def prepare_annotation(self): """Prepares for overlapping annotations""" if self.genome: # for conversion of chromosome name between FASTA and annotation (hg19) self.chrom_proper = tools.ucsc_chroms(self.genome, self.annodir) splice_motif_file = os.path.join(self.annodir, self.genome, 'splice_motifs.txt') if os.path.isfile(splice_motif_file): self.splice_motif_file = splice_motif_file # for constructing cDNA sequences for in/out frame determination self.refseq = tools.get_refseq_from_2bit(self.annodir, self.genome) # for finding genes, exons, etc if self.gene_model: self.ff = FeatureFinder(self.genome, self.gene_model, self.annodir, self.mmcfg) # for getting rid of contigs that mapped entirely with repeats self.repeat_overlaps = repeat.prepare_overlap(self.genome, self.annodir)
class SNVCaller: """Calls indels and SNVs from single, non-split contig alignment""" event_types = ('snv', 'ins', 'del', 'inv', 'dup', 'ITD') output_headers = ['id', 'type', 'chr', 'chr_start', 'chr_end', 'ctg', 'ctg_len', 'ctg_start', 'ctg_end', 'len', 'ref', 'alt', 'event_reads', 'contig_reads', 'genome_reads', 'gene', 'repeat-length', 'ctg_strand', 'from_end', 'confirm_contig_region', 'within_simple_repeats', 'repeatmasker', 'within_segdup', 'at_least_1_read_opposite', 'dbsnp' ] def __init__(self, genome, get_snv, get_indel, align_file=None, contigs_file=None, min_reads=0, debug=False, min_from_end=None, bubble_mapping=None, sample_type='transcriptome', gene_model=None, annodir=None, mmcfg=None): self.align_file = align_file self.contigs_file = contigs_file self.genome = genome self.min_reads = min_reads self.debug = debug self.min_from_end = min_from_end self.gene_model = gene_model self.annodir = annodir self.mmcfg = mmcfg self.chrom_proper, self.refseq, self.ff, self.repeat_overlaps, self.splice_motif_file = None, None, None, None, None if self.genome: self.prepare_annotation() self.snvs = [] self.grouped_snvs = {} self.bubble_mapping = bubble_mapping self.sample_type = sample_type # actions to perform self.get_snv = get_snv self.get_indel = get_indel def prepare_annotation(self): """Prepares for overlapping annotations""" if self.genome: # for conversion of chromosome name between FASTA and annotation (hg19) self.chrom_proper = tools.ucsc_chroms(self.genome, self.annodir) splice_motif_file = os.path.join(self.annodir, self.genome, 'splice_motifs.txt') if os.path.isfile(splice_motif_file): self.splice_motif_file = splice_motif_file # for constructing cDNA sequences for in/out frame determination self.refseq = tools.get_refseq_from_2bit(self.annodir, self.genome) # for finding genes, exons, etc if self.gene_model: self.ff = FeatureFinder(self.genome, self.gene_model, self.annodir, self.mmcfg) # for getting rid of contigs that mapped entirely with repeats self.repeat_overlaps = repeat.prepare_overlap(self.genome, self.annodir) def extract(self, cutoff=None, no_group=False, match_percent=None, identity=None, no_segdup=False): """Wrapper function for identifying indels and SNVs from non-split alignments""" splice_motifs = tools.get_splice_motifs(self.splice_motif_file) filters = {'unique':True, 'bestn':1, 'match':match_percent, 'identity':identity} # extracts alignments out_format = os.path.splitext(self.align_file)[1] aligns = { '.psl': psl.parse, '.sam': sam.parse }[out_format](self.align_file, filters, splice_motif_file=self.splice_motif_file, refseq=self.refseq, noline=True) # links contig sequence to alignment ass = Assembly(None, k=1) ass.fasta = self.contigs_file contigs = ass.get_contigs(sequence=True) contig_dict = dict((contig.num, contig) for contig in contigs) for align in aligns: if contig_dict.has_key(align.query): align.contig = contig_dict[align.query] for align in aligns: if self.bubble_mapping and not self.bubble_mapping.is_bubble_mapped_to_contig(align.query): print "remove bubble", align.query continue snvs = self.get_snvs(align, splice_motifs=splice_motifs, cutoff=cutoff, no_segdup=no_segdup) for snv in snvs: snv.var_len = align.query_len snv.from_end = min(int(snv.var_start) - int(align.qstart), int(align.qend) - int(snv.var_end)) # identifies repeat units snv.upshift(self.refseq) snv.expand_contig_region(align.contig.sequence, align.query_strand) target = snv.ref # re-labels 'ins' as 'dup' if expansion >=2 and length > 3 if snv.snv_type == 'ins' and snv.expansion >= 2 and snv.snv_len > 3: snv.snv_type = 'dup' snv.ref_start += 1 snv.ref_end = snv.ref_start + snv.snv_len - 1 self.snvs.append(snv) # group events if not no_group: self.grouped_snvs = def annotate_genes(self): """Annotates events with genes""" if self.ff: for groups in self.grouped_snvs.values(): for snvs in groups.values(): gene = self.ff.get_feature(' '.join((tools.proper_chrom(snvs[0].ref, chrom_proper=self.chrom_proper), str(snvs[0].ref_start), str(snvs[0].ref_end))), refseq=self.refseq, variant=snvs[0].var_seq, change=snvs[0].snv_type, chrom=snvs[0].ref) for snv in snvs: snv.gene = gene # relabel duplication within exon as ITD if snvs[0].snv_type == 'dup' and 'exon' in snvs[0].gene\ and not 'utr' in snvs[0].gene and not 'intron' in snvs[0].gene: for snv in snvs: snv.snv_type = 'ITD' def is_within_repeats(self, proper_chrom, span): """Determines if given coordinate span overlaps segdups or simple_repeats""" overlaps = repeat.find_overlaps({'chrom':proper_chrom, 'start':span[0], 'end':span[1]}, self.repeat_overlaps) if overlaps: for repeat_type in overlaps.keys(): if overlaps[repeat_type]: if repeat_type == 'segdup' or repeat_type == 'simple_repeats': return True return False def overlap_repeats(self): """Overlaps event coordinates with repeatmasker, simple repeats""" event_groups_by_chr = self.group_by_chr() for chrom, events in event_groups_by_chr.iteritems(): proper_chrom = tools.proper_chrom(chrom, chrom_proper=self.chrom_proper) for snv_type, snv_groups in events.iteritems(): print 'processing repeat', snv_type for snvs in snv_groups: overlaps = repeat.find_overlaps({'chrom':proper_chrom, 'start':int(snvs[0].ref_start), 'end':int(snvs[0].ref_end)}, self.repeat_overlaps) if overlaps: attrs = {} for repeat_type, types in overlaps.iteritems(): if repeat_type == 'simple_repeats': attr = 'within_simple_repeats' elif repeat_type == 'segdup': attr = 'within_segdup' elif repeat_type == 'rmsk': attr = 'repeatmasker' if types: # only report one with shortest name types_sorted = types.keys() types_sorted.sort(lambda x,y: len(x)-len(y)) attrs[attr] = types_sorted[0] if attrs: for snv in snvs: tools.set_attrs(snv, attrs) # clears cache for repeat_olap in self.repeat_overlaps.values(): repeat_olap.finish() def group_by_chr(self): """Groups events by genomic location for overlapping with annotation such as dbSNP""" events_by_chr = {} for event_type in self.event_types: if not self.grouped_snvs.has_key(event_type): continue for key, snvs in self.grouped_snvs[event_type].iteritems(): if not events_by_chr.has_key(snvs[0].ref): events_by_chr[snvs[0].ref] = {} events_by_chr[snvs[0].ref] = {event_type:[]} if not events_by_chr[snvs[0].ref].has_key(event_type): events_by_chr[snvs[0].ref][event_type] = [] events_by_chr[snvs[0].ref][event_type].append(snvs) return events_by_chr def overlap_dbsnp(self): """Overlaps events with dbSNP""" event_groups_by_chr = self.group_by_chr() for chrom, events in event_groups_by_chr.iteritems(): proper_chrom = tools.proper_chrom(chrom, chrom_proper=self.chrom_proper) snp_overlap = dbsnp.prepare_overlap(self.genome, proper_chrom, self.annodir) for snv_type, snv_groups in events.iteritems(): event_type_check = snv_type if snv_type in ('dup', 'ITD', 'PTD'): event_type_check = 'ins' for snvs in snv_groups: start, end = int(snvs[0].ref_start), int(snvs[0].ref_end) if snv_type in ('dup', 'ITD', 'PTD'): start, end = int(snvs[0].ref_start) - 1, int(snvs[0].ref_start) - 1 known = dbsnp.find_concordants({'type':event_type_check, 'chrom':proper_chrom, 'start':start, 'end':end, 'allele':snvs[0].var_seq.lower(), 'size':int(snvs[0].snv_len)}, snp_overlap, refseq=self.refseq, target=chrom) if known: for snv in snvs: snv.dbsnp = ','.join(known) snp_overlap.finish() def compare_contig(self, snv1, snv2): """For sorting events by comparing contig number and coordinates""" if snv1.var.isdigit() and snv2.var.isdigit(): if int(snv1.var) < int(snv2.var): return -1 elif int(snv1.var) > int(snv2.var): return 1 elif int(snv1.var_start) < int(snv2.var_start): return -1 elif int(snv1.var_start) > int(snv2.var_start): return 1 else: return 0 elif snv1.var.isdigit() and not snv2.var.isdigit(): return -1 elif not snv1.var.isdigit() and snv2.var.isdigit(): return 1 else: if snv1.var < snv2.var: return -1 elif snv1.var > snv2.var: return 1 elif int(snv1.var_start) < int(snv2.var_start): return -1 elif int(snv1.var_start) > int(snv2.var_start): return 1 else: return 0 def add_support(self, lib=None, from_end=None, genome_bamfile=None, contigs_bamfile=None): """Calculates read support""" genome_bam = None contigs_bam = None if genome_bamfile and os.path.exists(genome_bamfile): genome_bam = BAM(genome_bamfile) for event_type in sorted(self.grouped_snvs.keys()): for coord_allele in self.grouped_snvs[event_type]: snvs = self.grouped_snvs[event_type][coord_allele] snvs[0].genome_read_support(genome_bam, self.refseq, from_end=from_end) for i in range(1, len(snvs)): snvs[i].nreads_genome = snvs[0].nreads_genome if contigs_bamfile and os.path.exists(contigs_bamfile): contigs_bam = BAM(contigs_bamfile, min_mapq=0) self.snvs.sort(self.compare_contig) for event in self.snvs: event.contig_read_support(contigs_bam, lib=lib, get_reads=True, from_end=from_end) def group(self, snvs): """Groups events by event type, coordinate, and allele sequence""" grouped_snvs = {} for snv in snvs: if snv.artefact: continue seq = "" if snv.snv_type in self.event_types: seq = snv.var_seq[:] coord = snv.coord() snv_key = coord + "-" + seq if not grouped_snvs.has_key(snv.snv_type): grouped_snvs[snv.snv_type] = {snv_key:[snv]} else: if not grouped_snvs[snv.snv_type].has_key(snv_key): grouped_snvs[snv.snv_type][snv_key] = [snv] else: grouped_snvs[snv.snv_type][snv_key].append(snv) return grouped_snvs def add_contig_reads(self, grouped_snvs): """Sums contig read supports of members within same group""" for type in self.event_types: if not grouped_snvs.has_key(type): continue for coord in grouped_snvs[type].keys(): event_reads = 0 for snv in grouped_snvs[type][coord]: if snv.nreads_contig != 'na': event_reads += int(snv.nreads_contig) for snv in grouped_snvs[type][coord]: snv.nreads_event = event_reads def output_groups(self, grouped_snvs, output, debug=False): """Outputs grouped events with identifiers indicating groups""" # group count count1 = 1 for type in self.event_types: if not grouped_snvs.has_key(type): continue coords = sorted(grouped_snvs[type].keys(), key=lambda coord_allele: (grouped_snvs[type][coord_allele][0].ref, int(grouped_snvs[type][coord_allele][0].ref_start))) for coord in coords: # group-member count count2 = 1 for snv in grouped_snvs[type][coord]: if len(grouped_snvs[type][coord]) == 1: count = count1 else: count = "%d.%d" % (count1, count2) output.write(str(count) + "\t" + count2 += 1 count1 += 1 def report(self, outdir, post_filter=False): """Produces different output files""" txt_file = outdir + "/events.tsv" self.output_txt(self.snvs, txt_file) if post_filter: self.post_filter(min_from_end=self.min_from_end) if self.sample_type == 'genome': filtered_snvs = [snv for snv in self.snvs if not snv.artefact and snv.enough_coverage and not snv.too_close_to_end and snv.at_least_1_read_opposite ] else: filtered_snvs = [snv for snv in self.snvs if not snv.artefact and snv.enough_coverage and not snv.too_close_to_end ] txt_file = outdir + "/events_filtered.tsv" self.output_txt(filtered_snvs, txt_file) exon_snvs = [snv for snv in filtered_snvs if snv.exon and snv.nonsynon] txt_file = outdir + "/events_exons.tsv" self.output_txt(exon_snvs, txt_file) debug_out = open(outdir + "/filter_debug.tsv", 'w') self.output_groups(self.grouped_snvs, debug_out, debug=True) debug_out.close() novel_snvs = [snv for snv in filtered_snvs if snv.dbsnp == '-'] txt_file = outdir + "/events_filtered_novel.tsv" self.output_txt(novel_snvs, txt_file) novel_exon_snvs = [snv for snv in filtered_snvs if snv.exon and snv.nonsynon and snv.dbsnp == '-'] txt_file = outdir + "/events_exons_novel.tsv" self.output_txt(novel_exon_snvs, txt_file) def output_txt(self, snvs, outfile): """Groups and outputs given events in tabular format""" grouped_snvs = out = open(outfile, 'w') out.write("\t".join(self.output_headers) + "\n") self.output_groups(grouped_snvs, out) out.close() def post_filter(self, min_from_end=None, no_mito=False): """Filters events based on read-support, mitonchondria, distance from contig edge, etc""" snvs_filtered = [] # for extracting kmer length from contig name kmer = re.compile(r'k(\d+):') # filters out SNVs that are highly clustered self.filter_bad_region() for snv in self.snvs: if snv.nreads_event != 'na' and int(snv.nreads_event) >= int(self.min_reads): snv.enough_coverage = True if snv.nreads_genome != 'na' and int(snv.nreads_genome) < int(self.min_reads_genome): snv.enough_coverage = False if snv.gene and ('exon' in snv.gene or 'utr' in snv.gene): snv.exon = True if snv.exon and not ':synon' in snv.gene: snv.nonsynon = True # min_from_end only applies for non-bubbles (contig name ended with \d) if re.match('\d', snv.var[-1]): if min_from_end == None: m = if m and min_from_end_contig = int( if int(snv.from_end) < min_from_end_contig: snv.too_close_to_end = True elif int(snv.from_end) < int(min_from_end): snv.too_close_to_end = True # mitochondria if no_mito and re.match('m', snv.ref, re.IGNORECASE): snv.artefact = True def filter_bad_region(self): """Filters out SNVs that are highly clustered. Cannot have more than 10 in 500bp windown. """ # group events by contig snvs_by_contig = {} for snv in self.snvs: if snv.snv_type != 'snv' or len(snv.var_seq) != 1: continue if not snvs_by_contig.has_key(snv.var): snvs_by_contig[snv.var] = [] snvs_by_contig[snv.var].append(snv) for contig, snvs in snvs_by_contig.iteritems(): snvs.sort(lambda x,y: int(x.var_start)-int(y.var_start)) for i in range(len(snvs)): if i < len(snvs)-1: diff = int(snvs[i+1].var_start) - int(snvs[i].var_start) else: diff = 'na' max_in_window = 10 window = 500 for i in range(len(snvs)-max_in_window+1): bad = [i] for j in range(i+1, len(snvs)): if int(snvs[j].var_start) - int(snvs[i].var_start) < window: bad.append(j) else: break if len(bad) > max_in_window: for idx in bad: snvs[idx].artefact = True def get_snvs(self, align, splice_motifs=None, cutoff=None, no_segdup=False): """Extracts indels and snvs from alignment""" all_snvs = [] sys.stderr.write("processing %s\n" % (align.query)) if self.refseq: if self.sample_type == 'transcriptome' and self.fix_align: align.correct_blocks(splice_motifs, self.refseq, align.contig.sequence) if self.get_indel: all_snvs.extend(self.gap_snv(align, splice_motifs, align.contig.sequence, cutoff=cutoff)) if self.get_snv and (align.mismatch is None or int(align.mismatch) > 0): all_snvs.extend(self.match_blocks(align, self.refseq, align.contig.sequence)) if all_snvs and no_segdup: proper_chrom = tools.proper_chrom(, chrom_proper=self.chrom_proper) if self.is_within_repeats(proper_chrom, [int(align.tstart), int(align.tend)]): print 'skip contig %s (%sbp): %s:%s-%s entirely with segdup/repeat' % (align.query, align.query_len,, align.tstart, align.tend) del all_snvs[:] return all_snvs def match_intron(self, ss, splice_motifs): """Determines splite sites correspond to intron by comparing to splice motifs""" if ss and (splice_motifs.has_key(ss.lower()) or splice_motifs.has_key(tools.reverse_complement(ss).lower())): return True else: return False def gap_snv(self, align, splice_motifs, query_seq, cutoff=None): """Identifies insertions, deletions, inversion from gapped alignments""" if self.debug: print, align.blocks print align.query, align.query_blocks print align.splice_sites snvs = [] # cannot identify indels without splice site information if self.sample_type == 'transcriptome' and not align.splice_sites: return snvs for i in range(len(align.blocks)-1): if self.sample_type != 'transcriptome' or not self.match_intron(align.splice_sites[i], splice_motifs): if align.query_strand == '+': qstart = align.query_blocks[i][1]+1 qend = align.query_blocks[i+1][0]-1 query = query_seq[qstart-1:qend] else: qend = align.query_blocks[i][1]-1 qstart = align.query_blocks[i+1][0]+1 query = query_seq[qstart-1:qend] query = tools.reverse_complement(query) # target strand always + from psl tstart = align.blocks[i][1]+1 tend = align.blocks[i+1][0]-1 target = '' if tstart <= tend: target = self.refseq.GetSequence(, tstart, tend) #if code cannot extract sequence from reference, there must be a disagreement between alignment and reference - abort analysis if tend > tstart-1 and len(target) < 1: sys.stderr.write("cannot extract reference sequence, abort: %s %s %s\n" % (, tstart-1, tend)) sys.exit(100) snv_type = None if qstart > qend and (tend - tstart) >= 0: size = tend - tstart + 1 if align.query_strand == '+': qstart = qend else: qend = qstart snv_type = "del" elif tstart > tend and (qend - qstart) >= 0: size = qend - qstart + 1 tstart = tend snv_type = "ins" else: size = min(1, tend - tstart + 1) snv_type = "indel" # skip if 0 or negative size event detected (or smaller than cutoff) if size <= 0 or (cutoff and size > cutoff): continue target = target.lower() query = query.lower() # would not report event with non-AGCT characters if not'[^agtcATGC]', target) and not'[^agtcATGC]', query): if snv_type != 'indel': snv = SNV('psl', snv_type,, tstart, tend, target, align.query_strand, align.query, qstart, qend, query) snvs.append(snv) # resolves indels else: if len(query) == len(target) and\ (query[::-1].lower() == target.lower() or tools.reverse_complement(query).lower() == target.lower()): # inversion must be longer than 1 base if len(query) > 1: snv = SNV('psl', 'inv',, tstart, tend, target, align.query_strand, align.query, qstart, qend, query) snvs.append(snv) # 1 bp gap in both query and target == snv else: snv = SNV('psl', 'snv',, tstart, tend, target, align.query_strand, align.query, qstart, qend, query) snvs.append(snv) # breaks up indel into ins and del else: if align.query_strand == '+': qcoord = qstart else: qcoord = qend snv = SNV('psl', 'del',, tstart, tend, target, align.query_strand, align.query, qcoord, qcoord, query) snvs.append(snv) tcoord = tstart snv = SNV('psl', 'ins',, tcoord, tcoord, target, align.query_strand, align.query, qstart, qend, query) snvs.append(snv) return snvs def parse_results(self, snv_file, select_types=None, chrom=None): """Parses results from single file into SNV objects""" names = SNVCaller.output_headers # conversion between header name and object attribute field_name_conversion = { 'type': 'snv_type', 'chr': 'ref', 'chr_start': 'ref_start', 'chr_end': 'ref_end', 'ctg': 'var', 'ctg_len': 'var_len', 'ctg_start': 'var_start', 'ctg_end': 'var_end', 'len': 'snv_len', 'ref': 'ref_seq', 'alt': 'var_seq', 'event_reads': 'nreads_event', 'contig_reads': 'nreads_contig', 'genome_reads': 'nreads_genome', 'gene': 'gene', 'from_end': 'from_end', 'ctg_strand': 'query_strand', } for line in open(snv_file, 'r'): cols = line.rstrip('\n').split('\t') if cols[0] == 'id': continue attributes = {} for i in range(1, len(cols)): name = names[i] value = cols[i] if field_name_conversion.has_key(name): name = field_name_conversion[name] if name in ('expansion', 'from_end'): value = int(value) elif name == 'confirm_contig_region': value = value.split('-') value[0] = int(value[0]) value[1] = int(value[1]) elif name == 'at_least_1_read_opposite': if value == 'true': value = True else: value = False attributes[name] = value if select_types and not attributes['snv_type'] in select_types: continue if chrom and attributes['ref'] != chrom: continue snv = SNV(method='psl') tools.set_attrs(snv, attributes) self.snvs.append(snv) def parse_results_dir(self, path): """Parses results into single file given a directory of output directories""" output_dirs = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(path, '*'))) output_files = [] num_output_dirs = 0 missing_dirs = [] ok = True for job_num in range(1, len(output_dirs)+1): cluster_outdir = "%s/%s" % (options.output_file, job_num) if os.path.isdir(cluster_outdir): num_output_dirs += 1 snv_file = cluster_outdir + '/events.tsv' if os.path.exists(snv_file): output_files.append(snv_file) else: missing_dirs.append(str(job_num)) print snv_file sys.stdout.write("%s does not have output\n" % (cluster_outdir)) ok = False sys.stdout.write("output dirs:%s output files:%s\n" % (num_output_dirs, len(output_files))) if num_output_dirs == len(output_files): concat_outfile = options.outdir + "/events_concat.tsv" print concat_outfile concat_out = open(concat_outfile, 'w') # just for check if header is to be written count = 0 for output_file in output_files: infile = open(output_file, 'r') if count == 0: concat_out.writelines(open(output_file, 'r').readlines()) else: concat_out.writelines(open(output_file, 'r').readlines()[1:]) infile.close() self.parse_results(output_file) count += 1 concat_out.close() else: sys.stdout.write("missing (%s):%s\n" % (len(missing_dirs), ','.join(missing_dirs))) ok = False return ok def match_blocks(self, align, query_seq): """Identifies SNVs""" snvs = [] for i in range(len(align.blocks)): if align.query_strand == '+': qseq = query_seq[int(align.query_blocks[i][0])-1:int(align.query_blocks[i][1])] else: qseq = tools.reverse_complement(query_seq[int(align.query_blocks[i][1]-1):int(align.query_blocks[i][0])]) tseq = self.refseq.GetSequence(, int(align.blocks[i][0]), int(align.blocks[i][1])) mismatches = self.find_mismatches(qseq, tseq) for pos, change in mismatches.iteritems(): tpos = int(align.blocks[i][0]) + pos if int(align.query_blocks[i][0]) < int(align.query_blocks[i][1]): qpos = int(align.query_blocks[i][0]) + pos else: qpos = int(align.query_blocks[i][0]) - pos snv = SNV('psl', 'snv',, tpos, tpos, change[0], align.query_strand, align.query, qpos, qpos, change[1]) snvs.append(snv) return snvs def find_mismatches(self, qseq, tseq): """Reports substitutions given query and target sequence of same length""" pos = {} bases = ['a','g','t','c'] if len(qseq) == len(tseq): for i in range(len(qseq)): if qseq[i].lower() != tseq[i].lower() and qseq[i].lower() in bases and tseq[i].lower() in bases: pos[i] = [tseq[i].lower(), qseq[i].lower()] return pos