def sparse_norm(A: SparseTensor, out: Optional[torch.Tensor]) -> torch.Tensor:
    """Row-wise l2 norm of a sparse 2D matrix

    A : SparseTensor
        The 2D matrix. Since we compute row-wise norms, the matrix must be in CSR format (for
    out : torch.Tensor
        A dense tensor with the same number of rows as matrix `A`. Will contain the output
        of the norm operation.

    out : torch.Tensor
        The same tensor as the input `out` parameter.

    This function is currently limited to CPU input tensors.
    if out is None:
        out = torch.empty(A.shape[0], 1, dtype=A.dtype, device=A.device)
    if not A.is_csr:
        raise RuntimeError("Sparse norm can only be applied on CSR tensors.")
    if not check_same_dtype(A, out):
        raise ValueError("All data-types must match.")
    if A.shape[0] != out.shape[0]:
        raise ValueError(
            "Dimension 0 of A must match the length of tensor 'out'.")

    return norm_(A.indexptr, A.data, out)
    def _check_mmv_dimensions(X1, X2, v, out):
        # Parameter validation
        if X1.dim() != 2:
            raise ValueError("Matrix X1 must be 2D.")
        if X2.dim() != 2:
            raise ValueError("Matrix X2 must be 2D.")
        if v.dim() == 1:
            v = v.reshape((-1, 1))
        if v.dim() != 2:
            raise ValueError(
                f"v must be a vector or a 2D matrix. Found {len(v.shape)}D.")

        if out is not None and out.shape != (X1.size(0), v.size(1)):
            raise ValueError(
                f"Output dimension is incorrect. "
                f"Expected ({X1.size(0)}, {v.size(1)}) found {out.shape}")
        if v.shape != (X2.size(0), v.size(1)):
            raise ValueError(
                f"Dimensions of matrix v are incorrect: "
                f"Expected ({X2.size(0)}, {v.size(1)}) found {v.shape}")

        if not check_same_dtype(X1, X2, v, out):
            raise TypeError("Data types of input matrices must be equal.")

        return X1, X2, v, out
def incore_fmmv(mat: torch.Tensor,
                vec: torch.Tensor,
                out: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
                transpose: bool = False,
                opt: Optional[FalkonOptions] = None) -> torch.Tensor:
    if not check_same_dtype(mat, vec, out):
        raise TypeError("Data types of input matrices must be equal.")
    if not check_same_device(mat, vec, out):
        raise RuntimeError("All input arguments to incore_fmmv must be on the same device")

    if out is None:
        if transpose:
            out_shape = (mat.shape[1], vec.shape[1])
            out_shape = (mat.shape[0], vec.shape[1])
        out = create_same_stride(out_shape, mat, mat.dtype, device=mat.device, pin_memory=False)

    if mat.is_cuda:
        s1 = torch.cuda.Stream()
        with torch.cuda.stream(s1):
            if transpose:
                out.addmm_(mat.T, vec, beta=0.0)
                out.addmm_(mat, vec, beta=0.0)
        if transpose:
            out.addmm_(mat.T, vec, beta=0.0)
            out.addmm_(mat, vec, beta=0.0)
    return out
def sparse_square_norm(A: SparseTensor, out: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
    """Row-wise squared l2 norm of a sparse 2D matrix.

    The operation is equivalent to squaring all elements of the matrix, and summing up the rows.

    A : SparseTensor
        The 2D matrix. Since we compute row-wise norms, the matrix must be in CSR format (for
    out : torch.Tensor
        A dense tensor with the same number of rows as matrix `A`. Will contain the output
        of the squared-norm operation.

    out : torch.Tensor
        The same tensor as the input `out` parameter.

    This function is currently limited to CPU input tensors.
    if not A.is_csr:
        raise RuntimeError("Squared norm can only be applied on CSR tensors")
    if not check_same_dtype(A, out):
        raise ValueError("All data-types must match")
    if A.shape[0] != out.shape[0]:
        raise ValueError(
            "Dimension 0 of A must match the length of tensor 'out'")

    return norm_sq(A.indexptr, A.data, out)
def test_check_same_dtype_equal():
    smat = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(
        np.array([[0, 1], [0, 1]]).astype(np.float32))
    ts = [
        torch.tensor(0, dtype=torch.float32),
        SparseTensor.from_scipy(smat), None
    assert check_same_dtype(*ts) is True
def test_check_same_dtype_notequal():
    smat32 = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(
        np.array([[0, 1], [0, 1]]).astype(np.float32))
    smat64 = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(
        np.array([[0, 1], [0, 1]]).astype(np.float64))
    ts = [
        torch.tensor(0, dtype=torch.float32),
        torch.tensor(0, dtype=torch.float64),
    assert check_same_dtype(*ts) is False

    ts = [
        torch.tensor(0, dtype=torch.float32),
    assert check_same_dtype(*ts) is False
def sparse_norm(A: SparseTensor, out: Optional[torch.Tensor]) -> torch.Tensor:
    if not A.is_csr:
        raise RuntimeError("Norm can only be applied on CSR tensors")
    if not check_same_dtype(A, out):
        raise ValueError("All data-types must match")
    if A.shape[0] != out.shape[0]:
        raise ValueError(
            "Dimension 0 of A must match the length of tensor 'out'")

    return norm_(A.indexptr, A.data, out)
    def _check_mm_dimensions(X1, X2, out):
        # Parameter validation
        if X1.dim() != 2:
            raise ValueError("Matrix X1 must be 2D.")
        if X2.dim() != 2:
            raise ValueError("Matrix X2 must be 2D.")
        N = X1.size(0)
        M = X2.size(0)
        if out is not None and out.shape != (N, M):
            raise ValueError(f"Output dimension is incorrect. "
                             f"Expected ({N}, {M}) found {out.shape}")

        if not check_same_dtype(X1, X2, out):
            raise TypeError("Data types of input matrices must be equal.")

        return X1, X2, out
文件: kernel.py 项目: ymohit/falkon
    def _check_dmmv_dimensions(X1, X2, v, w, out):
        # Parameter validation
        if v is None and w is None:
            raise ValueError("One of v and w must be specified to run fdMMV.")

        if X1.dim() != 2:
            raise ValueError("Matrix X1 must be 2D.")
        if X2.dim() != 2:
            raise ValueError("Matrix X2 must be 2D.")
        if v is not None and v.dim() == 1:
            v = v.reshape((-1, 1))
        if v is not None and v.dim() != 2:
            raise ValueError(
                f"v must be a vector or a 2D matrix. Found {len(v.shape)}D.")
        if w is not None and w.dim() == 1:
            w = w.reshape((-1, 1))
        if w is not None and w.dim() != 2:
            raise ValueError(
                f"w must be a vector or a 2D matrix. Found {len(w.shape)}D.")

        # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
        T = v.size(1) if v is not None else w.size(1)
        M = X2.size(0)
        if out is not None and out.shape != (M, T):
            raise ValueError(
                f"Output dimension is incorrect. "
                f"Expected ({M}, {T}) found {out.shape}")
        if v is not None and v.shape != (X2.size(0), T):
            raise ValueError(
                f"Dimensions of matrix v are incorrect: "
                f"Expected ({M}, {T}) found {v.shape}")
        if w is not None and w.shape != (X1.size(0), T):
            raise ValueError(
                f"Dimensions of matrix w are incorrect: "
                f"Expected ({X1.size(0)}, {T}) found {w.shape}")

        if not check_same_dtype(X1, X2, v, w, out):
            raise TypeError("Data types of input matrices must be equal.")

        return X1, X2, v, w, out
    def _check_fit_inputs(
        self, X: _tensor_type, Y: torch.Tensor, Xts: _tensor_type,
        Yts: torch.Tensor
    ) -> Tuple[_tensor_type, torch.Tensor, _tensor_type, torch.Tensor]:
        if X.shape[0] != Y.shape[0]:
            raise ValueError("X and Y must have the same number of "
                             "samples (found %d and %d)" %
                             (X.shape[0], Y.shape[0]))
        if Y.dim() == 1:
            Y = torch.unsqueeze(Y, 1)
        if Y.dim() != 2:
            raise ValueError("Y is expected 1D or 2D. Found %dD." % (Y.dim()))
        if not check_same_dtype(X, Y):
            raise TypeError("X and Y must have the same data-type.")

        # If KeOps is used, data must be C-contiguous.
        if should_use_keops(X, X, self.options):
            X = to_c_contig(X, "X", True)
            Y = to_c_contig(Y, "Y", True)
            Xts = to_c_contig(Xts, "Xts", True)
            Yts = to_c_contig(Yts, "Yts", True)

        return X, Y, Xts, Yts
    def fit(self,
            X: torch.Tensor,
            Y: torch.Tensor,
            Xts: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
            Yts: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None):
        if X.size(0) != Y.size(0):
            raise ValueError("X and Y must have the same number of "
                             "samples (found %d and %d)" %
                             (X.size(0), Y.size(0)))
        if Y.dim() == 1:
            Y = torch.unsqueeze(Y, 1)
        if Y.dim() != 2:
            raise ValueError("Y is expected 1D or 2D. Found %dD." % (Y.dim()))
        if not check_same_dtype(X, Y):
            raise TypeError("X and Y must have the same data-type.")

        dtype = X.dtype
        self.fit_times_ = []

        t_s = time.time()
        ny_X, ny_Y = self.center_selection.select(X, Y, self.M)
        if self.use_cuda_:
            ny_X = ny_X.pin_memory()

        # beta is the temporary iterative solution
        beta = torch.zeros(ny_X.shape[0], 1, dtype=dtype)
        optim = ConjugateGradient(opt=self.options)
        cback = None
        precond = None
        if self.error_fn is not None and self.error_every is not None:

            def cback(it, x, pc, train_time):
                if it % self.error_every != 0:
                    print("Iteration %3d - Elapsed %.1fs" %
                          (it, self.fit_times_[-1]),
                err_str = "training" if Xts is None or Yts is None else "validation"
                coeff = pc.invT(x)
                # Compute error: can be train or test;
                if Xts is not None and Yts is not None:
                    pred = self._predict(Xts, ny_X, coeff)
                    err = self.error_fn(Yts, pred)
                    loss = torch.mean(self.loss(Yts, pred)).item()
                    pred = self._predict(X, ny_X, coeff)
                    err = self.error_fn(Y, pred)
                    loss = torch.mean(self.loss(Y, pred)).item()
                err_name = "error"
                if isinstance(err, tuple) and len(err) == 2:
                    err, err_name = err
                    f"Iteration {it:3d} - Elapsed {self.fit_times_[-1]:.2f}s - "
                    f"{err_str} loss {loss:.4f} - "
                    f"{err_str} {err_name} {err:.4f} ",

        t_elapsed = 0.0
        for it, penalty in enumerate(self.penalty_list):
            max_iter = self.iter_list[it]
            print("Iteration %d - penalty %e - sub-iterations %d" %
                  (it, penalty, max_iter),

            with TicToc("Preconditioner", self.options.debug):
                if precond is None:
                    precond = falkon.preconditioner.LogisticPreconditioner(
                        self.kernel, self.loss, self.options)
                precond.init(ny_X, ny_Y, beta, penalty, X.shape[0])
            if self.use_cuda_:

            with TicToc("Gradient", self.options.debug):
                # Gradient computation
                knmp_grad, inner_mmv = self.loss.knmp_grad(X,
                grad_p = precond.invAt(
                    precond.invTt(knmp_grad).add_(penalty * beta))

            # Callback
            def mmv(sol):
                sol_a = precond.invA(sol)
                knmp_hess = self.loss.knmp_hess(X,
                return precond.invAt(

            with TicToc("Optim", self.options.debug):
                optim_out = optim.solve(X0=None,
                beta -= precond.invA(optim_out)

            t_elapsed += time.time() - t_s
            cback(it, beta, precond, train_time=t_elapsed)
            t_s = time.time()
        t_elapsed += time.time() - t_s

        cback(len(self.penalty_list), beta, precond, train_time=t_elapsed)
        self.alpha_ = precond.invT(beta)
        self.ny_points_ = ny_X
    def fit(self,
            X: torch.Tensor,
            Y: torch.Tensor,
            Xts: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
            Yts: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None):
        """Fits the Falkon KRR model.

        X : torch.Tensor (2D)
            The tensor of training data, of shape [num_samples, num_dimensions].
            If X is in Fortran order (i.e. column-contiguous) then we can avoid
            an extra copy of the data.
        Y : torch.Tensor (1D or 2D)
            The tensor of training targets, of shape [num_samples, num_outputs].
            If X and Y represent a classification problem, Y can be encoded as a one-hot
            If Y is in Fortran order (i.e. column-contiguous) then we can avoid an
            extra copy of the data.
        Xts : torch.Tensor (2D) or None
            Tensor of validation data, of shape [num_test_samples, num_dimensions].
            If validation data is provided and `error_fn` was specified when
            creating the model, they will be used to print the validation error
            during the optimization iterations.
            If Xts is in Fortran order (i.e. column-contiguous) then we can avoid an
            extra copy of the data.
        Yts : torch.Tensor (1D or 2D) or None
            Tensor of validation targets, of shape [num_test_samples, num_outputs].
            If validation data is provided and `error_fn` was specified when
            creating the model, they will be used to print the validation error
            during the optimization iterations.
            If Yts is in Fortran order (i.e. column-contiguous) then we can avoid an
            extra copy of the data.

        model: Falkon
            The fitted model
        if X.size(0) != Y.size(0):
            raise ValueError("X and Y must have the same number of "
                             "samples (found %d and %d)" %
                             (X.size(0), Y.size(0)))
        if Y.dim() == 1:
            Y = torch.unsqueeze(Y, 1)
        if Y.dim() != 2:
            raise ValueError("Y is expected 1D or 2D. Found %dD." % (Y.dim()))
        if not check_same_dtype(X, Y):
            raise TypeError("X and Y must have the same data-type.")

        dtype = X.dtype
        # Decide whether to use CUDA for preconditioning based on M
        _use_cuda_preconditioner = (
                self.use_cuda_ and
                (not self.options.cpu_preconditioner) and
                self.M >= get_min_cuda_preconditioner_size(dtype)
        _use_cuda_mmv = (
                self.use_cuda_ and
                X.shape[0] * X.shape[1] * self.M / self.num_gpus >= get_min_cuda_mmv_size(dtype)

        self.fit_times_ = []
        self.ny_points_ = None
        self.alpha_ = None

        t_s = time.time()
        ny_points = self.center_selection.select(X, None, self.M)
        if self.use_cuda_:
            ny_points = ny_points.pin_memory()

        with TicToc("Calcuating Preconditioner of size %d" % (self.M), debug=self.options.debug):
            pc_opt: FalkonOptions = dataclasses.replace(self.options,
                                                        use_cpu=not _use_cuda_preconditioner)
            if pc_opt.debug:
                print("Preconditioner will run on %s" %
                      ("CPU" if pc_opt.use_cpu else ("%d GPUs" % self.num_gpus)))
            precond = falkon.preconditioner.FalkonPreconditioner(self.penalty, self.kernel, pc_opt)

        if _use_cuda_mmv:
            # Cache must be emptied to ensure enough memory is visible to the optimizer
            X = X.pin_memory()

        # Decide whether it's worthwile to pre-compute the k_NM kernel.
        # If we precompute K_NM, each CG iteration costs
        # Given a single kernel evaluation between two D-dimensional vectors
        # costs D, at CG iteration we must perform N*M kernel evaluations.
        # Other than the kernel evaluations we must perform two matrix-vector
        # products 2(N*M*T) and a bunch of triangular solves.
        # So if we precompute we have 2*(N*M*T), othewise we also have N*M*D
        # but precomputing costs us N*M memory.
        # So heuristic is the following:
        #  - If D is large (e.g. > 100) check if RAM is sufficient
        #  - If RAM is sufficient precompute
        #  - Otherwise do not precompute
        Knm = None
        if X.size(1) > 1200:
            necessary_ram = X.size(0) * ny_points.size(0) * sizeof_dtype(dtype)
            k_opt = dataclasses.replace(self.options, use_cpu=True)
            cpu_info = get_device_info(k_opt)
            available_ram = min(k_opt.max_cpu_mem, cpu_info[-1].free_memory) * 0.9
            del k_opt

            if available_ram > necessary_ram:
                if self.options.debug:
                    print("%d*%d Kernel matrix will be stored" %
                          (X.size(0), ny_points.size(0)))
                Knm = self.kernel(X, ny_points, opt=self.options)
                # TODO: Maybe we should do the same for Kts, but this complicates
                #       checks for fitting in memory
            elif self.options.debug:
                    "Cannot store full kernel matrix: not enough memory (have %.2fGB, need %.2fGB)" %
                    (available_ram / 2 ** 30, necessary_ram / 2 ** 30))
        self.fit_times_.append(time.time() - t_s)  # Preparation time

        # Here we define the callback function which will run at the end
        # of conjugate gradient iterations. This function computes and
        # displays the validation error.
        val_cback = None
        if self.error_fn is not None and self.error_every is not None:
            def val_cback(it, beta, train_time):
                self.fit_times_.append(self.fit_times_[0] + train_time)
                if it % self.error_every != 0:
                    print("Iteration %3d - Elapsed %.1fs" % (it, self.fit_times_[-1]), flush=True)
                err_str = "training" if Xts is None or Yts is None else "validation"
                alpha = precond.apply(beta)
                # Compute error: can be train or test;
                if Xts is not None and Yts is not None:
                    pred = self._predict(Xts, ny_points, alpha)
                    err = self.error_fn(Yts, pred)
                    pred = self._predict(X, ny_points, alpha)
                    err = self.error_fn(Y, pred)
                err_name = "error"
                if isinstance(err, tuple) and len(err) == 2:
                    err, err_name = err
                print("Iteration %3d - Elapsed %.1fs - %s %s: %.4f" %
                      (it, self.fit_times_[-1], err_str, err_name, err), flush=True)

        # Start with the falkon algorithm
        with TicToc('Computing Falkon iterations', debug=self.options.debug):
            o_opt: FalkonOptions = dataclasses.replace(self.options, use_cpu=not _use_cuda_mmv)
            if o_opt.debug:
                print("Optimizer will run on %s" %
                      ("CPU" if o_opt.use_cpu else ("%d GPUs" % self.num_gpus)), flush=True)
            optim = falkon.optim.FalkonConjugateGradient(self.kernel, precond, o_opt)
            if Knm is not None:
                beta = optim.solve(
                    Knm, None, Y, self.penalty, initial_solution=None,
                    max_iter=self.maxiter, callback=val_cback)
                beta = optim.solve(
                    X, ny_points, Y, self.penalty, initial_solution=None,
                    max_iter=self.maxiter, callback=val_cback)

            self.alpha_ = precond.apply(beta)
            self.ny_points_ = ny_points
        return self
def test_check_same_dtype_empty():
    assert check_same_dtype() is True