def sort_messages(moduleName, messages):
    # sort messages so that sub-messages are defined first
    # to avoid compile errors: XXX was not declared in this scope
    dependencies = []
    msg_dict = {}
    for msg in messages:
        msg_name = "." + moduleName + "." + msg.name
        msg_dict[msg_name] = msg
        deps = set()
        for member in msg.field:
            if member.type == TYPE["MESSAGE"]:
        dependencies.append((msg_name, deps))

    sorted_msg_names = order_dependencies(dependencies)
    ordered_msgs = [msg_dict[n] for n in sorted_msg_names]
    return ordered_msgs
def sort_messages(fileObject):
    """Return a sorted list of messages (sub-messages first).

  This avoids compilation problems involving declaration order.
    dependencies = []
    msgDict = {}

    def visit(baseName, messages, parent=None):
        """Visitor for the message tree."""
        for msg in messages:
            # Build our type name (using the protocol buffer convention) and
            # use it to register this message type object in our dictionary.
            typeName = baseName + '.' + msg.name
            msgDict[typeName] = msg

            # If this is a nested message type, prepend our parent's name to
            # our name for all future name lookups (via template expansion).
            # This disambiguates nested message names so that two n-level
            # messages can both have nested message types with the same name.
            # This also matches the generated C++ code's naming convention.
            if parent is not None:
                msg.name = parent.name + '_' + msg.name

            # If this message has nested message types, recurse.
            if msg.nested_type:
                visit(typeName, msg.nested_type, parent=msg)

            # Generate the set of messages that this type is dependent upon.
            deps = set([
                field.type_name for field in msg.field
                if field.type == TYPE['MESSAGE']
            dependencies.append((typeName, deps))

    # Start by visiting the file's top-level message types.
    visit('.' + fileObject.package, fileObject.message_type)

    sortedMsgNames = order_dependencies(dependencies)
    return [msgDict[n] for n in sortedMsgNames]
def sort_messages(fileObject):
  """Return a sorted list of messages (sub-messages first).

  This avoids compilation problems involving declaration order.
  dependencies = []
  msgDict = {}

  def visit(baseName, messages, parent=None):
    """Visitor for the message tree."""
    for msg in messages:
      # Build our type name (using the protocol buffer convention) and
      # use it to register this message type object in our dictionary.
      typeName = baseName + '.' + msg.name
      msgDict[typeName] = msg

      # If this is a nested message type, prepend our parent's name to
      # our name for all future name lookups (via template expansion).
      # This disambiguates nested message names so that two n-level
      # messages can both have nested message types with the same name.
      # This also matches the generated C++ code's naming convention.
      if parent is not None:
        msg.name = parent.name + '_' + msg.name

      # If this message has nested message types, recurse.
      if msg.nested_type:
        visit(typeName, msg.nested_type, parent=msg)

      # Generate the set of messages that this type is dependent upon.
      deps = set([field.type_name for field in msg.field
                  if field.type == TYPE['MESSAGE']])
      dependencies.append((typeName, deps))

  # Start by visiting the file's top-level message types.
  visit('.' + fileObject.package, fileObject.message_type)

  sortedMsgNames = order_dependencies(dependencies)
  return [msgDict[n] for n in sortedMsgNames]