def test_plot_lime_validation(): """ Tests exceptions in the :func:`fatf.vis.lime.plot_lime` function. """ type_error_global = ('The LIME explanation has to be either a dictionary ' '(for classification) or a list (for regression).') type_error_val = 'One of the explanations is not a list.' type_error_tup1 = ('One of the explanation keys is neither an integer nor ' 'a string.') type_error_tup2 = 'One of the explanation values is not a number.' with pytest.raises(TypeError) as exin: fvl.plot_lime('test') assert str(exin.value) == type_error_global with pytest.raises(TypeError) as exin: fvl.plot_lime({'a': 'test'}) assert str(exin.value) == type_error_val with pytest.raises(TypeError) as exin: fvl.plot_lime({'a': [(3, 'string')]}) assert str(exin.value) == type_error_tup1 with pytest.raises(TypeError) as exin: fvl.plot_lime({'a': [('b', 'string')]}) assert str(exin.value) == type_error_tup2
def test_plot_lime_regression(caplog): """ Tests :func:`fatf.vis.lime.plot_lime` function for regression. """ assert len(caplog.records) == 0 data = {'feat0 <= 0.00': -0.415, '0.50 < feat1 <= 1.00': -0.280, '0.07 < feat2 <= 0.22': 0.0377, '0.34 < feat3 <= 0.58': -0.007} # yapf: disable x_range = [-0.45, 0.08] # min/max + 0.035 from the data above y_labels = sorted(data.keys()) true_width = [0.0377, -0.007, -0.280, -0.415] true_colour = [GREEN, RED, RED, RED] true_title = '' fig = fvl.plot_lime(data) assert len(fig.axes) == 1 bar_data = futv.get_bar_data(fig.axes[0]) title, x_ticks, x_rng, y_ticks, y_rng, width, colour = bar_data assert true_title == title # for j in x_ticks: assert j == '' assert len(x_range) == 2 assert len(x_rng) == 2 assert abs((x_range[1] - x_range[0]) - (x_rng[1] - x_rng[0])) < 0.05 # assert len(y_labels) == len(y_ticks) for j in range(len(y_ticks)): assert y_labels[j] == y_ticks[j] assert len(y_rng) == 2 assert abs(len(data) - (y_rng[1] - y_rng[0])) < 0.2 # assert len(width) == len(true_width) for j in range(len(width)): assert true_width[j] == width[j] # # Colours assert len(colour) == len(true_colour) for j in range(len(colour)): assert len(colour[j]) == len(true_colour[j]) for k in range(len(colour[j])): assert abs(true_colour[j][k] - colour[j][k]) < 0.001 assert len(caplog.records) == 0
def test_plot_lime_regression(): """ Tests :func:`fatf.vis.lime.plot_lime` function for regression. """ data = [('feat0 <= 0.00', -0.415), ('0.50 < feat1 <= 1.00', -0.280), ('0.07 < feat2 <= 0.22', 0.0377), ('0.34 < feat3 <= 0.58', -0.007)] # yapf: disable x_range = [-0.45, 0.08] # min/max + 0.035 from the data above y_labels = [x[0] for x in data] true_width = [-0.415, -0.280, 0.0377, -0.007] true_colour = [RED, RED, GREEN, RED] true_title = 'regressor' fig = fvl.plot_lime(data) assert len(fig.axes) == 1 bar_data = futv.get_bar_data(fig.axes[0]) title, x_ticks, x_rng, y_ticks, y_rng, width, colour = bar_data assert true_title == title # for j in x_ticks: assert j == '' assert len(x_range) == 2 assert len(x_rng) == 2 assert abs((x_range[1] - x_range[0]) - (x_rng[1] - x_rng[0])) < 0.05 # assert len(y_labels) == len(y_ticks) for j in range(len(y_ticks)): assert y_labels[j] == y_ticks[j] assert len(y_rng) == 2 assert abs(len(data) - (y_rng[1] - y_rng[0])) < 0.2 # assert len(width) == len(true_width) for j in range(len(width)): assert true_width[j] == width[j] # # Colours assert len(colour) == len(true_colour) for j in range(len(colour)): assert len(colour[j]) == len(true_colour[j]) for k in range(len(colour[j])): assert abs(true_colour[j][k] - colour[j][k]) < 0.001
clf = KNNimg(k=1), y) # Choose an instance to be explained image = X[0] image_class = 0 # Display the instance plt.axis('off') plt.imshow(image) # Create a LIME image explainer lime = fatf_exp.ImageBlimeyLime(image, clf, ratio=1, kernel_size=1.05, max_dist=10, colour='random') # Explain an instance lime_explanation_ = lime.explain_instance(explained_class=image_class) # Remap the explanation lime_explanation = {feature_names[i]: j for i, j in lime_explanation_.items()} # Display the textual explanation pprint(lime_explanation) # Plot the explanation fatf_vis_lime.plot_lime(lime_explanation)
def test_plot_lime_classification(): """ Tests :func:`fatf.vis.lime.plot_lime` function for classification. """ data = { 'class0': [('feat0 <= 0.00', -0.415), ('0.50 < feat1 <= 1.00', -0.280), ('0.07 < feat2 <= 0.22', 0.0377), ('0.34 < feat3 <= 0.58', -0.007)], 'class1': [('0.50 < feat1 <= 1.00', 0.202), ('0.07 < feat2 <= 0.22', -0.076), ('feat0 <= 0.00', 0.019), ('0.34 < feat3 <= 0.58', -0.018)], 'class2': [('feat0 <= 0.00', 0.395), ('0.50 < feat1 <= 1.00', 0.0775), ('0.07 < feat2 <= 0.22', 0.0392), ('0.34 < feat3 <= 0.58', 0.025)] } # yapf: disable classes = sorted(list(data.keys())) x_range = [-0.45, 0.43] # min/max + 0.035 from the data above # All the classes have the same feature bounds so the plot should share the # y axis -- the first axis has the correct labels, the rest is empty y_labels = [x[0] for x in data['class0']] widths = [[-0.415, -0.280, 0.0377, -0.007], [0.019, 0.202, -0.076, -0.018], [0.395, 0.0775, 0.0392, 0.025]] colours = [[RED, RED, GREEN, RED], [GREEN, GREEN, RED, RED], [GREEN, GREEN, GREEN, GREEN]] fig = fvl.plot_lime(data) assert len(fig.axes) == len(classes) for axis_index in range(len(fig.axes)): bar_data = futv.get_bar_data(fig.axes[axis_index]) title, x_ticks, x_rng, y_ticks, y_rng, width, colour = bar_data # In case the axes are not returned in the right order figure it out. # This is needed for Python 3.5 i = classes.index(title) # assert title == classes[i] # for j in x_ticks: assert j == '' assert len(x_range) == 2 assert len(x_rng) == 2 assert abs((x_range[1] - x_range[0]) - (x_rng[1] - x_rng[0])) < 0.02 # if axis_index == 0: assert len(y_labels) == len(y_ticks) for j in range(len(y_ticks)): assert y_labels[j] == y_ticks[j] else: assert not y_ticks assert len(y_rng) == 2 assert abs(len(data[classes[i]]) - (y_rng[1] - y_rng[0])) < 0.2 # assert len(width) == len(widths[i]) for j in range(len(width)): assert widths[i][j] == width[j] # assert len(colour) == len(colours[i]) for j in range(len(colour)): assert len(colour[j]) == len(colours[i][j]) for k in range(len(colour[j])): assert abs(colours[i][j][k] - colour[j][k]) < 0.001 # Test when sharey is False and the yticklabels are unique for each axis del data['class1'][2] y_labels = [[x[0] for x in data[i]] for i in classes] widths = [[x[1] for x in data[i]] for i in classes] colours = [[RED, RED, GREEN, RED], [GREEN, RED, RED], [GREEN, GREEN, GREEN, GREEN]] fig = fvl.plot_lime(data) assert len(fig.axes) == len(classes) for axis_index in range(len(fig.axes)): bar_data = futv.get_bar_data(fig.axes[axis_index]) title, x_ticks, x_rng, y_ticks, y_rng, width, colour = bar_data # In case the axes are not returned in the right order figure it out. # This is needed for Python 3.5 i = classes.index(title) # assert title == classes[i] # for j in x_ticks: assert j == '' assert len(x_range) == 2 assert len(x_rng) == 2 assert abs((x_range[1] - x_range[0]) - (x_rng[1] - x_rng[0])) < 0.02 # assert len(y_labels[i]) == len(y_ticks) for j in range(len(y_ticks)): assert y_labels[i][j] == y_ticks[j] assert len(y_rng) == 2 assert abs(len(data[classes[i]]) - (y_rng[1] - y_rng[0])) < 0.2 # assert len(width) == len(widths[i]) for j in range(len(width)): assert widths[i][j] == width[j] # # Colours assert len(colour) == len(colours[i]) for j in range(len(colour)): assert len(colour[j]) == len(colours[i][j]) for k in range(len(colour[j])): assert abs(colours[i][j][k] - colour[j][k]) < 0.001
def test_plot_lime_classification(caplog): """ Tests :func:`fatf.vis.lime.plot_lime` function for classification. """ assert len(caplog.records) == 0 logger_info = ('The explanations cannot share the y-axis as they use ' 'different sets of interpretable features.') data_dict = { 'class0': {'feat0 <= 0.00': -0.415, '0.50 < feat1 <= 1.00': -0.280, '0.07 < feat2 <= 0.22': 0.0377, '0.34 < feat3 <= 0.58': -0.007}, 'class1': {'0.50 < feat1 <= 1.00': 0.202, '0.07 < feat2 <= 0.22': -0.076, 'feat0 <= 0.00': 0.019, '0.34 < feat3 <= 0.58': -0.018}, 'class2': {'feat0 <= 0.00': 0.395, '0.50 < feat1 <= 1.00': 0.0775, '0.07 < feat2 <= 0.22': 0.0392, '0.34 < feat3 <= 0.58': 0.025} } # yapf: disable classes = sorted(data_dict.keys()) x_range = [-0.45, 0.43] # min/max + 0.035 from the data above # All the classes have the same feature bounds so the plot should share the # y axis -- the first axis has the correct labels, the rest is empty y_labels = sorted(data_dict['class0'].keys()) widths = [[0.0377, -0.007, -0.280, -0.415], [-0.076, -0.018, 0.202, 0.019], [0.0392, 0.025, 0.0775, 0.395]] colours = [[GREEN, RED, RED, RED], [RED, RED, GREEN, GREEN], [GREEN, GREEN, GREEN, GREEN]] widths_dict = [] colours_dict = [] for i, _ in enumerate(classes): widths_dict_ = [] colours_dict_ = [] for label in y_labels: y_labels_index = y_labels.index(label) widths_dict_.append(widths[i][y_labels_index]) colours_dict_.append(colours[i][y_labels_index]) widths_dict.append(widths_dict_) colours_dict.append(colours_dict_) # Test for a dictionary fig = fvl.plot_lime(data_dict) assert len(fig.axes) == len(classes) for axis_index in range(len(fig.axes)): bar_data = futv.get_bar_data(fig.axes[axis_index]) title, x_ticks, x_rng, y_ticks, y_rng, width, colour = bar_data # In case the axes are not returned in the right order figure it out. # This is needed for Python 3.5 i = classes.index(title) # assert title == classes[i] # for j in x_ticks: assert j == '' assert len(x_range) == 2 assert len(x_rng) == 2 assert abs((x_range[1] - x_range[0]) - (x_rng[1] - x_rng[0])) < 0.02 # if axis_index == 0: assert len(y_labels) == len(y_ticks) for j in range(len(y_ticks)): assert y_labels[j] == y_ticks[j] else: assert not y_ticks assert len(y_rng) == 2 assert abs(len(data_dict[classes[i]]) - (y_rng[1] - y_rng[0])) < 0.2 # assert len(width) == len(widths[i]) for j in range(len(width)): assert widths[i][j] == width[j] # assert len(colour) == len(colours[i]) for j in range(len(colour)): assert len(colour[j]) == len(colours[i][j]) for k in range(len(colour[j])): assert abs(colours[i][j][k] - colour[j][k]) < 0.001 # Test when sharey is False and the yticklabels are unique for each axis del data_dict['class1']['feat0 <= 0.00'] y_labels = [sorted(data_dict[i].keys()) for i in classes] widths = [[data_dict[c][j] for j in y_labels[i]] for i, c in enumerate(classes)] colours = [[GREEN, RED, RED, RED], [RED, RED, GREEN], [GREEN, GREEN, GREEN, GREEN]] assert len(caplog.records) == 0 fig = fvl.plot_lime(data_dict) assert len(caplog.records) == 1 assert caplog.records[0].levelname == 'INFO' assert caplog.records[0].getMessage() == logger_info assert len(fig.axes) == len(classes) for axis_index in range(len(fig.axes)): bar_data = futv.get_bar_data(fig.axes[axis_index]) title, x_ticks, x_rng, y_ticks, y_rng, width, colour = bar_data # In case the axes are not returned in the right order figure it out. # This is needed for Python 3.5 i = classes.index(title) # assert title == classes[i] # for j in x_ticks: assert j == '' assert len(x_range) == 2 assert len(x_rng) == 2 assert abs((x_range[1] - x_range[0]) - (x_rng[1] - x_rng[0])) < 0.02 # assert len(y_labels[i]) == len(y_ticks) for j in range(len(y_ticks)): assert y_labels[i][j] == y_ticks[j] assert len(y_rng) == 2 assert abs(len(data_dict[classes[i]]) - (y_rng[1] - y_rng[0])) < 0.2 # assert len(width) == len(widths[i]) for j in range(len(width)): assert widths[i][j] == width[j] # # Colours assert len(colour) == len(colours[i]) for j in range(len(colour)): assert len(colour[j]) == len(colours[i][j]) for k in range(len(colour[j])): assert abs(colours[i][j][k] - colour[j][k]) < 0.001 assert len(caplog.records) == 1
def test_plot_lime_validation(caplog): """ Tests exceptions in the :func:`fatf.vis.lime.plot_lime` function. """ type_error_global = 'The surrogate explanation has to be a dictionary.' type_error_key_type = ('Each value of the surrogate explanation must ' 'either be a dictionary or a number.') type_error_key = 'One of the class names is not a string.' type_error_val = 'One of the explanations is not a dictionary.' type_error_tup1 = 'One of the explanation keys is not a string.' type_error_tup2 = 'One of the explanation values is not a number.' value_error_global = 'The surrogate explanation is an empty dictionary.' value_error = 'One of the explanations is an empty dictionary.' assert len(caplog.records) == 0 with pytest.raises(TypeError) as exin: fvl.plot_lime('test') assert str(exin.value) == type_error_global with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exin: fvl.plot_lime({}) assert str(exin.value) == value_error_global with pytest.raises(TypeError) as exin: fvl.plot_lime({'': None}) assert str(exin.value) == type_error_key_type with pytest.raises(TypeError) as exin: fvl.plot_lime({None: {}}) assert str(exin.value) == type_error_key with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exin: fvl.plot_lime({'a': {}}) assert str(exin.value) == value_error with pytest.raises(TypeError) as exin: fvl.plot_lime({'a': {None: 'test'}}) assert str(exin.value) == type_error_tup1 with pytest.raises(TypeError) as exin: fvl.plot_lime({'b': {'a': 'test'}}) assert str(exin.value) == type_error_tup2 with pytest.raises(TypeError) as exin: fvl.plot_lime({'a': {'c': 7}, 'b': None}) assert str(exin.value) == type_error_val assert len(caplog.records) == 0