    def __init__(self):

        self.check_collision = True
        self.ang_comp = False
        self.ang_comp2 = False
        self.lin_comp = False
        self.init = False
        self.init_arm = False
        self.angG = 0
        self.ang = 0
        self.send_g = True
        self.status = 0
        self.goal_id = 0
        self.ret = np.zeros(7)
        self.obj = [
            fcl.CollisionObject(fcl.Sphere(0.5), fcl.Transform())
            for i in range(7)
        self.quaternion = np.zeros((8, 4))
        self.translation = np.zeros((8, 3))
        for i in range(8):
            self.quaternion[i] = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0])
            self.translation[i] = np.array([0, 0, 0])

        self.quaternionG = np.zeros((11, 4))
        self.translationG = np.zeros((11, 3))
        for i in range(10):
            self.quaternionG[i] = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0])
            self.translationG[i] = np.array([0, 0, 0])

    def __init__(self, collision_dict):
        Collision_Object.__init__(self, collision_dict)
        if not type(self.params) == float:
            raise TypeError(bc.FAIL + 'ERROR: parameters for collision sphere must be a float value (for radius).' + bc.ENDC)

        self.r = self.params
        self.g = fcl.Sphere(self.r)
        self.t = fcl.Transform()
        self.obj = fcl.CollisionObject(self.g, self.t)
	def checkCollision(self):
		g1 = fcl.Sphere(self.Radius)
		t1 = fcl.Transform()
		o1 = fcl.CollisionObject(g1, t1)

		g2 = fcl.sphere(self.Radius)
		t2 = fcl.Transform()
		o2 = fcl.CollisionObject(g2, t2)
		request = fcl.CollisionRequest()
		result = fcl.CollisionResult()
		ret = fcl.collide(o1, o2, request, result)
		return result, ret  #result.is_collide is the required function
    def collision_check(self):

        #world = ['blue_box', 'white_sphere', 'red_cylinder', 'green_box', 'turquoise_box', 'blue_cylinder', 'white_box', 'fetch']

        robot = fcl.Cylinder(0.4, 1)
        tR = fcl.Transform(self.quaternion[7], self.translation[7])
        print self.translation[7]
        oR = fcl.CollisionObject(robot, tR)

        ob0 = fcl.Box(0.3, 1, 0.8)
        tr0 = fcl.Transform(self.quaternion[0], self.translation[0])
        self.obj[0] = fcl.CollisionObject(ob0, tr0)

        ob1 = fcl.Sphere(0.5)
        tr1 = fcl.Transform(self.quaternion[1], self.translation[1])
        self.obj[1] = fcl.CollisionObject(ob1, tr1)

        ob2 = fcl.Cylinder(0.5, 1)
        tr2 = fcl.Transform(self.quaternion[2], self.translation[2])
        self.obj[2] = fcl.CollisionObject(ob2, tr2)

        ob3 = fcl.Box(0.5, 1.4, 0.8)
        tr3 = fcl.Transform(self.quaternion[3], self.translation[3])
        self.obj[3] = fcl.CollisionObject(ob3, tr3)

        ob4 = fcl.Box(1, 5, 1)
        tr4 = fcl.Transform(self.quaternion[4], self.translation[4])
        self.obj[4] = fcl.CollisionObject(ob4, tr4)

        ob5 = fcl.Cylinder(0.5, 1)
        tr5 = fcl.Transform(self.quaternion[5], self.translation[5])
        self.obj[5] = fcl.CollisionObject(ob5, tr5)

        ob6 = fcl.Box(5, 1, 1)
        tr6 = fcl.Transform(self.quaternion[6], self.translation[6])
        self.obj[6] = fcl.CollisionObject(ob6, tr6)

        request = fcl.CollisionRequest()
        result = fcl.CollisionResult()

        for i in range(7):
            self.ret[i] = fcl.collide(oR, self.obj[i], request, result)

            # ret = fcl.continuousCollide(oR, tR, o_wb, t_wb, request, result)
            if self.ret[i]:
                print "--------------- YES  ", self.ret[
                    i], " --------------------"
                print "--------------- NO ", self.ret[
                    i], " -------------------"
def parse_json(object_type, init_objects_file):
    f = init_objects_file.open()
    full_json = json.load(f)

    list_objects = full_json.get(object_type)

    collision_objects = []
    for o in list_objects:
        if o.get('mesh'):
            m = fcl.BVHModel()
            path = init_objects_file.parent
            file = path / o.get('filename')
            vertices, tris = parse_mesh(str(file))
            m.beginModel(len(vertices), len(tris))
            m.addSubModel(vertices, tris)
            this_transform = fcl.Transform(o.get('transform'))
            obj = fcl.CollisionObject(m, this_transform)
            if o.get('shape') == 'Sphere':
                this_obj = fcl.Sphere(o.get('radius'))
                this_transform = fcl.Transform(o.get('transform'))
            elif o.get('shape') == 'Cylinder':
                this_obj = fcl.Cylinder(o.get('radius'), o.get('length'))

                direction = o.get('direction')
                rot = rotate_align(np.asarray(direction))
                this_transform = fcl.Transform(rot, o.get('transform'))
            elif o.get('shape') == 'Box':
                this_obj = fcl.Box(o.get('x_length'), o.get('y_length'),
                this_transform = fcl.Transform(o.get('transform'))
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    f'Shape type {o.get("shape")} not supported.')

            obj = fcl.CollisionObject(this_obj, this_transform)


    return collision_objects
    def check_collision(self, curve, rad):
        """Determine if the curve given collides with obstacles or goal.

        The curve is translated to discretized cylinders with the given radius
        and checked for collisions with the obstacles and goal. Minimum distance
        to obstacles and tip distance to goal are returned, with a negative
        value denoting a collision.

        curve : list of list of 4x4 numpy arrays
            The SE3 g values for each curve
        rad : list of float
            radii of the tubes

            minimum distance between curve and obstacles
            minimum distance between curve and goal

        tube = self._build_tube(curve, rad)
        tube_manager = fcl.DynamicAABBTreeCollisionManager()
        obstacle_min = self._distance_check(tube_manager, self.obstacles)

        s = fcl.Sphere(rad[-1])
        final_point = curve[-1][-1][0:3, 3]
        t = fcl.Transform(final_point)  # coordinates of last point of tube
        tip = fcl.CollisionObject(s, t)
        request = fcl.DistanceRequest()
        result = fcl.DistanceResult()
        goal_dist = fcl.distance(tip, self.goal, request, result)

        return obstacle_min, goal_dist
    def setUp(self):
        verts = np.array([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0],
                          [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]])
        tris = np.array([[0, 2, 1], [0, 3, 2], [0, 1, 3], [1, 2, 3]])
        mesh = fcl.BVHModel()
        mesh.beginModel(len(verts), len(tris))
        mesh.addSubModel(verts, tris)

        self.geometry = {
            'box': fcl.Box(1.0, 1.0, 1.0),
            'sphere': fcl.Sphere(1.0),
            'cone': fcl.Cone(1.0, 1.0),
            'cylinder': fcl.Cylinder(1.0, 1.0),
            'mesh': mesh

        self.crequest = fcl.CollisionRequest(num_max_contacts=100,
        self.drequest = fcl.DistanceRequest(enable_nearest_points=True)

        self.x_axis_rot = np.array([[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, -1.0],
                                    [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]])
def collision(ball1, ball2, ball3, ball4):

    geom1 = fcl.Sphere(1.0)
    geom2 = fcl.Sphere(1.0)

    geom3 = fcl.Sphere(1.0)
    geom4 = fcl.Sphere(1.0)

    T1 = [ball1.pos.x, ball1.pos.y, ball1.pos.z]
    t1 = fcl.Transform(T1)
    obj1 = fcl.CollisionObject(geom1, t1)

    T2 = [ball2.pos.x, ball2.pos.y, ball2.pos.z]
    t2 = fcl.Transform(T2)
    obj2 = fcl.CollisionObject(geom2, t2)

    T3 = [ball3.pos.x, ball3.pos.y, ball3.pos.z]
    t3 = fcl.Transform(T3)
    obj3 = fcl.CollisionObject(geom3, t3)

    T4 = [ball4.pos.x, ball4.pos.y, ball4.pos.z]
    t4 = fcl.Transform(T4)
    obj4 = fcl.CollisionObject(geom4, t4)

    geoms = [geom1, geom2, geom3, geom4]
    objs = [obj1, obj2, obj3, obj4]
    names = ['obj1', 'obj2', 'obj3', 'obj4']

    # Create map from geometry IDs to objects
    geom_id_to_obj = {id(geom): obj for geom, obj in zip(geoms, objs)}

    # Create map from geometry IDs to string names
    geom_id_to_name = {id(geom): name for geom, name in zip(geoms, names)}

    # Create manager
    manager = fcl.DynamicAABBTreeCollisionManager()

    # Create collision request structure
    crequest = fcl.CollisionRequest(num_max_contacts=100, enable_contact=True)
    cdata = fcl.CollisionData(crequest, fcl.CollisionResult())

    # Run collision request
    manager.collide(cdata, fcl.defaultCollisionCallback)

    # Extract collision data from contacts and use that to infer set of
    # objects that are in collision
    objs_in_collision = set()

    for contact in cdata.result.contacts:
        # Extract collision geometries that are in contact
        coll_geom_0 = contact.o1
        coll_geom_1 = contact.o2

        # Get their names
        coll_names = [
            geom_id_to_name[id(coll_geom_0)], geom_id_to_name[id(coll_geom_1)]
        coll_names = tuple(sorted(coll_names))


    for coll_pair in objs_in_collision:
        print('Object {} in collision with object {}!'.format(
            coll_pair[0], coll_pair[1]))
    return objs_in_collision
def collision_obj(p):

    geom = fcl.Sphere(1.0)
    T = [ball.pos.x, ball.pos.y, ball.pos.z]
    t = fcl.Transform(Tp)
    obj = fcl.CollisionObject(geom, tp)
 def create_fcl_objs(self, offset):
     self.g1 = fcl.Box(self.width, self.height, 3)
     self.t1 = fcl.Transform(np.array(self.center))
     self.o1 = fcl.CollisionObject(self.g1, self.t1)
     self.g2 = fcl.Sphere(offset)
import numpy as np
import fcl
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation

v1 = np.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0])
v2 = np.array([2.0, 1.0, 3.0])
v3 = np.array([3.0, 2.0, 1.0])
x, y, z = 1.0, 2.0, 3.0
rad, lz = 1.0, 3.0
n = np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0])
d = 5.0

t = fcl.TriangleP(v1, v2, v3)  # Triangle defined by three points
b = fcl.Box(x, y, z)  # Axis-aligned box with given side lengths
s = fcl.Sphere(rad)  # Sphere with given radius
e = fcl.Ellipsoid(x, y, z)  # Axis-aligned ellipsoid with given radii
# c = fcl.Capsule(rad, lz)      # Capsule with given radius and height along z-axis
# c = fcl.Cone(rad, lz)         # Cone with given radius and cylinder height along z-axis
c = fcl.Cylinder(rad, lz)  # Cylinder with given radius and height along z-axis
h = fcl.Halfspace(n, d)  # Half-space defined by {x : <n, x> < d}
p = fcl.Plane(n, d)  # Plane defined by {x : <n, x> = d}

verts = np.array([[1.0, 1.0, 1.0], [2.0, 1.0, 1.0], [1.0, 2.0, 1.0],
                  [1.0, 1.0, 2.0]])
tris = np.array([[0, 2, 1], [0, 3, 2], [0, 1, 3], [1, 2, 3]])

m = fcl.BVHModel()
m.beginModel(len(verts), len(tris))
m.addSubModel(verts, tris)

def print_distance_result(o1_name, o2_name, result):
    print('Distance between {} and {}:'.format(o1_name, o2_name))
    print('-' * 30)
    print('Distance: {}'.format(result.min_distance))
    print('Closest Points:')

# Create simple geometries
box = fcl.Box(1.0, 2.0, 3.0)
sphere = fcl.Sphere(4.0)
cone = fcl.Cone(5.0, 6.0)
cyl = fcl.Cylinder(2.0, 2.0)

verts = np.array([[1.0, 1.0, 1.0], [2.0, 1.0, 1.0], [1.0, 2.0, 1.0],
                  [1.0, 1.0, 2.0]])
tris = np.array([[0, 2, 1], [0, 3, 2], [0, 1, 3], [1, 2, 3]])

# Create mesh geometry
mesh = fcl.BVHModel()
mesh.beginModel(len(verts), len(tris))
mesh.addSubModel(verts, tris)

# Pairwise collision checking