def numba_correct_currents_crossdeposition_comoving(rho_prev, rho_next,
                                                    rho_next_z, rho_next_xy,
                                                    Jp, Jm, Jz, kz, kr,
                                                    j_corr_coef, T_eb, T_cc,
                                                    inv_dt, Nz, Nr):
    Correct the currents in spectral space, using the cross-deposition
    algorithm adapted to the galilean/comoving-currents assumption.
    # Loop over the 2D grid
    for iz in prange(Nz):
        for ir in range(Nr):

            # Calculate the intermediate variable Dz and Dxy
            # (Such that Dz + Dxy is the error in the continuity equation)

            Dz = 1.j*kz[iz, ir]*Jz[iz, ir] \
                + 0.5 * T_cc[iz, ir]*j_corr_coef[iz, ir] * \
                ( rho_next[iz, ir] - T_eb[iz, ir] * rho_next_xy[iz, ir] \
                  + rho_next_z[iz, ir] - T_eb[iz, ir] * rho_prev[iz, ir] )
            Dxy = kr[iz, ir]*( Jp[iz, ir] - Jm[iz, ir] ) \
                + 0.5 * T_cc[iz, ir]*j_corr_coef[iz, ir] * \
                ( rho_next[iz, ir] + T_eb[iz, ir] * rho_next_xy[iz, ir] \
                - rho_next_z[iz, ir] -  T_eb[iz, ir] * rho_prev[iz, ir] )

            # Correct the currents accordingly
            if kr[iz, ir] != 0:
                inv_kr = 1. / kr[iz, ir]
                Jp[iz, ir] += -0.5 * Dxy * inv_kr
                Jm[iz, ir] += 0.5 * Dxy * inv_kr
            if kz[iz, ir] != 0:
                inv_kz = 1. / kz[iz, ir]
                Jz[iz, ir] += 1.j * Dz * inv_kz

def push_p_ioniz_numba(ux, uy, uz, inv_gamma, Ex, Ey, Ez, Bx, By, Bz, m, Ntot,
                       dt, ionization_level):
    Advance the particles' momenta, using numba
    # Set a few constants
    prefactor_econst = e * dt / (m * c)
    prefactor_bconst = 0.5 * e * dt / m

    # Loop over the particles (in parallel if threading is installed)
    for ip in prange(Ntot):

        # For neutral macroparticles, skip this step
        if ionization_level[ip] == 0:

        # Calculate the charge dependent constants
        econst = prefactor_econst * ionization_level[ip]
        bconst = prefactor_bconst * ionization_level[ip]
        # Perform the push
        ux[ip], uy[ip], uz[ip], inv_gamma[ip] = push_p_vay(
            ux[ip], uy[ip], uz[ip], inv_gamma[ip], Ex[ip], Ey[ip], Ez[ip],
            Bx[ip], By[ip], Bz[ip], econst, bconst)

    return ux, uy, uz, inv_gamma
def copy_ionized_electrons_numba(
    N_batch, batch_size, elec_old_Ntot, ion_Ntot,
    cumulative_n_ionized, ionized_from,
    i_level, store_electrons_per_level,
    elec_x, elec_y, elec_z, elec_inv_gamma,
    elec_ux, elec_uy, elec_uz, elec_w,
    elec_Ex, elec_Ey, elec_Ez, elec_Bx, elec_By, elec_Bz,
    ion_x, ion_y, ion_z, ion_inv_gamma,
    ion_ux, ion_uy, ion_uz, ion_w,
    ion_Ex, ion_Ey, ion_Ez, ion_Bx, ion_By, ion_Bz ):
    Create the new electrons by copying the properties (position, momentum,
    etc) of the ions that they originate from.
    #  Loop over batches of particles (in parallel, if threading is enabled)
    for i_batch in prange( N_batch ):
            i_batch, batch_size, elec_old_Ntot, ion_Ntot,
            cumulative_n_ionized, ionized_from,
            i_level, store_electrons_per_level,
            elec_x, elec_y, elec_z, elec_inv_gamma,
            elec_ux, elec_uy, elec_uz, elec_w,
            elec_Ex, elec_Ey, elec_Ez, elec_Bx, elec_By, elec_Bz,
            ion_x, ion_y, ion_z, ion_inv_gamma,
            ion_ux, ion_uy, ion_uz, ion_w,
            ion_Ex, ion_Ey, ion_Ez, ion_Bx, ion_By, ion_Bz )

    return( elec_x, elec_y, elec_z, elec_inv_gamma,
        elec_ux, elec_uy, elec_uz, elec_w,
        elec_Ex, elec_Ey, elec_Ez, elec_Bx, elec_By, elec_Bz )
def numba_filter_vector(fieldr, fieldt, fieldz, Nz, Nr, filter_array_z,
    Multiply the input field by the filter_array

    Parameters :
    field : 2darray of complexs
        An array that represent the fields in spectral space

    filter_array_z, filter_array_r : 1darray of reals
        An array that damps the fields at high k, in z and r respectively

    Nz, Nr : ints
        Dimensions of the arrays
    # Loop over the 2D grid (parallel in z, if threading is installed)
    for iz in prange(Nz):
        for ir in range(Nr):

                   ir] = filter_array_z[iz] * filter_array_r[ir] * fieldr[iz,
                   ir] = filter_array_z[iz] * filter_array_r[ir] * fieldt[iz,
                   ir] = filter_array_z[iz] * filter_array_r[ir] * fieldz[iz,
def numba_push_eb_pml_standard(Ep_pml, Em_pml, Bp_pml, Bm_pml, Ez, Bz, C, S_w,
                               kr, kz, Nz, Nr):
    Push the PML split fields over one timestep, using the standard psatd algorithm

    See the documentation of SpectralGrid.push_eb_with
    # Loop over the 2D grid
    for iz in prange(Nz):
        for ir in range(Nr):

            # Push the PML E field
            Ep_pml[iz, ir] = C[iz, ir]*Ep_pml[iz, ir] \
                + c2*S_w[iz, ir]*( -1.j*0.5*kr[iz, ir]*Bz[iz, ir] )

            Em_pml[iz, ir] = C[iz, ir]*Em_pml[iz, ir] \
                + c2*S_w[iz, ir]*( -1.j*0.5*kr[iz, ir]*Bz[iz, ir] )

            # Push the PML B field
            Bp_pml[iz, ir] = C[iz, ir]*Bp_pml[iz, ir] \
                - S_w[iz, ir]*( -1.j*0.5*kr[iz, ir]*Ez[iz, ir] )

            Bm_pml[iz, ir] = C[iz, ir]*Bm_pml[iz, ir] \
                - S_w[iz, ir]*( -1.j*0.5*kr[iz, ir]*Ez[iz, ir] )

def sum_reduce_2d_array(global_array, reduced_array, m):
    Sum the array `global_array` along its first axis and
    add it into `reduced_array`, and fold the deposition guard cells of
    global_array into the regular cells of reduced_array.

    global_array: 4darray of complexs
       Field array of shape (nthreads, Nm, 2+Nz+2, 2+Nr+2)
       where the additional 2's in z and r correspond to deposition guard cells
       that were used during the threaded deposition kernel.

    reduced array: 2darray of complex
      Field array of shape (Nz, Nr)

    m: int
       The azimuthal mode for which the reduction should be performed
    # Extract size of each dimension
    Nz = reduced_array.shape[0]

    # Parallel loop over z
    for iz in prange(Nz):
        # Get index inside reduced_array
        iz_global = iz + 2
        reduce_slice(reduced_array, iz, global_array, iz_global, m)
    # Handle deposition guard cells in z
    reduce_slice(reduced_array, Nz - 2, global_array, 0, m)
    reduce_slice(reduced_array, Nz - 1, global_array, 1, m)
    reduce_slice(reduced_array, 0, global_array, Nz + 2, m)
    reduce_slice(reduced_array, 1, global_array, Nz + 3, m)
def ionize_ions_numba(N_batch, batch_size, Ntot, level_max, n_ionized,
                      is_ionized, ionization_level, random_draw, adk_prefactor,
                      adk_power, adk_exp_prefactor, ux, uy, uz, Ex, Ey, Ez, Bx,
                      By, Bz, w, w_times_level):
    For each ion macroparticle, decide whether it is going to
    be further ionized during this timestep, based on the ADK rate.

    Increment the elements in `ionization_level` accordingly, and update
    `w_times_level` of the ions to take into account the change in level
    of the corresponding macroparticle.

    For the purpose of counting and creating the corresponding electrons,
    `is_ionized` (one element per macroparticle) is set to 1 at the position
    of the ionized ions, and `n_ionized` (one element per batch) counts
    the total number of ionized particles in the current batch.
    # Loop over batches of particles (in parallel, if threading is enabled)
    for i_batch in prange(N_batch):

        # Set the count of ionized particles in the batch to 0
        n_ionized[i_batch] = 0

        # Loop through the batch
        # (Note: a while loop is used here, because numba 0.34 does
        # not support nested prange and range loops)
        N_max = min((i_batch + 1) * batch_size, Ntot)
        ip = i_batch * batch_size
        while ip < N_max:

            # Skip the ionization routine, if the maximal ionization level
            # has already been reached for this macroparticle
            level = ionization_level[ip]
            if level >= level_max:
                is_ionized[ip] = 0
                # Calculate the amplitude of the electric field,
                # in the frame of the electrons (device inline function)
                E, gamma = get_E_amplitude(ux[ip], uy[ip], uz[ip], Ex[ip],
                                           Ey[ip], Ez[ip], c * Bx[ip],
                                           c * By[ip], c * Bz[ip])
                # Get ADK rate (device inline function)
                p = get_ionization_probability(E, gamma, adk_prefactor[level],
                # Ionize particles
                if random_draw[ip] < p:
                    # Set the corresponding flag and update particle count
                    is_ionized[ip] = 1
                    n_ionized[i_batch] += 1
                    # Update the ionization level and the corresponding weight
                    ionization_level[ip] += 1
                    w_times_level[ip] = w[ip] * ionization_level[ip]
                    is_ionized[ip] = 0

            # Increment ip
            ip = ip + 1

    return (n_ionized, is_ionized, ionization_level, w_times_level)
def get_photon_density_gaussian_numba(photon_n, elec_Ntot, elec_x, elec_y,
                                      elec_z, ct, photon_n_lab_max,
                                      inv_laser_waist2, inv_laser_ctau2,
                                      laser_initial_z0, gamma_boost,
    Fill the array `photon_n` with the values of the photon density
    (in the simulation frame) in the scattering laser pulse, at
    the position of the electron macroparticles.

    elec_x, elec_y, elec_z: 1d arrays of floats
        The position of the electrons (in the frame of the simulation)
    ct: float
        Current time in the simulation frame (multiplied by c)
    photon_n_lab_max: float
        Peak photon density (in the lab frame)
        (i.e. at the peak of the Gaussian pulse)
    inv_laser_waist2, inv_laser_ctau2, laser_initial_z0: floats
        Properties of the Gaussian laser pulse (in the lab frame)
    gamma_boost, beta_boost: floats
        Properties of the Lorentz boost between the lab and simulation frame.
    # Loop over electrons (in parallel, if threading is enabled)
    for i_elec in prange(elec_Ntot):

        photon_n[i_elec] = get_photon_density_gaussian(
            elec_x[i_elec], elec_y[i_elec], elec_z[i_elec], ct,
            photon_n_lab_max, inv_laser_waist2, inv_laser_ctau2,
            laser_initial_z0, gamma_boost, beta_boost)

    return (photon_n)
def shift_spect_array_cpu(field_array, shift_factor, n_move):
    Shift the field 'field_array' by n_move cells on CPU.
    This is done in spectral space and corresponds to multiplying the
    fields with the factor exp(i*kz_true*dz)**n_move .

    field_array: 2darray of complexs
        Contains the value of the fields, and is modified by
        this function

    shift_factor: 1darray of complexs
        Contains the shift array, that is multiplied to the fields in
        spectral space to shift them by one cell in spatial space
        ( exp(i*kz_true*dz) )

    n_move: int
        The number of cells by which the grid should be shifted
    Nz, Nr = field_array.shape

    # Loop over the 2D array (in parallel over z if threading is enabled)
    for iz in prange(Nz):
        power_shift = 1. + 0.j
        # Calculate the shift factor (raising to the power n_move ;
        # for negative n_move, we take the complex conjugate, since
        # shift_factor is of the form e^{i k dz})
        for i in range(abs(n_move)):
            power_shift *= shift_factor[iz]
        if n_move < 0:
            power_shift = power_shift.conjugate()
        # Shift the fields
        for ir in range(Nr):
            field_array[iz, ir] *= power_shift
def numba_correct_currents_crossdeposition_standard(rho_prev, rho_next,
                                                    rho_next_z, rho_next_xy,
                                                    Jp, Jm, Jz, kz, kr, inv_dt,
                                                    Nz, Nr):
    Correct the currents in spectral space, using the cross-deposition
    algorithm adapted to the standard psatd.
    # Loop over the 2D grid
    for iz in prange(Nz):
        for ir in range(Nr):

            # Calculate the intermediate variable Dz and Dxy
            # (Such that Dz + Dxy is the error in the continuity equation)
            Dz = 1.j*kz[iz, ir]*Jz[iz, ir] + 0.5 * inv_dt * \
                ( rho_next[iz, ir] - rho_next_xy[iz, ir] + \
                  rho_next_z[iz, ir] - rho_prev[iz, ir] )
            Dxy = kr[iz, ir]*( Jp[iz, ir] - Jm[iz, ir] ) + 0.5 * inv_dt * \
                ( rho_next[iz, ir] - rho_next_z[iz, ir] + \
                  rho_next_xy[iz, ir] - rho_prev[iz, ir] )

            # Correct the currents accordingly
            if kr[iz, ir] != 0:
                inv_kr = 1. / kr[iz, ir]
                Jp[iz, ir] += -0.5 * Dxy * inv_kr
                Jm[iz, ir] += 0.5 * Dxy * inv_kr
            if kz[iz, ir] != 0:
                inv_kz = 1. / kz[iz, ir]
                Jz[iz, ir] += 1.j * Dz * inv_kz

def numba_push_eb_pml_comoving(Ep_pml, Em_pml, Bp_pml, Bm_pml, Ez, Bz, C, S_w,
                               T_eb, kr, kz, Nz, Nr):
    Push the PML split fields over one timestep,
    using the galilean/comoving psatd algorithm

    See the documentation of SpectralGrid.push_eb_with
    # Loop over the 2D grid
    for iz in prange(Nz):
        for ir in range(Nr):

            # Push the E field
            Ep_pml[iz, ir] = T_eb[iz, ir]*C[iz, ir]*Ep_pml[iz, ir] \
                + c2*T_eb[iz, ir]*S_w[iz, ir]*(-1.j*0.5*kr[iz, ir]*Bz[iz, ir])
            Em_pml[iz, ir] = T_eb[iz, ir]*C[iz, ir]*Em_pml[iz, ir] \
                + c2*T_eb[iz, ir]*S_w[iz, ir]*(-1.j*0.5*kr[iz, ir]*Bz[iz, ir])

            # Push the B field
            Bp_pml[iz, ir] = T_eb[iz, ir]*C[iz, ir]*Bp_pml[iz, ir] \
                - T_eb[iz, ir]*S_w[iz, ir]*( -1.j*0.5*kr[iz, ir]*Ez[iz, ir] )
            Bm_pml[iz, ir] = T_eb[iz, ir]*C[iz, ir]*Bm_pml[iz, ir] \
                - T_eb[iz, ir]*S_w[iz, ir]*( -1.j*0.5*kr[iz, ir]*Ez[iz, ir] )

def copy_particle_data_numba(Ntot, old_array, new_array):
    Copy the `Ntot` elements of `old_array` into `new_array`, on CPU
    # Loop over single particles (in parallel if threading is enabled)
    for ip in prange(Ntot):
        new_array[ip] = old_array[ip]
    return (new_array)
def determine_scatterings_numba(N_batch, batch_size, elec_Ntot,
                                nscatter_per_elec, nscatter_per_batch, dt,
                                elec_ux, elec_uy, elec_uz, elec_inv_gamma,
                                ratio_w_electron_photon, photon_n, photon_p,
                                photon_beta_x, photon_beta_y, photon_beta_z):
    For each electron macroparticle, decide how many photon macroparticles
    it will emit during `dt`, using the integrated Klein-Nishina formula.

    Note: this function uses a random generator within a `prange` loop.
    This implies that an indenpendent seed and random generator will be
    created for each thread.

    Electrons are processed in batches of size `batch_size`, with a parallel
    loop over batches. The batching allows quicker calculation of the
    total number of photons to be created.
    # Loop over batches of particles (in parallel, if threading is enabled)
    for i_batch in prange(N_batch):

        # Set the count of scattered particles in the batch to 0
        nscatter_per_batch[i_batch] = 0

        # Loop through the batch
        # (Note: a while loop is used here, because numba 0.34 does
        # not support nested prange and range loops)
        N_max = min((i_batch + 1) * batch_size, elec_Ntot)
        ip = i_batch * batch_size
        while ip < N_max:

            # Set the count of scattered photons for this electron to 0
            nscatter_per_elec[ip] = 0

            # For each electron, calculate the probability of scattering
            p = get_scattering_probability(dt, elec_ux[ip], elec_uy[ip],
                                           elec_uz[ip], elec_inv_gamma[ip],
                                           photon_n[ip], photon_p,
                                           photon_beta_x, photon_beta_y,

            # Determine the number of photons produced by this electron
            nscatter = int(p * ratio_w_electron_photon + random.random())
            # Note: if p is 0, the above formula will return nscatter=0
            # since random_draw is in [0, 1). Similarly, if p is very small,
            # nscatter will be 1 with probabiliy p * ratio_w_electron_photon,
            # and 0 otherwise.
            nscatter_per_elec[ip] = nscatter
            nscatter_per_batch[i_batch] += nscatter

            # Increment ip
            ip = ip + 1

    return (nscatter_per_elec, nscatter_per_batch)
def push_x_numba(x, y, z, ux, uy, uz, inv_gamma, Ntot, dt, push_x, push_y,
    Advance the particles' positions over `dt` using the momenta ux, uy, uz,
    multiplied by the scalar coefficients x_push, y_push, z_push.
    # Half timestep, multiplied by c
    chdt = c * dt

    # Particle push (in parallel if threading is installed)
    for ip in prange(Ntot):
        x[ip] += chdt * inv_gamma[ip] * push_x * ux[ip]
        y[ip] += chdt * inv_gamma[ip] * push_y * uy[ip]
        z[ip] += chdt * inv_gamma[ip] * push_z * uz[ip]

    return x, y, z
def push_p_numba(ux, uy, uz, inv_gamma, Ex, Ey, Ez, Bx, By, Bz, q, m, Ntot,
    Advance the particles' momenta, using numba
    # Set a few constants
    econst = q * dt / (m * c)
    bconst = 0.5 * q * dt / m

    # Loop over the particles (in parallel if threading is installed)
    for ip in prange(Ntot):
        ux[ip], uy[ip], uz[ip], inv_gamma[ip] = push_p_vay(
            ux[ip], uy[ip], uz[ip], inv_gamma[ip], Ex[ip], Ey[ip], Ez[ip],
            Bx[ip], By[ip], Bz[ip], econst, bconst)

    return ux, uy, uz, inv_gamma
def push_p_after_plane_numba(z, z_plane, ux, uy, uz, inv_gamma, Ex, Ey, Ez, Bx,
                             By, Bz, q, m, Ntot, dt):
    Advance the particles' momenta, using numba.
    Only the particles that are located beyond the plane z=z_plane
    have their momentum modified ; the others particles move ballistically.
    # Set a few constants
    econst = q * dt / (m * c)
    bconst = 0.5 * q * dt / m

    # Loop over the particles (in parallel if threading is installed)
    for ip in prange(Ntot):
        if z[ip] > z_plane:
            ux[ip], uy[ip], uz[ip], inv_gamma[ip] = push_p_vay(
                ux[ip], uy[ip], uz[ip], inv_gamma[ip], Ex[ip], Ey[ip], Ez[ip],
                Bx[ip], By[ip], Bz[ip], econst, bconst)
def erase_eb_numba(Ex, Ey, Ez, Bx, By, Bz, Ntot):
    Reset the arrays of fields (i.e. set them to 0)

    Ex, Ey, Ez, Bx, By, Bz: 1d arrays of floats
        (One element per macroparticle)
        Represents the fields on the macroparticles
    for i in prange(Ntot):
        Ex[i] = 0
        Ey[i] = 0
        Ez[i] = 0
        Bx[i] = 0
        By[i] = 0
        Bz[i] = 0
    return Ex, Ey, Ez, Bx, By, Bz
def push_x_numba(x, y, z, ux, uy, uz, inv_gamma, Ntot, dt):
    Advance the particles' positions over one half-timestep

    This assumes that the positions (x, y, z) are initially either
    one half-timestep *behind* the momenta (ux, uy, uz), or at the
    same timestep as the momenta.
    # Half timestep, multiplied by c
    chdt = c * 0.5 * dt

    # Particle push (in parallel if threading is installed)
    for ip in prange(Ntot):
        x[ip] += chdt * inv_gamma[ip] * ux[ip]
        y[ip] += chdt * inv_gamma[ip] * uy[ip]
        z[ip] += chdt * inv_gamma[ip] * uz[ip]

    return x, y, z
def numba_erase_threading_buffer(global_array):
    Set the threading buffer `global_array` to 0

    global_array: 4darray of complexs
        An array that contains the duplicated charge/current for each thread
    nthreads, Nm, Nz, Nr = global_array.shape
    # Loop in parallel along nthreads
    for i_thread in prange(nthreads):
        # Loop through the modes and the grid
        for m in range(Nm):
            for iz in range(Nz):
                for ir in range(Nr):
                    # Erase values
                    global_array[i_thread, m, iz, ir] = 0.
def numba_correct_currents_crossdeposition_comoving(rho_prev, rho_next,
                                                    rho_next_z, rho_next_xy,
                                                    Jp, Jm, Jz, kz, kr,
                                                    j_corr_coef, T_eb, T_cc,
                                                    inv_dt, Nz, Nr):
    Correct the currents in spectral space, using the cross-deposition
    algorithm adapted to the galilean/comoving-currents assumption.
    # Loop over the 2D grid
    for iz in prange(Nz):
        # Loop through the radial points
        # (Note: a while loop is used here, because numba 0.34 does
        # not support nested prange and range loops)
        ir = 0
        while ir < Nr:

            # Calculate the intermediate variable Dz and Dxy
            # (Such that Dz + Dxy is the error in the continuity equation)

            Dz = 1.j*kz[iz, ir]*Jz[iz, ir] \
                + 0.5 * T_cc[iz, ir]*j_corr_coef[iz, ir] * \
                ( rho_next[iz, ir] - T_eb[iz, ir] * rho_next_xy[iz, ir] \
                  + rho_next_z[iz, ir] - T_eb[iz, ir] * rho_prev[iz, ir] )
            Dxy = kr[iz, ir]*( Jp[iz, ir] - Jm[iz, ir] ) \
                + 0.5 * T_cc[iz, ir]*j_corr_coef[iz, ir] * \
                ( rho_next[iz, ir] + T_eb[iz, ir] * rho_next_xy[iz, ir] \
                - rho_next_z[iz, ir] -  T_eb[iz, ir] * rho_prev[iz, ir] )

            # Correct the currents accordingly
            if kr[iz, ir] != 0:
                inv_kr = 1. / kr[iz, ir]
                Jp[iz, ir] += -0.5 * Dxy * inv_kr
                Jm[iz, ir] += 0.5 * Dxy * inv_kr
            if kz[iz, ir] != 0:
                inv_kz = 1. / kz[iz, ir]
                Jz[iz, ir] += 1.j * Dz * inv_kz

            # Increment ir
            ir += 1

def numba_correct_currents_standard(rho_prev, rho_next, Jp, Jm, Jz, kz, kr,
                                    inv_k2, inv_dt, Nz, Nr):
    Correct the currents in spectral space, using the standard pstad
    # Loop over the 2D grid (parallel in z, if threading is installed)
    for iz in prange(Nz):
        for ir in range(Nr):

            # Calculate the intermediate variable F
            F = - inv_k2[iz, ir] * (
                (rho_next[iz, ir] - rho_prev[iz, ir])*inv_dt \
                + 1.j*kz[iz, ir]*Jz[iz, ir] \
                + kr[iz, ir]*( Jp[iz, ir] - Jm[iz, ir] ) )

            # Correct the currents accordingly
            Jp[iz, ir] += 0.5 * kr[iz, ir] * F
            Jm[iz, ir] += -0.5 * kr[iz, ir] * F
            Jz[iz, ir] += -1.j * kz[iz, ir] * F

def numba_correct_currents_curlfree_comoving(rho_prev, rho_next, Jp, Jm, Jz,
                                             kz, kr, inv_k2, j_corr_coef, T_eb,
                                             T_cc, inv_dt, Nz, Nr):
    Correct the currents in spectral space, using the curl-free correction
    which is adapted to the galilean/comoving-currents assumption
    # Loop over the 2D grid (parallel in z, if threading is installed)
    for iz in prange(Nz):
        for ir in range(Nr):

            # Calculate the intermediate variable F
            F =  - inv_k2[iz, ir] * ( T_cc[iz, ir]*j_corr_coef[iz, ir] \
                * (rho_next[iz, ir] - rho_prev[iz, ir]*T_eb[iz, ir]) \
                + 1.j*kz[iz, ir]*Jz[iz, ir] \
                + kr[iz, ir]*( Jp[iz, ir] - Jm[iz, ir] ) )

            # Correct the currents accordingly
            Jp[iz, ir] += 0.5 * kr[iz, ir] * F
            Jm[iz, ir] += -0.5 * kr[iz, ir] * F
            Jz[iz, ir] += -1.j * kz[iz, ir] * F

def ionize_ions_numba( N_batch, batch_size, Ntot,
    level_start, level_max, n_levels,
    n_ionized, ionized_from, ionization_level, random_draw,
    adk_prefactor, adk_power, adk_exp_prefactor,
    ux, uy, uz, Ex, Ey, Ez, Bx, By, Bz, w, w_times_level ):
    For each ion macroparticle, decide whether it is going to
    be further ionized during this timestep, based on the ADK rate.

    Increment the elements in `ionization_level` accordingly, and update
    `w_times_level` of the ions to take into account the change in level
    of the corresponding macroparticle.

    For the purpose of counting and creating the corresponding electrons,
    `ionized_from` (one element per macroparticle) is set to -1 at the position
    of the unionized ions, and to the level (before ionization) otherwise
    `n_ionized` (one element per batch, and per ionizable level that needs
    to be distinguished) counts the total number of ionized particles
    in the current batch.
    # Loop over batches of particles (in parallel, if threading is enabled)
    for i_batch in prange( N_batch ):

        # Set the count of ionized particles in the batch to 0
        for i_level in range(n_levels):
            n_ionized[i_level, i_batch] = 0

        # Loop through the batch
        N_max = min( (i_batch+1)*batch_size, Ntot )
        for ip in range(i_batch*batch_size, N_max):

            # Skip the ionization routine, if the maximal ionization level
            # has already been reached for this macroparticle
            level = ionization_level[ip]
            if level >= level_max:
                ionized_from[ip] = -1
                # Calculate the amplitude of the electric field,
                # in the frame of the electrons (device inline function)
                E, gamma = get_E_amplitude( ux[ip], uy[ip], uz[ip],
                        Ex[ip], Ey[ip], Ez[ip], c*Bx[ip], c*By[ip], c*Bz[ip] )
                # Get ADK rate (device inline function)
                p = get_ionization_probability( E, gamma,
                  adk_prefactor[level], adk_power[level], adk_exp_prefactor[level])
                # Ionize particles
                if random_draw[ip] < p:
                    # Set the corresponding flag and update particle count
                    ionized_from[ip] = level-level_start
                    if n_levels == 1:
                        # No need to distinguish ionization levels
                        n_ionized[0, i_batch] += 1
                        # Distinguish count for each ionizable level
                        n_ionized[level-level_start, i_batch] += 1
                    # Update the ionization level and the corresponding weight
                    ionization_level[ip] += 1
                    w_times_level[ip] = w[ip] * ionization_level[ip]
                    ionized_from[ip] = -1

    return( n_ionized, ionized_from, ionization_level, w_times_level )
def scatter_photons_electrons_numba(
        N_batch, batch_size, photon_old_Ntot, elec_Ntot,
        cumul_nscatter_per_batch, nscatter_per_elec, photon_p, photon_px,
        photon_py, photon_pz, photon_x, photon_y, photon_z, photon_inv_gamma,
        photon_ux, photon_uy, photon_uz, photon_w, elec_x, elec_y, elec_z,
        elec_inv_gamma, elec_ux, elec_uy, elec_uz, elec_w,
    Given the number of photons that are emitted by each electron
    macroparticle, determine the properties (momentum, energy) of
    each scattered photon and fill the arrays `photon_*` accordingly.

    Also, apply a recoil on the electrons.

    Note: this function uses a random generator within a `prange` loop.
    This implies that an indenpendent seed and random generator will be
    created for each thread.
    #  Loop over batches of particles
    for i_batch in prange(N_batch):

        # Photon index: this is incremented each time
        # a scattered photon is identified
        i_photon = photon_old_Ntot + cumul_nscatter_per_batch[i_batch]

        # Loop through the electrons in this batch
        N_max = min((i_batch + 1) * batch_size, elec_Ntot)
        for i_elec in range(i_batch * batch_size, N_max):

            # Prepare calculation of scattered photons from this electron
            if nscatter_per_elec[i_elec] > 0:

                # Prepare Lorentz transformation to the electron rest frame
                elec_gamma = 1. / elec_inv_gamma[i_elec]
                elec_u = math.sqrt(elec_ux[i_elec]**2 + elec_uy[i_elec]**2 +
                elec_beta = elec_u * elec_inv_gamma[i_elec]
                if elec_u != 0:
                    elec_inv_u = 1. / elec_u
                    elec_nx = elec_inv_u * elec_ux[i_elec]
                    elec_ny = elec_inv_u * elec_uy[i_elec]
                    elec_nz = elec_inv_u * elec_uz[i_elec]
                    # Avoid division by 0; provide arbitrary direction
                    # for the Lorentz transform (since beta=0 anyway)
                    elec_nx = 0.
                    elec_ny = 0.
                    elec_nz = 1.

                # Transform momentum of photon to the electron rest frame
                photon_rest_p, photon_rest_px, \
                    photon_rest_py, photon_rest_pz = lorentz_transform(
                            photon_p, photon_px, photon_py, photon_pz,
                            elec_gamma, elec_beta, elec_nx, elec_ny, elec_nz )
                # Find cos and sin of the spherical angle that represent
                # the direction of the incoming photon in the rest frame
                cos_theta = photon_rest_pz / photon_rest_p
                if cos_theta**2 < 1:
                    sin_theta = math.sqrt(1 - cos_theta**2)
                    inv_photon_rest_pxy = 1. / (sin_theta * photon_rest_p)
                    cos_phi = photon_rest_px * inv_photon_rest_pxy
                    sin_phi = photon_rest_py * inv_photon_rest_pxy
                    sin_theta = 0
                    # Avoid division by 0; provide arbitrary direction
                    # for the phi angle (since theta is 0 or pi anyway)
                    cos_phi = 1.
                    sin_phi = 0.

            # Loop through the number of scatterings for this electron
            for i_scat in range(nscatter_per_elec[i_elec]):

                # Draw scattering angle in the rest frame, from the
                # Klein-Nishina cross-section (See Ozmutl, E. N.
                # "Sampling of Angular Distribution in Compton Scattering"
                # Appl. Radiat. Isot. 43, 6, pp. 713-715 (1992))
                k = photon_rest_p * INV_MC
                c0 = 2. * (2. * k**2 + 2. * k + 1.) / (2. * k + 1.)**3
                b = (2. + c0) / (2. - c0)
                a = 2. * b - 1.
                # Use rejection method to draw x
                reject = True
                while reject:
                    # - Draw x with an approximate probability distribution
                    r1 = random.random()
                    x = b - (b + 1.) * (0.5 * c0)**r1
                    # - Calculate approximate probability distribution h
                    h = a / (b - x)
                    # - Calculate expected (exact) probability distribution f
                    factor = 1 + k * (1 - x)
                    f = ((1 + x**2) * factor + k**2 * (1 - x)**2) / factor**3
                    # - Keep x according to rejection rule
                    r2 = random.random()
                    if r2 < f / h:
                        reject = False

                # Get scattered momentum in the rest frame
                new_photon_rest_p = photon_rest_p / (1 + k * (1 - x))
                # - First in a system of axes aligned with the incoming photon
                cos_theta_s = x
                sin_theta_s = math.sqrt(1 - x**2)
                phi_s = 2 * math.pi * random.random()
                cos_phi_s = math.cos(phi_s)
                sin_phi_s = math.sin(phi_s)
                new_photon_rest_pX = new_photon_rest_p * sin_theta_s * cos_phi_s
                new_photon_rest_pY = new_photon_rest_p * sin_theta_s * sin_phi_s
                new_photon_rest_pZ = new_photon_rest_p * cos_theta_s
                # - Then rotate it to the original system of axes
                new_photon_rest_px = sin_theta * cos_phi * new_photon_rest_pZ \
                                   + cos_theta * cos_phi * new_photon_rest_pX \
                                               - sin_phi * new_photon_rest_pY
                new_photon_rest_py = sin_theta * sin_phi * new_photon_rest_pZ \
                                   + cos_theta * sin_phi * new_photon_rest_pX \
                                               + cos_phi * new_photon_rest_pY
                new_photon_rest_pz = cos_theta * new_photon_rest_pZ \
                                   - sin_theta * new_photon_rest_pX

                # Transform momentum of photon back to the simulation frame
                # (i.e. Lorentz transform with opposite direction)
                new_photon_p, new_photon_px, new_photon_py, new_photon_pz = \
                        new_photon_rest_p, new_photon_rest_px,
                        new_photon_rest_py, new_photon_rest_pz,
                        elec_gamma, elec_beta, -elec_nx, -elec_ny, -elec_nz)

                # Create the new photon by copying the electron position
                photon_x[i_photon] = elec_x[i_elec]
                photon_y[i_photon] = elec_y[i_elec]
                photon_z[i_photon] = elec_z[i_elec]
                photon_w[i_photon] = elec_w[i_elec] * inv_ratio_w_elec_photon
                # The photon's ux, uy, uz corresponds to the actual px, py, pz
                photon_ux[i_photon] = new_photon_px
                photon_uy[i_photon] = new_photon_py
                photon_uz[i_photon] = new_photon_pz
                # The photon's inv_gamma corresponds to 1./p (consistent
                # with the code for the particle pusher and for the
                # openPMD back-transformed diagnostics)
                photon_inv_gamma[i_photon] = 1. / new_photon_p

                # Update the photon index
                i_photon += 1

            # Add recoil to electrons
            # Note: In order to reproduce the right distribution of electron
            # momentum, the electrons should recoil with the momentum
            # of *one single* photon, with a probability p (calculated by
            # get_scattering_probability). Here we reuse the momentum of
            # the last photon generated above. This requires that at least one
            # photon be created for this electron, which occurs with a
            # probability p*ratio_w_elec_photon. Thus, given that at least one
            # photon has been created, we should add recoil to the corresponding
            # electron only with a probability inv_ratio_w_elec_photon.
            if nscatter_per_elec[i_elec] > 0:
                if random.random() < inv_ratio_w_elec_photon:
                    elec_ux[i_elec] += INV_MC * (photon_px - new_photon_px)
                    elec_uy[i_elec] += INV_MC * (photon_py - new_photon_py)
                    elec_uz[i_elec] += INV_MC * (photon_pz - new_photon_pz)
def gather_field_numba_cubic(x, y, z,
                    invdz, zmin, Nz,
                    invdr, rmin, Nr,
                    Er_m0, Et_m0, Ez_m0,
                    Er_m1, Et_m1, Ez_m1,
                    Br_m0, Bt_m0, Bz_m0,
                    Br_m1, Bt_m1, Bz_m1,
                    Ex, Ey, Ez,
                    Bx, By, Bz,
                    nthreads, ptcl_chunk_indices):
    Gathering of the fields (E and B) using numba with multi-threading.
    Iterates over the particles, calculates the weighted amount
    of fields acting on each particle based on its shape (cubic).
    Fields are gathered in cylindrical coordinates and then
    transformed to cartesian coordinates.
    Supports only mode 0 and 1.

    x, y, z : 1darray of floats (in meters)
        The position of the particles

    invdz, invdr : float (in meters^-1)
        Inverse of the grid step along the considered direction

    zmin, rmin : float (in meters)
        Position of the edge of the simulation box along the
        direction considered

    Nz, Nr : int
        Number of gridpoints along the considered direction

    Er_m0, Et_m0, Ez_m0 : 2darray of complexs
        The electric fields on the interpolation grid for the mode 0

    Er_m1, Et_m1, Ez_m1 : 2darray of complexs
        The electric fields on the interpolation grid for the mode 1

    Br_m0, Bt_m0, Bz_m0 : 2darray of complexs
        The magnetic fields on the interpolation grid for the mode 0

    Br_m1, Bt_m1, Bz_m1 : 2darray of complexs
        The magnetic fields on the interpolation grid for the mode 1

    Ex, Ey, Ez : 1darray of floats
        The electric fields acting on the particles
        (is modified by this function)

    Bx, By, Bz : 1darray of floats
        The magnetic fields acting on the particles
        (is modified by this function)

    nthreads : int
        Number of CPU threads used with numba prange

    ptcl_chunk_indices : array of int, of size nthreads+1
        The indices (of the particle array) between which each thread
        should loop. (i.e. divisions of particle array between threads)
    # Gather the field per cell in parallel
    for nt in prange( nthreads ):

        # Create private arrays for each thread
        # to store the particle index and shape
        Sr = np.empty( 4 )
        Sz = np.empty( 4 )

        # Loop over all particles in thread chunk
        for i in range( ptcl_chunk_indices[nt],
                            ptcl_chunk_indices[nt+1] ):

            # Preliminary arrays for the cylindrical conversion
            # --------------------------------------------
            # Position
            xj = x[i]
            yj = y[i]
            zj = z[i]

            # Cylindrical conversion
            rj = math.sqrt(xj**2 + yj**2)
            if (rj != 0.):
                invr = 1./rj
                cos = xj*invr  # Cosine
                sin = yj*invr  # Sine
                cos = 1.
                sin = 0.
            exptheta_m0 = 1.
            exptheta_m1 = cos - 1.j*sin

            # Get weights for the deposition
            # --------------------------------------------
            # Positions of the particle, in the cell unit
            r_cell = invdr*(rj - rmin) - 0.5
            z_cell = invdz*(zj - zmin) - 0.5

            # Calculate the shape factors
            ir_lowest = int64(math.floor(r_cell)) - 1
            r_local = r_cell-ir_lowest
            Sr[0] = -1./6. * (r_local-2.)**3
            Sr[1] = 1./6. * (3.*(r_local-1.)**3 - 6.*(r_local-1.)**2 + 4.)
            Sr[2] = 1./6. * (3.*(2.-r_local)**3 - 6.*(2.-r_local)**2 + 4.)
            Sr[3] = -1./6. * (1.-r_local)**3
            iz_lowest = int64(math.floor(z_cell)) - 1
            z_local = z_cell-iz_lowest
            Sz[0] = -1./6. * (z_local-2.)**3
            Sz[1] = 1./6. * (3.*(z_local-1.)**3 - 6.*(z_local-1.)**2 + 4.)
            Sz[2] = 1./6. * (3.*(2.-z_local)**3 - 6.*(2.-z_local)**2 + 4.)
            Sz[3] = -1./6. * (1.-z_local)**3

            # E-Field
            # -------
            Fr = 0.
            Ft = 0.
            Fz = 0.
            # Only perform gathering for particles that are inside the box radially
            if r_cell+0.5 < Nr:
                # Add contribution from mode 0
                Fr, Ft, Fz = add_cubic_gather_for_mode( 0,
                    Fr, Ft, Fz, exptheta_m0, Er_m0, Et_m0, Ez_m0,
                    ir_lowest, iz_lowest, Sr, Sz, Nr, Nz )
                # Add contribution from mode 1
                Fr, Ft, Fz = add_cubic_gather_for_mode( 1,
                    Fr, Ft, Fz, exptheta_m1, Er_m1, Et_m1, Ez_m1,
                    ir_lowest, iz_lowest, Sr, Sz, Nr, Nz )
            # Convert to Cartesian coordinates
            # and write to particle field arrays
            Ex[i] = cos*Fr - sin*Ft
            Ey[i] = sin*Fr + cos*Ft
            Ez[i] = Fz

            # B-Field
            # -------
            # Clear the placeholders for the
            # gathered field for each coordinate
            Fr = 0.
            Ft = 0.
            Fz = 0.
            # Only perform gathering for particles that are inside the box radially
            if r_cell+0.5 < Nr:
                # Add contribution from mode 0
                Fr, Ft, Fz =  add_cubic_gather_for_mode( 0,
                    Fr, Ft, Fz, exptheta_m0, Br_m0, Bt_m0, Bz_m0,
                    ir_lowest, iz_lowest, Sr, Sz, Nr, Nz )
                # Add contribution from mode 1
                Fr, Ft, Fz =  add_cubic_gather_for_mode( 1,
                    Fr, Ft, Fz, exptheta_m1, Br_m1, Bt_m1, Bz_m1,
                    ir_lowest, iz_lowest, Sr, Sz, Nr, Nz )
            # Convert to Cartesian coordinates
            # and write to particle field arrays
            Bx[i] = cos*Fr - sin*Ft
            By[i] = sin*Fr + cos*Ft
            Bz[i] = Fz

    return Ex, Ey, Ez, Bx, By, Bz
def deposit_rho_numba_linear(x, y, z, w, q, invdz, zmin, Nz, invdr, rmin, Nr,
                             rho_global, Nm, nthreads, ptcl_chunk_indices):
    Deposition of the charge density rho using numba prange on the CPU.
    Iterates over the threads in parallel, while each thread iterates
    over a batch of particles. Intermediate results for each threads are
    stored in copies of the global grid. At the end of the parallel loop,
    the thread-local field arrays are combined (summed) to a global array.
    (This final reduction is *not* done in this function)

    Calculates the weighted amount of rho that is deposited to the
    4 cells surounding the particle based on its shape (linear).

    x, y, z : 1darray of floats (in meters)
        The position of the particles

    w : 1d array of floats
        The weights of the particles
        (For ionizable atoms: weight times the ionization level)

    q : float
        Charge of the species
        (For ionizable atoms: this is always the elementary charge e)

    rho_global : 4darrays of complexs
        Global helper arrays of shape (nthreads, Nm, 2+Nz+2, 2+Nr+2) where the
        additional 2's in z and r correspond to deposition guard cells.
        This array stores the thread local charge density on the interpolation
        grid for each mode. (is modified by this function)

    Nm : int
        The number of azimuthal modes

    invdz, invdr : float (in meters^-1)
        Inverse of the grid step along the considered direction

    zmin, rmin : float (in meters)
        Position of the edge of the simulation box,
        along the considered direction

    Nz, Nr : int
        Number of gridpoints along the considered direction

    nthreads : int
        Number of CPU threads used with numba prange

    ptcl_chunk_indices : array of int, of size nthreads+1
        The indices (of the particle array) between which each thread
        should loop. (i.e. divisions of particle array between threads)
    # Deposit the field per cell in parallel (for threads < number of cells)
    for i_thread in prange(nthreads):

        # Allocate thread-local array
        rho_scal = np.zeros(Nm, dtype=np.complex128)

        # Loop over all particles in thread chunk
        for i_ptcl in range(ptcl_chunk_indices[i_thread],
                            ptcl_chunk_indices[i_thread + 1]):

            # Position
            xj = x[i_ptcl]
            yj = y[i_ptcl]
            zj = z[i_ptcl]
            # Weights
            wj = q * w[i_ptcl]

            # Cylindrical conversion
            rj = math.sqrt(xj**2 + yj**2)
            # Avoid division by 0.
            if (rj != 0.):
                invr = 1. / rj
                cos = xj * invr  # Cosine
                sin = yj * invr  # Sine
                cos = 1.
                sin = 0.
            # Calculate contribution from this particle to each mode
            rho_scal[0] = wj
            for m in range(1, Nm):
                rho_scal[m] = (cos + 1.j * sin) * rho_scal[m - 1]

            # Positions of the particles, in the cell unit
            r_cell = invdr * (rj - rmin) - 0.5
            z_cell = invdz * (zj - zmin) - 0.5
            # Index of the lowest cell of `global_array` that gets modified
            # by this particle (note: `global_array` has 2 guard cells)
            # (`min` function avoids out-of-bounds access at high r)
            ir_cell = min(int(math.floor(r_cell)) + 2, Nr + 2)
            iz_cell = int(math.floor(z_cell)) + 2

            # Add contribution of this particle to the global array
            for m in range(Nm):
                rho_global[i_thread, m, iz_cell + 0, ir_cell + 0] += Sz_linear(
                    z_cell, 0) * Sr_linear(r_cell, 0) * rho_scal[m]
                rho_global[i_thread, m, iz_cell + 0, ir_cell + 1] += Sz_linear(
                    z_cell, 0) * Sr_linear(r_cell, 1) * rho_scal[m]
                rho_global[i_thread, m, iz_cell + 1, ir_cell + 0] += Sz_linear(
                    z_cell, 1) * Sr_linear(r_cell, 0) * rho_scal[m]
                rho_global[i_thread, m, iz_cell + 1, ir_cell + 1] += Sz_linear(
                    z_cell, 1) * Sr_linear(r_cell, 1) * rho_scal[m]

def gather_field_numba_linear(x, y, z,
                    invdz, zmin, Nz,
                    invdr, rmin, Nr,
                    Er_m0, Et_m0, Ez_m0,
                    Er_m1, Et_m1, Ez_m1,
                    Br_m0, Bt_m0, Bz_m0,
                    Br_m1, Bt_m1, Bz_m1,
                    Ex, Ey, Ez,
                    Bx, By, Bz ):
    Gathering of the fields (E and B) using numba with multi-threading.
    Iterates over the particles, calculates the weighted amount
    of fields acting on each particle based on its shape (linear).
    Fields are gathered in cylindrical coordinates and then
    transformed to cartesian coordinates.
    Supports only mode 0 and 1.

    x, y, z : 1darray of floats (in meters)
        The position of the particles

    invdz, invdr : float (in meters^-1)
        Inverse of the grid step along the considered direction

    zmin, rmin : float (in meters)
        Position of the edge of the simulation box along the
        direction considered

    Nz, Nr : int
        Number of gridpoints along the considered direction

    Er_m0, Et_m0, Ez_m0 : 2darray of complexs
        The electric fields on the interpolation grid for the mode 0

    Er_m1, Et_m1, Ez_m1 : 2darray of complexs
        The electric fields on the interpolation grid for the mode 1

    Br_m0, Bt_m0, Bz_m0 : 2darray of complexs
        The magnetic fields on the interpolation grid for the mode 0

    Br_m1, Bt_m1, Bz_m1 : 2darray of complexs
        The magnetic fields on the interpolation grid for the mode 1

    Ex, Ey, Ez : 1darray of floats
        The electric fields acting on the particles
        (is modified by this function)

    Bx, By, Bz : 1darray of floats
        The magnetic fields acting on the particles
        (is modified by this function)
    # Deposit the field per cell in parallel
    for i in prange(x.shape[0]):
        # Preliminary arrays for the cylindrical conversion
        # --------------------------------------------
        # Position
        xj = x[i]
        yj = y[i]
        zj = z[i]

        # Cylindrical conversion
        rj = math.sqrt( xj**2 + yj**2 )
        if (rj !=0. ) :
            invr = 1./rj
            cos = xj*invr  # Cosine
            sin = yj*invr  # Sine
        else :
            cos = 1.
            sin = 0.
        exptheta_m0 = 1.
        exptheta_m1 = cos - 1.j*sin

        # Get linear weights for the deposition
        # -------------------------------------
        # Positions of the particles, in the cell unit
        r_cell =  invdr*(rj - rmin) - 0.5
        z_cell =  invdz*(zj - zmin) - 0.5
        # Original index of the uppper and lower cell
        ir_lower = int(math.floor( r_cell ))
        ir_upper = ir_lower + 1
        iz_lower = int(math.floor( z_cell ))
        iz_upper = iz_lower + 1
        # Linear weight
        Sr_lower = ir_upper - r_cell
        Sr_upper = r_cell - ir_lower
        Sz_lower = iz_upper - z_cell
        Sz_upper = z_cell - iz_lower
        # Set guard weights to zero
        Sr_guard = 0.

        # Treat the boundary conditions
        # -----------------------------
        # guard cells in lower r
        if ir_lower < 0:
            Sr_guard = Sr_lower
            Sr_lower = 0.
            ir_lower = 0
        # absorbing in upper r
        if ir_lower > Nr-1:
            ir_lower = Nr-1
        if ir_upper > Nr-1:
            ir_upper = Nr-1
        # periodic boundaries in z
        # lower z boundaries
        if iz_lower < 0:
            iz_lower += Nz
        if iz_upper < 0:
            iz_upper += Nz
        # upper z boundaries
        if iz_lower > Nz-1:
            iz_lower -= Nz
        if iz_upper > Nz-1:
            iz_upper -= Nz

        # Precalculate Shapes
        S_ll = Sz_lower*Sr_lower
        S_lu = Sz_lower*Sr_upper
        S_ul = Sz_upper*Sr_lower
        S_uu = Sz_upper*Sr_upper
        S_lg = Sz_lower*Sr_guard
        S_ug = Sz_upper*Sr_guard

        # E-Field
        # -------
        Fr = 0.
        Ft = 0.
        Fz = 0.
        # Only perform gathering for particles that are inside the box radially
        if r_cell+0.5 < Nr:
            # Add contribution from mode 0
            Fr, Ft, Fz = add_linear_gather_for_mode( 0,
                Fr, Ft, Fz, exptheta_m0, Er_m0, Et_m0, Ez_m0,
                iz_lower, iz_upper, ir_lower, ir_upper,
                S_ll, S_lu, S_lg, S_ul, S_uu, S_ug )
            # Add contribution from mode 1
            Fr, Ft, Fz = add_linear_gather_for_mode( 1,
                Fr, Ft, Fz, exptheta_m1, Er_m1, Et_m1, Ez_m1,
                iz_lower, iz_upper, ir_lower, ir_upper,
                S_ll, S_lu, S_lg, S_ul, S_uu, S_ug )
        # Convert to Cartesian coordinates
        # and write to particle field arrays
        Ex[i] = cos*Fr - sin*Ft
        Ey[i] = sin*Fr + cos*Ft
        Ez[i] = Fz

        # B-Field
        # -------
        # Clear the placeholders for the
        # gathered field for each coordinate
        Fr = 0.
        Ft = 0.
        Fz = 0.
        # Only perform gathering for particles that are inside the box radially
        if r_cell+0.5 < Nr:
            # Add contribution from mode 0
            Fr, Ft, Fz = add_linear_gather_for_mode( 0,
                Fr, Ft, Fz, exptheta_m0, Br_m0, Bt_m0, Bz_m0,
                iz_lower, iz_upper, ir_lower, ir_upper,
                S_ll, S_lu, S_lg, S_ul, S_uu, S_ug )
            # Add contribution from mode 1
            Fr, Ft, Fz = add_linear_gather_for_mode( 1,
                Fr, Ft, Fz, exptheta_m1, Br_m1, Bt_m1, Bz_m1,
                iz_lower, iz_upper, ir_lower, ir_upper,
                S_ll, S_lu, S_lg, S_ul, S_uu, S_ug )
        # Convert to Cartesian coordinates
        # and write to particle field arrays
        Bx[i] = cos*Fr - sin*Ft
        By[i] = sin*Fr + cos*Ft
        Bz[i] = Fz

    return Ex, Ey, Ez, Bx, By, Bz
def deposit_J_numba_cubic(x, y, z, w, q, ux, uy, uz, inv_gamma, invdz, zmin,
                          Nz, invdr, rmin, Nr, j_r_global, j_t_global,
                          j_z_global, Nm, nthreads, ptcl_chunk_indices,
                          beta_n_m_0, beta_n_m_higher):
    Deposition of the current density J using numba prange on the CPU.
    Iterates over the threads in parallel, while each thread iterates
    over a batch of particles. Intermediate results for each threads are
    stored in copies of the global grid. At the end of the parallel loop,
    the thread-local field arrays are combined (summed) to the global array.
    (This final reduction is *not* done in this function)

    Calculates the weighted amount of J that is deposited to the
    16 cells surounding the particle based on its shape (cubic).

    x, y, z : 1darray of floats (in meters)
        The position of the particles

    w : 1d array of floats
        The weights of the particles
        (For ionizable atoms: weight times the ionization level)

    q : float
        Charge of the species
        (For ionizable atoms: this is always the elementary charge e)

    ux, uy, uz : 1darray of floats (in meters * second^-1)
        The velocity of the particles

    inv_gamma : 1darray of floats
        The inverse of the relativistic gamma factor

    j_x_global : 4darrays of complexs
        Global helper arrays of shape (nthreads, Nm, 2+Nz+2, 2+Nr+2) where the
        additional 2's in z and r correspond to deposition guard cells.
        This array stores the thread local current component in each
        direction (r, t, z) on the interpolation grid for each mode.
        (is modified by this function)

    Nm : int
        The number of azimuthal modes

    invdz, invdr : float (in meters^-1)
        Inverse of the grid step along the considered direction

    zmin, rmin : float (in meters)
        Position of the edge of the simulation box,
        along the direction considered

    Nz, Nr : int
        Number of gridpoints along the considered direction

    nthreads : int
        Number of CPU threads used with numba prange

    ptcl_chunk_indices : array of int, of size nthreads+1
        The indices (of the particle array) between which each thread
        should loop. (i.e. divisions of particle array between threads)

    beta_n_m_0 : 1darray of floats
        Ruyten-corrected particle shape factor coefficients for mode 0.

    beta_n_m_higher : 1darray of floats
        Ruyten-corrected particle shape factor coefficients for higher modes.
        Ignored when Nm == 1.
    # Deposit the field per cell in parallel (for threads < number of cells)
    for i_thread in prange(nthreads):

        # Allocate thread-local array
        jr_scal = np.zeros(Nm, dtype=np.complex128)
        jt_scal = np.zeros(Nm, dtype=np.complex128)
        jz_scal = np.zeros(Nm, dtype=np.complex128)

        # Loop over all particles in thread chunk
        for i_ptcl in range(ptcl_chunk_indices[i_thread],
                            ptcl_chunk_indices[i_thread + 1]):

            # Position
            xj = x[i_ptcl]
            yj = y[i_ptcl]
            zj = z[i_ptcl]
            # Velocity
            uxj = ux[i_ptcl]
            uyj = uy[i_ptcl]
            uzj = uz[i_ptcl]
            # Inverse gamma
            inv_gammaj = inv_gamma[i_ptcl]
            # Weights
            wj = q * w[i_ptcl]

            # Cylindrical conversion
            rj = math.sqrt(xj**2 + yj**2)
            # Avoid division by 0.
            if (rj != 0.):
                invr = 1. / rj
                cos = xj * invr  # Cosine
                sin = yj * invr  # Sine
                cos = 1.
                sin = 0.
            # Calculate contribution from this particle to each mode
            jr_scal[0] = wj * c * inv_gammaj * (cos * uxj + sin * uyj)
            jt_scal[0] = wj * c * inv_gammaj * (cos * uyj - sin * uxj)
            jz_scal[0] = wj * c * inv_gammaj * uzj
            for m in range(1, Nm):
                jr_scal[m] = (cos + 1.j * sin) * jr_scal[m - 1]
                jt_scal[m] = (cos + 1.j * sin) * jt_scal[m - 1]
                jz_scal[m] = (cos + 1.j * sin) * jz_scal[m - 1]

            # Positions of the particles, in the cell unit
            r_cell = invdr * (rj - rmin) - 0.5
            z_cell = invdz * (zj - zmin) - 0.5
            # Index of the lowest cell of `global_array` that gets modified
            # by this particle (note: `global_array` has 2 guard cells)
            # (`min` function avoids out-of-bounds access at high r)
            ir_cell = min(int(math.ceil(r_cell)), Nr)
            iz_cell = int(math.ceil(z_cell))

            ir = min(int(math.ceil(r_cell)), Nr)

            # Add contribution of this particle to the global array
            for m in range(Nm):

                # Ruyten-corrected shape factor coefficient
                if m == 0:
                    bn = beta_n_m_0[ir]
                    bn = beta_n_m_higher[ir]

                j_r_global[i_thread, m, iz_cell + 0, ir_cell + 0] += Sz_cubic(
                    z_cell, 0) * Sr_cubic(r_cell, 0, -(-1)**m, bn) * jr_scal[m]
                j_r_global[i_thread, m, iz_cell + 0, ir_cell + 1] += Sz_cubic(
                    z_cell, 0) * Sr_cubic(r_cell, 1, -(-1)**m, bn) * jr_scal[m]
                j_r_global[i_thread, m, iz_cell + 0, ir_cell + 2] += Sz_cubic(
                    z_cell, 0) * Sr_cubic(r_cell, 2, -(-1)**m, bn) * jr_scal[m]
                j_r_global[i_thread, m, iz_cell + 0, ir_cell + 3] += Sz_cubic(
                    z_cell, 0) * Sr_cubic(r_cell, 3, -(-1)**m, bn) * jr_scal[m]

                j_r_global[i_thread, m, iz_cell + 1, ir_cell + 0] += Sz_cubic(
                    z_cell, 1) * Sr_cubic(r_cell, 0, -(-1)**m, bn) * jr_scal[m]
                j_r_global[i_thread, m, iz_cell + 1, ir_cell + 1] += Sz_cubic(
                    z_cell, 1) * Sr_cubic(r_cell, 1, -(-1)**m, bn) * jr_scal[m]
                j_r_global[i_thread, m, iz_cell + 1, ir_cell + 2] += Sz_cubic(
                    z_cell, 1) * Sr_cubic(r_cell, 2, -(-1)**m, bn) * jr_scal[m]
                j_r_global[i_thread, m, iz_cell + 1, ir_cell + 3] += Sz_cubic(
                    z_cell, 1) * Sr_cubic(r_cell, 3, -(-1)**m, bn) * jr_scal[m]

                j_r_global[i_thread, m, iz_cell + 2, ir_cell + 0] += Sz_cubic(
                    z_cell, 2) * Sr_cubic(r_cell, 0, -(-1)**m, bn) * jr_scal[m]
                j_r_global[i_thread, m, iz_cell + 2, ir_cell + 1] += Sz_cubic(
                    z_cell, 2) * Sr_cubic(r_cell, 1, -(-1)**m, bn) * jr_scal[m]
                j_r_global[i_thread, m, iz_cell + 2, ir_cell + 2] += Sz_cubic(
                    z_cell, 2) * Sr_cubic(r_cell, 2, -(-1)**m, bn) * jr_scal[m]
                j_r_global[i_thread, m, iz_cell + 2, ir_cell + 3] += Sz_cubic(
                    z_cell, 2) * Sr_cubic(r_cell, 3, -(-1)**m, bn) * jr_scal[m]

                j_r_global[i_thread, m, iz_cell + 3, ir_cell + 0] += Sz_cubic(
                    z_cell, 3) * Sr_cubic(r_cell, 0, -(-1)**m, bn) * jr_scal[m]
                j_r_global[i_thread, m, iz_cell + 3, ir_cell + 1] += Sz_cubic(
                    z_cell, 3) * Sr_cubic(r_cell, 1, -(-1)**m, bn) * jr_scal[m]
                j_r_global[i_thread, m, iz_cell + 3, ir_cell + 2] += Sz_cubic(
                    z_cell, 3) * Sr_cubic(r_cell, 2, -(-1)**m, bn) * jr_scal[m]
                j_r_global[i_thread, m, iz_cell + 3, ir_cell + 3] += Sz_cubic(
                    z_cell, 3) * Sr_cubic(r_cell, 3, -(-1)**m, bn) * jr_scal[m]

                j_t_global[i_thread, m, iz_cell + 0, ir_cell + 0] += Sz_cubic(
                    z_cell, 0) * Sr_cubic(r_cell, 0, -(-1)**m, bn) * jt_scal[m]
                j_t_global[i_thread, m, iz_cell + 0, ir_cell + 1] += Sz_cubic(
                    z_cell, 0) * Sr_cubic(r_cell, 1, -(-1)**m, bn) * jt_scal[m]
                j_t_global[i_thread, m, iz_cell + 0, ir_cell + 2] += Sz_cubic(
                    z_cell, 0) * Sr_cubic(r_cell, 2, -(-1)**m, bn) * jt_scal[m]
                j_t_global[i_thread, m, iz_cell + 0, ir_cell + 3] += Sz_cubic(
                    z_cell, 0) * Sr_cubic(r_cell, 3, -(-1)**m, bn) * jt_scal[m]

                j_t_global[i_thread, m, iz_cell + 1, ir_cell + 0] += Sz_cubic(
                    z_cell, 1) * Sr_cubic(r_cell, 0, -(-1)**m, bn) * jt_scal[m]
                j_t_global[i_thread, m, iz_cell + 1, ir_cell + 1] += Sz_cubic(
                    z_cell, 1) * Sr_cubic(r_cell, 1, -(-1)**m, bn) * jt_scal[m]
                j_t_global[i_thread, m, iz_cell + 1, ir_cell + 2] += Sz_cubic(
                    z_cell, 1) * Sr_cubic(r_cell, 2, -(-1)**m, bn) * jt_scal[m]
                j_t_global[i_thread, m, iz_cell + 1, ir_cell + 3] += Sz_cubic(
                    z_cell, 1) * Sr_cubic(r_cell, 3, -(-1)**m, bn) * jt_scal[m]

                j_t_global[i_thread, m, iz_cell + 2, ir_cell + 0] += Sz_cubic(
                    z_cell, 2) * Sr_cubic(r_cell, 0, -(-1)**m, bn) * jt_scal[m]
                j_t_global[i_thread, m, iz_cell + 2, ir_cell + 1] += Sz_cubic(
                    z_cell, 2) * Sr_cubic(r_cell, 1, -(-1)**m, bn) * jt_scal[m]
                j_t_global[i_thread, m, iz_cell + 2, ir_cell + 2] += Sz_cubic(
                    z_cell, 2) * Sr_cubic(r_cell, 2, -(-1)**m, bn) * jt_scal[m]
                j_t_global[i_thread, m, iz_cell + 2, ir_cell + 3] += Sz_cubic(
                    z_cell, 2) * Sr_cubic(r_cell, 3, -(-1)**m, bn) * jt_scal[m]

                j_t_global[i_thread, m, iz_cell + 3, ir_cell + 0] += Sz_cubic(
                    z_cell, 3) * Sr_cubic(r_cell, 0, -(-1)**m, bn) * jt_scal[m]
                j_t_global[i_thread, m, iz_cell + 3, ir_cell + 1] += Sz_cubic(
                    z_cell, 3) * Sr_cubic(r_cell, 1, -(-1)**m, bn) * jt_scal[m]
                j_t_global[i_thread, m, iz_cell + 3, ir_cell + 2] += Sz_cubic(
                    z_cell, 3) * Sr_cubic(r_cell, 2, -(-1)**m, bn) * jt_scal[m]
                j_t_global[i_thread, m, iz_cell + 3, ir_cell + 3] += Sz_cubic(
                    z_cell, 3) * Sr_cubic(r_cell, 3, -(-1)**m, bn) * jt_scal[m]

                j_z_global[i_thread, m, iz_cell + 0, ir_cell + 0] += Sz_cubic(
                    z_cell, 0) * Sr_cubic(r_cell, 0, (-1)**m, bn) * jz_scal[m]
                j_z_global[i_thread, m, iz_cell + 0, ir_cell + 1] += Sz_cubic(
                    z_cell, 0) * Sr_cubic(r_cell, 1, (-1)**m, bn) * jz_scal[m]
                j_z_global[i_thread, m, iz_cell + 0, ir_cell + 2] += Sz_cubic(
                    z_cell, 0) * Sr_cubic(r_cell, 2, (-1)**m, bn) * jz_scal[m]
                j_z_global[i_thread, m, iz_cell + 0, ir_cell + 3] += Sz_cubic(
                    z_cell, 0) * Sr_cubic(r_cell, 3, (-1)**m, bn) * jz_scal[m]

                j_z_global[i_thread, m, iz_cell + 1, ir_cell + 0] += Sz_cubic(
                    z_cell, 1) * Sr_cubic(r_cell, 0, (-1)**m, bn) * jz_scal[m]
                j_z_global[i_thread, m, iz_cell + 1, ir_cell + 1] += Sz_cubic(
                    z_cell, 1) * Sr_cubic(r_cell, 1, (-1)**m, bn) * jz_scal[m]
                j_z_global[i_thread, m, iz_cell + 1, ir_cell + 2] += Sz_cubic(
                    z_cell, 1) * Sr_cubic(r_cell, 2, (-1)**m, bn) * jz_scal[m]
                j_z_global[i_thread, m, iz_cell + 1, ir_cell + 3] += Sz_cubic(
                    z_cell, 1) * Sr_cubic(r_cell, 3, (-1)**m, bn) * jz_scal[m]

                j_z_global[i_thread, m, iz_cell + 2, ir_cell + 0] += Sz_cubic(
                    z_cell, 2) * Sr_cubic(r_cell, 0, (-1)**m, bn) * jz_scal[m]
                j_z_global[i_thread, m, iz_cell + 2, ir_cell + 1] += Sz_cubic(
                    z_cell, 2) * Sr_cubic(r_cell, 1, (-1)**m, bn) * jz_scal[m]
                j_z_global[i_thread, m, iz_cell + 2, ir_cell + 2] += Sz_cubic(
                    z_cell, 2) * Sr_cubic(r_cell, 2, (-1)**m, bn) * jz_scal[m]
                j_z_global[i_thread, m, iz_cell + 2, ir_cell + 3] += Sz_cubic(
                    z_cell, 2) * Sr_cubic(r_cell, 3, (-1)**m, bn) * jz_scal[m]

                j_z_global[i_thread, m, iz_cell + 3, ir_cell + 0] += Sz_cubic(
                    z_cell, 3) * Sr_cubic(r_cell, 0, (-1)**m, bn) * jz_scal[m]
                j_z_global[i_thread, m, iz_cell + 3, ir_cell + 1] += Sz_cubic(
                    z_cell, 3) * Sr_cubic(r_cell, 1, (-1)**m, bn) * jz_scal[m]
                j_z_global[i_thread, m, iz_cell + 3, ir_cell + 2] += Sz_cubic(
                    z_cell, 3) * Sr_cubic(r_cell, 2, (-1)**m, bn) * jz_scal[m]
                j_z_global[i_thread, m, iz_cell + 3, ir_cell + 3] += Sz_cubic(
                    z_cell, 3) * Sr_cubic(r_cell, 3, (-1)**m, bn) * jz_scal[m]

def numba_push_eb_comoving(Ep, Em, Ez, Bp, Bm, Bz, Jp, Jm, Jz, rho_prev,
                           rho_next, rho_prev_coef, rho_next_coef, j_coef, C,
                           S_w, T_eb, T_cc, T_rho, kr, kz, dt, V, use_true_rho,
                           Nz, Nr):
    Push the fields over one timestep, using the psatd algorithm,
    with the assumptions of comoving currents
    (either with the galilean scheme or comoving scheme, depending on
    the values of the coefficients that are passed)

    See the documentation of SpectralGrid.push_eb_with
    # Loop over the grid (parallel in z, if threading is installed)
    for iz in prange(Nz):
        for ir in range(Nr):

            # Save the electric fields, since it is needed for the B push
            Ep_old = Ep[iz, ir]
            Em_old = Em[iz, ir]
            Ez_old = Ez[iz, ir]

            # Calculate useful auxiliary arrays
            if use_true_rho:
                # Evaluation using the rho projected on the grid
                rho_diff = rho_next_coef[iz, ir] * rho_next[iz, ir] \
                        - rho_prev_coef[iz, ir] * rho_prev[iz, ir]
                # Evaluation using div(E) and div(J)
                divE = kr[iz, ir]*( Ep[iz, ir] - Em[iz, ir] ) \
                    + 1.j*kz[iz, ir]*Ez[iz, ir]
                divJ = kr[iz, ir]*( Jp[iz, ir] - Jm[iz, ir] ) \
                    + 1.j*kz[iz, ir]*Jz[iz, ir]

                rho_diff = ( T_eb[iz,ir] * rho_next_coef[iz, ir] \
                  - rho_prev_coef[iz, ir] ) \
                  * epsilon_0 * divE + T_rho[iz, ir] \
                  * rho_next_coef[iz, ir] * divJ

            # Push the E field
            Ep[iz, ir] = \
                T_eb[iz, ir]*C[iz, ir]*Ep[iz, ir] + 0.5*kr[iz, ir]*rho_diff \
                + j_coef[iz, ir]*1.j*kz[iz, ir]*V*Jp[iz, ir] \
                + c2*T_eb[iz, ir]*S_w[iz, ir]*( -1.j*0.5*kr[iz, ir]*Bz[iz, ir] \
                + kz[iz, ir]*Bp[iz, ir] - mu_0*T_cc[iz, ir]*Jp[iz, ir] )

            Em[iz, ir] = \
                T_eb[iz, ir]*C[iz, ir]*Em[iz, ir] - 0.5*kr[iz, ir]*rho_diff \
                + j_coef[iz, ir]*1.j*kz[iz, ir]*V*Jm[iz, ir] \
                + c2*T_eb[iz, ir]*S_w[iz, ir]*( -1.j*0.5*kr[iz, ir]*Bz[iz, ir] \
                - kz[iz, ir]*Bm[iz, ir] - mu_0*T_cc[iz, ir]*Jm[iz, ir] )

            Ez[iz, ir] = \
                T_eb[iz, ir]*C[iz, ir]*Ez[iz, ir] - 1.j*kz[iz, ir]*rho_diff \
                + j_coef[iz, ir]*1.j*kz[iz, ir]*V*Jz[iz, ir] \
                + c2*T_eb[iz, ir]*S_w[iz, ir]*( 1.j*kr[iz, ir]*Bp[iz, ir] \
                + 1.j*kr[iz, ir]*Bm[iz, ir] - mu_0*T_cc[iz, ir]*Jz[iz, ir] )

            # Push the B field
            Bp[iz, ir] = T_eb[iz, ir]*C[iz, ir]*Bp[iz, ir] \
                - T_eb[iz, ir]*S_w[iz, ir]*( -1.j*0.5*kr[iz, ir]*Ez_old \
                            + kz[iz, ir]*Ep_old ) \
                + j_coef[iz, ir]*( -1.j*0.5*kr[iz, ir]*Jz[iz, ir] \
                            + kz[iz, ir]*Jp[iz, ir] )

            Bm[iz, ir] = T_eb[iz, ir]*C[iz, ir]*Bm[iz, ir] \
                - T_eb[iz, ir]*S_w[iz, ir]*( -1.j*0.5*kr[iz, ir]*Ez_old \
                            - kz[iz, ir]*Em_old ) \
                + j_coef[iz, ir]*( -1.j*0.5*kr[iz, ir]*Jz[iz, ir] \
                            - kz[iz, ir]*Jm[iz, ir] )

            Bz[iz, ir] = T_eb[iz, ir]*C[iz, ir]*Bz[iz, ir] \
                - T_eb[iz, ir]*S_w[iz, ir]*( 1.j*kr[iz, ir]*Ep_old \
                            + 1.j*kr[iz, ir]*Em_old ) \
                + j_coef[iz, ir]*( 1.j*kr[iz, ir]*Jp[iz, ir] \
                            + 1.j*kr[iz, ir]*Jm[iz, ir] )

def numba_push_eb_standard(Ep, Em, Ez, Bp, Bm, Bz, Jp, Jm, Jz, rho_prev,
                           rho_next, rho_prev_coef, rho_next_coef, j_coef, C,
                           S_w, kr, kz, dt, use_true_rho, Nz, Nr):
    Push the fields over one timestep, using the standard psatd algorithm

    See the documentation of SpectralGrid.push_eb_with
    # Loop over the 2D grid (parallel in z, if threading is installed)
    for iz in prange(Nz):
        for ir in range(Nr):

            # Save the electric fields, since it is needed for the B push
            Ep_old = Ep[iz, ir]
            Em_old = Em[iz, ir]
            Ez_old = Ez[iz, ir]

            # Calculate useful auxiliary arrays
            if use_true_rho:
                # Evaluation using the rho projected on the grid
                rho_diff = rho_next_coef[iz, ir] * rho_next[iz, ir] \
                        - rho_prev_coef[iz, ir] * rho_prev[iz, ir]
                # Evaluation using div(E) and div(J)
                divE = kr[iz, ir]*( Ep[iz, ir] - Em[iz, ir] ) \
                    + 1.j*kz[iz, ir]*Ez[iz, ir]
                divJ = kr[iz, ir]*( Jp[iz, ir] - Jm[iz, ir] ) \
                    + 1.j*kz[iz, ir]*Jz[iz, ir]

                rho_diff = (rho_next_coef[iz, ir] - rho_prev_coef[iz, ir]) \
                  * epsilon_0 * divE - rho_next_coef[iz, ir] * dt * divJ

            # Push the E field
            Ep[iz, ir] = C[iz, ir]*Ep[iz, ir] + 0.5*kr[iz, ir]*rho_diff \
                + c2*S_w[iz, ir]*( -1.j*0.5*kr[iz, ir]*Bz[iz, ir] \
                + kz[iz, ir]*Bp[iz, ir] - mu_0*Jp[iz, ir] )

            Em[iz, ir] = C[iz, ir]*Em[iz, ir] - 0.5*kr[iz, ir]*rho_diff \
                + c2*S_w[iz, ir]*( -1.j*0.5*kr[iz, ir]*Bz[iz, ir] \
                - kz[iz, ir]*Bm[iz, ir] - mu_0*Jm[iz, ir] )

            Ez[iz, ir] = C[iz, ir]*Ez[iz, ir] - 1.j*kz[iz, ir]*rho_diff \
                + c2*S_w[iz, ir]*( 1.j*kr[iz, ir]*Bp[iz, ir] \
                + 1.j*kr[iz, ir]*Bm[iz, ir] - mu_0*Jz[iz, ir] )

            # Push the B field
            Bp[iz, ir] = C[iz, ir]*Bp[iz, ir] \
                - S_w[iz, ir]*( -1.j*0.5*kr[iz, ir]*Ez_old \
                            + kz[iz, ir]*Ep_old ) \
                + j_coef[iz, ir]*( -1.j*0.5*kr[iz, ir]*Jz[iz, ir] \
                            + kz[iz, ir]*Jp[iz, ir] )

            Bm[iz, ir] = C[iz, ir]*Bm[iz, ir] \
                - S_w[iz, ir]*( -1.j*0.5*kr[iz, ir]*Ez_old \
                            - kz[iz, ir]*Em_old ) \
                + j_coef[iz, ir]*( -1.j*0.5*kr[iz, ir]*Jz[iz, ir] \
                            - kz[iz, ir]*Jm[iz, ir] )

            Bz[iz, ir] = C[iz, ir]*Bz[iz, ir] \
                - S_w[iz, ir]*( 1.j*kr[iz, ir]*Ep_old \
                            + 1.j*kr[iz, ir]*Em_old ) \
                + j_coef[iz, ir]*( 1.j*kr[iz, ir]*Jp[iz, ir] \
                            + 1.j*kr[iz, ir]*Jm[iz, ir] )
