    def createDataMapping(self, data):
        dataMapping  = saveDatamapping(self.id, data)

        rawFilename = getRawFilename(self.id)
        allData, headers  = toLookup(rawFilename)
        #Split data into train/validation/test
        trainData, validationData  = featuremapping.splitData(allData, split=0.99)        

        #Save the datasets
        experimentDir = getCreateExperimentDir(self.id)
        trainDataFilename = "{0}/traindata.pkl".format(experimentDir)
        save(trainDataFilename, trainData, validationData)

        #Build the mapper based on the training data.
        itemMapper = buildMapper(trainData, headers, dataMapping)
        itemMapperFilename = "{0}/mapper.pkl".format(experimentDir)
        save(itemMapperFilename, itemMapper, useCloud=True)

        result = {"mapping":dataMapping, 

        return result
def runExperiment(experimentId, runArgs):
    type = runArgs["type"]
    if type == "create_datamapping":        
        return saveDatamapping(experimentId, runArgs["data"])
    elif type == "train":
        return train(experimentId, runArgs["data"])

    # Load stored experiment data.
    dataMapping = loadDatamapping(experimentId)
    data, headers = getDataFile(experimentId)

    #Split data into train/validation/test
    trainData, testData = featuremapping.splitData(data, split=0.99)
    trainData, validationData = featuremapping.splitData(trainData, split=0.99)
    #Build the mapper based on the training data.
    itemMapper = buildMapper(trainData, headers, dataMapping)
    print("Beginning mapping of {0} samples".format(len(trainData)))
    mappedTrainX, mappedTrainY = itemMapper.map(trainData)
    mappedValidationX, mappedValidationY = itemMapper.map(validationData)

    #mu = np.mean(mappedTrainX, axis=0)
    #sdev = np.std(mappedTrainX, axis=0) + 1e-5
    #mappedTrainX = (mappedTrainX - mu) / sdev
    #mappedValidationX = (mappedValidationX - mu) / sdev

    # Create Theano shared data
    train_x = theano.shared(mappedTrainX, borrow=True)    
    train_y = T.cast(theano.shared(mappedTrainY, borrow=True), 'int32')
    validation_x = theano.shared(mappedValidationX, borrow=True)    
    validation_y = T.cast(theano.shared(mappedValidationY, borrow=True), 'int32')

    rng = np.random.RandomState(1234)

    # allocate symbolic variables for the data
    x = T.matrix('x')  # the data is presented as rasterized images
    y = T.ivector('y')  # the labels are presented as 1D vector of
                        # [int] labels

    # the cost we minimize during training is the negative log likelihood of
    # the model in symbolic format
    input_dimension = itemMapper.dimension
    output_dimension = itemMapper.range
    classifier = nnlayer.MLPReg(rng=rng, input=x, topology=[(input_dimension,),
                                                            (100, nnlayer.ReluLayer),
                                                           (output_dimension, nnlayer.LogisticRegressionLayer)])

    cost = classifier.cost(y) + 0.0001*classifier.L2_sqr
    costParams = []
    costFunction = (costParams, cost)

    cum_dim = 0
    for p in classifier.params:    
        cum_dim += p.get_value(borrow=True).size
    print("Model dimension: {0}".format(cum_dim))

    # Create validation function.
    valid_func = theano.function(inputs = [],
                        outputs = [classifier.cost(y)],
                        givens = {x:validation_x, y:validation_y})                            

    # Create trainer
    tt = MLPBatchTrainer()
    variableAndData = (VariableAndData(x, train_x), VariableAndData(y, train_y, size=len(trainData)))
    epochFunction, stateMananger = tt.getEpochTrainer(costFunction, variableAndData, batch_size=64, rms = True)        
    # Train with adaptive learning rate.
    stats = tt.trainALR(epochFunction, 
                        state_manager = stateMananger)

    validation_scores = [item["validation_score"] for item in stats]
    train_scorees = [item["training_costs"][-1] for item in stats]
    plt.plot(validation_scores, 'g')
    plt.plot(train_scorees, 'r')

    mappedTestX, mappedTestY = itemMapper.map(testData)
    #mappedTestX = (mappedTestX - mu)/sdev

    # Create Theano shared data
    test_x = theano.shared(mappedTestX, borrow=True)    
    test_y = T.cast(theano.shared(mappedTestY, borrow=True), 'int32')

    # Setup test function
    index = T.lscalar()  # index to a [mini]batch
    test_model = theano.function(inputs=[index],
            outputs=(classifier.errors(y), classifier.y_pred),
                x: test_x[index * batch_size: (index + 1) * batch_size],
                y: test_y[index * batch_size: (index + 1) * batch_size]})

    n_test_batch = int(test_x.get_value(borrow=True).shape[0] / batch_size)
    errorVector = [test_model(i) for i in range(n_test_batch)]

    #print("Avg. error {0}".format(np.average(errorVector)))
    errCount = 0    
    for i in range(len(errorVector)):
        if errorVector[i][0] > 0.0:
            errCount += 1
            print("Error: {0}, Predicted:{1}".format(testData[i], itemMapper.labelMapper.inverseMap(int(errorVector[i][1]))))

    print("Avg: {0}".format(errCount / len(errorVector)))
def train(experimentId, trainingArgs):

    # Load stored experiment data.
    dataMapping = loadDatamapping(experimentId)
    data, headers = getDataFile(experimentId)

    #Split data into train/validation/test
    trainData, testData = featuremapping.splitData(data, split=0.99)
    trainData, validationData = featuremapping.splitData(trainData, split=0.99)
    #Build the mapper based on the training data.
    itemMapper = buildMapper(trainData, headers, dataMapping)
    print("Beginning mapping of {0} samples".format(len(trainData)))
    mappedTrainX, mappedTrainY = itemMapper.map(trainData)
    mappedValidationX, mappedValidationY = itemMapper.map(validationData)

    #mu = np.mean(mappedTrainX, axis=0)
    #sdev = np.std(mappedTrainX, axis=0) + 1e-5
    #mappedTrainX = (mappedTrainX - mu) / sdev
    #mappedValidationX = (mappedValidationX - mu) / sdev

    # Create Theano shared data
    train_x = theano.shared(mappedTrainX, borrow=True)    
    train_y = T.cast(theano.shared(mappedTrainY, borrow=True), 'int32')
    validation_x = theano.shared(mappedValidationX, borrow=True)    
    validation_y = T.cast(theano.shared(mappedValidationY, borrow=True), 'int32')

    rng = np.random.RandomState(1234)

    # allocate symbolic variables for the data
    x = T.matrix('x')  # the data is presented as rasterized images
    y = T.ivector('y')  # the labels are presented as 1D vector of
                        # [int] labels

    # the cost we minimize during training is the negative log likelihood of
    # the model in symbolic format
    input_dimension = itemMapper.dimension
    output_dimension = itemMapper.range
    classifier = nnlayer.MLPReg(rng=rng, input=x, topology=[(input_dimension,),
                                                            (100, nnlayer.ReluLayer),
                                                           (output_dimension, nnlayer.LogisticRegressionLayer)])

    cost = classifier.cost(y) + 0.0001*classifier.L2_sqr
    costParams = []
    costFunction = (costParams, cost)

    cum_dim = 0
    for p in classifier.params:    
        cum_dim += p.get_value(borrow=True).size
    print("Model dimension: {0}".format(cum_dim))

    # Create validation function.
    valid_func = theano.function(inputs = [],
                        outputs = [classifier.cost(y)],
                        givens = {x:validation_x, y:validation_y})                            

    # Create trainer
    tt = MLPBatchTrainer()
    variableAndData = (VariableAndData(x, train_x), VariableAndData(y, train_y, size=len(trainData)))
    epochFunction, stateMananger = tt.getEpochTrainer(costFunction, variableAndData, batch_size=64, rms = True)        
    # Train with adaptive learning rate.
    stats = tt.trainALR(epochFunction, 
                        state_manager = stateMananger)

    experimentDir = getCreateExperimentDir(experimentId)
    modelFilename = "{0}/model.pkl".format(experimentDir)
    # Save all relevant model data, include normalization if this is used.
    save(modelFilename, x, y, classifier, itemMapper)