def list_inputs(component: Union[om.ExplicitComponent, om.Group]) -> list:
    """ Reads input variables from a component/problem and return as a list """
    variables = VariableList.from_system(component)
    input_names = [var.name for var in variables if var.is_input]

    return input_names
def list_variables(component: Union[om.ExplicitComponent, om.Group]) -> list:
    """ Reads all variables from a component/problem and return as a list """
    if isinstance(component, om.Group):
        new_component = AutoUnitsDefaultGroup()
        new_component.add_subsystem("system", component, promotes=['*'])
        component = new_component
    variables = VariableList.from_system(component)

    return variables
def test_register_checks_as_decorator(cleanup):
    log_file_path = pth.join(RESULTS_FOLDER_PATH, "log4.txt")

    @ValidityDomainChecker({"input1": (1.0, 5.0), "output2": (300.0, 500.0)}, "main.dec")
    class Comp1(om.ExplicitComponent):
        def setup(self):
            self.add_input("input1", 0.5, units="km")
            self.add_output("output1", 150.0, units="km/h", upper=130.0)
            self.add_output("output2", 200.0, units="K", lower=0.0)
            self.add_output("output3", 1000.0, units="kg", lower=0.0, upper=5000.0)

    comp = Comp1()

    # Just checking there is no side effect. VariableList.from_system() uses
    # setup(), even if it is made to have no effect, and ValidityDomainChecker
    # modifies setup(), so is is worth checking.
    variables = VariableList.from_system(comp)
    assert len(variables) == 4

    # Now for the real test
    # We test that upper and lower bounds are retrieved from OpenMDAO component,
    # overwritten when required and that units are correctly taken into account.

    variables = VariableList(
            Variable("input1", value=3.0, units="m"),
            Variable("output1", value=40.0, units="m/s"),
            Variable("output2", value=310.0, units="degC"),
            Variable("output3", value=6.0, units="t"),
    records = ValidityDomainChecker.check_variables(variables)
    assert [
        for rec in records
    ] == [
        ("input1", ValidityStatus.TOO_LOW, 1.0, 3.0, __file__, "main.dec"),
        ("output1", ValidityStatus.TOO_HIGH, 130.0, 40.0, __file__, "main.dec"),
        ("output2", ValidityStatus.TOO_HIGH, 500.0, 310.0, __file__, "main.dec"),
        ("output3", ValidityStatus.TOO_HIGH, 5000.0, 6.0, __file__, "main.dec"),

    with open(log_file_path) as log_file:
        assert len(log_file.readlines()) == 4
        def setup(self):
            """Will replace the original setup method."""
            # Ok kid, this is where it gets maybe too complicated...
            # We need to get variables of the current OpenMDAO instance.
            # This is done with VariableList.from_system() which we know does
            # setup() on a copy of given instance (not much choice to be sure
            # from_system() will work also for Group instances)
            # But by doing this, it will call this setup() and be stuck in an
            # infinite recursion.
            # So we create a copy of current instance where we put back the
            # original setup so we can safely use VariableList.from_system()
            original_self = deepcopy(self)
            setattr(original_self, "setup", getattr(original_self, setup_new_name))
            variables = VariableList.from_system(original_self)

            # Now update limit definition
            limit_definitions = ValidityDomainChecker._limit_definitions[checker_id]
            for var in variables:
                if var.name in limit_definitions:
                    # Get units for already defined limits
                    limit_def = limit_definitions[var.name]
                    if limit_def.units is None and var.units is not None:
                        limit_def.units = var.units
                elif "lower" in var.metadata or "upper" in var.metadata:
                    # Get bounds if defined in add_output.
                    lower = var.metadata.get("lower")
                    # lower can be None if it is not found OR if it defined and set to None
                    if lower is None:
                        lower = -np.inf
                    upper = var.metadata.get("upper")
                    # upper can be None if it is not found OR if it defined and set to None
                    if upper is None:
                        upper = np.inf
                    units = var.metadata.get("units")
                    if lower > -np.inf or upper < np.inf:
                        limit_definitions[var.name] = _LimitDefinition(lower, upper, units)

            # Now run original setup that has been moved to setup_new_name
            getattr(self, setup_new_name)()