > 299: raise HTTPError(str(r.status_code)) return r except requests.exceptions.Timeout: logger.error('{} Inventory Timeout'.format(service)) raise HTTPError( HTTP_REQUEST_TIMEOUT, title='{} Timeout'.format(service), description='{} connection timeout'.format(service), code='100') except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: raise HTTPError(HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, title='{} Connection Error'.format(service), description='{} connection error'.format(service), code='101')
async def on_post(self, req, res, table): data = req.context['data'] db_session = req.context['db_session'] result = await self.insert_data(db_session, table, data) if result and "success" in result: if result["success"]: res.status = HTTP_200 res.body = json.dumps(result) else: raise HTTPBadRequest(description=result["description"]) else: raise HTTPInternalServerError()
def on_post(self, req, resp, spreadsheet_id): sheet_range = req.get_param('range', required=True) try: req_body = json.load(req.bounded_stream) if 'values' in req_body and isinstance( req_body['values'], list) and len(req_body['values']): dimensions = 'dimensions' in req_body and req_body[ 'dimensions'] or 'ROWS' value_input = 'value_input_option' in req_body and req_body[ 'value_input_option'] or 'USER_ENTERED' insert_option = 'insert_option' in req_body and req_body[ 'insert_option'] or 'INSERT_ROWS' try: spreadsheets = DataStore.get_sheet_instance() except Exception as e: print('Datastore is not configured properly', e) raise HTTPServiceUnavailable( description='Datastore is not configured properly') def run(): sheet_body = { "values": req_body['values'], "majorDimension": dimensions } response = spreadsheets.values().append( spreadsheetId=spreadsheet_id, body=sheet_body, range=sheet_range, valueInputOption=value_input, insertDataOption=insert_option).execute() resp.body = json.dumps( dict( status='Success', message='Successfully Inserted data into sheet', spreadsheet_id=response['spreadsheetId'], )) resp.status = HTTP_201 super().main(run) else: raise HTTPPreconditionFailed( description= 'Values is a mandatory and must be valid for this request') except JSONDecodeError as err: print('Request body received', print('Error while processing request', err) raise HTTPUnprocessableEntity( description='Cannot parse the body from the request') except (HTTPServiceUnavailable, HTTPPreconditionFailed, HTTPError) as err: raise err except Exception as e: print('Exception in creating sheet', e) raise HTTPInternalServerError( description='Something went wrong while creating sheet')
def __handle__(*args, **kwargs): try: r = function(*args, **kwargs) return r except Exception as e: logger.exception('DB error: Topology') error = dict(title='Topology: Database Error') try: error['description'] = e.orig.msg except Exception: error['description'] = e.args[0] error['code'] = '105' raise HTTPInternalServerError(**error)
def on_put(self, req, resp, spreadsheet_id): value_input = req.get_param('value_input_option', default='USER_ENTERED') try: req_body = json.load(req.bounded_stream) if 'data' in req_body and isinstance( req_body['data'], list) and len(req_body['data']): try: spreadsheets = DataStore.get_sheet_instance() except Exception as e: print('Datastore is not configured properly', e) raise HTTPServiceUnavailable( description='Datastore is not configured properly') def run(): sheet_body = { "data": req_body['data'], "valueInputOption": value_input } response = spreadsheets.values().batchUpdate( spreadsheetId=spreadsheet_id, body=sheet_body).execute() resp.body = json.dumps( dict( status='Success', message= 'Successfully updated the data in the sheet', spreadsheet_id=response['spreadsheetId'], )) resp.status = HTTP_200 super().main(run) else: raise HTTPPreconditionFailed( description= 'Data is a mandatory and must be valid for this request') except JSONDecodeError as err: print('Request body received', print('Error while processing request', err) raise HTTPUnprocessableEntity( description='Cannot parse the body from the request') except (HTTPServiceUnavailable, HTTPPreconditionFailed, HTTPError) as err: raise err except Exception as e: print('Exception in updating sheet info', e) raise HTTPInternalServerError( description='Something went wrong while updating sheet')
def __handle__(*args, **kwargs): """ :param args: :param kwargs: service_name: the name of the service that is using the requester :return: the response object if no error detected :raises: requests.exceptions.Timeout: when the timeout is reached requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: When no connection is available """ service = kwargs.get('service_name', 'Service') if 'ignore_exception' in kwargs: r = function(*args, **kwargs) return r try: r = function(*args, **kwargs) if r.status_code == 401: raise HTTPUnauthorized( title='You are not authorized', description='Please validate your authentication') if r.status_code == 404: raise HTTPNotFound() if r.status_code == 500: logger.error('Internal server error, message {}'.format( r.text)) raise HTTPInternalServerError( 'Failed to process request on {}'.format(service), code='102') if r.status_code > 299: logger.error('Failed to process request, message {}'.format( r.text)) raise HTTPError(str(r.status_code), description=r.text, code='103') return r except requests.exceptions.Timeout: logger.error('{} Timeout'.format(service)) raise HTTPError( HTTP_REQUEST_TIMEOUT, title='{} Timeout'.format(service), description='{} connection timeout'.format(service), code='100') except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: raise HTTPError(HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, title='{} Connection Error'.format(service), description='{} connection error'.format(service), code='101')
def create_connection(): # Build an object to manage our db connections. try: db_host = os.environ["DB_HOST"] db_name = os.environ["DB_NAME"] db_user = os.environ["DB_USER"] db_pass = os.environ["DB_PASS"] return "postgresql+psycopg2://{user}:{pwd}@{host}/{name}".format( user=db_user, pwd=db_pass, host=db_host, name=db_name) except KeyError: raise HTTPInternalServerError( description="The server could not reach the database, " "please contact your account manager.", code=9, )
def internal_error_handler(ex, req, resp, params): """Whenever an non-falcon exception is raised, it wraps it into a falcon.HTTPInternalServererror exception. :param ex: The exception caught :type ex: Exception :param req: The falcon request object :type req: falcon.Request :param resp: The falcon response object :type resp: falcon.Response :param params: Additional requests parameters :type params: dict """ if not isinstance(ex, HTTPError): raise HTTPInternalServerError(description=repr(ex)) else: raise ex
def process_resource(self, req, resp, resource, params): if (self._is_middleware_enabled(resource) and self._has_request_method_payload(req)): if not self._is_content_type_valid(req): raise HTTPUnsupportedMediaType() try: req.text = self._get_payload(req) req.json = (json.loads(req.text, encoding='utf-8') if req.text.strip() != '' else {}) except JSONDecodeError as error: raise HTTPBadRequest( f'Invalid JSON received: error={error}, payload={req.text}' ) except Exception as error: raise HTTPInternalServerError( f'Unexpected error: error={error}, payload={req.text}')
def on_post(self, req, resp):'Lambda function invoked') region_name = os.environ.get('AWS_REGION') bucket_name = os.getenv('SOURCE_BUCKET_NAME') try: response = client('s3', region_name=region_name).put_object( Bucket=bucket_name, Key=req.get_param('image').filename, Body=req.get_param('image').file, ContentType='application/jpeg') except BaseException as e: logger.exception(e) raise HTTPInternalServerError("Error storing response") resp.status = HTTP_201 = json.dumps({"s3_put_response": response})
def on_patch(self, req: Request, resp: Response, subreddit: Text): token = req.get_param('token', required=True) user_data = get_user_data(token) if not is_sub_mod_token(token, subreddit, self.config.reddit_useragent): raise HTTPUnauthorized( f'Not authorized to make changes to {subreddit}', f'You\'re not a moderator on {subreddit}') with self.uowm.start() as uow: monitored_sub = uow.monitored_sub.get_by_sub(subreddit) if not monitored_sub: raise HTTPNotFound( title=f'Subreddit {subreddit} Not Found', description=f'Subreddit {subreddit} Not Found') raw = json.load(req.bounded_stream) for k, v in raw.items(): if k not in self.config.sub_monitor_exposed_config_options: continue if hasattr(monitored_sub, k): if getattr(monitored_sub, k) != v: log.debug('Update %s config | %s: %s => %s', subreddit, k, getattr(monitored_sub, k), v) uow.monitored_sub_config_change.add( MonitoredSubConfigChange( source='site', subreddit=subreddit, config_key=k, old_value=str(getattr(monitored_sub, k)), new_value=str(v), updated_by=user_data['name'])) setattr(monitored_sub, k, v) try: uow.commit() except Exception as e: log.exception('Problem saving config', exc_info=True) raise HTTPInternalServerError( title='Problem Saving Config', description='Something went t**s up when saving the config' ) celery.send_task( 'redditrepostsleuth.core.celery.admin_tasks.update_subreddit_config_from_database', args=[monitored_sub, user_data], queue='monitored_sub_config_update')
def __handle__(*args, **kwargs): try: r = function(*args, **kwargs) return r except ServerSelectionTimeoutError: logger.error('DB Timeout') raise HTTPError(HTTP_REQUEST_TIMEOUT, title='DB Timeout', description='DB connection timeout', code='100') except Exception as e: logger.exception('DB error') error = dict(title='Database Error') try: error['description'] = e.orig.msg except Exception: error['description'] = e.args[0] error['code'] = '105' raise HTTPInternalServerError(**error)
def on_get(self, req, resp): if self.dummy_status: status = self.dummy_status else: try: connection = db.connect() cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT VERSION();") cursor.close() connection.close() except: raise HTTPInternalServerError() try: with open(self.path) as f: status = f.readline().strip() except: raise HTTPNotFound() resp.content_type = 'text/plain' resp.body = status
def on_get(self, req, resp): if self.dummy_status: status = self.dummy_status else: try: connection = db.connect() cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT VERSION();") cursor.close() connection.close() except Exception: logger.exception('failed to query DB for healthcheck') raise HTTPInternalServerError() try: with open(self.path) as f: status = f.readline().strip() except IOError: logger.error('could not open healthcheck file') raise HTTPNotFound() resp.content_type = 'text/plain' resp.body = status
def on_post(self, req: Request, resp: Response): token = req.get_param('token', required=True) user_data = get_user_data(token) raw = json.load(req.bounded_stream) if not is_site_admin(user_data, self.uowm): raise HTTPUnauthorized( f'Not authorized to make this request', f'You are not authorized to make this request') with self.uowm.start() as uow: new_template = ConfigMessageTemplate( template_name=raw['template_name'], template=raw['template'], template_slug=raw['template_slug']) uow.config_message_template.add(new_template) try: resp.body = json.dumps(new_template.to_dict()) uow.commit() except IntegrityError as e: raise HTTPInternalServerError( title='Failed to save message template', description=str(e))
async def on_get(self, req, res, table, id_): db_session = req.context['db_session'] depth = 0 if req.query_string: query = parse_query_string(req.query_string) if 'depth' in query: try: depth = int(query['depth']) except ValueError: pass result = await self.select_data(db_session, table, id_, depth=depth) if result and "success" in result: if result["success"]: res.status = HTTP_200 res.body = json.dumps(result) else: raise HTTPBadRequest(description=result["description"]) else: raise HTTPInternalServerError()
def on_delete(self, req, resp, username): try: redis_cli = super().redis_client if redis_cli is not None: user_info = redis_cli.hdel('USERS', username) if user_info: resp.status = HTTP_200 resp.body = json.dumps( dict(status='Success', message='Successfully deleted the user')) else: raise HTTPNotFound(description='No user with username {}'. format(username)) else: raise HTTPServiceUnavailable( description='Data instances are not yet active') except (HTTPNotFound, HTTPServiceUnavailable) as e: raise e except Exception as e: print('Exception in deleting user', e) raise HTTPInternalServerError( description='Something went wrong while deleting user info')
def on_put(self, req, resp, username): token = req.get_header('Authorization') is_active = req.get_param_as_bool('is_active', required=True) try: redis_cli = super().redis_client if redis_cli is not None and 'auth_info' in req.context: temp_auth_info = json.loads(req.context['auth_info']) temp_auth_info.is_active = is_active redis_cli.hset('USERS_APIKEY', token, json.dumps(temp_auth_info)) resp.status = HTTP_200 resp.body = json.dumps( dict(status='Success', message='Successfully updated the staus of the user')) else: raise HTTPServiceUnavailable( description='Data instances are not yet active') except (HTTPNotFound, HTTPServiceUnavailable) as e: raise e except Exception as e: print('Exception in deleting user', e) raise HTTPInternalServerError( description='Something went wrong while deleting user info')
def on_post(self, req, resp, auth_type): if auth_type == 'login': try: req_body = json.load(req.bounded_stream) if 'username' in req_body and req_body[ 'username'] and 'password' in req_body and len( req_body['password']) > 5: username = req_body['username'] redis_cli = super().redis_client if redis_cli is not None: user_info = redis_cli.hget('USERS', username) if user_info is not None: user_info = json.loads(user_info) api_key = user_info['api_key'] hash_password = hashlib.pbkdf2_hmac( 'sha256', req_body['password'].encode('utf-8'), api_key[8:32].encode('utf-8'), 100000, dklen=128) if user_info['password'] == hash_password.hex(): access_info = redis_cli.hget( 'USERS_APIKEY', api_key) access_info = json.loads(access_info) if access_info is not None and access_info[ 'is_active']: access_token = access_info['access_token'] if not redis_cli.exists(access_token): access_token = super().generate_token( 32) access_info[ 'access_token'] = access_token access_info = redis_cli.hset( 'USERS_APIKEY', api_key, json.dumps(access_info)) redis_cli.set(access_token, api_key, ex=28800) resp.status = HTTP_200 resp.body = json.dumps( dict(status='Success', user=dict( api_key=api_key, access_token=access_token, username=username))) else: raise HTTPNotAcceptable( description='User is not active') else: raise HTTPUnauthorized( description= 'Username and password doesnot match') else: raise HTTPNotFound( description='No user with username {}'.format( username)) else: raise HTTPServiceUnavailable( description='Data instances are not yet active') else: raise HTTPPreconditionFailed( description= 'Username and password are mandatory and must be valid for this request' ) except JSONDecodeError as err: print('Request body received', print('Error while processing request', err) raise HTTPUnprocessableEntity( description='Cannot parse the body from the request') except (HTTPPreconditionFailed, HTTPServiceUnavailable, HTTPNotFound, HTTPUnauthorized, HTTPNotAcceptable) as err: raise err except Exception as e: print('Exception in signing in user', e) raise HTTPInternalServerError( description='Something went wrong while creating user info' ) elif auth_type == 'logout': try: api_key = req.get_header('Authorization') redis_cli = super().redis_client if redis_cli is not None: access_info = redis_cli.hget('USERS_APIKEY', api_key) access_info = json.loads(access_info) access_token = access_info['access_token'] redis_cli.delete(access_token) resp.status = HTTP_200 resp.body = json.dumps( dict(status='Succcess', message='Successfully signed out')) else: raise HTTPServiceUnavailable( description='Data instances are not yet active') except Exception as err: print('Exception while signing out', err) raise HTTPInternalServerError( description='Something went wrong while signing out') else: raise HTTPBadRequest(description='The request is not valid')
def on_post(self, req, resp, username): try: req_body = json.load(req.bounded_stream) if username and 'password' in req_body and len( req_body['password']) > 5: redis_cli = super().redis_client if redis_cli is not None: password = req_body['password'] api_key = super().generate_token(32) access_token = super().generate_token(32) hash_password = hashlib.pbkdf2_hmac( 'sha256', password.encode('utf-8'), api_key[8:32].encode('utf-8'), 100000, dklen=128) user_info = dict(username=username, password=hash_password.hex(), api_key=api_key) access_info = dict(username=username, is_active=True, access_token=access_token) try: if not redis_cli.hexists('USERS', username): redis_cli.hset('USERS', username, json.dumps(user_info)) redis_cli.hset('USERS_APIKEY', api_key, json.dumps(access_info)) redis_cli.set(access_token, api_key, ex=28800) resp.status = HTTP_201 resp.body = json.dumps( dict(status='Succcess', message='Successfully created the user', user=dict(api_key=api_key, access_token=access_token, username=username))) else: raise HTTPConflict( description= 'User already exists with username {}'.format( username)) except HTTPConflict as err: raise err except Exception as err: raise Exception( 'Something went wrong while executing redis commands', err) else: raise HTTPServiceUnavailable( description='Data instances are not yet active') else: raise HTTPPreconditionFailed( description= 'Username and password are mandatory and must be valid for this request' ) except JSONDecodeError as err: print('Request body received', print('Error while processing request', err) raise HTTPUnprocessableEntity( description='Cannot parse the body from the request') except (HTTPPreconditionFailed, HTTPServiceUnavailable, HTTPConflict) as err: raise err except Exception as e: print('Exception in creating user', e) raise HTTPInternalServerError( description='Something went wrong while creating user info')
def process_resource(self, req, resp, resource, params): template = req.uri_template method = req.method if 'auth_type' in params and params['auth_type'] == 'login': pass else: if template in AUTHENTICATION_VALIDATION_PATHS and method in AUTHENTICATION_VALIDATION_PATHS[ template]: auth = req.get_header('Authorization') if auth and auth is not None: try: redis_cli = Redis.get_redis_client() auth_info = redis_cli.hget('USERS_APIKEY', auth) if auth_info is not None: auth_info = json.loads(auth_info) if auth_info['is_active']: if template in ACCESS_TOKEN_VALIDATION_PATHS and method in ACCESS_TOKEN_VALIDATION_PATHS[ template]: access_token = req.get_param( 'access_token') if access_token and access_token is not None: if auth_info[ 'access_token'] == access_token: if not redis_cli.exists( auth_info['access_token']): raise HTTPUnauthorized( description= 'Access token is expired. Please login again and continue' ) else: raise HTTPForbidden( description= 'Access token is not valid.') else: raise HTTPBadRequest( description= 'Access token is not valid.') else: raise HTTPUnauthorized( description= 'access_token is mandatory to acccess the api.' ) else: raise HTTPBadRequest( description='Client is not active.') else: raise HTTPUnauthorized( description= 'Token sent in Authroization header is not valid.' ) except (HTTPUnauthorized, HTTPBadRequest) as err: raise err except Exception as err: print( 'Exception while accessing redis client instance', err) raise HTTPInternalServerError( description='Something went wrong in server') else: raise HTTPUnauthorized( description= 'Authorization header is mandatory to process the request.' )
def unexpected(ex, req, resp, params): ex_msg = ''.join(traceback.format_tb(ex.__traceback__)) raise HTTPInternalServerError(ex.__class__.__name__, ex_msg)
""" DebateService exceptions """ from falcon import (HTTPBadRequest, HTTPInternalServerError, HTTPNotFound) class ParseException(Exception): """ An exception to raise if an error occurs while parsing an opinion page """ parse_error = HTTPInternalServerError({ "title": "Internal server error", "description": "The opinion could not be parsed." }) not_understood = HTTPBadRequest({ "title": "Bad request", "description": "The request was not understood." }) not_found = HTTPNotFound() internal_server_error = HTTPInternalServerError({ "title": "Internal server error",