def forward(self): blob = {} blob['data'] = np.reshape([self.index], (1,) + (self.N,) * self.dim + (1,)) if not self.is_testing: blob['labels'] = np.reshape(self.file.root.label[self.index], (1,) + (self.N,) * self.dim) blob['voxels'], blob['voxels_value'] = extract_voxels(blob['data'][0, ..., 0]) blob['entries'] = [self.index] self.index = (self.index + 1) % self.n return blob
def cluster(cfg, blob, results, index, name='cluster', directory=None): """ Ad-hoc clustering algorithm. Can use UResNet predictions as a mask for to cluster track and shower separately, if results includes `predictions` key. Erases a 7x7 window around each point predicted by PPN in the data, then applies DBSCAN algorithm to perform rough clustering of track/shower instances. """ data = blob['data'] WINDOW_SIZE = 7 # Hide window around each proposal for p in results['im_proposals']: p1 = (p - WINDOW_SIZE / 2).astype(int) p2 = (p + WINDOW_SIZE / 2).astype(int) if cfg.DATA_3D: data[0, p1[0]:p2[0], p1[1]:p2[1], p1[2]:p2[2], 0] = 0.0 else: data[0, p1[0]:p2[0], p1[1]:p2[1], 0] = 0.0 if 'predictions' in results: # UResNet mask predictions = results['predictions'][0, ...] predictions[data[0, ..., 0] == 0.0] = 0.0 # mask with data track_voxels = np.argwhere(predictions == 1) # track shower_voxels = np.argwhere(predictions == 2) # track db_track, db_shower = [], [] if track_voxels.shape[0]: db_track = DBSCAN(eps=2.5 if cfg.DATA_3D else 2.0, min_samples=10).fit_predict(track_voxels) if shower_voxels.shape[0]: db_shower = DBSCAN(eps=2.5 if cfg.DATA_3D else 2.0, min_samples=10).fit_predict(shower_voxels) db_shower = db_shower + len(np.unique(db_track)) # offset labels voxels = np.concatenate([track_voxels, shower_voxels], axis=0) voxels = np.flip(voxels, axis=1) db = np.concatenate([db_track, db_shower], axis=0) else: voxels, _ = extract_voxels(data[0, ..., 0]) voxels = np.flip(voxels, axis=1) db = DBSCAN(eps=2.5 if cfg.DATA_3D else 2.0, min_samples=10).fit_predict(voxels) print("Clusters: ", np.unique(db)) new_blob = {} new_blob['data'] = data new_blob['voxels'] = voxels new_blob['voxels_value'] = db # display_uresnet(new_blob, cfg, # compute_voxels=False, # directory=directory, # vmin=np.amin(db), # vmax=np.amax(db), # index=index) kwargs = {} if cfg.DATA_3D: kwargs['projection'] = '3d' display_blob(new_blob, cfg, directory=directory, index=index, cmap='tab10', **kwargs)
def test(cfg, net): _, data = get_data(cfg) # Initialize the network the right way # net.train and net.eval account for differences in dropout/batch norm # during training and testing net.eval().cuda() metrics = {'acc_all': [], 'acc_nonzero': [], 'loss': []} metrics_mean = {'acc_all': [], 'acc_nonzero': [], 'loss': []} metrics_std = {'acc_all': [], 'acc_nonzero': [], 'loss': []} durations_mean = {'cuda': [], 'loss': [], 'forward': [], 'acc': []} durations_std = {'cuda': [], 'loss': [], 'forward': [], 'acc': []} # Only enable gradients if we are training # with torch.set_grad_enabled(is_training): durations, durations_cuda, durations_loss, durations_acc = [], [], [], [] steps = [] print('Listing weights...') weights = glob.glob(os.path.join(cfg.WEIGHTS_FILE_BASE, "*.ckpt")) weights.sort() print('Done.') blobs = [] print('Fetch data...') for i in range(cfg.MAX_STEPS): print("%d/%d" % (i, cfg.MAX_STEPS)) blob = data.forward() blob.pop('data') blob['label_voxels'], blob['label_values'] = extract_voxels( blob['labels']) blob.pop('labels') blobs.append(blob) print('Done.') for w in weights: step = int(re.findall(r'model-(\d+)', w)[0]) steps.append(step) print('Restoring weights from %s...' % w) with open(w, 'rb') as f: checkpoint = torch.load(f) net.load_state_dict(checkpoint['state_dict']) print('Done.') for i, blob in enumerate(blobs): # FIXME print("Step %d/%d" % (i, cfg.MAX_STEPS)) if sparse: start = time.time() coords = torch.from_numpy(blob['voxels']).cuda() features = torch.from_numpy( np.reshape(blob['voxels_value'], (-1, 1))).cuda() label_voxels, labels = blob['label_voxels'], blob[ 'label_values'] labels = torch.from_numpy(labels).cuda().type( torch.cuda.LongTensor) end = time.time() durations_cuda.append(end - start) start = time.time() predictions_raw = net(coords, features) # size N_voxels x num_classes end = time.time() durations.append(end - start) else: start = time.time() image = torch.from_numpy(np.moveaxis(blob['data'], -1, 1)).cuda() labels = torch.from_numpy(blob['labels']).cuda().type( torch.cuda.LongTensor) end = time.time() durations_cuda.append(end - start) start = time.time() predictions_raw = net(image) end = time.time() durations.append(end - start) start = time.time() loss = criterion(predictions_raw, labels) end = time.time() durations_loss.append(end - start) metrics['loss'].append(loss.item()) print("\tLoss = ", metrics['loss'][-1]) # Accuracy start = time.time() predicted_labels = torch.argmax(predictions_raw, dim=1) acc_all = (predicted_labels == labels).sum().item() / float( labels.numel()) nonzero_px = labels > 0 nonzero_prediction = predicted_labels[nonzero_px] nonzero_label = labels[nonzero_px] acc_nonzero = (nonzero_prediction == nonzero_label).sum().item() / float( nonzero_label.numel()) end = time.time() durations_acc.append(end - start) metrics['acc_all'].append(acc_all) metrics['acc_nonzero'].append(acc_nonzero) print("\tAccuracy = ", metrics['acc_all'][-1], " - Nonzero accuracy = ", metrics['acc_nonzero'][-1]) metrics_mean['loss'].append(np.array(metrics['loss']).mean()) metrics_std['loss'].append(np.array(metrics['loss']).std()) metrics_mean['acc_all'].append(np.array(metrics['acc_all']).mean()) metrics_std['acc_all'].append(np.array(metrics['acc_all']).std()) metrics_mean['acc_nonzero'].append( np.array(metrics['acc_nonzero']).mean()) metrics_std['acc_nonzero'].append( np.array(metrics['acc_nonzero']).std()) durations_mean['cuda'].append(np.array(durations_cuda).mean()) durations_std['cuda'].append(np.array(durations_cuda).std()) durations_mean['loss'].append(np.array(durations_loss).mean()) durations_std['loss'].append(np.array(durations_loss).std()) durations_mean['forward'].append(np.array(durations).mean()) durations_std['forward'].append(np.array(durations).std()) durations_mean['acc'].append(np.array(durations_acc).mean()) durations_std['acc'].append(np.array(durations_acc).std()) durations, durations_cuda, durations_loss, durations_acc = [], [], [], [] metrics = {'acc_all': [], 'acc_nonzero': [], 'loss': []} print('Mean cuda duration = %f s' % durations_mean['cuda'][-1]) print('Mean loss duration = %f s' % durations_mean['loss'][-1]) print('Mean acc duration = %f s' % durations_mean['acc'][-1]) print('Mean forward duration = %f s' % durations_mean['forward'][-1]) print('Mean acc = %f s' % metrics_mean['acc_nonzero'][-1]) np.savetxt(os.path.join(cfg.OUTPUT_DIR, 'steps_%d.csv' % step), steps, delimiter=',') for attr in metrics: np.savetxt(os.path.join(cfg.OUTPUT_DIR, '%s_mean_%d.csv' % (attr, step)), metrics_mean[attr], delimiter=',') np.savetxt(os.path.join(cfg.OUTPUT_DIR, '%s_std_%d.csv' % (attr, step)), metrics_std[attr], delimiter=',') for attr in durations_mean: np.savetxt(os.path.join(cfg.OUTPUT_DIR, 'durations_%s_mean_%d.csv' % (attr, step)), durations_mean[attr], delimiter=',') np.savetxt(os.path.join(cfg.OUTPUT_DIR, 'durations_%s_std_%d.csv' % (attr, step)), durations_std[attr], delimiter=',')
def train_demo(cfg, net, criterion, optimizer, lr_scheduler): # Data generator train_data, test_data = get_data(cfg) if is_training: data = train_data else: data = test_data # Initialize the network the right way # net.train and net.eval account for differences in dropout/batch norm # during training and testing start = 0 if is_training: net.train().cuda() else: net.eval().cuda() if cfg.WEIGHTS_FILE_BASE is not None and cfg.WEIGHTS_FILE_BASE != '': print('Restoring weights from %s...' % cfg.WEIGHTS_FILE_BASE) with open(cfg.WEIGHTS_FILE_BASE, 'rb') as f: checkpoint = torch.load(f) net.load_state_dict(checkpoint['state_dict']) # print(checkpoint['state_dict']) optimizer.load_state_dict(checkpoint['optimizer']) lr_scheduler.load_state_dict(checkpoint['lr_scheduler']) start = checkpoint['epoch'] + 1 print('Done.') print('Done.') metrics = {'acc_all': [], 'acc_nonzero': [], 'loss': []} # Only enable gradients if we are training # with torch.set_grad_enabled(is_training): durations = [] for i in range(cfg.MAX_STEPS): # use with torch.no_grad() for test network # Check parameters for nan # print('Check for nan...') # had_nan = False # for p in net.parameters(): # if torch.isnan(p).any(): # print(i, p) # had_nan = True # # for name in net.state_dict(): # tensor = net.state_dict()[name] # if name == 'sparseModel.': # print(i, name, tensor) # if torch.isnan(tensor).any(): # print(i, name, tensor) # had_nan = True # if had_nan: # break # print('Done.') # inputs, label = dataloader(i) print("Step %d/%d" % (i, cfg.MAX_STEPS)) blob = data.forward() print(blob['voxels'].shape, blob['voxels_value'].shape, blob['data'].shape, blob['labels'].shape) if sparse: coords = torch.from_numpy(blob['voxels']).cuda() features = torch.from_numpy( np.reshape(blob['voxels_value'], (-1, 1))).cuda() # print(coords.type(), features.type()) start = time.time() predictions_raw = net(coords, features) # size N_voxels x num_classes end = time.time() durations.append(end - start) # print(predictions_raw.size()) label_voxels, labels = extract_voxels(blob['labels']) labels = torch.from_numpy(labels).cuda().type( torch.cuda.LongTensor) # print(labels, label_voxels, blob['voxels']) # print(net.parameters()) else: image = torch.from_numpy(np.moveaxis(blob['data'], -1, 1)).cuda() labels = torch.from_numpy(blob['labels']).cuda().type( torch.cuda.LongTensor) start = time.time() predictions_raw = net(image) end = time.time() durations.append(end - start) loss = criterion(predictions_raw, labels) if is_training: lr_scheduler.step() # Decay learning rate optimizer.zero_grad() # Clear previous gradients loss.backward() # Compute gradients of all variables wrt loss nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(net.parameters(), 1.0) # Clip gradient optimizer.step() # update using computed gradients metrics['loss'].append(loss.item()) print("\tLoss = ", metrics['loss'][-1]) # Accuracy predicted_labels = torch.argmax(predictions_raw, dim=1) acc_all = (predicted_labels == labels).sum().item() / float( labels.numel()) nonzero_px = labels > 0 nonzero_prediction = predicted_labels[nonzero_px] nonzero_label = labels[nonzero_px] acc_nonzero = (nonzero_prediction == nonzero_label).sum().item() / float( nonzero_label.numel()) metrics['acc_all'].append(acc_all) metrics['acc_nonzero'].append(acc_nonzero) print("\tAccuracy = ", metrics['acc_all'][-1], " - Nonzero accuracy = ", metrics['acc_nonzero'][-1]) if is_training and i % 100 == 0: for attr in metrics: np.savetxt(os.path.join(cfg.OUTPUT_DIR, '%s_%d.csv' % (attr, i)), metrics[attr], delimiter=',') # metrics[attr] = [] if is_training and i % 100 == 0: filename = os.path.join(cfg.OUTPUT_DIR, 'model-%d.ckpt' % i) # with open(filename, 'wb'): { 'epoch': i, 'state_dict': net.state_dict(), 'optimizer': optimizer.state_dict(), 'lr_scheduler': lr_scheduler.state_dict() }, filename) if not is_training: print('Display...') if sparse: final_predictions = np.zeros( (1, cfg.IMAGE_SIZE, cfg.IMAGE_SIZE, cfg.IMAGE_SIZE)) indices = label_voxels.T final_predictions[ 0, indices[0], indices[1], indices[2]] = predicted_labels.cpu().data.numpy() display_uresnet(blob, cfg, index=i, predictions=final_predictions) else: display_uresnet( blob, cfg, index=i, predictions=predicted_labels.cpu().data.numpy()) print('Done.') print("Average duration = %f s" % np.array(durations).mean())
def reconcile(self, batch_results, patch_centers, patch_sizes): """ Reconcile slices result together using batch_results, batch_blobs, patch_centers and patch_sizes """ final_results = {} if len(batch_results) == 0: # Empty batch return final_results # UResNet predictions if 'predictions' and 'scores' and 'softmax' in batch_results[0]: final_voxels = np.array([], dtype=np.int32).reshape( 0, 3) # Shape N_voxels x dim final_scores = np.array([], dtype=np.float32).reshape( 0, self.cfg.NUM_CLASSES) # Shape N_voxels x num_classes final_counts = np.array([], dtype=np.int32).reshape( 0, ) # Shape N_voxels x 1 for i, result in enumerate(batch_results): # Extract voxel and voxel values # Shape N_voxels x dim v, values = extract_voxels(result['predictions']) # Extract corresponding softmax scores # Shape N_voxels x num_classes scores = result['softmax'][v[:, 0], v[:, 1], v[:, 2], :] # Restore original blob coordinates v = (v + np.flipud(patch_centers[i]) - patch_sizes[i] / 2.0).astype(np.int64) v = np.clip(v, 0, self.cfg.IMAGE_SIZE - 1) # indices are indices of the *first* occurrences of the unique values # hence for doublons they are indices in final_voxels # We assume the only overlap that can occur is between # final_voxels and v, not inside these arrays themselves n = final_voxels.shape[0] final_voxels, indices, counts = np.unique(np.concatenate( [final_voxels, v], axis=0), axis=0, return_index=True, return_counts=True) final_scores = np.concatenate([final_scores, scores], axis=0)[indices] lower_indices = indices[indices < n] upper_indices = indices[indices >= n] final_counts[lower_indices] += counts[lower_indices] - 1 final_counts = np.concatenate( [final_counts, np.ones((upper_indices.shape[0], ))], axis=0) final_scores = final_scores / final_counts[:, np. newaxis] # Compute average final_predictions = np.argmax(final_scores, axis=1) final_results['predictions'] = np.zeros( (self.cfg.IMAGE_SIZE, ) * 3) final_results['predictions'][final_voxels.T[0], final_voxels.T[1], final_voxels.T[2]] = final_predictions final_results['scores'] = np.zeros((self.cfg.IMAGE_SIZE, ) * 3) final_results['scores'][final_voxels.T[0], final_voxels.T[1], final_voxels.T[2]] = final_scores[ np.arange(final_scores.shape[0]), final_predictions] final_results['softmax'] = np.zeros((self.cfg.IMAGE_SIZE, ) * 3 + (self.cfg.NUM_CLASSES, )) final_results['softmax'][final_voxels.T[0], final_voxels.T[1], final_voxels.T[2], :] = final_scores final_results['predictions'] = final_results['predictions'][ np.newaxis, ...] # PPN if 'im_proposals' and 'im_scores' and 'im_labels' and 'rois' in batch_results[ 0]: # print(batch_results[0]['im_proposals'].shape, batch_results[0]['im_scores'].shape, batch_results[0]['im_labels'].shape, batch_results[0]['rois'].shape) final_im_proposals = np.array([], dtype=np.float32).reshape(0, 3) final_im_scores = np.array([], dtype=np.float32).reshape(0, ) final_im_labels = np.array([], dtype=np.int32).reshape(0, ) final_rois = np.array([], dtype=np.float32).reshape(0, 3) for i, result in enumerate(batch_results): im_proposals = result['im_proposals'] + np.flipud( patch_centers[i]) - patch_sizes[i] / 2.0 im_proposals = np.clip(im_proposals, 0, self.cfg.IMAGE_SIZE - 1) # print(final_im_proposals, im_proposals) final_im_proposals = np.concatenate( [final_im_proposals, im_proposals], axis=0) final_im_scores = np.concatenate( [final_im_scores, result['im_scores']], axis=0) final_im_labels = np.concatenate( [final_im_labels, result['im_labels']], axis=0) rois = result['rois'] + (np.flipud(patch_centers[i]) - patch_sizes[i] / 2.0) / ( self.cfg.dim1 * self.cfg.dim2) rois = np.clip(rois, 0, self.cfg.IMAGE_SIZE - 1) final_rois = np.concatenate([final_rois, rois], axis=0) final_results['im_proposals'] = np.array(final_im_proposals) final_results['im_scores'] = np.array(final_im_scores) final_results['im_labels'] = np.array(final_im_labels) final_results['rois'] = np.array(final_rois) # Try thresholding # index = np.where(final_results['im_scores'] > 1e-3) # final_results['im_proposals'] = final_results['im_proposals'][index, :] # final_results['im_scores'] = final_results['im_scores'][index] # final_results['im_labels'] = final_results['im_labels'][index] return final_results