def fmmv_cpu(X1, X2, v, kernel, out, opt):
    """Blockwise kernel-vector product

    This function computes ``kernel(X1, X2) @ v`` in a blockwise fashion, to avoid having the
    whole N*M kernel matrix in memory at once.
    Note that while the principle is that of matrix-vector product, `v` can have more than
    one column.

        [N, D] array
        [M, D] array
        [M, T] array
        Class representing the desired kernel function
    out : torch.Tensor or None
        [N, T] array for storing the kernel-vector product output.
        If None, will be allocated within the function.
        Basic options dictionary, used for determining available memory.
    opt = _setup_opt(opt, is_cpu=True)

    ntot, dtot = X1.size(0), X1.size(1)
    M, T = v.size()
    dtype = v.dtype

    # Create output matrix
    if out is None:
        out = torch.empty(ntot, T, dtype=dtype)

    avail_mem = _get_cpu_ram(opt, 0.95) / sizeof_dtype(dtype)
    # Only necessary memory allocation is that for the temporary kernel
    # `temp_out` of size n*M
    extra_mem = kernel.extra_mem()
    n, d = select_dim_over_nd(max_n=ntot, max_d=dtot, coef_nd=extra_mem.get('nd', 0),
                              coef_n=M + extra_mem.get('n', 0) + extra_mem.get('nm', 0) * M,
                              coef_d=extra_mem.get('d', 0) + extra_mem.get('md', 0) * M,
                              rest=extra_mem.get('m', 0), max_mem=avail_mem)

    # Run batched matrix multiplication
    for i in range(0, ntot, n):
        ic = min(n, ntot - i)

        ddd = kernel._prepare(X1.narrow(0, i, ic), X2)  # , v=v)
        temp_out = torch.zeros(ic, M, dtype=dtype)
        for k in range(0, dtot, d):
            kc = min(d, dtot - k)
            X1d = X1[i: i + ic, k: k + kc]
            X2d = X2[:, k: k + kc]
            kernel._apply(X1d, X2d.T, temp_out)

        # temp_out = fnc(X1*X2', X1, X2)
        kernel._finalize(temp_out, ddd)

        torch.mm(temp_out, v, out=out[i: i + ic, :])
    return out
def fmm_cpu_sparse(X1: SparseTensor, X2: SparseTensor,
                   kernel: 'falkon.kernels.Kernel',
                   out: Optional[torch.Tensor],
                   opt: BaseOptions) -> torch.Tensor:
    opt = _setup_opt(opt, is_cpu=True)
    ntot, dtot = X1.size()
    mtot = X2.size(0)

    if out is None:
        out = torch.empty(ntot, mtot, dtype=X1.dtype)

    if sizeof_dtype(X1.dtype) < 8 and opt.no_single_kernel:
        avail_mem = _get_cpu_ram(opt, 0.9)
        if avail_mem <= 0:
            raise MemoryError("Memory insufficient for kernel evaluation.")

        blockwise_fmm_cpu_sparse(X1, X2, kernel, out, avail_mem)
        # Do the kernel computation on the spot
        ddd = kernel._prepare_sparse(X1, X2)
        kernel._apply_sparse(X1, X2.transpose_csc(), out)
        kernel._finalize(out, ddd)

    return out
def fdmmv_cpu_sparse(X1: SparseTensor,
                     X2: SparseTensor,
                     v: Optional[torch.Tensor],
                     w: Optional[torch.Tensor],
                     out: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
                     opt: Optional[BaseOptions] = None):
    opt = _setup_opt(opt, is_cpu=True)

    # Parameter validation
    if v is None and w is None:
        raise ValueError("One of v and w must be specified to run fMMV.")
    T = v.size(1) if v is not None else w.size(1)
    ntot, dtot = X1.size()
    M = X2.size(0)
    dtype = X1.dtype

    # Create output matrix
    if out is None:
        out = torch.empty(M, T, dtype=dtype)

    avail_mem = _get_cpu_ram(opt, 0.95) / sizeof_dtype(dtype)
    # Narrow X1 : n
    # ker_chunk : n*M
    # w_blk     : n*T
    n = avail_mem / (M * T + 1)
    n = int(math.floor(n))
    if n < 1:
        raise MemoryError(("Available memory %.2fGB is insufficient "
                           "for blockwise fdMMv.") %
                          (avail_mem * sizeof_dtype(dtype) / 2**30))

    # Allocate fixed arrays
    ker_chunk = create_same_stride((n, M), out, dtype, device='cpu')
    w_blk = create_same_stride((n, T), out, dtype, device='cpu')
    # Run blocked fdmmv
    for i in range(0, ntot, n):
        ic = min(n, ntot - i)
        X1_chunk = X1.narrow_rows(i, ic)
        cur_ker_chunk = ker_chunk[:ic]
        ddd = kernel._prepare_sparse(X1_chunk, X2)
        kernel._apply_sparse(X1_chunk, X2.transpose_csc(), cur_ker_chunk)
        kernel._finalize(cur_ker_chunk, ddd)

        # Multiply by the vector v
        cur_w_blk = w_blk[:ic]  # n x T
        if w is not None:
            cur_w_blk.copy_(w[i:i + ic, :])
        if v is not None:
            # w_blk + c_out * v => (n x T) + (n x M)*(M x T)
            cur_w_blk.addmm_(cur_ker_chunk, v)
        out.addmm_(cur_ker_chunk.T, cur_w_blk)
    del ker_chunk, w_blk
    return out
文件: fmm_cpu.py 项目: gpleiss/falkon
def fmm_cpu(
        X1: torch.Tensor,
        X2: torch.Tensor,
        kernel: 'falkon.kernels.Kernel',
        out: Optional[torch.Tensor],
        opt: BaseOptions) -> torch.Tensor:
    """Compute kernel value on matrices X1 and X2: ``out = kernel(X1, X2)``

        [N, D] array
        [M, D] array
        Class representing the desired kernel function
        Array for storing the kernel output. If None, will be allocated within the function.
        Basic options dictionary, used for determining available memory. Additionally, the
        :attr:`~falkon.options.FalkonOptions.no_single_kernel` option is used to determine the
        accumulator data type.

        [N, M] array. The kernel between X1 and X2.
    opt = _setup_opt(opt, is_cpu=True)
    ntot, dtot = X1.size()
    mtot = X2.size(0)

    if out is None:
        out = torch.empty(ntot, mtot, dtype=X1.dtype)

    if sizeof_dtype(X1.dtype) < 8 and opt.no_single_kernel:
        avail_mem = _get_cpu_ram(opt, 0.9)
        if avail_mem <= 0:
            raise MemoryError("Memory insufficient for kernel evaluation.")

        blockwise_fmm_cpu(X1, X2, kernel, out, avail_mem)
        # Do the kernel computation on the spot
        ddd = kernel._prepare(X1, X2)
        kernel._apply(X1, X2.T, out)
        kernel._finalize(out, ddd)

    return out
def fmmv_cpu_sparse(X1: SparseTensor, X2: SparseTensor, v: torch.Tensor,
                    kernel: 'falkon.kernels.Kernel',
                    out: Optional[torch.Tensor], opt: BaseOptions):
    opt = _setup_opt(opt, is_cpu=True)

    dtype = X1.dtype
    ntot, dtot = X1.size()
    mtot, T = v.size()

    # Create output matrix
    if out is None:
        out = torch.empty(ntot, T, dtype=dtype)

    avail_mem = _get_cpu_ram(opt, 0.95) / sizeof_dtype(dtype)
    # Narrowing X1, X2: n + m
    # Prepare - not computable, depends on kernel
    # ker_chunk : n*m
    # finalize : 0 (if can be implemented in place, kernel-dependent)
    n, m = select_dim_over_m(maxM=mtot,

    ker_chunk = create_same_stride((n, m), out, dtype, device='cpu')
    for i in range(0, ntot, n):
        ic = min(n, ntot - i)
        cur_out = out[i:i + ic, :]
        X1_chunk = X1.narrow_rows(i, ic)
        for j in range(0, mtot, m):
            jc = min(m, mtot - j)
            X2_chunk = X2.narrow_rows(j, jc)
            cur_ker_chunk = ker_chunk[:ic, :jc]

            ddd = kernel._prepare_sparse(X1_chunk, X2_chunk)
            kernel._apply_sparse(X1_chunk, X2_chunk.transpose_csc(),
            kernel._finalize(cur_ker_chunk, ddd)

            # Multiply by the vector v
            cur_out.addmm_(cur_ker_chunk, v.narrow(0, j, jc))
    return out
def fmm_cpu(X1: torch.Tensor, X2: torch.Tensor,
            kernel: 'falkon.kernels.Kernel', out: Optional[torch.Tensor],
            opt: BaseOptions) -> torch.Tensor:
    """Compute kernel value on matrices X1 and X2: `out = kernel(X1, X2)`

    X1 : [N, D] array
    X2 : [M, D] array
    kernel : Kernel
        Class representing the desired kernel function
    out : Optional([N, M] array)
        Array for storing the kernel output. If None, will be allocated within the function.
    opt : Union(Dict, CompOpt)
        Options dictionary. Supported options are
         - 'final_type', the data-type of the output array. If 'out' is not None and it's
            data-type clashes with the setting of 'final_type', the out matrix will not be

    out : [N, M] array
        The kernel between X1 and X2.
    opt = _setup_opt(opt, is_cpu=True)
    ntot, dtot = X1.size()
    mtot = X2.size(0)

    if out is None:
        out = torch.empty(ntot, mtot, dtype=X1.dtype)

    if sizeof_dtype(X1.dtype) < 8 and opt.no_single_kernel:
        avail_mem = _get_cpu_ram(opt, 0.9)
        if avail_mem <= 0:
            raise MemoryError("Memory insufficient for kernel evaluation.")

        blockwise_fmm_cpu(X1, X2, kernel, out, avail_mem)
        # Do the kernel computation on the spot
        ddd = kernel._prepare(X1, X2)
        kernel._apply(X1, X2.T, out)
        kernel._finalize(out, ddd)

    return out
def fdmmv_cpu(X1, X2, v, w, kernel, out, opt):
    """Calculate a double kernel-vector product.

    This function computes the following quantity: ``kernel(X1, X2).T @ (kernel(X1, X2) @ v + w)``
    Where one of `v` or `w` can be empty.
    All arrays passed to this function must be 2-dimensional, although
    the second dimension can be unitary.

    The expression is not computed directly. We separate the computation
    into smaller blocks so as to reduce the total memory consumption (the
    large N*M kernel matrix is never wholly stored in RAM.)

        [N, D] array
        [M, D] array
    v : torch.Tensor or None
        [M, T] array. But note that at least one of v or w must be specified.
    w : torch.Tensor or None
        [N, T] array. But note that at least one of v or w must be specified.
        Class representing the desired kernel function
    out : torch.Tensor or None
        [M, T] array for storing the kernel-vector product output.
        If None, will be allocated within the function.
        Basic options dictionary, used for determining available memory.
    opt = _setup_opt(opt, is_cpu=True)

    # Parameter validation
    if v is None and w is None:
        raise ValueError("One of v and w must be specified to run fMMV.")
    T = v.shape[1] if v is not None else w.shape[1]
    ntot, dtot = X1.size()
    M = X2.size(0)
    dtype = X1.dtype

    # Create output matrix
    if out is None:
        out = torch.empty(M, T, dtype=dtype)

    avail_mem = _get_cpu_ram(opt, 0.95) / sizeof_dtype(dtype)
    # The only necessary temporary matrices are: `temp_out` of size n*M and
    # temp_w_block of size n*T
    n, d = select_dim_over_d(maxD=dtot,
                             coef_n=M + T,

    # Run Batched Matrix Computation
    for i in range(0, ntot, n):
        ic = min(n, ntot - i)

        ddd = kernel._prepare(X1[i:i + ic, :], X2)
        temp_out = torch.zeros(ic, M, dtype=dtype)
        for k in range(0, dtot, d):
            kc = min(d, dtot - k)
            X1d = X1[i:i + ic, k:k + kc]
            X2d = X2[:, k:k + kc]
            kernel._apply(X1d, X2d.T, temp_out)
        kernel._finalize(temp_out, ddd)  # fnc(X1*X2', X1, X2) [n x M]

        w_blk = torch.zeros(ic, T, dtype=dtype)  # n x T
        if w is not None:
            w_blk.copy_(w[i:i + ic, :])
        if v is not None:
            # w_blk + c_out * v => (n x T) + (n x M)*(M x T)
            w_blk.addmm_(temp_out, v)

        out.add_(torch.mm(temp_out.T, w_blk))
    return out
def fmmv_cpu(X1, X2, v, kernel, out, opt):
    """Blockwise kernel-vector product

    This function computes
    kernel(X1, X2) @ v
    in a blockwise fashion, to avoid having the whole N*M kernel
    matrix in memory at once.
    Note that while the principle is that of matrix-vector product,
    `v` can have more than one column.

     - X1 : [N, D] array
     - X2 : [M, D] array
     - v  : [M, T] array
     - kernel : Kernel
        Class representing the desired kernel function
     - out : [N, T] array (optional)
        Array for storing the kernel-vector product output.
        If None, will be allocated within the function.
     - opt : Union(Dict, CompOpt)
        Options dictionary. Supported options are
         - 'max_cpu_mem', sets the maximum amount of RAM which will the program should
         - 'final_type', the data-type of the output array. If `out` is not None and its
            data-type clashes with the setting of 'final_type', the `out` matrix will not be
    opt = _setup_opt(opt, is_cpu=True)

    ntot, dtot = X1.size(0), X1.size(1)
    M, T = v.size()
    dtype = v.dtype

    # Create output matrix
    if out is None:
        out = torch.empty(ntot, T, dtype=dtype)

    avail_mem = _get_cpu_ram(opt, 0.95) / sizeof_dtype(dtype)
    # Only necessary memory allocation is that for the temporary kernel
    # `temp_out` of size n*M
    n, d = select_dim_over_d(maxD=dtot,

    # Run batched matrix multiplication
    for i in range(0, ntot, n):
        ic = min(n, ntot - i)

        ddd = kernel._prepare(X1.narrow(0, i, ic), X2)  # , v=v)
        temp_out = torch.zeros(ic, M, dtype=dtype)
        for k in range(0, dtot, d):
            kc = min(d, dtot - k)
            X1d = X1[i:i + ic, k:k + kc]
            X2d = X2[:, k:k + kc]
            kernel._apply(X1d, X2d.T, temp_out)

        # temp_out = fnc(X1*X2', X1, X2)
        kernel._finalize(temp_out, ddd)

        torch.mm(temp_out, v, out=out[i:i + ic, :])
    return out