 def loadfeeds(self):
     # for now I keep this utility command very basic, much more refactoring in future
     # now we start sorting the feeds
     feeds = Feed.objects.all().filter(enabled=True)
     for feed in feeds:
         self.stdout.write('\n***Parsing feed %s' % feed.name.encode('utf-8'))
         feed_parsed = feedparser.parse(feed.url_xml)
         for item_parsed in feed_parsed.entries:
             biased_link = item_parsed.link
             # link must be restored to original (in some case it is: http://news.google.com/news...&url=http//www.example.com
             self.stdout.write('Biased link: %s' % biased_link)
             link = get_original_url(biased_link)
             # then we unquote the url (ex http://voria.gr/index.php?module%3Dnews%26func%3Ddisplay%26sid%3D56406 becomes
             # http://voria.gr/index.php?module=news&func=display&sid=56406
             link = urllib.unquote(link)
             if len(link)>255:
                 self.stdout.write('\nItem link is more than 255 chars!\n%s\n' % link)
                 link = link[:255]
             # must import only items not already in the database (check URL of item)
             items = Item.objects.filter(link=link)
             if len(items)==0: # new item, must import it!
                     self.stdout.write('\nImporting item %s' % item_parsed.title.encode('utf-8'))
                     # store item
                     item = Item()
                     item.title = item_parsed.title[:255].encode('utf-8')
                     item.summary = item_parsed.summary.encode('utf-8')
                     item.link = link
                     item.feed = feed
                     item.updated = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(mktime(item_parsed.updated_parsed))
                     # 0. domain
                     # first let's check domain country
                     parsed = urlparse.urlsplit(link)
                     domain_name = parsed.netloc.encode('utf-8')
                     g = GeoIP()
                     country_code = g.country(domain_name)['country_code']
                     self.stdout.write('\nDomain: %s, country code: %s' % (domain_name, country_code))
                     countries = Country.objects.filter(iso2=country_code)
                     country = None
                     if countries.count() > 0:
                         country = countries[0]
                     # check if if we need to add domain in db
                     domains = Domain.objects.all().filter(name=domain_name)
                     if not domains:
                         self.stdout.write('\nAdding a new domain to the system: %s for this item.' % domain_name)
                         domain = Domain()
                         domain.name = domain_name
                         domain.country = country
                         domain = domains[0]
                     # add the item to the place
                     item.domain = domain
                     # save item
                     # define text to be parsed
                     text2parse = item.title + item.summary
                     # 1. keywords
                     keywords = Keyword.objects.all()
                     for keyword in keywords:
                         if re.search(keyword.name, text2parse, re.IGNORECASE):
                             self.stdout.write('\n***Keyword %s is in this item.' % keyword.name)
                             #import ipdb;ipdb.set_trace()
                     # 2. people
                     people = Person.objects.all()
                     for person in people:
                         if re.search(person.name, text2parse, re.IGNORECASE):
                             self.stdout.write('\n***Person %s is in this item.' % person.name)
                             #import ipdb;ipdb.set_trace()
                     # 3. images
                     #url = item.link
                     #soup = bs(urlopen(url))
                     #parsed = list(urlparse.urlparse(url))
                     soup = bs(item.summary)
                     parsed = list(item.summary)
                     for img in soup.findAll("img"):
                         print img
                         alt = ''
                         if img.has_key('src'):
                             if img.has_key('alt'):
                                 alt = img["alt"]
                             if img["src"].lower().startswith("http"):
                                 #import ipdb;ipdb.set_trace()
                                 src = img["src"]
                                 # TODO src extraction from relative url
                                 src = urlparse.urlunparse(parsed)
                             print src
                             image = Image()
                             image.src = src
                             image.alt = alt
                             image.item = item
                     # 4. tags
                     tags = Tag.objects.all()
                     for tag in tags:
                         if re.search(tag.name, text2parse, re.IGNORECASE):
                             self.stdout.write('\n***Tag %s is in this item.' % tag.name)
                     # 5. places
                     # let's check if there are places linked to this item
                     pm_places = pm.find_places(text2parse)
                     for pm_place in pm_places:
                         placename = pm_place.name.decode('utf-8')
                         # first check if we need to add new place
                         places = Place.objects.all().filter(name=placename)
                         if not places:
                             self.stdout.write('\nAdding a new place to the system: %s for this item.' % pm_place.name)
                             place = Place()
                             place.name = placename
                             place.slug = slugify(place.name)
                             place.geometry = 'POINT(%s %s)' % (pm_place.centroid.longitude, pm_place.centroid.latitude)
                             place = places[0]
                         # add the item to the place
                         #import ipdb;ipdb.set_trace()
                 except Exception,e:
                     self.stdout.write('\nThere was an error importing this item. Skipping to the next one...')