def execute_setup(ui_, host, port, tmp, cfg_file=None):
    """ Run the setup command. """
    def connection_failure(msg):
        """ INTERNAL: Display a warning string. """
        ui_.warn("It looks like your FCP host or port might be wrong.\n")
        ui_.warn("Set them with --fcphost and/or --fcpport and try again.\n")
        raise util.Abort("Connection to FCP server failed.")

    # Fix defaults.
    if host == '':
        host = ''
    if port == 0:
        port = 9481

    if cfg_file is None:
        cfg_file = os.path.expanduser(DEFAULT_CFG_PATH)

    existing_name = ui_.config('infocalypse', 'cfg_file', None)
    if not existing_name is None:
        existing_name = os.path.expanduser(existing_name)
        ui_.status(MSG_HGRC_SET % existing_name)
        cfg_file = existing_name

    if os.path.exists(cfg_file):
        ui_.status(MSG_CFG_EXISTS % cfg_file)
        raise util.Abort("Refusing to modify existing configuration.")

    tmp = setup_tmp_dir(ui_, tmp)

    if not is_writable(tmp):
        raise util.Abort("Can't write to temp dir: %s\n" % tmp)

    # Test FCP connection.
    timeout_secs = 20
    connection = None
    default_private_key = None
        ui_.status("Testing FCP connection [%s:%i]...\n" % (host, port))

        connection = FCPConnection(PolledSocket(host, port))

        started = time.time()
        while (not connection.is_connected()
               and time.time() - started < timeout_secs):

        if not connection.is_connected():
            connection_failure(("\nGave up after waiting %i secs for an " +
                                "FCP NodeHello.\n") % timeout_secs)

        ui_.status("Looks good.\nGenerating a default private key...\n")

        # Hmmm... this waits on a socket. Will an ioerror cause an abort?
        # Lazy, but I've never seen this call fail except for IO reasons.
        client = FCPClient(connection)
        client.message_callback = lambda x, y: None  # Disable chatty default.
        default_private_key = client.generate_ssk()[1]['InsertURI']

    except FCPError:
        # Protocol error.
        connection_failure("\nMaybe that's not an FCP server?\n")

    except socket.error:  # Not an IOError until 2.6.
        # Horked.
        connection_failure("\nSocket level error.\n")

    except IOError:
        # Horked.
        connection_failure("\nSocket level error.\n")

    cfg = Config()
    cfg.defaults['HOST'] = host
    cfg.defaults['PORT'] = port
    cfg.defaults['TMP_DIR'] = tmp
    cfg.defaults['DEFAULT_PRIVATE_KEY'] = default_private_key
    Config.to_file(cfg, cfg_file)

    ui_.status("""\nFinished setting configuration.
FCP host: %s
FCP port: %i
Temp dir: %s
cfg file: %s

Default private key:

The config file was successfully written!

""" % (host, port, tmp, cfg_file, default_private_key))
def execute_setup(ui_, host, port, tmp, cfg_file = None):
    """ Run the setup command. """
    def connection_failure(msg):
        """ INTERNAL: Display a warning string. """
        ui_.warn("It looks like your FCP host or port might be wrong.\n")
        ui_.warn("Set them with --fcphost and/or --fcpport and try again.\n")
        raise util.Abort("Connection to FCP server failed.")

    # Fix defaults.
    if host == '':
        host = ''
    if port == 0:
        port = 9481

    if cfg_file is None:
        cfg_file = os.path.expanduser(DEFAULT_CFG_PATH)

    existing_name = ui_.config('infocalypse', 'cfg_file', None)
    if not existing_name is None:
        existing_name = os.path.expanduser(existing_name)
        ui_.status(MSG_HGRC_SET % existing_name)
        cfg_file = existing_name

    if os.path.exists(cfg_file):
        ui_.status(MSG_CFG_EXISTS % cfg_file)
        raise util.Abort("Refusing to modify existing configuration.")

    tmp = setup_tmp_dir(ui_, tmp)

    if not is_writable(tmp):
        raise util.Abort("Can't write to temp dir: %s\n" % tmp)

    # Test FCP connection.
    timeout_secs = 20
    connection = None
    default_private_key = None
        ui_.status("Testing FCP connection [%s:%i]...\n" % (host, port))

        connection = FCPConnection(PolledSocket(host, port))

        started = time.time()
        while (not connection.is_connected() and
               time.time() - started < timeout_secs):

        if not connection.is_connected():
            connection_failure(("\nGave up after waiting %i secs for an "
                               + "FCP NodeHello.\n") % timeout_secs)

        ui_.status("Looks good.\nGenerating a default private key...\n")

        # Hmmm... this waits on a socket. Will an ioerror cause an abort?
        # Lazy, but I've never seen this call fail except for IO reasons.
        client = FCPClient(connection)
        client.message_callback = lambda x, y:None # Disable chatty default.
        default_private_key = client.generate_ssk()[1]['InsertURI']

    except FCPError:
        # Protocol error.
        connection_failure("\nMaybe that's not an FCP server?\n")

    except socket.error: # Not an IOError until 2.6.
        # Horked.
        connection_failure("\nSocket level error.\n")

    except IOError:
        # Horked.
        connection_failure("\nSocket level error.\n")

    cfg = Config()
    cfg.defaults['HOST'] = host
    cfg.defaults['PORT'] = port
    cfg.defaults['TMP_DIR'] = tmp
    cfg.defaults['DEFAULT_PRIVATE_KEY'] = default_private_key
    Config.to_file(cfg, cfg_file)

    ui_.status("""\nFinished setting configuration.
FCP host: %s
FCP port: %i
Temp dir: %s
cfg file: %s

Default private key:

The config file was successfully written!

""" % (host, port, tmp, cfg_file, default_private_key))