def __init__(self, session, config_path=None): reset_config(filepath=config_path) try: control_config() except ValueError as e: logger.error(e) raise e self.config_path = config_path = config.get(Sections.SERVER, "host") self.api_port = config.get(Sections.SERVER, "api_port") self.websocket_port = config.get(Sections.SERVER, "websocket_port") self.workspace = config.get(Sections.SERVER, "workspace") self.agent_token = config[Sections.TOKENS].get("agent", None) self.agent_name = config.get(Sections.AGENT, "agent_name") self.session = session self.websocket = None self.websocket_token = None executors_list_str = config[Sections.AGENT].get("executors", []).split(",") if "" in executors_list_str: executors_list_str.remove("") self.executors = { executor_name: Executor(executor_name, config) for executor_name in executors_list_str } ssl_cert_path = config[Sections.SERVER].get("ssl_cert", None) self.ws_ssl_enabled = self.api_ssl_enabled = config[Sections.SERVER].get("ssl", "False").lower() in ["t", "true"] self.api_kwargs = {"ssl": ssl.create_default_context(cafile=ssl_cert_path)} if self.api_ssl_enabled and ssl_cert_path else {} self.ws_kwargs = {"ssl": ssl.create_default_context(cafile=ssl_cert_path)} if self.ws_ssl_enabled and ssl_cert_path else {} self.execution_id = None
def run(self): end = False def_value, choices = get_default_value_and_choices("Q", ["A", "E", "Q"]) while not end: value = click.prompt("Do you want to edit the [A]gent or the [E]xecutors? Do you want to [Q]uit?", type=click.Choice(choices=choices, case_sensitive=False), default=def_value) if value.upper() == "A": process_agent() elif value.upper() == "E": self.process_executors() else: process_choice_errors(value) try: if Sections.AGENT in config.instance.sections(): self.save_executors() config.control_config() end = True else: print(f"{Bcolors.FAIL}Add agent configuration{Bcolors.ENDC}") except ValueError as e: print(f"{Bcolors.FAIL}{e}{Bcolors.ENDC}") config.save_config(self.config_filepath)
def __init__(self, session, config_path=None): reset_config(filepath=config_path) try: verify() control_config() except ValueError as e: logger.error(e) raise e self.config_path = config_path = config.get(Sections.SERVER, "host") self.api_port = config.get(Sections.SERVER, "api_port") self.websocket_port = config.get(Sections.SERVER, "websocket_port") self.agent_token = config[Sections.TOKENS].get( "agent", None) if Sections.TOKENS in config else None self.agent_name = config.get(Sections.AGENT, "agent_name") self.session = session self.websocket = None self.websocket_token = None self.workspaces = _parse_list(config.get(Sections.SERVER, "workspaces")) self.executors = { executor_name: Executor(executor_name, config) for executor_name in _parse_list(config[Sections.AGENT].get( "executors", "")) } self.ws_ssl_enabled = self.api_ssl_enabled = config[ Sections.SERVER].get("ssl", "False").lower() in [ "t", "true", ] ssl_cert_path = config[Sections.SERVER].get("ssl_cert", None) if not Path(ssl_cert_path).exists(): raise ValueError( f"SSL cert does not exist in path {ssl_cert_path}") self.api_kwargs: Dict[str, object] = ({ "ssl": ssl.create_default_context(cafile=ssl_cert_path) if "HTTPS_PROXY" not in os.environ else False } if self.api_ssl_enabled and ssl_cert_path else {}) if "HTTPS_PROXY" in os.environ:"HTTPS_PROXY is set; will not do SSL verify") ws_ssl_context = ssl.create_default_context() ws_ssl_context.check_hostname = False ws_ssl_context.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE else: ws_ssl_context = ssl.create_default_context(cafile=ssl_cert_path) self.ws_kwargs = {"ssl": ws_ssl_context} if self.ws_ssl_enabled else {} self.execution_id = None self.executor_tasks: Dict[str, List[Task]] = { Dispatcher.TaskLabels.EXECUTOR: [], Dispatcher.TaskLabels.CONNECTION_CHECK: [], } self.sigterm_received = False
def __init__(self, session, config_path=None): reset_config(filepath=config_path) try: control_config() except ValueError as e: logger.error(e) raise e self.config_path = config_path = config.instance[Sections.SERVER]["host"] self.api_port = config.instance[Sections.SERVER]["api_port"] self.websocket_port = config.instance[Sections.SERVER]["websocket_port"] self.agent_token = ( config.instance[Sections.TOKENS].get("agent") if Sections.TOKENS in config.instance else None ) self.agent_name = config.instance[Sections.AGENT]["agent_name"] self.session = session self.websocket = None self.websocket_token = None self.workspaces = config.instance[Sections.SERVER]["workspaces"] self.executors = { executor_name: Executor(executor_name, executor_data) for executor_name, executor_data in config.instance[Sections.AGENT].get("executors", {}).items() } self.ws_ssl_enabled = self.api_ssl_enabled = config.instance[Sections.SERVER].get("ssl", False) ssl_cert_path = config.instance[Sections.SERVER].get("ssl_cert", None) ssl_ignore = config.instance[Sections.SERVER].get("ssl_ignore", False) if not Path(ssl_cert_path).exists(): raise ValueError(f"SSL cert does not exist in path {ssl_cert_path}") if self.api_ssl_enabled: if ssl_cert_path: ssl_cert_context = ssl.create_default_context(cafile=ssl_cert_path) self.api_kwargs = {"ssl": ssl_cert_context} self.ws_kwargs = {"ssl": ssl_cert_context} else: if ssl_ignore or "HTTPS_PROXY" in os.environ: ignore_ssl_context = ssl.create_default_context() ignore_ssl_context.check_hostname = False ignore_ssl_context.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE self.api_kwargs = {"ssl": ignore_ssl_context} self.ws_kwargs = {"ssl": ignore_ssl_context} else: self.api_kwargs: Dict[str, object] = {} self.ws_kwargs: Dict[str, object] = {} else: self.api_kwargs: Dict[str, object] = {} self.ws_kwargs: Dict[str, object] = {} self.execution_id = None self.executor_tasks: Dict[str, List[Task]] = { Dispatcher.TaskLabels.EXECUTOR: [], Dispatcher.TaskLabels.CONNECTION_CHECK: [], } self.sigterm_received = False
def __init__(self, config_filepath: Path): self.config_filepath = config_filepath try: config.reset_config(config_filepath) except ValueError as e: if e.args[1] or config_filepath.is_file(): # the filepath is either a file, or a folder containing a file, # which can't be processed raise e config.control_config() self.executors_dict = {} self.load_executors()
async def run(self): end = False ignore_changes = False def_value, choices = get_default_value_and_choices( "Q", ["A", "E", "Q"]) while not end: value = click.prompt( "Do you want to edit the [A]gent or the [E]xecutors? Do you " "want to [Q]uit?", type=click.Choice(choices=choices, case_sensitive=False), default=def_value, ) if value.upper() == "A": process_agent() elif value.upper() == "E": await self.process_executors() else: process_choice_errors(value) try: if Sections.AGENT in config.instance: click.echo( self.status_report(sections=config.instance)) config.control_config() end = True else: if confirm_prompt( "File configuration not saved. Are you sure?", fg="yellow")): click.echo( self.status_report( sections=config.instance.sections())) end = True ignore_changes = True else: end = False except ValueError as e: click.secho(f"{e}", fg="red") if not ignore_changes: config.save_config(self.config_filepath)