def __init__( self, run_command, yaml=None, env=None, env_nosandbox=None, channels=[], dependencies=[], setup_commands=[], use_mamba=None, ): if env_nosandbox and any([yaml, env, channels, dependencies]): f"'env_nosandbox' cannot be mixed with other Conda environment commands." ) self.yaml = yaml self.env = env self.env_nosandbox = env_nosandbox self.run_command = run_command self.conda_env = CondaEnv(channels[:], dependencies[:]) self.setup_commands = setup_commands self.use_mamba = ( use_mamba if use_mamba is not None else bool(shutil.which("mamba")) ) if env_nosandbox: self._validate_env_nosandbox()
def down_existing(names: typing.List[str], force: bool): def find_active_proc(system_state): return [ name for name in names if name in system_state.procs and system_state.procs[name].state != life_cycle.State.STOPPED ] active_proc = find_active_proc(life_cycle.system_state()) if not active_proc: return if not force: f"Conflicting processes already running: {', '.join(active_proc)}") for name in active_proc: life_cycle.set_ask(name, life_cycle.Ask.DOWN) ns = types.SimpleNamespace() = threading.Condition() ns.sat = False def callback(system_state): if not find_active_proc(system_state): with ns.sat = True watcher = life_cycle.system_state_watcher(callback) with success = ns.sat, timeout=3.0) if not success:"Existing processes did not down in a timely manner.")
def _validate_env_nosandbox(self): result = f""" eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)" conda activate {self.env_nosandbox} """, shell=True, executable="/bin/bash", stderr=subprocess.PIPE, ) if result.returncode:"'env_nosandbox' not valid: {result.stderr}")
def transitive_closure(proc_names): all_proc_names = set() fringe = list(proc_names) while fringe: proc_name = fringe.pop() if proc_name in all_proc_names: continue try: fringe.extend(defined_processes[proc_name].deps) except KeyError:"Unknown process: {proc_name}") all_proc_names.add(proc_name) return all_proc_names
def get_proc_names(proc_names, include_deps): if not proc_names: return defined_processes.keys() if include_deps: proc_names = transitive_closure(proc_names) unknown_proc_names = [ proc_name for proc_name in proc_names if proc_name not in defined_processes ] if unknown_proc_names:"Unknown proc_names: {', '.join(unknown_proc_names)}") if not proc_names:"No proc_names found") return proc_names
def __init__(self, image=None, dockerfile=None, mount=[], build_kwargs={}, run_kwargs={}): if bool(image) == bool(dockerfile): "Docker process must define exactly one of image or dockerfile" ) self.image = image self.dockerfile = dockerfile self.mount = mount self.build_kwargs = build_kwargs self.run_kwargs = run_kwargs
def cli(procs, deps, build, run, force, reset_logs): names = get_proc_names(procs, deps) names = [name for name in names if defined_processes[name].runtime] if not names:"No processes found") down_existing(names, force) if reset_logs: for name in names: a0.File.remove(f"{name}.log.a0") if build: for name in names: proc_def = defined_processes[name] print(f"building {name}...") proc_def.runtime._build(name, proc_def) print(f"built {name}\n") if run: for name in names: print(f"running {name}...") life_cycle.set_ask(name, life_cycle.Ask.UP) if os.fork() != 0: continue os.chdir("/") os.setsid() os.umask(0) if os.fork() != 0: sys.exit(0) proc_def = defined_processes[name] # Set up configuration. with util.common_env_context(proc_def): a0.Cfg(a0.env.topic()).write(json.dumps(proc_def.cfg)) life_cycle.set_launcher_running(name, True) try: proc_def.runtime._launcher(name, proc_def).run()) except: pass life_cycle.set_launcher_running(name, False) sys.exit(0)
def _build(self, name: str, proc_def: ProcDef): if not self.env_nosandbox: self._create_env(name, proc_def) if self.setup_commands: print(f"setting up conda env for {name}") setup_command = "\n".join( [util.shell_join(cmd) for cmd in self.setup_commands] ) result = f""" eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)" conda activate {self._env_name(name)} cd {proc_def.root} {setup_command} """, shell=True, executable="/bin/bash", capture_output=not CommonFlags.verbose, ) if result.returncode:"Failed to set up conda env: {result.stderr}")
def _create_env(self, name: str, proc_def: ProcDef): env_path = f"/tmp/fbrp_conda_{name}.yml" env_content = self._generate_env_content(proc_def.root) env_content["name"] = self._env_name(name) with open(env_path, "w") as env_fp: json.dump(env_content, env_fp, indent=2) print(f"creating conda env for {name}. This will take a minute...") update_bin = "mamba" if self.use_mamba else "conda" # # Updating an existing environment does not remove old packages, even with --prune. [update_bin, "env", "remove", "-n", self._env_name(name)], capture_output=not CommonFlags.verbose, ) result = [update_bin, "env", "update", "--prune", "-f", env_path], capture_output=not CommonFlags.verbose, ) if result.returncode:"Failed to set up conda env: {result.stderr}")
async def run(self): container = f"fbrp_{}" # Environmental variables. env = util.common_env(self.proc_def) for kv in self.kwargs.pop("Env", []): if "=" in kv: k, v = kv.split("=", 1) env[k] = v else: del env[kv] env.update(self.proc_def.env) # Docker labels. labels = { "":, "fbrp.container": container, } labels.update(self.kwargs.pop("labels", {})) # Mount volumes. for f in [ "group", "gshadow", "inputrc", "localtime", "passwd", "shadow", "subgid", "subuid", "sudoers", ]: self.mount.append(f"/etc/{f}:/etc/{f}:ro") self.mount.append("/var/lib/sss:/var/lib/sss:ro") id_info = pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid()) # Compose all the arguments. run_kwargs = { "Image": self.image, "Env": ["=".join(kv) for kv in env.items()], "Labels": labels, "User": f"{id_info.pw_uid}:{id_info.pw_gid}", "HostConfig": { "Privileged": True, "NetworkMode": "host", "PidMode": "host", "IpcMode": "host", "Binds": self.mount, "GroupAdd": [str(i) for i in os.getgroups()], }, } util.nested_dict_update(run_kwargs, self.kwargs) life_cycle.set_state(, life_cycle.State.STARTING) docker = aiodocker.Docker() try: self.proc = await docker.containers.create_or_replace( container, run_kwargs) await self.proc.start() proc_info = await except Exception as e: life_cycle.set_state(, life_cycle.State.STOPPED, return_code=-1, error_info=str(e)) await docker.close() f"Failed to start docker process: name={} reason={e}") self.proc_pid = proc_info["State"]["Pid"] life_cycle.set_state(, life_cycle.State.STARTED) async def log_pipe(logger, pipe): async for line in pipe: logger(line) self.down_task = asyncio.create_task( self.down_watcher(self.handle_down)) try: await asyncio.gather( log_pipe(util.stdout_logger(), self.proc.log(stdout=True, follow=True)), log_pipe(util.stderr_logger(), self.proc.log(stderr=True, follow=True)), self.log_psutil(), self.death_handler(), self.down_task, ) except asyncio.exceptions.CancelledError: # death_handler cancelled down listener. pass await docker.close()
def _build(self, name: str, proc_def: ProcDef): docker_api = docker.from_env() docker_api.lowlevel = docker.APIClient() if self.dockerfile: self.image = f"fbrp/{name}" dockerfile_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(proc_def.rule_file), self.dockerfile) build_kwargs = { "tag": self.image, "path": proc_def.root, "dockerfile": dockerfile_path, "rm": True, } build_kwargs.update(self.build_kwargs) for line in**build_kwargs): lineinfo = json.loads(line.decode()) if CommonFlags.verbose and "stream" in lineinfo: print(lineinfo["stream"].strip()) elif "errorDetail" in lineinfo:["errorDetail"], indent=2)) else: try: docker_api.images.get(self.image) except docker.errors.ImageNotFound: try: for line in docker_api.lowlevel.pull(self.image, stream=True): lineinfo = json.loads(line.decode()) if CommonFlags.verbose and "status" in lineinfo: print(lineinfo["status"].strip()) except docker.errors.NotFound as e: uses_ldap = util.is_ldap_user() mount_map = {} for mnt in self.mount: parts = mnt.split(":") if len(parts) == 3: mount_map[parts[0]] = (parts[1], parts[2]) elif len(parts) == 2: mount_map[parts[0]] = (parts[1], "") else:"Invalid mount: {mnt}") nfs_mounts = [] for host, (container, _) in mount_map.items(): try: os.makedirs(host) except FileExistsError: pass except FileNotFoundError: pass nfs_root = util.nfs_root(host) if nfs_root and nfs_root != host: nfs_mounts.append({ "host_nfs_root": nfs_root, "container_nfs_root": f"/fbrp_nfs/{util.random_string()}", "host": host, "container": container, }) for nfs_mount in nfs_mounts: if nfs_mount["host"] in mount_map: del mount_map[nfs_mount["host"]] if uses_ldap or nfs_mounts: dockerfile = [f"FROM {self.image}"] if uses_ldap: dockerfile.append(" && ".join([ "RUN apt update", "DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt install -y sssd", "rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*", ])) for nfs_mount in nfs_mounts: relpath = os.path.relpath(nfs_mount["host"], nfs_mount["host_nfs_root"]) container_fullpath = os.path.join( nfs_mount["container_nfs_root"], relpath) mkdir = f"mkdir -p {os.path.dirname(nfs_mount['container'])}" link = f"ln -s {container_fullpath} {nfs_mount['container']}" dockerfile.append(f"RUN {mkdir} && {link}") mount_map[nfs_mount["host_nfs_root"]] = ( nfs_mount["container_nfs_root"], "", ) self.image = f"fbrp/{name}:netext" for line in fileobj=io.BytesIO("\n".join(dockerfile).encode("utf-8")), rm=True, tag=self.image, labels={ "fbrp.type": "netext", "fbrp.tmp": "1", }, ): lineinfo = json.loads(line.decode()) if CommonFlags.verbose and "stream" in lineinfo: print(lineinfo["stream"].strip()) elif "errorDetail" in lineinfo:["errorDetail"], indent=2)) self.mount = [ f"{host_path}:{container_path}:{options}" for host_path, (container_path, options) in mount_map.items() ]
def cli(procs, old): # Find all defined processes. display_procs = defined_processes.items() # Filter out processes that have no runtime defined. # These processes were meant to chain or combine other processes, but haven't # gotten much use yet. Do we want to keep them? display_procs = { name: def_ for name, def_ in display_procs if def_.runtime } # If processes have been specified, filter out the ones that aren't requested. if procs: display_procs = { name: def_ for name, def_ in display_procs.items() if name in procs } # Fail if no processes are left. if not display_procs:"No processes found to log") # Give each process a random color. colors = [ "\u001b[31m", # "Red" "\u001b[32m", # "Green" "\u001b[33m", # "Yellow" "\u001b[34m", # "Blue" "\u001b[35m", # "Magenta" "\u001b[36m", # "Cyan" ] random.shuffle(colors) reset_color = "\u001b[0m" # There will be a left hand column with the process name. # Find a common width for the name column. width = max(len(name) for name in display_procs) log_listeners = [] def make_listener(i, name, def_): # Cache the left hand column. prefix = f"{colors[i % len(colors)]}{name}" + " " * (width - len(name)) msg_tmpl = f"{prefix} | {{msg}}{reset_color}" # On message received, print it to stdout. def callback(pkt): print(msg_tmpl.format(msg=pkt.payload)) # Create the listener. with util.common_env_context(def_): log_listeners.append( a0.LogListener( name, # TODO(lshamis): Make a flag for log level. a0.LogLevel.DBG, a0.INIT_OLDEST if old else a0.INIT_AWAIT_NEW, a0.ITER_NEXT, callback, )) # Make a log listener for each process. for i, (name, def_) in enumerate(display_procs.items()): make_listener(i, name, def_) # Block until ctrl-c is pressed. def onsignal(signum, frame): sys.exit(0) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, onsignal) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, onsignal) signal.pause()