def __init__(self, encoder, n_classes, final_bias=0., chs=256, n_anchors=9, flatten=True, chip_size=(256,256), n_bands=3): # chs - channels for top down layers in FPN super().__init__() self.n_classes,self.flatten = n_classes,flatten self.chip_size = chip_size # Fetch the sizes of various activation layers of the backbone sfs_szs = model_sizes(encoder, size=self.chip_size) hooks = hook_outputs(encoder) self.encoder = encoder self.c5top5 = conv2d(sfs_szs[-1][1], chs, ks=1, bias=True) self.c5top6 = conv2d(sfs_szs[-1][1], chs, stride=2, bias=True) self.p6top7 = nn.Sequential(nn.ReLU(), conv2d(chs, chs, stride=2, bias=True)) self.merges = nn.ModuleList([LateralUpsampleMerge(chs, szs[1], hook) for szs,hook in zip(sfs_szs[-2:-4:-1], hooks[-2:-4:-1])]) self.smoothers = nn.ModuleList([conv2d(chs, chs, 3, bias=True) for _ in range(3)]) self.classifier = self._head_subnet(n_classes, n_anchors, final_bias, chs=chs) self.box_regressor = self._head_subnet(4, n_anchors, 0., chs=chs) # Create a dummy x to be passed through the model and fetch the sizes x_dummy = torch.rand(n_bands,self.chip_size[0],self.chip_size[1]).unsqueeze(0) p_states = self._create_p_states(x_dummy) self.sizes = [[p.size(2), p.size(3)] for p in p_states]
def __init__(self, hooks, nc): super(Hcolumns, self).__init__() self.hooks = hooks self.n = len(self.hooks) self.factorization = None if nc is not None: self.factorization = nn.ModuleList() for i in range(self.n): self.factorization.append(nn.Sequential( conv2d(nc[i], nc[-1], 3, padding=1, bias=True), conv2d(nc[-1], nc[-1], 3, padding=1, bias=True)))
def __init__(self, body, out_dims, fpn_dim=256, emb_type='conv'): super().__init__() self.ifn, self.bu,, self.fusion, ch = build_fpn(body, fpn_dim, bu_in_lateral=True, out_dim=out_dims['object']) self.embedding = resolve_embedding(emb_type, out_dims.keys(), ch[-1]) head = {key: nn.Sequential(nnlayers.conv_layer(fpn_dim, fpn_dim), conv2d(fpn_dim, fn, ks=1, bias=True)) for key, fn in out_dims.items()} self.head = nn.ModuleDict(head)
def __init__(self, in_dim, out_dims): super().__init__() d = { key: nn.Sequential(conv_layer(in_dim, in_dim), conv2d(in_dim, fn, ks=1, bias=True)) for key, fn in out_dims.items() } self.heads = nn.ModuleDict(d)
def _head_subnet(self, n_classes, n_anchors, final_bias=0., n_conv=4, chs=256): layers = [conv_layer(chs, chs, bias=True) for _ in range(n_conv)] layers += [conv2d(chs, n_classes * n_anchors, bias=True)] layers[-1] layers[-1] return nn.Sequential(*layers)
def __init__(self, instructor, fpn, fpn_dim=512): classifier = nn.Sequential(nnlayers.conv_layer(fpn_dim, fpn_dim), conv2d(fpn_dim, 1, ks=1, bias=True)) super().__init__(instructor, fpn, classifier)
def __init__(self, ch, ch_lat, hook): super().__init__() self.hook = hook self.conv_lat = conv2d(ch_lat, ch, ks=1, bias=True)