def __add__(self, other): """Add two points on the same elliptic curve. Args: | self (fastecdsa.point.Point): a point :math:`P` on the curve | other (fastecdsa.point.Point): a point :math:`Q` on the curve Returns: fastecdsa.point.Point: A point :math:`R` such that :math:`R = P + Q` """ if self.curve is not other.curve: raise CurveMismatchError(self.curve, other.curve) else: x, y = curvemath.add( str(self.x), str(self.y), str(other.x), str(other.y), str(self.curve.p), str(self.curve.a), str(self.curve.b), str(self.curve.q), str(self.curve.gx), str( ) return Point(int(x), int(y), self.curve)
def __add__(self, other): """Add two points on the same elliptic curve. Args: | self (:class:`Point`): a point :math:`P` on the curve | other (:class:`Point`): a point :math:`Q` on the curve Returns: :class:`Point`: A point :math:`R` such that :math:`R = P + Q` """ validate_type(other, Point) if self == self.IDENTITY_ELEMENT: return other elif other == self.IDENTITY_ELEMENT: return self elif self.curve is not other.curve: raise CurveMismatchError(self.curve, other.curve) elif self == -other: return self.IDENTITY_ELEMENT else: x, y = curvemath.add(str(self.x), str(self.y), str(other.x), str(other.y), str(self.curve.p), str(self.curve.a), str(self.curve.b), str(self.curve.q), str(self.curve.gx), str( return Point(int(x), int(y), self.curve)